/* * Copyright (c) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.ims; import android.content.Context; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.telephony.Rlog; import com.android.ims.ImsConfigListener; import com.android.ims.ImsReasonInfo; import com.android.ims.internal.IImsConfig; /** * Provides APIs to get/set the IMS service feature/capability/parameters. * The config items include: * 1) Items provisioned by the operator. * 2) Items configured by user. Mainly service feature class. * * @hide */ public class ImsConfig { private static final String TAG = "ImsConfig"; private boolean DBG = true; private final IImsConfig miConfig; private Context mContext; private static final String MODIFY_PHONE_STATE = android.Manifest.permission.MODIFY_PHONE_STATE; /** * Defines IMS service/capability feature constants. */ public static class FeatureConstants { public static final int FEATURE_TYPE_UNKNOWN = -1; /** * FEATURE_TYPE_VOLTE supports features defined in 3GPP and * GSMA IR.92 over LTE. */ public static final int FEATURE_TYPE_VOICE_OVER_LTE = 0; /** * FEATURE_TYPE_LVC supports features defined in 3GPP and * GSMA IR.94 over LTE. */ public static final int FEATURE_TYPE_VIDEO_OVER_LTE = 1; /** * FEATURE_TYPE_VOICE_OVER_WIFI supports features defined in 3GPP and * GSMA IR.92 over WiFi. */ public static final int FEATURE_TYPE_VOICE_OVER_WIFI = 2; /** * FEATURE_TYPE_VIDEO_OVER_WIFI supports features defined in 3GPP and * GSMA IR.94 over WiFi. */ public static final int FEATURE_TYPE_VIDEO_OVER_WIFI = 3; } /** * Defines IMS service/capability parameters. */ public static class ConfigConstants { // Define IMS config items public static final int CONFIG_START = 0; // Define operator provisioned config items public static final int PROVISIONED_CONFIG_START = CONFIG_START; /** * AMR CODEC Mode Value set, 0-7 in comma separated sequence. * Value is in String format. */ public static final int VOCODER_AMRMODESET = CONFIG_START; /** * Wide Band AMR CODEC Mode Value set,0-7 in comma separated sequence. * Value is in String format. */ public static final int VOCODER_AMRWBMODESET = 1; /** * SIP Session Timer value (seconds). * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int SIP_SESSION_TIMER = 2; /** * Minimum SIP Session Expiration Timer in (seconds). * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int MIN_SE = 3; /** * SIP_INVITE cancellation time out value (in milliseconds). Integer format. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int CANCELLATION_TIMER = 4; /** * Delay time when an iRAT transition from eHRPD/HRPD/1xRTT to LTE. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int TDELAY = 5; /** * Silent redial status of Enabled (True), or Disabled (False). * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int SILENT_REDIAL_ENABLE = 6; /** * SIP T1 timer value in milliseconds. See RFC 3261 for define. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int SIP_T1_TIMER = 7; /** * SIP T2 timer value in milliseconds. See RFC 3261 for define. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int SIP_T2_TIMER = 8; /** * SIP TF timer value in milliseconds. See RFC 3261 for define. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int SIP_TF_TIMER = 9; /** * VoLTE status for VLT/s status of Enabled (1), or Disabled (0). * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int VLT_SETTING_ENABLED = 10; /** * VoLTE status for LVC/s status of Enabled (1), or Disabled (0). * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int LVC_SETTING_ENABLED = 11; /** * Domain Name for the device to populate the request URI for REGISTRATION. * Value is in String format. */ public static final int DOMAIN_NAME = 12; /** * Device Outgoing SMS based on either 3GPP or 3GPP2 standards. * Value is in Integer format. 3GPP2(0), 3GPP(1) */ public static final int SMS_FORMAT = 13; /** * Turns IMS ON/OFF on the device. * Value is in Integer format. ON (1), OFF(0). */ public static final int SMS_OVER_IP = 14; /** * Requested expiration for Published Online availability. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int PUBLISH_TIMER = 15; /** * Requested expiration for Published Offline availability. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int PUBLISH_TIMER_EXTENDED = 16; /** * Period of time the capability information of the contact is cached on handset. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int CAPABILITIES_CACHE_EXPIRATION = 17; /** * Peiod of time the availability information of a contact is cached on device. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int AVAILABILITY_CACHE_EXPIRATION = 18; /** * Interval between successive capabilities polling. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int CAPABILITIES_POLL_INTERVAL = 19; /** * Minimum time between two published messages from the device. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int SOURCE_THROTTLE_PUBLISH = 20; /** * The Maximum number of MDNs contained in one Request Contained List. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int MAX_NUMENTRIES_IN_RCL = 21; /** * Expiration timer for subscription of a Request Contained List, used in capability polling. * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int CAPAB_POLL_LIST_SUB_EXP = 22; /** * Applies compression to LIST Subscription. * Value is in Integer format. Enable (1), Disable(0). */ public static final int GZIP_FLAG = 23; /** * VOLTE Status for EAB/s status of Enabled (1), or Disabled (0). * Value is in Integer format. */ public static final int EAB_SETTING_ENABLED = 24; // Expand the operator config items as needed here, need to change // PROVISIONED_CONFIG_END after that. public static final int PROVISIONED_CONFIG_END = EAB_SETTING_ENABLED; // Expand the operator config items as needed here. } /** * Defines IMS set operation status. */ public static class OperationStatusConstants { public static final int UNKNOWN = -1; public static final int SUCCESS = 0; public static final int FAILED = 1; public static final int UNSUPPORTED_CAUSE_NONE = 2; public static final int UNSUPPORTED_CAUSE_RAT = 3; public static final int UNSUPPORTED_CAUSE_DISABLED = 