
public interface ViewAssertion

Responsible for performing assertions on a View element.

This is considered part of the test framework public API - developers are free to write their own assertions as long as they meet the following requirements:

Strongly consider using a existing ViewAssertion via the ViewAssertions utility class before writing your own assertion.


Public methods

abstract void check(View view, NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException)

Checks the state of the given view (if such a view is present).

Public methods


void check (View view, 
                NoMatchingViewException noViewFoundException)

Checks the state of the given view (if such a view is present).

view View: the view, if one was found during the view interaction or null if it was not (which may be an acceptable option for an assertion)
noViewFoundException NoMatchingViewException: an exception detailing why the view could not be found or null if the view was found