/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony.uicc; import android.os.*; import com.android.internal.telephony.CommandsInterface; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * {@hide} */ public abstract class IccFileHandler extends Handler implements IccConstants { //from TS 11.11 9.1 or elsewhere static protected final int COMMAND_READ_BINARY = 0xb0; static protected final int COMMAND_UPDATE_BINARY = 0xd6; static protected final int COMMAND_READ_RECORD = 0xb2; static protected final int COMMAND_UPDATE_RECORD = 0xdc; static protected final int COMMAND_SEEK = 0xa2; static protected final int COMMAND_GET_RESPONSE = 0xc0; // from TS 11.11 9.2.5 static protected final int READ_RECORD_MODE_ABSOLUTE = 4; //***** types of files TS 11.11 9.3 static protected final int EF_TYPE_TRANSPARENT = 0; static protected final int EF_TYPE_LINEAR_FIXED = 1; static protected final int EF_TYPE_CYCLIC = 3; //***** types of files TS 11.11 9.3 static protected final int TYPE_RFU = 0; static protected final int TYPE_MF = 1; static protected final int TYPE_DF = 2; static protected final int TYPE_EF = 4; // size of GET_RESPONSE for EF's static protected final int GET_RESPONSE_EF_SIZE_BYTES = 15; static protected final int GET_RESPONSE_EF_IMG_SIZE_BYTES = 10; // Byte order received in response to COMMAND_GET_RESPONSE // Refer TS 51.011 Section 9.2.1 static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_RFU_1 = 0; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_RFU_2 = 1; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_SIZE_1 = 2; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_SIZE_2 = 3; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_ID_1 = 4; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_ID_2 = 5; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_TYPE = 6; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_RFU_3 = 7; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_ACCESS_CONDITION_1 = 8; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_ACCESS_CONDITION_2 = 9; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_ACCESS_CONDITION_3 = 10; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_STATUS = 11; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_LENGTH = 12; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_STRUCTURE = 13; static protected final int RESPONSE_DATA_RECORD_LENGTH = 14; //***** Events /** Finished retrieving size of transparent EF; start loading. */ static protected final int EVENT_GET_BINARY_SIZE_DONE = 4; /** Finished loading contents of transparent EF; post result. */ static protected final int EVENT_READ_BINARY_DONE = 5; /** Finished retrieving size of records for linear-fixed EF; now load. */ static protected final int EVENT_GET_RECORD_SIZE_DONE = 6; /** Finished loading single record from a linear-fixed EF; post result. */ static protected final int EVENT_READ_RECORD_DONE = 7; /** Finished retrieving record size; post result. */ static protected final int EVENT_GET_EF_LINEAR_RECORD_SIZE_DONE = 8; /** Finished retrieving image instance record; post result. */ static protected final int EVENT_READ_IMG_DONE = 9; /** Finished retrieving icon data; post result. */ static protected final int EVENT_READ_ICON_DONE = 10; /** Finished retrieving size of record for EFimg now. */ static protected final int EVENT_GET_RECORD_SIZE_IMG_DONE = 11; // member variables protected final CommandsInterface mCi; protected final UiccCardApplication mParentApp; protected final String mAid; static class LoadLinearFixedContext { int mEfid; int mRecordNum, mRecordSize, mCountRecords; boolean mLoadAll; Message mOnLoaded; ArrayList results; LoadLinearFixedContext(int efid, int recordNum, Message onLoaded) { mEfid = efid; mRecordNum = recordNum; mOnLoaded = onLoaded; mLoadAll = false; } LoadLinearFixedContext(int efid, Message onLoaded) { mEfid = efid; mRecordNum = 1; mLoadAll = true; mOnLoaded = onLoaded; } } /** * Default constructor */ protected IccFileHandler(UiccCardApplication app, String aid, CommandsInterface ci) { mParentApp = app; mAid = aid; mCi = ci; } public void dispose() { } //***** Public Methods /** * Load a record from a SIM Linear Fixed EF * * @param fileid EF id * @param recordNum 