/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.support.v8.renderscript; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.BitmapFactory; import android.view.Surface; import android.util.Log; import android.util.TypedValue; class AllocationThunker extends Allocation { android.renderscript.Allocation mN; //Allocation mAdaptedAllocation; android.renderscript.Allocation getNObj() { return mN; } static android.renderscript.Allocation.MipmapControl convertMipmapControl(MipmapControl mc) { switch(mc) { case MIPMAP_NONE: return android.renderscript.Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_NONE; case MIPMAP_FULL: return android.renderscript.Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_FULL; case MIPMAP_ON_SYNC_TO_TEXTURE: return android.renderscript.Allocation.MipmapControl.MIPMAP_ON_SYNC_TO_TEXTURE; } return null; } public Type getType() { return TypeThunker.find(mN.getType()); } public Element getElement() { return getType().getElement(); } public int getUsage() { return mN.getUsage(); } public int getBytesSize() { return mN.getBytesSize(); } AllocationThunker(RenderScript rs, Type t, int usage, android.renderscript.Allocation na) { super(0, rs, t, usage); mType = t; mUsage = usage; mN = na; } public void syncAll(int srcLocation) { mN.syncAll(srcLocation); } public void ioSend() { mN.ioSend(); } public void ioReceive() { mN.ioReceive(); } public void copyFrom(BaseObj[] d) { if (d == null) { return; } android.renderscript.BaseObj[] dN = new android.renderscript.BaseObj[d.length]; for (int i = 0; i < d.length; i++) { dN[i] = d[i].getNObj(); } mN.copyFrom(dN); } public void copyFromUnchecked(int[] d) { mN.copyFromUnchecked(d); } public void copyFromUnchecked(short[] d) { mN.copyFromUnchecked(d); } public void copyFromUnchecked(byte[] d) { mN.copyFromUnchecked(d); } public void copyFromUnchecked(float[] d) { mN.copyFromUnchecked(d); } public void copyFrom(int[] d) { mN.copyFrom(d); } public void copyFrom(short[] d) { mN.copyFrom(d); } public void copyFrom(byte[] d) { mN.copyFrom(d); } public void copyFrom(float[] d) { mN.copyFrom(d); } public void copyFrom(Bitmap b) { mN.copyFrom(b); } public void copyFrom(Allocation a) { AllocationThunker at = (AllocationThunker)a; mN.copyFrom(at.mN); } public void setFromFieldPacker(int xoff, FieldPacker fp) { android.renderscript.FieldPacker nfp = new android.renderscript.FieldPacker(fp.getData()); mN.setFromFieldPacker(xoff, nfp); } public void setFromFieldPacker(int xoff, int component_number, FieldPacker fp) { android.renderscript.FieldPacker nfp = new android.renderscript.FieldPacker(fp.getData()); mN.setFromFieldPacker(xoff, component_number, nfp); } public void generateMipmaps() { mN.generateMipmaps(); } public void copy1DRangeFromUnchecked(int off, int count, int[] d) { mN.copy1DRangeFromUnchecked(off, count, d); } public void copy1DRangeFromUnchecked(int off, int count, short[] d) { mN.copy1DRangeFromUnchecked(off, count, d); } public void copy1DRangeFromUnchecked(int off, int count, byte[] d) { mN.copy1DRangeFromUnchecked(off, count, d); } public void copy1DRangeFromUnchecked(int off, int count, float[] d) { mN.copy1DRangeFromUnchecked(off, count, d); } public void copy1DRangeFrom(int off, int count, int[] d) { mN.copy1DRangeFrom(off, count, d); } public void copy1DRangeFrom(int off, int count, short[] d) { mN.copy1DRangeFrom(off, count, d); } public void copy1DRangeFrom(int off, int count, byte[] d) { mN.copy1DRangeFrom(off, count, d); } public void copy1DRangeFrom(int off, int count, float[] d) { mN.copy1DRangeFrom(off, count, d); } public void copy1DRangeFrom(int off, int count, Allocation data, int dataOff) { AllocationThunker at = (AllocationThunker)data; mN.copy1DRangeFrom(off, count, at.mN, dataOff); } public void copy2DRangeFrom(int xoff, int yoff, int w, int h, byte[] data) { mN.copy2DRangeFrom(xoff, yoff, w, h, data); } public void copy2DRangeFrom(int