/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.print; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.os.Binder; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.ParcelFileDescriptor; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.print.IPrintSpooler; import android.print.IPrintSpoolerCallbacks; import android.print.IPrintSpoolerClient; import android.print.PrintJobId; import android.print.PrintJobInfo; import android.util.Slog; import android.util.TimedRemoteCaller; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import libcore.io.IoUtils; /** * This represents the remote print spooler as a local object to the * PrintManagerService. It is responsible to connecting to the remote * spooler if needed, to make the timed remote calls, to handle * remote exceptions, and to bind/unbind to the remote instance as * needed. */ final class RemotePrintSpooler { private static final String LOG_TAG = "RemotePrintSpooler"; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final long BIND_SPOOLER_SERVICE_TIMEOUT = 10000; private final Object mLock = new Object(); private final GetPrintJobInfosCaller mGetPrintJobInfosCaller = new GetPrintJobInfosCaller(); private final GetPrintJobInfoCaller mGetPrintJobInfoCaller = new GetPrintJobInfoCaller(); private final SetPrintJobStateCaller mSetPrintJobStatusCaller = new SetPrintJobStateCaller(); private final SetPrintJobTagCaller mSetPrintJobTagCaller = new SetPrintJobTagCaller(); private final ServiceConnection mServiceConnection = new MyServiceConnection(); private final Context mContext; private final UserHandle mUserHandle; private final PrintSpoolerClient mClient; private final Intent mIntent; private final PrintSpoolerCallbacks mCallbacks; private IPrintSpooler mRemoteInstance; private boolean mDestroyed; private boolean mCanUnbind; public static interface PrintSpoolerCallbacks { public void onPrintJobQueued(PrintJobInfo printJob); public void onAllPrintJobsForServiceHandled(ComponentName printService); public void onPrintJobStateChanged(PrintJobInfo printJob); } public RemotePrintSpooler(Context context, int userId, PrintSpoolerCallbacks callbacks) { mContext = context; mUserHandle = new UserHandle(userId); mCallbacks = callbacks; mClient = new PrintSpoolerClient(this); mIntent = new Intent(); mIntent.setComponent(new ComponentName("com.android.printspooler", "com.android.printspooler.model.PrintSpoolerService")); } public final List getPrintJobInfos(ComponentName componentName, int state, int appId) { throwIfCalledOnMainThread(); synchronized (mLock) { throwIfDestroyedLocked(); mCanUnbind = false; } try { return mGetPrintJobInfosCaller.getPrintJobInfos(getRemoteInstanceLazy(), componentName, state, appId); } catch (RemoteException re) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error getting print jobs.", re); } catch (TimeoutException te) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error getting print jobs.", te); } finally { if (DEBUG) { Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "[user: " + mUserHandle.getIdentifier() + "] getPrintJobInfos()"); } synchronized (mLock) { mCanUnbind = true; mLock.notifyAll(); } } return null; } public final void createPrintJob(PrintJobInfo printJob) { throwIfCalledOnMainThread(); synchronized (mLock) { throwIfDestroyedLocked(); mCanUnbind = false; } try { getRemoteInstanceLazy().createPrintJob(printJob); } catch (RemoteException re) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error creating print job.", re); } catch (TimeoutException te) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error creating print job.", te); } finally { if (DEBUG) { Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "[user: " + mUserHandle.getIdentifier() + "] createPrintJob()"); } synchronized (mLock) { mCanUnbind = true; mLock.notifyAll(); } } } public final void writePrintJobData(ParcelFileDescriptor fd, PrintJobId printJobId) { throwIfCalledOnMainThread(); synchronized (mLock) { throwIfDestroyedLocked(); mCanUnbind = false; } try { getRemoteInstanceLazy().writePrintJobData(fd, printJobId); } catch (RemoteException re) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error writing print job data.", re); } catch (TimeoutException te) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error writing print job data.", te); } finally { if (DEBUG) { Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "[user: " + mUserHandle.getIdentifier() + "] writePrintJobData()"); } // We passed the file descriptor across and now the other // side is responsible to close it, so close the local copy. IoUtils.closeQuietly(fd); synchronized (mLock) { mCanUnbind = true; mLock.notifyAll(); } } } public final PrintJobInfo getPrintJobInfo(PrintJobId printJobId, int appId) { throwIfCalledOnMainThread(); synchronized (mLock) { throwIfDestroyedLocked(); mCanUnbind = false; } try { return mGetPrintJobInfoCaller.getPrintJobInfo(getRemoteInstanceLazy(), printJobId, appId); } catch (RemoteException re) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error getting print job info.", re); } catch (TimeoutException te) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error getting print job info.", te); } finally { if (DEBUG) { Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "[user: " + mUserHandle.getIdentifier() + "] getPrintJobInfo()"); } synchronized (mLock) { mCanUnbind = true; mLock.notifyAll(); } } return null; } public final boolean setPrintJobState(PrintJobId printJobId, int state, String error) { throwIfCalledOnMainThread(); synchronized (mLock) { throwIfDestroyedLocked(); mCanUnbind = false; } try { return mSetPrintJobStatusCaller.setPrintJobState(getRemoteInstanceLazy(), printJobId, state, error); } catch (RemoteException re) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error setting print job state.", re); } catch (TimeoutException te) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error setting print job state.", te); } finally { if (DEBUG) { Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "[user: " + mUserHandle.getIdentifier() + "] setPrintJobState()"); } synchronized (mLock) { mCanUnbind = true; mLock.notifyAll(); } } return false; } public final boolean setPrintJobTag(PrintJobId printJobId, String tag) { throwIfCalledOnMainThread(); synchronized (mLock) { throwIfDestroyedLocked(); mCanUnbind = false; } try { return mSetPrintJobTagCaller.setPrintJobTag(getRemoteInstanceLazy(), printJobId, tag); } catch (RemoteException re) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error setting print job tag.", re); } catch (TimeoutException te) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error setting print job tag.", te); } finally { if (DEBUG) { Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "[user: " + mUserHandle.getIdentifier() + "] setPrintJobTag()"); } synchronized (mLock) { mCanUnbind = true; mLock.notifyAll(); } } return false; } public final void setPrintJobCancelling(PrintJobId printJobId, boolean cancelling) { throwIfCalledOnMainThread(); synchronized (mLock) { throwIfDestroyedLocked(); mCanUnbind = false; } try { getRemoteInstanceLazy().setPrintJobCancelling(printJobId, cancelling); } catch (RemoteException re) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error setting print job cancelling.", re); } catch (TimeoutException te) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error setting print job cancelling.", te); } finally { if (DEBUG) { Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "[user: " + mUserHandle.getIdentifier() + "] setPrintJobCancelling()"); } synchronized (mLock) { mCanUnbind = true; mLock.notifyAll(); } } } public final void removeObsoletePrintJobs() { throwIfCalledOnMainThread(); synchronized (mLock) { throwIfDestroyedLocked(); mCanUnbind = false; } try { getRemoteInstanceLazy().removeObsoletePrintJobs(); } catch (RemoteException re) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error removing obsolete print jobs .", re); } catch (TimeoutException te) { Slog.e(LOG_TAG, "Error removing obsolete print jobs .", te); } finally { if (DEBUG) { Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "[user: " + mUserHandle.getIdentifier() + "] removeObsoletePrintJobs()"); } synchronized (mLock) { mCanUnbind = true; mLock.notifyAll(); } } } public final void destroy() { throwIfCalledOnMainThread(); if (DEBUG) { Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "[user: " + mUserHandle.getIdentifier() + "] destroy()"); } synchronized (mLock) { throwIfDestroyedLocked(); unbindLocked(); mDestroyed = true; mCanUnbind = false; } } public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String prefix) { synchronized (mLock) { pw.append(prefix).append("destroyed=") .append(String.valueOf(mDestroyed)).println(); pw.append(prefix).append("bound=") .append((mRemoteInstance != null) ? "true" : "false").println(); pw.flush(); try { getRemoteInstanceLazy().asBinder().dump(fd, new String[]{prefix}); } catch (TimeoutException te) { /* ignore */ } catch (RemoteException re) { /* ignore */ } } } private void onAllPrintJobsHandled() { synchronized (mLock) { throwIfDestroyedLocked(); unbindLocked(); } } private void onPrintJobStateChanged(PrintJobInfo printJob) { mCallbacks.onPrintJobStateChanged(printJob); } private IPrintSpooler getRemoteInstanceLazy() throws TimeoutException { synchronized (mLock) { if (mRemoteInstance != null) { return mRemoteInstance; } bindLocked(); return mRemoteInstance; } } private void bindLocked() throws TimeoutException { if (mRemoteInstance != null) { return; } if (DEBUG) { Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "[user: " + mUserHandle.getIdentifier() + "] bindLocked()"); } mContext.bindServiceAsUser(mIntent, mServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE, mUserHandle); final long startMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis(); while (true) { if (mRemoteInstance != null) { break; } final long elapsedMillis = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() - startMillis; final long remainingMillis = BIND_SPOOLER_SERVICE_TIMEOUT - elapsedMillis; if (remainingMillis <= 0) { throw new TimeoutException("Cannot get spooler!"); } try { mLock.wait(remainingMillis); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { /* ignore */ } } mCanUnbind = true; mLock.notifyAll(); } private void unbindLocked() { if (mRemoteInstance == null) { return; } while (true) { if (mCanUnbind) { if (DEBUG) { Slog.i(LOG_TAG, "[user: " + mUserHandle.getIdentifier() + "] unbindLocked()"); } clearClientLocked(); mRemoteInstance = null; mContext.unbindService(mServiceConnection); return; } try { mLock.