/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2009, Motorola, Inc. * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * - Neither the name of the Motorola, Inc. nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package javax.obex; /** * The ResponseCodes class contains the list of valid response * codes a server may send to a client. *


* The values in this interface represent the values defined in the IrOBEX * specification, which is different with the HTTP specification. *

* OBEX_DATABASE_FULL and OBEX_DATABASE_LOCKED require * further description since they are not defined in HTTP. The server will send * an OBEX_DATABASE_FULL message when the client requests that * something be placed into a database but the database is full (cannot take * more data). OBEX_DATABASE_LOCKED will be returned when the * client wishes to access a database, database table, or database record that * has been locked. * @hide */ public final class ResponseCodes { /** * Defines the OBEX CONTINUE response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_CONTINUE is 0x90 (144). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_CONTINUE = 0x90; /** * Defines the OBEX SUCCESS response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_OK is 0xA0 (160). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_OK = 0xA0; /** * Defines the OBEX CREATED response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_CREATED is 0xA1 (161). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_CREATED = 0xA1; /** * Defines the OBEX ACCEPTED response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_ACCEPTED is 0xA2 (162). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_ACCEPTED = 0xA2; /** * Defines the OBEX NON-AUTHORITATIVE INFORMATION response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE is 0xA3 (163). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_NOT_AUTHORITATIVE = 0xA3; /** * Defines the OBEX NO CONTENT response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_NO_CONTENT is 0xA4 (164). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_NO_CONTENT = 0xA4; /** * Defines the OBEX RESET CONTENT response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_RESET is 0xA5 (165). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_RESET = 0xA5; /** * Defines the OBEX PARTIAL CONTENT response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_PARTIAL is 0xA6 (166). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_PARTIAL = 0xA6; /** * Defines the OBEX MULTIPLE_CHOICES response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_MULT_CHOICE is 0xB0 (176). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_MULT_CHOICE = 0xB0; /** * Defines the OBEX MOVED PERMANENTLY response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_MOVED_PERM is 0xB1 (177). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_MOVED_PERM = 0xB1; /** * Defines the OBEX MOVED TEMPORARILY response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_MOVED_TEMP is 0xB2 (178). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_MOVED_TEMP = 0xB2; /** * Defines the OBEX SEE OTHER response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_SEE_OTHER is 0xB3 (179). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_SEE_OTHER = 0xB3; /** * Defines the OBEX NOT MODIFIED response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED is 0xB4 (180). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED = 0xB4; /** * Defines the OBEX USE PROXY response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_USE_PROXY is 0xB5 (181). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_USE_PROXY = 0xB5; /** * Defines the OBEX BAD REQUEST response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST is 0xC0 (192). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST = 0xC0; /** * Defines the OBEX UNAUTHORIZED response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED is 0xC1 (193). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED = 0xC1; /** * Defines the OBEX PAYMENT REQUIRED response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED is 0xC2 (194). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 0xC2; /** * Defines the OBEX FORBIDDEN response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN is 0xC3 (195). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_FORBIDDEN = 0xC3; /** * Defines the OBEX NOT FOUND response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_NOT_FOUND is 0xC4 (196). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_NOT_FOUND = 0xC4; /** * Defines the OBEX METHOD NOT ALLOWED response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_BAD_METHOD is 0xC5 (197). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_BAD_METHOD = 0xC5; /** * Defines the OBEX NOT ACCEPTABLE response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE is 0xC6 (198). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 0xC6; /** * Defines the OBEX PROXY AUTHENTICATION REQUIRED response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_PROXY_AUTH is 0xC7 (199). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_PROXY_AUTH = 0xC7; /** * Defines the OBEX REQUEST TIME OUT response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_TIMEOUT is 0xC8 (200). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_TIMEOUT = 0xC8; /** * Defines the OBEX METHOD CONFLICT response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_CONFLICT is 0xC9 (201). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_CONFLICT = 0xC9; /** * Defines the OBEX METHOD GONE response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_GONE is 0xCA (202). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_GONE = 0xCA; /** * Defines the OBEX METHOD LENGTH REQUIRED response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED is 0xCB (203). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 0xCB; /** * Defines the OBEX PRECONDITION FAILED response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_PRECON_FAILED is 0xCC (204). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_PRECON_FAILED = 0xCC; /** * Defines the OBEX REQUESTED ENTITY TOO LARGE response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE is 0xCD (205). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 0xCD; /** * Defines the OBEX REQUESTED URL TOO LARGE response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_REQ_TOO_LARGE is 0xCE (206). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_REQ_TOO_LARGE = 0xCE; /** * Defines the OBEX UNSUPPORTED MEDIA TYPE response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE is 0xCF (207). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE = 0xCF; /** * Defines the OBEX INTERNAL SERVER ERROR response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR is 0xD0 (208). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR = 0xD0; /** * Defines the OBEX NOT IMPLEMENTED response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED is 0xD1 (209). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 0xD1; /** * Defines the OBEX BAD GATEWAY response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY is 0xD2 (210). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY = 0xD2; /** * Defines the OBEX SERVICE UNAVAILABLE response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_UNAVAILABLE is 0xD3 (211). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_UNAVAILABLE = 0xD3; /** * Defines the OBEX GATEWAY TIMEOUT response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT is 0xD4 (212). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 0xD4; /** * Defines the OBEX HTTP VERSION NOT SUPPORTED response code. *

* The value of OBEX_HTTP_VERSION is 0xD5 (213). */ public static final int OBEX_HTTP_VERSION = 0xD5; /** * Defines the OBEX DATABASE FULL response code. *

* The value of OBEX_DATABASE_FULL is 0xE0 (224). */ public static final int OBEX_DATABASE_FULL = 0xE0; /** * Defines the OBEX DATABASE LOCKED response code. *

* The value of OBEX_DATABASE_LOCKED is 0xE1 (225). */ public static final int OBEX_DATABASE_LOCKED = 0xE1; /** * Constructor does nothing. */ private ResponseCodes() { } }