xoff, int yoff, int w, int h, short[] data) { mN.copy2DRangeFrom(xoff, yoff, w, h, data); } public void copy2DRangeFrom(int xoff, int yoff, int w, int h, int[] data) { mN.copy2DRangeFrom(xoff, yoff, w, h, data); } public void copy2DRangeFrom(int xoff, int yoff, int w, int h, float[] data) { mN.copy2DRangeFrom(xoff, yoff, w, h, data); } public void copy2DRangeFrom(int xoff, int yoff, int w, int h, Allocation data, int dataXoff, int dataYoff) { AllocationThunker at = (AllocationThunker)data; mN.copy2DRangeFrom(xoff, yoff, w, h, at.mN, dataXoff, dataYoff); } public void copy2DRangeFrom(int xoff, int yoff, Bitmap data) { mN.copy2DRangeFrom(xoff, yoff, data); } public void copyTo(Bitmap b) { mN.copyTo(b); } public void copyTo(byte[] d) { mN.copyTo(d); } public void copyTo(short[] d) { mN.copyTo(d); } public void copyTo(int[] d) { mN.copyTo(d); } public void copyTo(float[] d) { mN.copyTo(d); } // creation static BitmapFactory.Options mBitmapOptions = new BitmapFactory.Options(); static { mBitmapOptions.inScaled = false; } static public Allocation createTyped(RenderScript rs, Type type, MipmapControl mips, int usage) { RenderScriptThunker rst = (RenderScriptThunker)rs; TypeThunker tt = (TypeThunker)type; android.renderscript.Allocation a = android.renderscript.Allocation.createTyped(rst.mN, tt.mN, convertMipmapControl(mips), usage); return new AllocationThunker(rs, type, usage, a); } static public Allocation createFromBitmap(RenderScript rs, Bitmap b, MipmapControl mips, int usage) { RenderScriptThunker rst = (RenderScriptThunker)rs; android.renderscript.Allocation a = android.renderscript.Allocation.createFromBitmap( rst.mN, b, convertMipmapControl(mips), usage); TypeThunker tt = new TypeThunker(rs, a.getType()); return new AllocationThunker(rs, tt, usage, a); } static public Allocation createCubemapFromBitmap(RenderScript rs, Bitmap b, MipmapControl mips, int usage) { RenderScriptThunker rst = (RenderScriptThunker)rs; android.renderscript.Allocation a = android.renderscript.Allocation.createCubemapFromBitmap( rst.mN, b, convertMipmapControl(mips), usage); TypeThunker tt = new TypeThunker(rs, a.getType()); return new AllocationThunker(rs, tt, usage, a); } static public Allocation createCubemapFromCubeFaces(RenderScript rs, Bitmap xpos, Bitmap xneg, Bitmap ypos, Bitmap yneg, Bitmap zpos, Bitmap zneg, MipmapControl mips, int usage) { RenderScriptThunker rst = (RenderScriptThunker)rs; android.renderscript.Allocation a = android.renderscript.Allocation.createCubemapFromCubeFaces( rst.mN, xpos, xneg, ypos, yneg, zpos, zneg, convertMipmapControl(mips), usage); TypeThunker tt = new TypeThunker(rs, a.getType()); return new AllocationThunker(rs, tt, usage, a); } static public Allocation createFromBitmapResource(RenderScript rs, Resources res, int id, MipmapControl mips, int usage) { RenderScriptThunker rst = (RenderScriptThunker)rs; android.renderscript.Allocation a = android.renderscript.Allocation.createFromBitmapResource( rst.mN, res, id, convertMipmapControl(mips), usage); TypeThunker tt = new TypeThunker(rs, a.getType()); return new AllocationThunker(rs, tt, usage, a); } static public Allocation createFromString(RenderScript rs, String str, int usage) { RenderScriptThunker rst = (RenderScriptThunker)rs; android.renderscript.Allocation a = android.renderscript.Allocation.createFromString( rst.mN, str, usage); TypeThunker tt = new TypeThunker(rs, a.getType()); return new AllocationThunker(rs, tt, usage, a); } static public Allocation createSized(RenderScript rs, Element e, int count, int usage) { RenderScriptThunker rst = (RenderScriptThunker)rs; ElementThunker et = (ElementThunker) e; android.renderscript.Allocation a = android.renderscript.Allocation.createSized(rst.mN, (android.renderscript.Element)e.getNObj(), count, usage); TypeThunker tt = new TypeThunker(rs, a.getType()); return new AllocationThunker(rs, tt, usage, a); } }