/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.rs.image; import com.android.rs.image.ImageProcessingTestRunner; import android.os.Bundle; import com.android.rs.image.ImageProcessingActivity.TestName; import android.test.ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest; import android.util.Log; /** * ImageProcessing benchmark test. * To run the test, please use command * * adb shell am instrument -e iteration -w com.android.rs.image/.ImageProcessingTestRunner * */ public class ImageProcessingTest extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 { private final String TAG = "ImageProcessingTest"; private final String TEST_NAME = "Testname"; private final String ITERATIONS = "Iterations"; private final String BENCHMARK = "Benchmark"; private static int INSTRUMENTATION_IN_PROGRESS = 2; private int mIteration; private ImageProcessingActivity mActivity; public ImageProcessingTest() { super(ImageProcessingActivity.class); } @Override public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); setActivityInitialTouchMode(false); mActivity = getActivity(); ImageProcessingTestRunner mRunner = (ImageProcessingTestRunner) getInstrumentation(); mIteration = mRunner.mIteration; assertTrue("please enter a valid iteration value", mIteration > 0); } @Override public void tearDown() throws Exception { super.tearDown(); } class TestAction implements Runnable { TestName mTestName; float mResult; public TestAction(TestName testName) { mTestName = testName; } public void run() { mActivity.changeTest(mTestName); mResult = mActivity.getBenchmark(); Log.v(TAG, "Benchmark for test \"" + mTestName.toString() + "\" is: " + mResult); synchronized(this) { this.notify(); } } public float getBenchmark() { return mResult; } } // Set the benchmark thread to run on ui thread // Synchronized the thread such that the test will wait for the benchmark thread to finish public void runOnUiThread(Runnable action) { synchronized(action) { mActivity.runOnUiThread(action); try { action.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.v(TAG, "waiting for action running on UI thread is interrupted: " + e.toString()); } } } public void runTest(TestAction ta, String testName) { float sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < mIteration; i++) { runOnUiThread(ta); float bmValue = ta.getBenchmark(); Log.v(TAG, "results for iteration " + i + " is " + bmValue); sum += bmValue; } float avgResult = sum/mIteration; // post result to INSTRUMENTATION_STATUS Bundle results = new Bundle(); results.putString(TEST_NAME, testName); results.putInt(ITERATIONS, mIteration); results.putFloat(BENCHMARK, avgResult); getInstrumentation().sendStatus(INSTRUMENTATION_IN_PROGRESS, results); } // Test case 0: Levels Vec3 Relaxed @LargeTest public void testLevelsVec3Relaxed() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.LEVELS_VEC3_RELAXED); runTest(ta, TestName.LEVELS_VEC3_RELAXED.name()); } // Test case 1: Levels Vec4 Relaxed @LargeTest public void testLevelsVec4Relaxed() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.LEVELS_VEC4_RELAXED); runTest(ta, TestName.LEVELS_VEC4_RELAXED.name()); } // Test case 2: Levels Vec3 Full @LargeTest public void testLevelsVec3Full() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.LEVELS_VEC3_FULL); runTest(ta, TestName.LEVELS_VEC3_FULL.name()); } // Test case 3: Levels Vec4 Full @LargeTest public void testLevelsVec4Full() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.LEVELS_VEC4_FULL); runTest(ta, TestName.LEVELS_VEC4_FULL.name()); } // Test case 4: Blur Radius 25 @LargeTest public void testBlurRadius25() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.BLUR_RADIUS_25); runTest(ta, TestName.BLUR_RADIUS_25.name()); } // Test case 5: Intrinsic Blur Radius 25 @LargeTest public void testIntrinsicBlurRadius25() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.INTRINSIC_BLUE_RADIUS_25); runTest(ta, TestName.INTRINSIC_BLUE_RADIUS_25.name()); } // Test case 6: Greyscale @LargeTest public void testGreyscale() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.GREYSCALE); runTest(ta, TestName.GREYSCALE.name()); } // Test case 7: Grain @LargeTest public void testGrain() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.GRAIN); runTest(ta, TestName.GRAIN.name()); } // Test case 8: Fisheye Full @LargeTest public void testFisheyeFull() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.FISHEYE_FULL); runTest(ta, TestName.FISHEYE_FULL.name()); } // Test case 9: Fisheye Relaxed @LargeTest public void testFishEyeRelaxed() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.FISHEYE_RELAXED); runTest(ta, TestName.FISHEYE_RELAXED.name()); } // Test case 10: Fisheye Approximate Full @LargeTest public void testFisheyeApproximateFull() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.FISHEYE_APPROXIMATE_FULL); runTest(ta, TestName.FISHEYE_APPROXIMATE_FULL.name()); } // Test case 11: Fisheye Approximate Relaxed @LargeTest public void testFisheyeApproximateRelaxed() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.FISHEYE_APPROXIMATE_RELAXED); runTest(ta, TestName.FISHEYE_APPROXIMATE_RELAXED.name()); } // Test case 12: Vignette