/* ** Copyright 2011, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ package android.view.accessibility; import android.accessibilityservice.IAccessibilityServiceConnection; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Process; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.util.Log; import android.util.LongSparseArray; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.util.SparseLongArray; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * This class is a singleton that performs accessibility interaction * which is it queries remote view hierarchies about snapshots of their * views as well requests from these hierarchies to perform certain * actions on their views. * * Rationale: The content retrieval APIs are synchronous from a client's * perspective but internally they are asynchronous. The client thread * calls into the system requesting an action and providing a callback * to receive the result after which it waits up to a timeout for that * result. The system enforces security and the delegates the request * to a given view hierarchy where a message is posted (from a binder * thread) describing what to be performed by the main UI thread the * result of which it delivered via the mentioned callback. However, * the blocked client thread and the main UI thread of the target view * hierarchy can be the same thread, for example an accessibility service * and an activity run in the same process, thus they are executed on the * same main thread. In such a case the retrieval will fail since the UI * thread that has to process the message describing the work to be done * is blocked waiting for a result is has to compute! To avoid this scenario * when making a call the client also passes its process and thread ids so * the accessed view hierarchy can detect if the client making the request * is running in its main UI thread. In such a case the view hierarchy, * specifically the binder thread performing the IPC to it, does not post a * message to be run on the UI thread but passes it to the singleton * interaction client through which all interactions occur and the latter is * responsible to execute the message before starting to wait for the * asynchronous result delivered via the callback. In this case the expected * result is already received so no waiting is performed. * * @hide */ public final class AccessibilityInteractionClient extends IAccessibilityInteractionConnectionCallback.Stub { public static final int NO_ID = -1; private static final String LOG_TAG = "AccessibilityInteractionClient"; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final boolean CHECK_INTEGRITY = true; private static final long TIMEOUT_INTERACTION_MILLIS = 5000; private static final Object sStaticLock = new Object(); private static final LongSparseArray sClients = new LongSparseArray(); private final AtomicInteger mInteractionIdCounter = new AtomicInteger(); private final Object mInstanceLock = new Object(); private volatile int mInteractionId = -1; private AccessibilityNodeInfo mFindAccessibilityNodeInfoResult; private List mFindAccessibilityNodeInfosResult; private boolean mPerformAccessibilityActionResult; private Message mSameThreadMessage; // The connection cache is shared between all interrogating threads. private static final SparseArray sConnectionCache = new SparseArray(); // The connection cache is shared between all interrogating threads since // at any given time there is only one window allowing querying. private static final AccessibilityNodeInfoCache sAccessibilityNodeInfoCache = new AccessibilityNodeInfoCache(); /** * @return The client for the current thread. */ public static AccessibilityInteractionClient getInstance() { final long threadId = Thread.currentThread().getId(); return getInstanceForThread(threadId); } /** * Note: We keep one instance per interrogating thread since * the instance contains state which can lead to undesired thread interleavings. * We do not have a thread local variable since other threads should be able to * look up the correct client knowing a thread id. See ViewRootImpl for details. * * @return The client for a given threadId. */ public static AccessibilityInteractionClient getInstanceForThread(long threadId) { synchronized (sStaticLock) { AccessibilityInteractionClient client = sClients.get(threadId); if (client == null) { client = new AccessibilityInteractionClient(); sClients.put(threadId, client); } return client; } } private AccessibilityInteractionClient() { /* reducing constructor visibility */ } /** * Sets the message to be processed if the interacted view hierarchy * and the interacting client are running in the same thread. * * @param message The message. */ public void setSameThreadMessage(Message message) { synchronized (mInstanceLock) { mSameThreadMessage = message; mInstanceLock.notifyAll(); } } /** * Gets the root {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} in the currently active window. * * @param connectionId The id of a connection for interacting with the system. * @return The root {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} if found, null otherwise. */ public AccessibilityNodeInfo getRootInActiveWindow(int connectionId) { return findAccessibilityNodeInfoByAccessibilityId(connectionId, AccessibilityNodeInfo.ACTIVE_WINDOW_ID, AccessibilityNodeInfo.ROOT_NODE_ID, AccessibilityNodeInfo.FLAG_PREFETCH_DESCENDANTS); } /** * Finds an {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} by accessibility id. * * @param connectionId The id of a connection for interacting with the system. * @param accessibilityWindowId A unique window id. Use * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTIVE_WINDOW_ID} * to query the currently active window. * @param accessibilityNodeId A unique view id or virtual descendant id from * where to start the search. Use * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo#ROOT_NODE_ID} * to start from the root. * @param prefetchFlags flags to guide prefetching. * @return An {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} if found, null otherwise. */ public AccessibilityNodeInfo findAccessibilityNodeInfoByAccessibilityId(int connectionId, int accessibilityWindowId, long accessibilityNodeId, int prefetchFlags) { try { IAccessibilityServiceConnection connection = getConnection(connectionId); if (connection != null) { AccessibilityNodeInfo cachedInfo = sAccessibilityNodeInfoCache.get( accessibilityNodeId); if (cachedInfo != null) { return cachedInfo; } final int interactionId = mInteractionIdCounter.getAndIncrement(); final boolean success = connection.findAccessibilityNodeInfoByAccessibilityId( accessibilityWindowId, accessibilityNodeId, interactionId, this, prefetchFlags, Thread.currentThread().getId()); // If the scale is zero the call has failed. if (success) { List infos = getFindAccessibilityNodeInfosResultAndClear( interactionId); finalizeAndCacheAccessibilityNodeInfos(infos, connectionId); if (infos != null && !infos.isEmpty()) { return infos.get(0); } } } else { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "No connection for connection id: " + connectionId); } } } catch (RemoteException re) { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error while calling remote" + " findAccessibilityNodeInfoByAccessibilityId", re); } } return null; } /** * Finds an {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} by View id. The search is performed in * the window whose id is specified and starts from the node whose accessibility * id is specified. * * @param connectionId The id of a connection for interacting with the system. * @param accessibilityWindowId A unique window id. Use * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTIVE_WINDOW_ID} * to query the currently active window. * @param accessibilityNodeId A unique view id or virtual descendant id from * where to start the search. Use * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo#ROOT_NODE_ID} * to start from the root. * @param viewId The fully qualified resource name of the view id to find. * @return An list of {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} if found, empty list otherwise. */ public List findAccessibilityNodeInfosByViewId(int connectionId, int accessibilityWindowId, long accessibilityNodeId, String viewId) { try { IAccessibilityServiceConnection connection = getConnection(connectionId); if (connection != null) { final int interactionId = mInteractionIdCounter.getAndIncrement(); final boolean success = connection.findAccessibilityNodeInfosByViewId( accessibilityWindowId, accessibilityNodeId, viewId, interactionId, this, Thread.currentThread().getId()); if (success) { List infos = getFindAccessibilityNodeInfosResultAndClear( interactionId); if (infos != null) { finalizeAndCacheAccessibilityNodeInfos(infos, connectionId); return infos; } } } else { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "No connection for connection id: " + connectionId); } } } catch (RemoteException re) { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error while calling remote" + " findAccessibilityNodeInfoByViewIdInActiveWindow", re); } } return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Finds {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}s by View text. The match is case * insensitive containment. The search is performed in the window whose * id is specified and starts from the node whose accessibility id is * specified. * * @param connectionId The id of a connection for interacting with the system. * @param accessibilityWindowId A unique window id. Use * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTIVE_WINDOW_ID} * to