/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.support.test.runner; import android.app.Activity; import android.app.Application; import android.app.Instrumentation; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo; import android.content.pm.InstrumentationInfo; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Debug; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.Looper; import android.support.test.internal.runner.TestRequest; import android.support.test.internal.runner.TestRequestBuilder; import android.support.test.internal.runner.listener.CoverageListener; import android.support.test.internal.runner.listener.DelayInjector; import android.support.test.internal.runner.listener.InstrumentationResultPrinter; import android.support.test.internal.runner.listener.InstrumentationRunListener; import android.support.test.internal.runner.listener.LogRunListener; import android.support.test.internal.runner.listener.SuiteAssignmentPrinter; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest; import android.util.Log; import org.junit.internal.TextListener; import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.RunListener; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * An {@link Instrumentation} that runs JUnit3 and JUnit4 tests against * an Android package (application). *

* Currently experimental. Based on {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner}. *

* Will eventually support a superset of {@link android.test.InstrumentationTestRunner} features, * while maintaining command/output format compatibility with that class. * *

Typical Usage


* Write JUnit3 style {@link junit.framework.TestCase}s and/or JUnit4 style * {@link org.junit.Test}s that perform tests against the classes in your package. * Make use of the {@link android.support.test.InjectContext} and * {@link android.support.test.InjectInstrumentation} annotations if needed. *

* In an appropriate AndroidManifest.xml, define an instrumentation with android:name set to * {@link android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner} and the appropriate android:targetPackage * set. *

* Execution options: *

* Running all tests: adb shell am instrument -w * com.android.foo/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner *

* Running all tests in a class: adb shell am instrument -w * -e class com.android.foo.FooTest * com.android.foo/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner *

* Running a single test: adb shell am instrument -w * -e class com.android.foo.FooTest#testFoo * com.android.foo/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner *

* Running all tests in multiple classes: adb shell am instrument -w * -e class com.android.foo.FooTest,com.android.foo.TooTest * com.android.foo/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner *

* Running all tests listed in a file: adb shell am instrument -w * -e testFile /sdcard/tmp/testFile.txt com.android.foo/com.android.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner * The file should contain a list of line separated test classes and optionally methods (expected * format: com.android.foo.FooClassName#testMethodName). *

* Running all tests in a java package: adb shell am instrument -w * -e package com.android.foo.bar * com.android.foo/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner * To debug your tests, set a break point in your code and pass: * -e debug true *

* Running a specific test size i.e. annotated with * {@link android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.SmallTest} or * {@link android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest} or * {@link android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest}: * adb shell am instrument -w -e size [small|medium|large] * com.android.foo/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner *

* Filter test run to tests with given annotation: adb shell am instrument -w * -e annotation com.android.foo.MyAnnotation * com.android.foo/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner *

* If used with other options, the resulting test run will contain the intersection of the two * options. * e.g. "-e size large -e annotation com.android.foo.MyAnnotation" will run only tests with both * the {@link LargeTest} and "com.android.foo.MyAnnotation" annotations. *

* Filter test run to tests without given annotation: adb shell am instrument -w * -e notAnnotation com.android.foo.MyAnnotation * com.android.foo/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner *

* As above, if used with other options, the resulting test run will contain the intersection of * the two options. * e.g. "-e size large -e notAnnotation com.android.foo.MyAnnotation" will run tests with * the {@link LargeTest} annotation that do NOT have the "com.android.foo.MyAnnotation" annotations. *

* Filter test run to tests without any of a list of annotations: adb shell am * instrument -w -e notAnnotation com.android.foo.MyAnnotation,com.android.foo.AnotherAnnotation * com.android.foo/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner *

* Filter test run to a shard of all tests, where numShards is an integer greater than 0 and * shardIndex is an integer between 0 (inclusive) and numShards (exclusive): adb shell am * instrument -w -e numShards 4 -e shardIndex 1 * com.android.foo/android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner *

* To run in 'log only' mode * -e log true * This option will load and iterate through all test classes and methods, but will bypass actual * test execution. Useful for quickly obtaining info on the tests to be executed by an * instrumentation command. *