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { /* ignore */ } } } private void setClientLocked() { try { mRemoteInstance.setClient(mClient); } catch (RemoteException re) { Slog.d(LOG_TAG, "Error setting print spooler client", re); } } private void clearClientLocked() { try { mRemoteInstance.setClient(null); } catch (RemoteException re) { Slog.d(LOG_TAG, "Error clearing print spooler client", re); } } private void throwIfDestroyedLocked() { if (mDestroyed) { throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot interact with a destroyed instance."); } } private void throwIfCalledOnMainThread() { if (Thread.currentThread() == mContext.getMainLooper().getThread()) { throw new RuntimeException("Cannot invoke on the main thread"); } } private final class MyServiceConnection implements ServiceConnection { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { synchronized (mLock) { mRemoteInstance = IPrintSpooler.Stub.asInterface(service); setClientLocked(); mLock.notifyAll(); } } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { synchronized (mLock) { clearClientLocked(); mRemoteInstance = null; } } } private static final class GetPrintJobInfosCaller extends TimedRemoteCaller> { private final IPrintSpoolerCallbacks mCallback; public GetPrintJobInfosCaller() { super(TimedRemoteCaller.DEFAULT_CALL_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); mCallback = new BasePrintSpoolerServiceCallbacks() { @Override public void onGetPrintJobInfosResult(List printJobs, int sequence) { onRemoteMethodResult(printJobs, sequence); } }; } public List getPrintJobInfos(IPrintSpooler target, ComponentName componentName, int state, int appId) throws RemoteException, TimeoutException { final int sequence = onBeforeRemoteCall(); target.getPrintJobInfos(mCallback, componentName, state, appId, sequence); return getResultTimed(sequence); } } private static final class GetPrintJobInfoCaller extends TimedRemoteCaller { private final IPrintSpoolerCallbacks mCallback; public GetPrintJobInfoCaller() { super(TimedRemoteCaller.DEFAULT_CALL_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); mCallback = new BasePrintSpoolerServiceCallbacks() { @Override public void onGetPrintJobInfoResult(PrintJobInfo printJob, int sequence) { onRemoteMethodResult(printJob, sequence); } }; } public PrintJobInfo getPrintJobInfo(IPrintSpooler target, PrintJobId printJobId, int appId) throws RemoteException, TimeoutException { final int sequence = onBeforeRemoteCall(); target.getPrintJobInfo(printJobId, mCallback, appId, sequence); return getResultTimed(sequence); } } private static final class SetPrintJobStateCaller extends TimedRemoteCaller { private final IPrintSpoolerCallbacks mCallback; public SetPrintJobStateCaller() { super(TimedRemoteCaller.DEFAULT_CALL_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); mCallback = new BasePrintSpoolerServiceCallbacks() { @Override public void onSetPrintJobStateResult(boolean success, int sequence) { onRemoteMethodResult(success, sequence); } }; } public boolean setPrintJobState(IPrintSpooler target, PrintJobId printJobId, int status, String error) throws RemoteException, TimeoutException { final int sequence = onBeforeRemoteCall(); target.setPrintJobState(printJobId, status, error, mCallback, sequence); return getResultTimed(sequence); } } private static final class SetPrintJobTagCaller extends TimedRemoteCaller { private final IPrintSpoolerCallbacks mCallback; public SetPrintJobTagCaller() { super(TimedRemoteCaller.DEFAULT_CALL_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); mCallback = new BasePrintSpoolerServiceCallbacks() { @Override public void onSetPrintJobTagResult(boolean success, int sequence) { onRemoteMethodResult(success, sequence); } }; } public boolean setPrintJobTag(IPrintSpooler target, PrintJobId printJobId, String tag) throws RemoteException, TimeoutException { final int sequence = onBeforeRemoteCall(); target.setPrintJobTag(printJobId, tag, mCallback, sequence); return getResultTimed(sequence); } } private static abstract class BasePrintSpoolerServiceCallbacks extends IPrintSpoolerCallbacks.Stub { @Override public void onGetPrintJobInfosResult(List printJobIds, int sequence) { /* do nothing */ } @Override public void onGetPrintJobInfoResult(PrintJobInfo printJob, int sequence) { /* do nothing */ } @Override public void onCancelPrintJobResult(boolean canceled, int sequence) { /* do nothing */ } @Override public void onSetPrintJobStateResult(boolean success, int sequece) { /* do nothing */ } @Override public void onSetPrintJobTagResult(boolean success, int sequence) { /* do nothing */ } } private static final class PrintSpoolerClient extends IPrintSpoolerClient.Stub { private final WeakReference mWeakSpooler; public PrintSpoolerClient(RemotePrintSpooler spooler) { mWeakSpooler = new WeakReference(spooler); } @Override public void onPrintJobQueued(PrintJobInfo printJob) { RemotePrintSpooler spooler = mWeakSpooler.get(); if (spooler != null) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { spooler.mCallbacks.onPrintJobQueued(printJob); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } } @Override public void onAllPrintJobsForServiceHandled(ComponentName printService) { RemotePrintSpooler spooler = mWeakSpooler.get(); if (spooler != null) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { spooler.mCallbacks.onAllPrintJobsForServiceHandled(printService); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } } @Override public void onAllPrintJobsHandled() { RemotePrintSpooler spooler = mWeakSpooler.get(); if (spooler != null) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { spooler.onAllPrintJobsHandled(); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } } @Override public void onPrintJobStateChanged(PrintJobInfo printJob) { RemotePrintSpooler spooler = mWeakSpooler.get(); if (spooler != null) { final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity(); try { spooler.onPrintJobStateChanged(printJob); } finally { Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity); } } } } }