query the currently active window. * @param accessibilityNodeId A unique view id or virtual descendant id from * where to start the search. Use * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo#ROOT_NODE_ID} * to start from the root. * @param text The searched text. * @return A list of found {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}s. */ public List findAccessibilityNodeInfosByText(int connectionId, int accessibilityWindowId, long accessibilityNodeId, String text) { try { IAccessibilityServiceConnection connection = getConnection(connectionId); if (connection != null) { final int interactionId = mInteractionIdCounter.getAndIncrement(); final boolean success = connection.findAccessibilityNodeInfosByText( accessibilityWindowId, accessibilityNodeId, text, interactionId, this, Thread.currentThread().getId()); if (success) { List infos = getFindAccessibilityNodeInfosResultAndClear( interactionId); if (infos != null) { finalizeAndCacheAccessibilityNodeInfos(infos, connectionId); return infos; } } } else { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "No connection for connection id: " + connectionId); } } } catch (RemoteException re) { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error while calling remote" + " findAccessibilityNodeInfosByViewText", re); } } return Collections.emptyList(); } /** * Finds the {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo} that has the * specified focus type. The search is performed in the window whose id is specified * and starts from the node whose accessibility id is specified. * * @param connectionId The id of a connection for interacting with the system. * @param accessibilityWindowId A unique window id. Use * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTIVE_WINDOW_ID} * to query the currently active window. * @param accessibilityNodeId A unique view id or virtual descendant id from * where to start the search. Use * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo#ROOT_NODE_ID} * to start from the root. * @param focusType The focus type. * @return The accessibility focused {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}. */ public AccessibilityNodeInfo findFocus(int connectionId, int accessibilityWindowId, long accessibilityNodeId, int focusType) { try { IAccessibilityServiceConnection connection = getConnection(connectionId); if (connection != null) { final int interactionId = mInteractionIdCounter.getAndIncrement(); final boolean success = connection.findFocus(accessibilityWindowId, accessibilityNodeId, focusType, interactionId, this, Thread.currentThread().getId()); if (success) { AccessibilityNodeInfo info = getFindAccessibilityNodeInfoResultAndClear( interactionId); finalizeAndCacheAccessibilityNodeInfo(info, connectionId); return info; } } else { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "No connection for connection id: " + connectionId); } } } catch (RemoteException re) { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error while calling remote findAccessibilityFocus", re); } } return null; } /** * Finds the accessibility focused {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo}. * The search is performed in the window whose id is specified and starts from the * node whose accessibility id is specified. * * @param connectionId The id of a connection for interacting with the system. * @param accessibilityWindowId A unique window id. Use * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTIVE_WINDOW_ID} * to query the currently active window. * @param accessibilityNodeId A unique view id or virtual descendant id from * where to start the search. Use * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo#ROOT_NODE_ID} * to start from the root. * @param direction The direction in which to search for focusable. * @return The accessibility focused {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}. */ public AccessibilityNodeInfo focusSearch(int connectionId, int accessibilityWindowId, long accessibilityNodeId, int direction) { try { IAccessibilityServiceConnection connection = getConnection(connectionId); if (connection != null) { final int interactionId = mInteractionIdCounter.getAndIncrement(); final boolean success = connection.focusSearch(accessibilityWindowId, accessibilityNodeId, direction, interactionId, this, Thread.currentThread().getId()); if (success) { AccessibilityNodeInfo info = getFindAccessibilityNodeInfoResultAndClear( interactionId); finalizeAndCacheAccessibilityNodeInfo(info, connectionId); return info; } } else { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "No connection for connection id: " + connectionId); } } } catch (RemoteException re) { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error while calling remote accessibilityFocusSearch", re); } } return null; } /** * Performs