* To generate EMMA code coverage: * -e coverage true * Note: this requires an emma instrumented build. By default, the code coverage results file * will be saved in a /data//coverage.ec file, unless overridden by coverageFile flag (see * below) *

* To specify EMMA code coverage results file path: * -e coverageFile /sdcard/myFile.ec *

* To specify one or more {@link RunListener}s to observe the test run: * -e listener com.foo.Listener,com.foo.Listener2 *

* OR, specify the multiple listeners in the AndroidManifest via a meta-data tag: * instrumentation android:name="android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner" ... * meta-data android:name="listener" * android:value="com.foo.Listener,com.foo.Listener2" */ public class AndroidJUnitRunner extends MonitoringInstrumentation { // constants for supported instrumentation arguments public static final String ARGUMENT_TEST_CLASS = "class"; private static final String ARGUMENT_TEST_SIZE = "size"; private static final String ARGUMENT_LOG_ONLY = "log"; private static final String ARGUMENT_ANNOTATION = "annotation"; private static final String ARGUMENT_NOT_ANNOTATION = "notAnnotation"; private static final String ARGUMENT_NUM_SHARDS = "numShards"; private static final String ARGUMENT_SHARD_INDEX = "shardIndex"; private static final String ARGUMENT_DELAY_MSEC = "delay_msec"; private static final String ARGUMENT_COVERAGE = "coverage"; private static final String ARGUMENT_COVERAGE_PATH = "coverageFile"; private static final String ARGUMENT_SUITE_ASSIGNMENT = "suiteAssignment"; private static final String ARGUMENT_DEBUG = "debug"; private static final String ARGUMENT_LISTENER = "listener"; private static final String ARGUMENT_TEST_PACKAGE = "package"; static final String ARGUMENT_TEST_FILE = "testFile"; // TODO: consider supporting 'count' from InstrumentationTestRunner private static final String LOG_TAG = "AndroidJUnitRunner"; // used to separate multiple fully-qualified test case class names private static final char CLASS_SEPARATOR = ','; // used to separate fully-qualified test case class name, and one of its methods private static final char METHOD_SEPARATOR = '#'; private Bundle mArguments; @Override public void onCreate(Bundle arguments) { super.onCreate(arguments); setArguments(arguments); specifyDexMakerCacheProperty(); start(); } /** * Get the Bundle object that contains the arguments passed to the instrumentation * * @return the Bundle object * @hide */ public Bundle getArguments(){ return mArguments; } /** * Set the arguments. * * @VisibleForTesting */ void setArguments(Bundle args) { mArguments = args; } private boolean getBooleanArgument(String tag) { String tagString = getArguments().getString(tag); return tagString != null && Boolean.parseBoolean(tagString); } @Override public void onStart() { super.onStart(); if (getBooleanArgument(ARGUMENT_DEBUG)) { Debug.waitForDebugger(); } setupDexmakerClassloader(); ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PrintStream writer = new PrintStream(byteArrayOutputStream); List listeners = new ArrayList(); try { JUnitCore testRunner = new JUnitCore(); addListeners(listeners, testRunner, writer); TestRequest testRequest = buildRequest(getArguments(), writer); Result result = testRunner.run(testRequest.getRequest()); result.getFailures().addAll(testRequest.getFailures()); } catch (Throwable t) { // catch all exceptions so a more verbose error message can be displayed writer.println(String.format( "Test run aborted due to unexpected exception: %s", t.getMessage())); t.printStackTrace(writer); } finally { Bundle results = new Bundle(); reportRunEnded(listeners, writer, results); writer.close(); results.putString(Instrumentation.REPORT_KEY_STREAMRESULT, String.format("\n%s", byteArrayOutputStream.toString())); finish(Activity.RESULT_OK, results); } } private void addListeners(List listeners, JUnitCore testRunner, PrintStream writer) { if (getBooleanArgument(ARGUMENT_SUITE_ASSIGNMENT)) { listeners.add(new SuiteAssignmentPrinter()); } else { listeners.add(new TextListener(writer)); listeners.add(new LogRunListener()); listeners.add(new InstrumentationResultPrinter()); addDelayListener(listeners); addCoverageListener(listeners); } addListenersFromArg(listeners, writer); addListenersFromManifest(listeners, writer); for (RunListener listener : listeners) { testRunner.addListener(listener); if (listener instanceof InstrumentationRunListener) { ((InstrumentationRunListener)listener).setInstrumentation(this); } } } private void addCoverageListener(List list) { if (getBooleanArgument(ARGUMENT_COVERAGE)) { String coverageFilePath = getArguments().getString(ARGUMENT_COVERAGE_PATH); list.add(new CoverageListener(coverageFilePath)); } } /** * Sets up listener to inject {@link #ARGUMENT_DELAY_MSEC}, if specified. */ private void addDelayListener(List list) { try { Object delay = getArguments().get(ARGUMENT_DELAY_MSEC); // Accept either string or int if (delay != null) { int delayMsec = Integer.parseInt(delay.toString()); list.add(new DelayInjector(delayMsec)); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Invalid delay_msec parameter", e); } } /** * Add extra {@link RunListener}s specified via command line */ private void addListenersFromArg(List listeners, PrintStream writer) { addListenersFromClassString(getArguments().getString(ARGUMENT_LISTENER), listeners, writer); } /** * Load the listeners specified via meta-data name="listener" in the AndroidManifest. */ private void addListenersFromManifest(List listeners, PrintStream writer) { PackageManager pm = getContext().getPackageManager(); try { InstrumentationInfo instrInfo = pm.getInstrumentationInfo(getComponentName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA); Bundle b = instrInfo.metaData; if (b == null) { return; } String extraListenerList = b.getString(ARGUMENT_LISTENER); addListenersFromClassString(extraListenerList, listeners, writer); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { // should never happen Log.wtf(LOG_TAG, String.format("Could not find component %s", getComponentName())); } } /** * Add extra {@link RunListener}s to the testRunner as given in the csv class name list * * @param extraListenerList the CSV class name of {@link RunListener}s to add * @param writer the {@link PrintStream} to dump errors to * @param listeners the {@link List} to add listeners to */ private void addListenersFromClassString(String extraListenerList, List listeners, PrintStream writer) { if (extraListenerList == null) { return; } for (String listenerName : extraListenerList.split(",")) { addListenerByClassName(listeners, writer, listenerName); } } private void addListenerByClassName(List listeners, PrintStream writer, String extraListener) { if (extraListener == null || extraListener.length() == 0) { return; } final Class klass; try { klass = Class.forName(extraListener); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { writer.println("Could not find extra RunListener class " + extraListener); return; } if (!RunListener.class.isAssignableFrom(klass)) { writer.println("Extra listeners must extend RunListener class " + extraListener); return; } try { klass.getConstructor().setAccessible(true); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { writer.println("Must have no argument constructor for class " + extraListener); return; } final RunListener l; try { l = (RunListener) klass.newInstance(); } catch (Throwable t) { writer.println("Could not instantiate extra RunListener class " + extraListener); t.printStackTrace(writer); return; } listeners.add(l); } private void reportRunEnded(List listeners, PrintStream writer, Bundle results) { for (RunListener listener : listeners) { if (listener instanceof InstrumentationRunListener) { ((InstrumentationRunListener)listener).instrumentationRunFinished(writer, results); } } } /** * Builds a {@link TestRequest} based on given input arguments. *

