/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.tools.layoutlib.create; import com.android.tools.layoutlib.annotations.LayoutlibDelegate; import com.android.tools.layoutlib.java.AutoCloseable; import com.android.tools.layoutlib.java.Charsets; import com.android.tools.layoutlib.java.IntegralToString; import com.android.tools.layoutlib.java.Objects; import com.android.tools.layoutlib.java.UnsafeByteSequence; /** * Describes the work to be done by {@link AsmGenerator}. */ public final class CreateInfo implements ICreateInfo { /** * Returns the list of class from layoutlib_create to inject in layoutlib. * The list can be empty but must not be null. */ @Override public Class[] getInjectedClasses() { return INJECTED_CLASSES; } /** * Returns the list of methods to rewrite as delegates. * The list can be empty but must not be null. */ @Override public String[] getDelegateMethods() { return DELEGATE_METHODS; } /** * Returns the list of classes on which to delegate all native methods. * The list can be empty but must not be null. */ @Override public String[] getDelegateClassNatives() { return DELEGATE_CLASS_NATIVES; } /** * Returns The list of methods to stub out. Each entry must be in the form * "package.package.OuterClass$InnerClass#MethodName". * The list can be empty but must not be null. *

* This usage is deprecated. Please use method 'delegates' instead. */ @Override public String[] getOverriddenMethods() { return OVERRIDDEN_METHODS; } /** * Returns the list of classes to rename, must be an even list: the binary FQCN * of class to replace followed by the new FQCN. * The list can be empty but must not be null. */ @Override public String[] getRenamedClasses() { return RENAMED_CLASSES; } /** * Returns the list of classes for which the methods returning them should be deleted. * The array contains a list of null terminated section starting with the name of the class * to rename in which the methods are deleted, followed by a list of return types identifying * the methods to delete. * The list can be empty but must not be null. */ @Override public String[] getDeleteReturns() { return DELETE_RETURNS; } /** * Returns the list of classes to refactor, must be an even list: the binary FQCN of class to * replace followed by the new FQCN. All references to the old class should be updated to the * new class. The list can be empty but must not be null. */ @Override public String[] getJavaPkgClasses() { return JAVA_PKG_CLASSES; } //----- /** * The list of class from layoutlib_create to inject in layoutlib. */ private final static Class[] INJECTED_CLASSES = new Class[] { OverrideMethod.class, MethodListener.class, MethodAdapter.class, ICreateInfo.class, CreateInfo.class, LayoutlibDelegate.class, /* Java package classes */ AutoCloseable.class, Objects.class, IntegralToString.class, UnsafeByteSequence.class, Charsets.class, }; /** * The list of methods to rewrite as delegates. */ public final static String[] DELEGATE_METHODS = new String[] { "android.app.Fragment#instantiate", //(Landroid/content/Context;Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/os/Bundle;)Landroid/app/Fragment;", "android.content.res.Resources$Theme#obtainStyledAttributes", "android.content.res.Resources$Theme#resolveAttribute", "android.content.res.TypedArray#getValueAt", "android.graphics.BitmapFactory#finishDecode", "android.os.Handler#sendMessageAtTime", "android.os.HandlerThread#run", "android.os.Build#getString", "android.text.format.DateFormat#is24HourFormat", "android.text.format.Time#format1", "android.view.Choreographer#getRefreshRate", "android.view.Display#updateDisplayInfoLocked", "android.view.LayoutInflater#rInflate", "android.view.LayoutInflater#parseInclude", "android.view.View#isInEditMode", "android.view.ViewRootImpl#isInTouchMode", "android.view.WindowManagerGlobal#getWindowManagerService", "android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager#getInstance", "com.android.internal.util.XmlUtils#convertValueToInt", "com.android.internal.textservice.ITextServicesManager$Stub#asInterface", }; /** * The list of classes on which to delegate all native methods. */ public final static String[] DELEGATE_CLASS_NATIVES = new String[] { "android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder", "android.graphics.AvoidXfermode", "android.graphics.Bitmap", "android.graphics.BitmapFactory", "android.graphics.BitmapShader", "android.graphics.BlurMaskFilter", "android.graphics.Canvas", "android.graphics.ColorFilter", "android.graphics.ColorMatrixColorFilter", "android.graphics.ComposePathEffect", "android.graphics.ComposeShader", "android.graphics.CornerPathEffect", "android.graphics.DashPathEffect", "android.graphics.DiscretePathEffect", "android.graphics.DrawFilter", "android.graphics.EmbossMaskFilter", "android.graphics.LayerRasterizer", "android.graphics.LightingColorFilter", "android.graphics.LinearGradient", "android.graphics.MaskFilter", "android.graphics.Matrix", "android.graphics.NinePatch", "android.graphics.Paint", "android.graphics.PaintFlagsDrawFilter", "android.graphics.Path", "android.graphics.PathDashPathEffect", "android.graphics.PathEffect", "android.graphics.PixelXorXfermode", "android.graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter", "android.graphics.PorterDuffXfermode", "android.graphics.RadialGradient", "android.graphics.Rasterizer", "android.graphics.Region", "android.graphics.Shader", "android.graphics.SumPathEffect", "android.graphics.SweepGradient", "android.graphics.Typeface", "android.graphics.Xfermode", "android.os.SystemClock", "android.text.AndroidBidi", "android.util.FloatMath", "android.view.Display", "libcore.icu.DateIntervalFormat", "libcore.icu.ICU", }; /** * The list of methods to stub out. Each entry must be in the form * "package.package.OuterClass$InnerClass#MethodName". * This usage is deprecated. Please use method 'delegates' instead. */ private final static String[] OVERRIDDEN_METHODS = new String[] { }; /** * The list of classes to rename, must be an even list: the binary FQCN * of class to replace followed by the new FQCN. */ private final static String[] RENAMED_CLASSES = new String[] { "android.os.ServiceManager", "android.os._Original_ServiceManager", "android.util.LruCache", "android.util._Original_LruCache", "android.view.SurfaceView", "android.view._Original_SurfaceView", "android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager", "android.view.accessibility._Original_AccessibilityManager", "android.webkit.WebView", "android.webkit._Original_WebView", "com.android.internal.policy.PolicyManager", "com.android.internal.policy._Original_PolicyManager", }; /** * The list of class references to update, must be an even list: the binary * FQCN of class to replace followed by the new FQCN. The classes to * replace are to be excluded from the output. */ private final static String[] JAVA_PKG_CLASSES = new String[] { "java.lang.AutoCloseable", "com.android.tools.layoutlib.java.AutoCloseable", "java.util.Objects", "com.android.tools.layoutlib.java.Objects", "java.nio.charset.Charsets", "com.android.tools.layoutlib.java.Charsets", "java.lang.IntegralToString", "com.android.tools.layoutlib.java.IntegralToString", "java.lang.UnsafeByteSequence", "com.android.tools.layoutlib.java.UnsafeByteSequence", }; /** * List of classes for which the methods returning them should be deleted. * The array contains a list of null terminated section starting with the name of the class * to rename in which the methods are deleted, followed by a list of return types identifying * the methods to delete. */ private final static String[] DELETE_RETURNS = new String[] { null }; // separator, for next class/methods list. }