/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony.cdma; import com.android.internal.telephony.TelephonyProperties; import com.android.internal.telephony.MccTable; import com.android.internal.telephony.EventLogTags; import com.android.internal.telephony.RILConstants; import android.content.Intent; import android.telephony.SignalStrength; import android.telephony.ServiceState; import android.telephony.cdma.CdmaCellLocation; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Message; import android.provider.Telephony.Intents; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import android.util.EventLog; import com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.GsmDataConnectionTracker; public class CdmaLteServiceStateTracker extends CdmaServiceStateTracker { CDMALTEPhone mCdmaLtePhone; private ServiceState mLteSS; // The last LTE state from Voice Registration private boolean mNeedToRegForSimLoaded = true; public CdmaLteServiceStateTracker(CDMALTEPhone phone) { super(phone); cm.registerForSIMReady(this, EVENT_SIM_READY, null); mCdmaLtePhone = phone; mLteSS = new ServiceState(); if (DBG) log("CdmaLteServiceStateTracker Constructors"); } @Override public void dispose() { cm.unregisterForSIMReady(this); super.dispose(); } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { AsyncResult ar; int[] ints; String[] strings; switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_POLL_STATE_GPRS: if (DBG) log("handleMessage EVENT_POLL_STATE_GPRS"); ar = (AsyncResult)msg.obj; handlePollStateResult(msg.what, ar); break; case EVENT_SIM_READY: if (DBG) log("handleMessage EVENT_SIM_READY"); isSubscriptionFromRuim = false; // Register SIM_RECORDS_LOADED dynamically. // This is to avoid confilct with RUIM_READY scenario) if (mNeedToRegForSimLoaded) { phone.mIccRecords.registerForRecordsLoaded(this, EVENT_SIM_RECORDS_LOADED, null); mNeedToRegForSimLoaded = false; } pollState(); // Signal strength polling stops when radio is off. queueNextSignalStrengthPoll(); // load ERI file phone.prepareEri(); break; case EVENT_SIM_RECORDS_LOADED: CdmaLteUiccRecords sim = (CdmaLteUiccRecords)phone.mIccRecords; if ((sim != null) && sim.isProvisioned()) { mMdn = sim.getMdn(); mMin = sim.getMin(); parseSidNid(sim.getSid(), sim.getNid()); mPrlVersion = sim.getPrlVersion();; mIsMinInfoReady = true; updateOtaspState(); } // SID/NID/PRL is loaded. Poll service state // again to update to the roaming state with // the latest variables. pollState(); break; default: super.handleMessage(msg); } } /** * Set the cdmaSS for EVENT_POLL_STATE_REGISTRATION_CDMA */ @Override protected void setCdmaTechnology(int radioTechnology) { // Called on voice registration state response. // Just record new CDMA radio technology newSS.setRadioTechnology(radioTechnology); } /** * Handle the result of one of the pollState()-related requests */ @Override protected void handlePollStateResultMessage(int what, AsyncResult ar) { if (what == EVENT_POLL_STATE_GPRS) { if (DBG) log("handlePollStateResultMessage: EVENT_POLL_STATE_GPRS"); String states[] = (String[])ar.result; int type = 0; int regState = -1; if (states.length > 0) { try { regState = Integer.parseInt(states[0]); // states[3] (if present) is the current radio technology if (states.length >= 4 && states[3] != null) { type = Integer.parseInt(states[3]); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { loge("handlePollStateResultMessage: error parsing GprsRegistrationState: " + ex); } } mLteSS.setRadioTechnology(type); mLteSS.setState(regCodeToServiceState(regState)); } else { super.handlePollStateResultMessage(what, ar); } } @Override protected void setSignalStrengthDefaultValues() { // TODO Make a constructor only has boolean gsm as parameter mSignalStrength = new SignalStrength(99, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, SignalStrength.INVALID_SNR, -1, false); } @Override protected void pollState() { pollingContext = new int[1]; pollingContext[0] = 0; switch (cm.getRadioState()) { case RADIO_UNAVAILABLE: newSS.setStateOutOfService(); newCellLoc.setStateInvalid(); setSignalStrengthDefaultValues(); mGotCountryCode = false; pollStateDone(); break; case RADIO_OFF: newSS.setStateOff(); newCellLoc.setStateInvalid(); setSignalStrengthDefaultValues(); mGotCountryCode = false; pollStateDone(); break; default: // Issue all poll-related commands at once, then count // down the responses which are allowed to arrive // out-of-order. pollingContext[0]++; // RIL_REQUEST_OPERATOR is necessary for CDMA cm.getOperator(obtainMessage(EVENT_POLL_STATE_OPERATOR_CDMA, pollingContext)); pollingContext[0]++; // RIL_REQUEST_VOICE_REGISTRATION_STATE is necessary for CDMA cm.getVoiceRegistrationState(obtainMessage(EVENT_POLL_STATE_REGISTRATION_CDMA, pollingContext)); int networkMode = android.provider.Settings.Secure.getInt(phone.getContext() .getContentResolver(), android.provider.Settings.Secure.