* Exposed for unit testing. */ TestRequest buildRequest(Bundle arguments, PrintStream writer) { // only load tests for current aka testContext // Note that this represents a change from InstrumentationTestRunner where // getTargetContext().getPackageCodePath() was also scanned TestRequestBuilder builder = createTestRequestBuilder(writer, getContext().getPackageCodePath()); String testClassName = arguments.getString(ARGUMENT_TEST_CLASS); if (testClassName != null) { for (String className : testClassName.split(String.valueOf(CLASS_SEPARATOR))) { parseTestClass(className, builder); } } String testFilePath = arguments.getString(ARGUMENT_TEST_FILE); if (testFilePath != null) { parseTestClassesFromFile(testFilePath, builder); } String testPackage = arguments.getString(ARGUMENT_TEST_PACKAGE); if (testPackage != null) { builder.addTestPackageFilter(testPackage); } String testSize = arguments.getString(ARGUMENT_TEST_SIZE); if (testSize != null) { builder.addTestSizeFilter(testSize); } String annotation = arguments.getString(ARGUMENT_ANNOTATION); if (annotation != null) { builder.addAnnotationInclusionFilter(annotation); } String notAnnotations = arguments.getString(ARGUMENT_NOT_ANNOTATION); if (notAnnotations != null) { for (String notAnnotation : notAnnotations.split(",")) { builder.addAnnotationExclusionFilter(notAnnotation); } } // Accept either string or int. Object numShardsObj = arguments.get(ARGUMENT_NUM_SHARDS); Object shardIndexObj = arguments.get(ARGUMENT_SHARD_INDEX); if (numShardsObj != null && shardIndexObj != null) { int numShards = -1; int shardIndex = -1; try { numShards = Integer.parseInt(numShardsObj.toString()); shardIndex = Integer.parseInt(shardIndexObj.toString()); } catch(NumberFormatException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Invalid sharding parameter", e); } if (numShards > 0 && shardIndex >= 0 && shardIndex < numShards) { builder.addShardingFilter(numShards, shardIndex); } } if (getBooleanArgument(ARGUMENT_LOG_ONLY)) { builder.setSkipExecution(true); } return builder.build(this, arguments); } /** * Factory method for {@link TestRequestBuilder}. *