1-based (not 0-based) record number * @param onLoaded * * ((AsyncResult)(onLoaded.obj)).result is the byte[] * */ public void loadEFLinearFixed(int fileid, int recordNum, Message onLoaded) { Message response = obtainMessage(EVENT_GET_RECORD_SIZE_DONE, new LoadLinearFixedContext(fileid, recordNum, onLoaded)); mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_GET_RESPONSE, fileid, getEFPath(fileid), 0, 0, GET_RESPONSE_EF_SIZE_BYTES, null, null, mAid, response); } /** * Load a image instance record from a SIM Linear Fixed EF-IMG * * @param recordNum 1-based (not 0-based) record number * @param onLoaded * * ((AsyncResult)(onLoaded.obj)).result is the byte[] * */ public void loadEFImgLinearFixed(int recordNum, Message onLoaded) { Message response = obtainMessage(EVENT_GET_RECORD_SIZE_IMG_DONE, new LoadLinearFixedContext(IccConstants.EF_IMG, recordNum, onLoaded)); mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_GET_RESPONSE, IccConstants.EF_IMG, getEFPath(IccConstants.EF_IMG), recordNum, READ_RECORD_MODE_ABSOLUTE, GET_RESPONSE_EF_IMG_SIZE_BYTES, null, null, mAid, response); } /** * get record size for a linear fixed EF * * @param fileid EF id * @param onLoaded ((AsnyncResult)(onLoaded.obj)).result is the recordSize[] * int[0] is the record length int[1] is the total length of the EF * file int[3] is the number of records in the EF file So int[0] * * int[3] = int[1] */ public void getEFLinearRecordSize(int fileid, Message onLoaded) { Message response = obtainMessage(EVENT_GET_EF_LINEAR_RECORD_SIZE_DONE, new LoadLinearFixedContext(fileid, onLoaded)); mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_GET_RESPONSE, fileid, getEFPath(fileid), 0, 0, GET_RESPONSE_EF_SIZE_BYTES, null, null, mAid, response); } /** * Load all records from a SIM Linear Fixed EF * * @param fileid EF id * @param onLoaded * * ((AsyncResult)(onLoaded.obj)).result is an ArrayList * */ public void loadEFLinearFixedAll(int fileid, Message onLoaded) { Message response = obtainMessage(EVENT_GET_RECORD_SIZE_DONE, new LoadLinearFixedContext(fileid,onLoaded)); mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_GET_RESPONSE, fileid, getEFPath(fileid), 0, 0, GET_RESPONSE_EF_SIZE_BYTES, null, null, mAid, response); } /** * Load a SIM Transparent EF * * @param fileid EF id * @param onLoaded * * ((AsyncResult)(onLoaded.obj)).result is the byte[] * */ public void loadEFTransparent(int fileid, Message onLoaded) { Message response = obtainMessage(EVENT_GET_BINARY_SIZE_DONE, fileid, 0, onLoaded); mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_GET_RESPONSE, fileid, getEFPath(fileid), 0, 0, GET_RESPONSE_EF_SIZE_BYTES, null, null, mAid, response); } /** * Load first @size bytes from SIM Transparent EF * * @param fileid EF id * @param size * @param onLoaded * * ((AsyncResult)(onLoaded.obj)).result is the byte[] * */ public void loadEFTransparent(int fileid, int size, Message onLoaded) { Message response = obtainMessage(EVENT_READ_BINARY_DONE, fileid, 0, onLoaded); mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_READ_BINARY, fileid, getEFPath(fileid), 0, 0, size, null, null, mAid, response); } /** * Load a SIM Transparent EF-IMG. Used right after loadEFImgLinearFixed to * retrive STK's icon data. * * @param fileid EF id * @param onLoaded * * ((AsyncResult)(onLoaded.obj)).result is the byte[] * */ public void loadEFImgTransparent(int fileid, int highOffset, int lowOffset, int length, Message onLoaded) { Message response = obtainMessage(EVENT_READ_ICON_DONE, fileid, 0, onLoaded); logd("IccFileHandler: loadEFImgTransparent fileid = " + fileid + " filePath = " + getEFPath(fileid) + " highOffset = " + highOffset + " lowOffset = " + lowOffset + " length = " + length); /* * Per TS 31.102, for displaying of Icon, under * DF Telecom and DF Graphics , EF instance(s) (4FXX,transparent files) * are present. The possible image file identifiers (EF instance) for * EF img ( 4F20, linear fixed file) are : 4F01 ... 