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE, RILConstants.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE); if (DBG) log("pollState: network mode here is = " + networkMode); if ((networkMode == RILConstants.NETWORK_MODE_GLOBAL) || (networkMode == RILConstants.NETWORK_MODE_LTE_ONLY)) { pollingContext[0]++; // RIL_REQUEST_DATA_REGISTRATION_STATE cm.getDataRegistrationState(obtainMessage(EVENT_POLL_STATE_GPRS, pollingContext)); } break; } } @Override protected void pollStateDone() { // determine data NetworkType from both LET and CDMA SS if (mLteSS.getState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE) { //in LTE service newNetworkType = mLteSS.getRadioTechnology(); mNewDataConnectionState = mLteSS.getState(); newSS.setRadioTechnology(newNetworkType); log("pollStateDone LTE/eHRPD STATE_IN_SERVICE newNetworkType = " + newNetworkType); } else { // LTE out of service, get CDMA Service State newNetworkType = newSS.getRadioTechnology(); mNewDataConnectionState = radioTechnologyToDataServiceState(newNetworkType); log("pollStateDone CDMA STATE_IN_SERVICE newNetworkType = " + newNetworkType + " mNewDataConnectionState = " + mNewDataConnectionState); } // TODO: Add proper support for LTE Only, we should be looking at // the preferred network mode, to know when newSS state should // be coming from mLteSs state. This was needed to pass a VZW // LTE Only test. // // If CDMA service is OOS, double check if the device is running with LTE only // mode. If that is the case, derive the service state from LTE side. // To set in LTE only mode, sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/ // databases/settings.db "update secure set value='11' where name='preferred_network_mode'" if (newSS.getState() == ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE) { int networkMode = android.provider.Settings.Secure.getInt(phone.getContext() .getContentResolver(), android.provider.Settings.Secure.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE, RILConstants.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE); if (networkMode == RILConstants.NETWORK_MODE_LTE_ONLY) { if (DBG) log("pollState: LTE Only mode"); newSS.setState(mLteSS.getState()); } } if (DBG) log("pollStateDone: oldSS=[" + ss + "] newSS=[" + newSS + "]"); boolean hasRegistered = ss.getState() != ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE && newSS.getState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE; boolean hasDeregistered = ss.getState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE && newSS.getState() != ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE; boolean hasCdmaDataConnectionAttached = mDataConnectionState != ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE && mNewDataConnectionState == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE; boolean hasCdmaDataConnectionDetached = mDataConnectionState == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE && mNewDataConnectionState != ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE; boolean hasCdmaDataConnectionChanged = mDataConnectionState != mNewDataConnectionState; boolean hasNetworkTypeChanged = networkType != newNetworkType; boolean hasChanged = !newSS.equals(ss); boolean hasRoamingOn = !ss.getRoaming() && newSS.getRoaming(); boolean hasRoamingOff = ss.getRoaming() && !newSS.getRoaming(); boolean hasLocationChanged = !newCellLoc.equals(cellLoc); boolean has4gHandoff = mNewDataConnectionState == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE && (((networkType == ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_LTE) && (newNetworkType == ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_EHRPD)) || ((networkType == ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_EHRPD) && (newNetworkType == ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_LTE))); boolean hasMultiApnSupport = (((newNetworkType == ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_LTE) || (newNetworkType == ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_EHRPD)) && ((networkType != ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_LTE) && (networkType != ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_EHRPD))); boolean hasLostMultiApnSupport = ((newNetworkType >= ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_IS95A) && (newNetworkType <= ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_EVDO_A)); if (DBG) { log("pollStateDone:" + " hasRegistered=" + hasRegistered + " hasDeegistered=" + hasDeregistered + " hasCdmaDataConnectionAttached=" + hasCdmaDataConnectionAttached + " hasCdmaDataConnectionDetached=" + hasCdmaDataConnectionDetached + " hasCdmaDataConnectionChanged=" + hasCdmaDataConnectionChanged + " hasNetworkTypeChanged = " + hasNetworkTypeChanged + " hasChanged=" + hasChanged + " hasRoamingOn=" + hasRoamingOn + " hasRoamingOff=" + hasRoamingOff + " hasLocationChanged=" + hasLocationChanged + " has4gHandoff = " + has4gHandoff + " hasMultiApnSupport=" + hasMultiApnSupport + " hasLostMultiApnSupport=" + hasLostMultiApnSupport); } // Add an event log when connection state changes if (ss.getState() != newSS.getState() || mDataConnectionState != mNewDataConnectionState) { EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.CDMA_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGE, ss.getState(), mDataConnectionState, newSS.getState(), mNewDataConnectionState); } ServiceState tss; tss = ss; ss = newSS; newSS = tss; // clean slate for next time newSS.setStateOutOfService(); mLteSS.setStateOutOfService(); if ((hasMultiApnSupport) && (phone.mDataConnectionTracker instanceof CdmaDataConnectionTracker)) { if (DBG) log("GsmDataConnectionTracker Created"); phone.mDataConnectionTracker.dispose(); phone.mDataConnectionTracker = new GsmDataConnectionTracker(mCdmaLtePhone); } if ((hasLostMultiApnSupport) && (phone.mDataConnectionTracker instanceof GsmDataConnectionTracker)) { if (DBG)log("GsmDataConnectionTracker disposed"); phone.mDataConnectionTracker.dispose(); phone.mDataConnectionTracker = new CdmaDataConnectionTracker(phone); } CdmaCellLocation tcl = cellLoc; cellLoc = newCellLoc; newCellLoc = tcl; mDataConnectionState = mNewDataConnectionState; networkType = newNetworkType; newSS.setStateOutOfService(); // clean slate for next time if (hasNetworkTypeChanged) { phone.setSystemProperty(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_DATA_NETWORK_TYPE, ServiceState.radioTechnologyToString(networkType)); } if (hasRegistered) { mNetworkAttachedRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } if (hasChanged) { if (phone.isEriFileLoaded()) { String eriText; // Now the CDMAPhone sees the new ServiceState so it can get the // new ERI text if (ss.getState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE) { eriText = phone.getCdmaEriText(); } else { // Note that ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE is valid used // for // mRegistrationState 0,2,3 and 4 eriText = phone.getContext() .getText(com.android.internal.R.string.roamingTextSearching).toString(); } ss.setOperatorAlphaLong(eriText); } if (cm.getSimState().isSIMReady()) { // SIM is found on the device. If ERI roaming is OFF and SID/NID matches // one configfured in SIM, use operator name from CSIM record. boolean showSpn = ((CdmaLteUiccRecords)phone.mIccRecords).getCsimSpnDisplayCondition(); int iconIndex = ss.getCdmaEriIconIndex(); if (showSpn && (iconIndex == EriInfo.ROAMING_INDICATOR_OFF) && isInHomeSidNid(ss.getSystemId(), ss.getNetworkId())) { ss.setOperatorAlphaLong(phone.mIccRecords.getServiceProviderName()); } } String operatorNumeric; phone.setSystemProperty(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_OPERATOR_ALPHA, ss.getOperatorAlphaLong()); operatorNumeric = ss.getOperatorNumeric(); phone.setSystemProperty(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_OPERATOR_NUMERIC, operatorNumeric); if (operatorNumeric == null) { phone.setSystemProperty(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_OPERATOR_ISO_COUNTRY, ""); mGotCountryCode = false; } else { String isoCountryCode = ""; try { isoCountryCode = MccTable.countryCodeForMcc(Integer.parseInt(operatorNumeric .substring(0, 3))); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { loge("countryCodeForMcc error" + ex); } catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { loge("countryCodeForMcc error" + ex); } phone.setSystemProperty(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_OPERATOR_ISO_COUNTRY, isoCountryCode); mGotCountryCode = true; if (mNeedFixZone) { fixTimeZone(isoCountryCode); } } phone.setSystemProperty(TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_OPERATOR_ISROAMING, ss.getRoaming() ? "true" : "false"); updateSpnDisplay(); phone.notifyServiceStateChanged(ss); } if (hasCdmaDataConnectionAttached || has4gHandoff) { mAttachedRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } if (hasCdmaDataConnectionDetached) { mDetachedRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } if ((hasCdmaDataConnectionChanged || hasNetworkTypeChanged)) { phone.notifyDataConnection(null); } if (hasRoamingOn) { mRoamingOnRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } if (hasRoamingOff) { mRoamingOffRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } if (hasLocationChanged) { phone.notifyLocationChanged(); } } @Override protected void onSignalStrengthResult(AsyncResult ar) { SignalStrength oldSignalStrength = mSignalStrength; if (ar.exception != null) { // Most likely radio is resetting/disconnected change to default // values. setSignalStrengthDefaultValues(); } else { int[] ints = (int[])ar.result; int lteRssi = -1; int lteRsrp = -1; int lteRsrq = -1; int lteRssnr = SignalStrength.INVALID_SNR; int lteCqi = -1; int offset = 2; int cdmaDbm = (ints[offset] > 0) ? -ints[offset] : -120; int cdmaEcio = (ints[offset + 1] > 0) ? -ints[offset + 1] : -160; int evdoRssi = (ints[offset + 2] > 0) ? -ints[offset + 2] : -120; int evdoEcio = (ints[offset + 3] > 0) ? -ints[offset + 3] : -1; int evdoSnr = ((ints[offset + 4] > 0) && (ints[offset + 4] <= 8)) ? ints[offset + 4] : -1; if (networkType == ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_LTE) { lteRssi = ints[offset+5]; lteRsrp = ints[offset+6]; lteRsrq = ints[offset+7]; lteRssnr = ints[offset+8]; lteCqi = ints[offset+9]; } if (networkType != ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_LTE) { mSignalStrength = new SignalStrength(99, -1, cdmaDbm, cdmaEcio, evdoRssi, evdoEcio, evdoSnr, false); } else { mSignalStrength = new SignalStrength(99, -1, cdmaDbm, cdmaEcio, evdoRssi, evdoEcio, evdoSnr, lteRssi, lteRsrp, lteRsrq, lteRssnr, lteCqi, true); } } try { phone.notifySignalStrength(); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { loge("onSignalStrengthResult() Phone already destroyed: " + ex + "SignalStrength not notified"); } } @Override public boolean isConcurrentVoiceAndDataAllowed() { // Note: it needs to be confirmed which CDMA network types // can support voice and data calls concurrently. // For the time-being, the return value will be false. return (networkType == ServiceState.RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_LTE); } /** * Check whether the specified SID and NID pair appears in the HOME SID/NID list * read from NV or SIM. * * @return true if provided sid/nid pair belongs to operator's home network. */ private boolean isInHomeSidNid(int sid, int nid) { // if SID/NID is not available, assume this is home network. if (isSidsAllZeros()) return true; // length of SID/NID shold be same if (mHomeSystemId.length != mHomeNetworkId.length) return true; if (sid == 0) return true; for (int i = 0; i < mHomeSystemId.length; i++) { // Use SID only if NID is a reserved value. // SID 0 and NID 0 and 65535 are reserved. (C.0005 if ((mHomeSystemId[i] == sid) && ((mHomeNetworkId[i] == 0) || (mHomeNetworkId[i] == 65535) || (nid == 0) || (nid == 65535) || (mHomeNetworkId[i] == nid))) { return true; } } // SID/NID are not in the list. So device is not in home network return false; } @Override protected void log(String s) { Log.d(LOG_TAG, "[CdmaLteSST] " + s); } @Override protected void loge(String s) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "[CdmaLteSST] " + s); } }