* Exposed for unit testing. */ TestRequestBuilder createTestRequestBuilder(PrintStream writer, String... packageCodePaths) { return new TestRequestBuilder(writer, packageCodePaths); } /** * Parse and load the given test class and, optionally, method * * @param testClassName - full package name of test class and optionally method to add. * Expected format: com.android.TestClass#testMethod * @param testRequestBuilder - builder to add tests to */ private void parseTestClass(String testClassName, TestRequestBuilder testRequestBuilder) { int methodSeparatorIndex = testClassName.indexOf(METHOD_SEPARATOR); if (methodSeparatorIndex > 0) { String testMethodName = testClassName.substring(methodSeparatorIndex + 1); testClassName = testClassName.substring(0, methodSeparatorIndex); testRequestBuilder.addTestMethod(testClassName, testMethodName); } else { testRequestBuilder.addTestClass(testClassName); } } /** * Parse and load the content of a test file * * @param filePath path to test file contaitnig full package names of test classes and * optionally methods to add. * @param testRequestBuilder - builder to add tests to */ private void parseTestClassesFromFile(String filePath, TestRequestBuilder testRequestBuilder) { List classes = new ArrayList(); BufferedReader br = null; String line; try { br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new File(filePath))); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { classes.add(line); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, String.format("File not found: %s", filePath), e); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(LOG_TAG, String.format("Something went wrong reading %s, ignoring file", filePath), e); } finally { if (br != null) { try { br.close(); } catch (IOException e) { /* ignore */ } } } for (String className : classes) { parseTestClass(className, testRequestBuilder); } } private void setupDexmakerClassloader() { ClassLoader originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); // must set the context classloader for apps that use a shared uid, see // frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/LoadedApk.java ClassLoader newClassLoader = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); Log.i(LOG_TAG, String.format("Setting context classloader to '%s', Original: '%s'", newClassLoader.toString(), originalClassLoader.toString())); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(newClassLoader); } // ActivityUnitTestCase defaults to building the ComponentName via // Activity.getClass().getPackage().getName(). This will cause a problem if the Java Package of // the Activity is not the Android Package of the application, specifically // Activity.getPackageName() will return an incorrect value. // @see b/14561718 @Override public Activity newActivity(Class clazz, Context context, IBinder token, Application application, Intent intent, ActivityInfo info, CharSequence title, Activity parent, String id, Object lastNonConfigurationInstance) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { String activityClassPackageName = clazz.getPackage().getName(); String contextPackageName = context.getPackageName(); ComponentName intentComponentName = intent.getComponent(); if (!contextPackageName.equals(intentComponentName.getPackageName())) { if (activityClassPackageName.equals(intentComponentName.getPackageName())) { intent.setComponent( new ComponentName(contextPackageName, intentComponentName.getClassName())); } } return super.newActivity(clazz, context, token, application, intent, info, title, parent, id, lastNonConfigurationInstance); } }