an accessibility action on an {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}. * * @param connectionId The id of a connection for interacting with the system. * @param accessibilityWindowId A unique window id. Use * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo#ACTIVE_WINDOW_ID} * to query the currently active window. * @param accessibilityNodeId A unique view id or virtual descendant id from * where to start the search. Use * {@link android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo#ROOT_NODE_ID} * to start from the root. * @param action The action to perform. * @param arguments Optional action arguments. * @return Whether the action was performed. */ public boolean performAccessibilityAction(int connectionId, int accessibilityWindowId, long accessibilityNodeId, int action, Bundle arguments) { try { IAccessibilityServiceConnection connection = getConnection(connectionId); if (connection != null) { final int interactionId = mInteractionIdCounter.getAndIncrement(); final boolean success = connection.performAccessibilityAction( accessibilityWindowId, accessibilityNodeId, action, arguments, interactionId, this, Thread.currentThread().getId()); if (success) { return getPerformAccessibilityActionResultAndClear(interactionId); } } else { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "No connection for connection id: " + connectionId); } } } catch (RemoteException re) { if (DEBUG) { Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Error while calling remote performAccessibilityAction", re); } } return false; } public void clearCache() { sAccessibilityNodeInfoCache.clear(); } public void onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) { sAccessibilityNodeInfoCache.onAccessibilityEvent(event); } /** * Gets the the result of an async request that returns an {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}. * * @param interactionId The interaction id to match the result with the request. * @return The result {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}. */ private AccessibilityNodeInfo getFindAccessibilityNodeInfoResultAndClear(int interactionId) { synchronized (mInstanceLock) { final boolean success = waitForResultTimedLocked(interactionId); AccessibilityNodeInfo result = success ? mFindAccessibilityNodeInfoResult : null; clearResultLocked(); return result; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setFindAccessibilityNodeInfoResult(AccessibilityNodeInfo info, int interactionId) { synchronized (mInstanceLock) { if (interactionId > mInteractionId) { mFindAccessibilityNodeInfoResult = info; mInteractionId = interactionId; } mInstanceLock.notifyAll(); } } /** * Gets the the result of an async request that returns {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}s. * * @param interactionId The interaction id to match the result with the request. * @return The result {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}s. */ private List getFindAccessibilityNodeInfosResultAndClear( int interactionId) { synchronized (mInstanceLock) { final boolean success = waitForResultTimedLocked(interactionId); List result = null; if (success) { result = mFindAccessibilityNodeInfosResult; } else { result = Collections.emptyList(); } clearResultLocked(); if (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE && CHECK_INTEGRITY) { checkFindAccessibilityNodeInfoResultIntegrity(result); } return result; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setFindAccessibilityNodeInfosResult(List infos, int interactionId) { synchronized (mInstanceLock) { if (interactionId > mInteractionId) { if (infos != null) { // If the call is not an IPC, i.e. it is made from the same process, we need to // instantiate new result list to avoid passing internal instances to clients. final boolean isIpcCall = (Binder.getCallingPid() != Process.myPid()); if (!isIpcCall) { mFindAccessibilityNodeInfosResult = new ArrayList(infos); } else { mFindAccessibilityNodeInfosResult = infos; } } else { mFindAccessibilityNodeInfosResult = Collections.emptyList(); } mInteractionId = interactionId; } mInstanceLock.notifyAll(); } } /** * Gets the result of a request to perform an accessibility action. * * @param interactionId The interaction id to match the result with the request. * @return Whether the action was performed. */ private boolean getPerformAccessibilityActionResultAndClear(int interactionId) { synchronized (mInstanceLock) { final boolean success = waitForResultTimedLocked(interactionId); final boolean result = success ? mPerformAccessibilityActionResult : false; clearResultLocked(); return result; } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ public void setPerformAccessibilityActionResult(boolean succeeded, int interactionId) { synchronized (mInstanceLock) { if (interactionId > mInteractionId) { mPerformAccessibilityActionResult = succeeded; mInteractionId = interactionId; } mInstanceLock.notifyAll(); } } /** * Clears the result state. */ private void clearResultLocked() { mInteractionId = -1; mFindAccessibilityNodeInfoResult = null; mFindAccessibilityNodeInfosResult = null; mPerformAccessibilityActionResult = false; } /** * Waits up to a given bound for a result of a request and returns it. * * @param interactionId The interaction id to match the result with the request. * @return Whether the result was received. */ private boolean waitForResultTimedLocked(int interactionId) { long waitTimeMillis = TIMEOUT_INTERACTION_MILLIS; final long startTimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); while (true) { try { Message sameProcessMessage = getSameProcessMessageAndClear(); if (sameProcessMessage != null) { sameProcessMessage.getTarget().handleMessage(sameProcessMessage); } if (mInteractionId == interactionId) { return true; } if (mInteractionId > interactionId) { return false; } final long elapsedTimeMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startTimeMillis; waitTimeMillis = TIMEOUT_INTERACTION_MILLIS - elapsedTimeMillis; if (waitTimeMillis <= 0) { return false; } mInstanceLock.wait(waitTimeMillis); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { /* ignore */ } } } /** * Finalize an {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo} before passing it to the client. * * @param info The info. * @param connectionId The id of the connection to the system. */ private void finalizeAndCacheAccessibilityNodeInfo(AccessibilityNodeInfo info, int connectionId) { if (info != null) { info.setConnectionId(connectionId); info.setSealed(true); sAccessibilityNodeInfoCache.add(info); } } /** * Finalize {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}s before passing them to the client. * * @param infos The {@link AccessibilityNodeInfo}s. * @param connectionId The id of the connection to the system. */ private void finalizeAndCacheAccessibilityNodeInfos(List infos, int connectionId) { if (infos != null) { final int infosCount = infos.size(); for (int i = 0; i < infosCount; i++) { AccessibilityNodeInfo info = infos.get(i); finalizeAndCacheAccessibilityNodeInfo(info, connectionId); } } } /** * Gets the message stored if the interacted and interacting * threads are the same. * * @return The message. */ private Message getSameProcessMessageAndClear() { synchronized (mInstanceLock) { Message result = mSameThreadMessage; mSameThreadMessage = null; return result; } } /** * Gets a cached accessibility service connection. * * @param connectionId The connection id. * @return The cached connection if such. */ public IAccessibilityServiceConnection getConnection(int connectionId) { synchronized (sConnectionCache) { return sConnectionCache.get(connectionId); } } /** * Adds a cached accessibility service connection. * * @param connectionId The connection id. * @param connection The connection. */ public void addConnection(int connectionId, IAccessibilityServiceConnection connection) { synchronized (sConnectionCache) { sConnectionCache.put(connectionId, connection); } } /** * Removes a cached accessibility service connection. * * @param connectionId The connection id. */ public void removeConnection(int connectionId) { synchronized (sConnectionCache) { sConnectionCache.remove(connectionId); } } /** * Checks whether the infos are a fully connected tree with no duplicates. * * @param infos The result list to check. */ private void checkFindAccessibilityNodeInfoResultIntegrity(List infos) { if (infos.size() == 0) { return; } // Find the root node. AccessibilityNodeInfo root = infos.get(0); final int infoCount = infos.size(); for (int i = 1; i < infoCount; i++) { for (int j = i; j < infoCount; j++) { AccessibilityNodeInfo candidate = infos.get(j); if (root.getParentNodeId() == candidate.getSourceNodeId()) { root = candidate; break; } } } if (root == null) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "No root."); } // Check for duplicates. HashSet seen = new HashSet(); Queue fringe = new LinkedList(); fringe.add(root); while (!fringe.isEmpty()) { AccessibilityNodeInfo current = fringe.poll(); if (!seen.add(current)) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Duplicate node."); return; } SparseLongArray childIds = current.getChildNodeIds(); final int childCount = childIds.size(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) { final long childId = childIds.valueAt(i); for (int j = 0; j < infoCount; j++) { AccessibilityNodeInfo child = infos.get(j); if (child.getSourceNodeId() == childId) { fringe.add(child); } } } } final int disconnectedCount = infos.size() - seen.size(); if (disconnectedCount > 0) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, disconnectedCount + " Disconnected nodes."); } } }