Full @LargeTest public void testVignetteFull() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.VIGNETTE_FULL); runTest(ta, TestName.VIGNETTE_FULL.name()); } // Test case 13: Vignette Relaxed @LargeTest public void testVignetteRelaxed() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.VIGNETTE_RELAXED); runTest(ta, TestName.VIGNETTE_RELAXED.name()); } // Test case 14: Vignette Approximate Full @LargeTest public void testVignetteApproximateFull() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.VIGNETTE_APPROXIMATE_FULL); runTest(ta, TestName.VIGNETTE_APPROXIMATE_FULL.name()); } // Test case 15: Vignette Approximate Relaxed @LargeTest public void testVignetteApproximateRelaxed() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.VIGNETTE_APPROXIMATE_RELAXED); runTest(ta, TestName.VIGNETTE_APPROXIMATE_RELAXED.name()); } // Test case 16: Group Test (emulated) @LargeTest public void testGroupTestEmulated() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.GROUP_TEST_EMULATED); runTest(ta, TestName.GROUP_TEST_EMULATED.name()); } // Test case 17: Group Test (native) @LargeTest public void testGroupTestNative() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.GROUP_TEST_NATIVE); runTest(ta, TestName.GROUP_TEST_NATIVE.name()); } // Test case 18: Convolve 3x3 @LargeTest public void testConvolve3x3() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.CONVOLVE_3X3); runTest(ta, TestName.CONVOLVE_3X3.name()); } // Test case 19: Intrinsics Convolve 3x3 @LargeTest public void testIntrinsicsConvolve3x3() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.INTRINSICS_CONVOLVE_3X3); runTest(ta, TestName.INTRINSICS_CONVOLVE_3X3.name()); } // Test case 20: ColorMatrix @LargeTest public void testColorMatrix() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.COLOR_MATRIX); runTest(ta, TestName.COLOR_MATRIX.name()); } // Test case 21: Intrinsics ColorMatrix @LargeTest public void testIntrinsicsColorMatrix() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.INTRINSICS_COLOR_MATRIX); runTest(ta, TestName.INTRINSICS_COLOR_MATRIX.name()); } // Test case 22: Intrinsics ColorMatrix Grey @LargeTest public void testIntrinsicsColorMatrixGrey() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.INTRINSICS_COLOR_MATRIX_GREY); runTest(ta, TestName.INTRINSICS_COLOR_MATRIX_GREY.name()); } // Test case 23: Copy @LargeTest public void testCopy() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.COPY); runTest(ta, TestName.COPY.name()); } // Test case 24: CrossProcess (using LUT) @LargeTest public void testCrossProcessUsingLUT() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.CROSS_PROCESS_USING_LUT); runTest(ta, TestName.CROSS_PROCESS_USING_LUT.name()); } // Test case 25: Convolve 5x5 @LargeTest public void testConvolve5x5() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.CONVOLVE_5X5); runTest(ta, TestName.CONVOLVE_5X5.name()); } // Test case 26: Intrinsics Convolve 5x5 @LargeTest public void testIntrinsicsConvolve5x5() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.INTRINSICS_CONVOLVE_5X5); runTest(ta, TestName.INTRINSICS_CONVOLVE_5X5.name()); } // Test case 27: Mandelbrot @LargeTest public void testMandelbrot() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.MANDELBROT_FLOAT); runTest(ta, TestName.MANDELBROT_FLOAT.name()); } // Test case 28: Intrinsics Blend @LargeTest public void testIntrinsicsBlend() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.INTRINSICS_BLEND); runTest(ta, TestName.INTRINSICS_BLEND.name()); } // Test case 29: Intrinsics Blur 25 uchar @LargeTest public void testIntrinsicsBlur25G() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.INTRINSICS_BLUR_25G); runTest(ta, TestName.INTRINSICS_BLUR_25G.name()); } // Test case 30: Vibrance @LargeTest public void testVibrance() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.VIBRANCE); runTest(ta, TestName.VIBRANCE.name()); } // Test case 31: BWFilter @LargeTest public void testBWFilter() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.BW_FILTER); runTest(ta, TestName.BW_FILTER.name()); } // Test case 32: Shadows @LargeTest public void testShadows() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.SHADOWS); runTest(ta, TestName.SHADOWS.name()); } // Test case 33: Contrast @LargeTest public void testContrast() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.CONTRAST); runTest(ta, TestName.CONTRAST.name()); } // Test case 34: Exposure @LargeTest public void testExposure(){ TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.EXPOSURE); runTest(ta, TestName.EXPOSURE.name()); } // Test case 35: White Balance @LargeTest public void testWhiteBalance() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.WHITE_BALANCE); runTest(ta, TestName.WHITE_BALANCE.name()); } // Test case 36: Color Cube @LargeTest public void testColorCube() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.COLOR_CUBE); runTest(ta, TestName.COLOR_CUBE.name()); } // Test case 37: Color Cube (3D Intrinsic) @LargeTest public void testColorCube3DIntrinsic() { TestAction ta = new TestAction(TestName.COLOR_CUBE_3D_INTRINSIC); runTest(ta, TestName.COLOR_CUBE_3D_INTRINSIC.name()); } }