4; } /** * Defines IMS feature value. */ public static class FeatureValueConstants { public static final int OFF = 0; public static final int ON = 1; } public ImsConfig(IImsConfig iconfig, Context context) { if (DBG) Rlog.d(TAG, "ImsConfig creates"); miConfig = iconfig; mContext = context; } /** * Gets the provisioned value for IMS service/capabilities parameters used by IMS stack. * This function should not be called from the mainthread as it could block the * mainthread. * * @param item, as defined in com.android.ims.ImsConfig#ConfigConstants. * @return the value in Integer format. * * @throws ImsException if calling the IMS service results in an error. */ public int getProvisionedValue(int item) throws ImsException { int ret = 0; try { ret = miConfig.getProvisionedValue(item); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new ImsException("getValue()", e, ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); } if (DBG) Rlog.d(TAG, "getProvisionedValue(): item = " + item + ", ret =" + ret); return ret; } /** * Gets the provisioned value for IMS service/capabilities parameters used by IMS stack. * This function should not be called from the mainthread as it could block the * mainthread. * * @param item, as defined in com.android.ims.ImsConfig#ConfigConstants. * @return value in String format. * * @throws ImsException if calling the IMS service results in an error. */ public String getProvisionedStringValue(int item) throws ImsException { String ret = "Unknown"; try { ret = miConfig.getProvisionedStringValue(item); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new ImsException("getProvisionedStringValue()", e, ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); } if (DBG) Rlog.d(TAG, "getProvisionedStringValue(): item = " + item + ", ret =" + ret); return ret; } /** * Sets the value for IMS service/capabilities parameters by * the operator device management entity. * This function should not be called from main thread as it could block * mainthread. * * @param item, as defined in com.android.ims.ImsConfig#ConfigConstants. * @param value in Integer format. * @return as defined in com.android.ims.ImsConfig#OperationStatusConstants * * @throws ImsException if calling the IMS service results in an error. */ public int setProvisionedValue(int item, int value) throws ImsException { mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(MODIFY_PHONE_STATE, null); int ret = ImsConfig.OperationStatusConstants.UNKNOWN; if (DBG) { Rlog.d(TAG, "setProvisionedValue(): item = " + item + "value = " + value); } try { ret = miConfig.setProvisionedValue(item, value); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new ImsException("setProvisionedValue()", e, ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); } if (DBG) { Rlog.d(TAG, "setProvisionedValue(): item = " + item + " value = " + value + " ret = " + ret); } return ret; } /** * Sets the value for IMS service/capabilities parameters by * the operator device management entity. * This function should not be called from main thread as it could block * mainthread. * * @param item, as defined in com.android.ims.ImsConfig#ConfigConstants. * @param value in String format. * @return as defined in com.android.ims.ImsConfig#OperationStatusConstants * * @throws ImsException if calling the IMS service results in an error. */ public int setProvisionedStringValue(int item, String value) throws ImsException { mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(MODIFY_PHONE_STATE, null); int ret = ImsConfig.OperationStatusConstants.UNKNOWN; try { ret = miConfig.setProvisionedStringValue(item, value); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new ImsException("setProvisionedStringValue()", e, ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); } if (DBG) { Rlog.d(TAG, "setProvisionedStringValue(): item = " + item + ", value =" + value); } return ret; } /** * Gets the value for IMS feature item for specified network type. * * @param feature, defined as in FeatureConstants. * @param network, defined as in android.telephony.TelephonyManager#NETWORK_TYPE_XXX. * @param listener, provided to be notified for the feature on/off status. * @return void * * @throws ImsException if calling the IMS service results in an error. */ public void getFeatureValue(int feature, int network, ImsConfigListener listener) throws ImsException { if (DBG) { Rlog.d(TAG, "getFeatureValue: feature = " + feature + ", network =" + network + ", listener =" + listener); } try { miConfig.getFeatureValue(feature, network, listener); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new ImsException("getFeatureValue()", e, ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); } } /** * Sets the value for IMS feature item for specified network type. * * @param feature, as defined in FeatureConstants. * @param network, as defined in android.telephony.TelephonyManager#NETWORK_TYPE_XXX. * @param value, as defined in FeatureValueConstants. * @param listener, provided if caller needs to be notified for set result. * @return void * * @throws ImsException if calling the IMS service results in an error. */ public void setFeatureValue(int feature, int network, int value, ImsConfigListener listener) throws ImsException { mContext.enforceCallingOrSelfPermission(MODIFY_PHONE_STATE, null); if (DBG) { Rlog.d(TAG, "setFeatureValue: feature = " + feature + ", network =" + network + ", value =" + value + ", listener =" + listener); } try { miConfig.setFeatureValue(feature, network, value, listener); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new ImsException("setFeatureValue()", e, ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); } } /** * Gets the value for IMS Volte provisioned. * It should be the same as operator provisioned value if applies. * * @return boolean * * @throws ImsException if calling the IMS service results in an error. */ public boolean getVolteProvisioned() throws ImsException { try { return miConfig.getVolteProvisioned(); } catch (RemoteException e) { throw new ImsException("getVolteProvisioned()", e, ImsReasonInfo.CODE_LOCAL_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); } } }