4F05. */ mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_READ_BINARY, fileid, getEFPath(fileid), highOffset, lowOffset, length, null, null, mAid, response); } /** * Update a record in a linear fixed EF * @param fileid EF id * @param recordNum 1-based (not 0-based) record number * @param data must be exactly as long as the record in the EF * @param pin2 for CHV2 operations, otherwist must be null * @param onComplete onComplete.obj will be an AsyncResult * onComplete.obj.userObj will be a IccIoResult on success */ public void updateEFLinearFixed(int fileid, int recordNum, byte[] data, String pin2, Message onComplete) { mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_UPDATE_RECORD, fileid, getEFPath(fileid), recordNum, READ_RECORD_MODE_ABSOLUTE, data.length, IccUtils.bytesToHexString(data), pin2, mAid, onComplete); } /** * Update a transparent EF * @param fileid EF id * @param data must be exactly as long as the EF */ public void updateEFTransparent(int fileid, byte[] data, Message onComplete) { mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_UPDATE_BINARY, fileid, getEFPath(fileid), 0, 0, data.length, IccUtils.bytesToHexString(data), null, mAid, onComplete); } //***** Abstract Methods //***** Private Methods private void sendResult(Message response, Object result, Throwable ex) { if (response == null) { return; } AsyncResult.forMessage(response, result, ex); response.sendToTarget(); } //***** Overridden from Handler @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { AsyncResult ar; IccIoResult result; Message response = null; String str; LoadLinearFixedContext lc; IccException iccException; byte data[]; int size; int fileid; int recordNum; int recordSize[]; try { switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_GET_RECORD_SIZE_IMG_DONE: logd("IccFileHandler: get record size img done"); ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; lc = (LoadLinearFixedContext) ar.userObj; result = (IccIoResult) ar.result; response = lc.mOnLoaded; if (ar.exception != null) { sendResult(response, null, ar.exception); break; } iccException = result.getException(); if (iccException != null) { sendResult(response, null, iccException); break; } data = result.payload; lc.mRecordSize = data[RESPONSE_DATA_RECORD_LENGTH] & 0xFF; if ((TYPE_EF != data[RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_TYPE]) || (EF_TYPE_LINEAR_FIXED != data[RESPONSE_DATA_STRUCTURE])) { loge("IccFileHandler: File type mismatch: Throw Exception"); throw new IccFileTypeMismatch(); } logd("IccFileHandler: read EF IMG"); mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_READ_RECORD, lc.mEfid, getEFPath(lc.mEfid), lc.mRecordNum, READ_RECORD_MODE_ABSOLUTE, lc.mRecordSize, null, null, mAid, obtainMessage(EVENT_READ_IMG_DONE, IccConstants.EF_IMG, 0, response)); break; case EVENT_READ_IMG_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; lc = (LoadLinearFixedContext) ar.userObj; result = (IccIoResult) ar.result; response = lc.mOnLoaded; iccException = result.getException(); if (iccException != null) { sendResult(response, result.payload, ar.exception); } break; case EVENT_READ_ICON_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; response = (Message) ar.userObj; result = (IccIoResult) ar.result; iccException = result.getException(); if (iccException != null) { sendResult(response, result.payload, ar.exception); } break; case EVENT_GET_EF_LINEAR_RECORD_SIZE_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult)msg.obj; lc = (LoadLinearFixedContext) ar.userObj; result = (IccIoResult) ar.result; response = lc.mOnLoaded; if (ar.exception != null) { sendResult(response, null, ar.exception); break; } iccException = result.getException(); if (iccException != null) { sendResult(response, null, iccException); break; } data = result.payload; if (TYPE_EF != data[RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_TYPE] || EF_TYPE_LINEAR_FIXED != data[RESPONSE_DATA_STRUCTURE]) { throw new IccFileTypeMismatch(); } recordSize = new int[3]; recordSize[0] = data[RESPONSE_DATA_RECORD_LENGTH] & 0xFF; recordSize[1] = ((data[RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_SIZE_1] & 0xff) << 8) + (data[RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_SIZE_2] & 0xff); recordSize[2] = recordSize[1] / recordSize[0]; sendResult(response, recordSize, null); break; case EVENT_GET_RECORD_SIZE_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult)msg.obj; lc = (LoadLinearFixedContext) ar.userObj; result = (IccIoResult) ar.result; response = lc.mOnLoaded; if (ar.exception != null) { sendResult(response, null, ar.exception); break; } iccException = result.getException(); if (iccException != null) { sendResult(response, null, iccException); break; } data = result.payload; fileid = lc.mEfid; recordNum = lc.mRecordNum; if (TYPE_EF != data[RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_TYPE]) { throw new IccFileTypeMismatch(); } if (EF_TYPE_LINEAR_FIXED != data[RESPONSE_DATA_STRUCTURE]) { throw new IccFileTypeMismatch(); } lc.mRecordSize = data[RESPONSE_DATA_RECORD_LENGTH] & 0xFF; size = ((data[RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_SIZE_1] & 0xff) << 8) + (data[RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_SIZE_2] & 0xff); lc.mCountRecords = size / lc.mRecordSize; if (lc.mLoadAll) { lc.results = new ArrayList(lc.mCountRecords); } mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_READ_RECORD, lc.mEfid, getEFPath(lc.mEfid), lc.mRecordNum, READ_RECORD_MODE_ABSOLUTE, lc.mRecordSize, null, null, mAid, obtainMessage(EVENT_READ_RECORD_DONE, lc)); break; case EVENT_GET_BINARY_SIZE_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult)msg.obj; response = (Message) ar.userObj; result = (IccIoResult) ar.result; if (ar.exception != null) { sendResult(response, null, ar.exception); break; } iccException = result.getException(); if (iccException != null) { sendResult(response, null, iccException); break; } data = result.payload; fileid = msg.arg1; if (TYPE_EF != data[RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_TYPE]) { throw new IccFileTypeMismatch(); } if (EF_TYPE_TRANSPARENT != data[RESPONSE_DATA_STRUCTURE]) { throw new IccFileTypeMismatch(); } size = ((data[RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_SIZE_1] & 0xff) << 8) + (data[RESPONSE_DATA_FILE_SIZE_2] & 0xff); mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_READ_BINARY, fileid, getEFPath(fileid), 0, 0, size, null, null, mAid, obtainMessage(EVENT_READ_BINARY_DONE, fileid, 0, response)); break; case EVENT_READ_RECORD_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult)msg.obj; lc = (LoadLinearFixedContext) ar.userObj; result = (IccIoResult) ar.result; response = lc.mOnLoaded; if (ar.exception != null) { sendResult(response, null, ar.exception); break; } iccException = result.getException(); if (iccException != null) { sendResult(response, null, iccException); break; } if (!lc.mLoadAll) { sendResult(response, result.payload, null); } else { lc.results.add(result.payload); lc.mRecordNum++; if (lc.mRecordNum > lc.mCountRecords) { sendResult(response, lc.results, null); } else { mCi.iccIOForApp(COMMAND_READ_RECORD, lc.mEfid, getEFPath(lc.mEfid), lc.mRecordNum, READ_RECORD_MODE_ABSOLUTE, lc.mRecordSize, null, null, mAid, obtainMessage(EVENT_READ_RECORD_DONE, lc)); } } break; case EVENT_READ_BINARY_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult)msg.obj; response = (Message) ar.userObj; result = (IccIoResult) ar.result; if (ar.exception != null) { sendResult(response, null, ar.exception); break; } iccException = result.getException(); if (iccException != null) { sendResult(response, null, iccException); break; } sendResult(response, result.payload, null); break; }} catch (Exception exc) { if (response != null) { sendResult(response, null, exc); } else { loge("uncaught exception" + exc); } } } /** * Returns the root path of the EF file. * i.e returns MasterFile + DFfile as a string. * Ex: For EF_ADN on a SIM, it will return "3F007F10" * This function handles only EFids that are common to * RUIM, SIM, USIM and other types of Icc cards. * * @param efid of path to retrieve * @return root path of the file. */ protected String getCommonIccEFPath(int efid) { switch(efid) { case EF_ADN: case EF_FDN: case EF_MSISDN: case EF_SDN: case EF_EXT1: case EF_EXT2: case EF_EXT3: return MF_SIM + DF_TELECOM; case EF_ICCID: case EF_PL: return MF_SIM; case EF_PBR: // we only support global phonebook. return MF_SIM + DF_TELECOM + DF_PHONEBOOK; case EF_IMG: return MF_SIM + DF_TELECOM + DF_GRAPHICS; } return null; } protected abstract String getEFPath(int efid); protected abstract void logd(String s); protected abstract void loge(String s); }