package android.animation;
* This class provides a simple callback mechanism to listeners that is synchronized with all
* other animators in the system. There is no duration, interpolation, or object value-setting
* with this Animator. Instead, it is simply started, after which it proceeds to send out events
* on every animation frame to its TimeListener (if set), with information about this animator,
* the total elapsed time, and the elapsed time since the previous animation frame.
public class TimeAnimator extends ValueAnimator {
private TimeListener mListener;
private long mPreviousTime = -1;
public void start() {
mPreviousTime = -1;
boolean animationFrame(long currentTime) {
if (mListener != null) {
long totalTime = currentTime - mStartTime;
long deltaTime = (mPreviousTime < 0) ? 0 : (currentTime - mPreviousTime);
mPreviousTime = currentTime;
mListener.onTimeUpdate(this, totalTime, deltaTime);
return false;
* Sets a listener that is sent update events throughout the life of
* an animation.
* @param listener the listener to be set.
public void setTimeListener(TimeListener listener) {
mListener = listener;
void animateValue(float fraction) {
// Noop
void initAnimation() {
// noop
* Implementors of this interface can set themselves as update listeners
* to a TimeAnimator
instance to receive callbacks on every animation
* frame to receive the total time since the animator started and the delta time
* since the last frame. The first time the listener is called,
* deltaTime will be zero. The same is true for totalTime, unless the animator was
* set to a specific {@link ValueAnimator#setCurrentPlayTime(long) currentPlayTime}
* prior to starting.
public static interface TimeListener {
Notifies listeners of the occurrence of another frame of the animation, * along with information about the elapsed time.
* * @param animation The animator sending out the notification. * @param totalTime The total time elapsed since the animator started, in milliseconds. * @param deltaTime The time elapsed since the previous frame, in milliseconds. */ void onTimeUpdate(TimeAnimator animation, long totalTime, long deltaTime); } }