/* * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.keyguard; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.view.View; public class KeyguardViewStateManager implements SlidingChallengeLayout.OnChallengeScrolledListener, ChallengeLayout.OnBouncerStateChangedListener { private static final String TAG = "KeyguardViewStateManager"; private KeyguardWidgetPager mKeyguardWidgetPager; private ChallengeLayout mChallengeLayout; private KeyguardHostView mKeyguardHostView; private int[] mTmpPoint = new int[2]; private int[] mTmpLoc = new int[2]; private KeyguardSecurityView mKeyguardSecurityContainer; private static final int SCREEN_ON_HINT_DURATION = 1000; private static final int SCREEN_ON_RING_HINT_DELAY = 300; private static final boolean SHOW_INITIAL_PAGE_HINTS = false; Handler mMainQueue = new Handler(Looper.myLooper()); int mLastScrollState = SlidingChallengeLayout.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE; // Paged view state private int mPageListeningToSlider = -1; private int mCurrentPage = -1; private int mPageIndexOnPageBeginMoving = -1; int mChallengeTop = 0; private final AnimatorListener mPauseListener = new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mKeyguardSecurityContainer.onPause(); } }; private final AnimatorListener mResumeListener = new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { if (((View)mKeyguardSecurityContainer).isShown()) { mKeyguardSecurityContainer.onResume(0); } } }; public KeyguardViewStateManager(KeyguardHostView hostView) { mKeyguardHostView = hostView; } public void setPagedView(KeyguardWidgetPager pagedView) { mKeyguardWidgetPager = pagedView; updateEdgeSwiping(); } public void setChallengeLayout(ChallengeLayout layout) { mChallengeLayout = layout; updateEdgeSwiping(); } private void updateEdgeSwiping() { if (mChallengeLayout != null && mKeyguardWidgetPager != null) { if (mChallengeLayout.isChallengeOverlapping()) { mKeyguardWidgetPager.setOnlyAllowEdgeSwipes(true); } else { mKeyguardWidgetPager.setOnlyAllowEdgeSwipes(false); } } } public boolean isChallengeShowing() { if (mChallengeLayout != null) { return mChallengeLayout.isChallengeShowing(); } return false; } public boolean isChallengeOverlapping() { if (mChallengeLayout != null) { return mChallengeLayout.isChallengeOverlapping(); } return false; } public void setSecurityViewContainer(KeyguardSecurityView container) { mKeyguardSecurityContainer = container; } public void showBouncer(boolean show) { mChallengeLayout.showBouncer(); } public boolean isBouncing() { return mChallengeLayout.isBouncing(); } public void fadeOutSecurity(int duration) { ((View) mKeyguardSecurityContainer).animate().alpha(0f).setDuration(duration) .setListener(mPauseListener); } public void fadeInSecurity(int duration) { ((View) mKeyguardSecurityContainer).animate().alpha(1f).setDuration(duration) .setListener(mResumeListener); } public void onPageBeginMoving() { if (mChallengeLayout.isChallengeOverlapping() && mChallengeLayout instanceof SlidingChallengeLayout) { SlidingChallengeLayout scl = (SlidingChallengeLayout) mChallengeLayout; scl.fadeOutChallenge(); mPageIndexOnPageBeginMoving = mKeyguardWidgetPager.getCurrentPage(); } // We use mAppWidgetToShow to show a particular widget after you add it-- // once the user swipes a page we clear that behavior if (mKeyguardHostView != null) { mKeyguardHostView.clearAppWidgetToShow(); mKeyguardHostView.setOnDismissAction(null); } if (mHideHintsRunnable != null) { mMainQueue.removeCallbacks(mHideHintsRunnable); mHideHintsRunnable = null; } } public void onPageEndMoving() { mPageIndexOnPageBeginMoving = -1; } public void onPageSwitching(View newPage, int newPageIndex) { if (mKeyguardWidgetPager != null && mChallengeLayout instanceof SlidingChallengeLayout) { boolean isCameraPage = newPage instanceof CameraWidgetFrame; if (isCameraPage) { CameraWidgetFrame camera = (CameraWidgetFrame) newPage; camera.setUseFastTransition(mKeyguardWidgetPager.isWarping()); } SlidingChallengeLayout scl = (SlidingChallengeLayout) mChallengeLayout; scl.setChallengeInteractive(!isCameraPage); final int currentFlags = mKeyguardWidgetPager.getSystemUiVisibility(); final int newFlags = isCameraPage ? (currentFlags | View.STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_SEARCH) : (currentFlags & ~View.STATUS_BAR_DISABLE_SEARCH); mKeyguardWidgetPager.setSystemUiVisibility(newFlags); } // If the page we're settling to is the same as we started on, and the action of // moving the page hid the security, we restore it immediately. if (mPageIndexOnPageBeginMoving == mKeyguardWidgetPager.getNextPage() && mChallengeLayout instanceof SlidingChallengeLayout) { SlidingChallengeLayout scl = (SlidingChallengeLayout) mChallengeLayout; scl.fadeInChallenge(); mKeyguardWidgetPager.setWidgetToResetOnPageFadeOut(-1); } mPageIndexOnPageBeginMoving = -1; } public void onPageSwitched(View newPage, int newPageIndex) { // Reset the previous page size and ensure the current page is sized appropriately. // We only modify the page state if it is not currently under control by the slider. // This prevents conflicts. // If the page hasn't switched, don't bother with any of this if (mCurrentPage == newPageIndex) return; if (mKeyguardWidgetPager != null && mChallengeLayout != null) { KeyguardWidgetFrame prevPage = mKeyguardWidgetPager.getWidgetPageAt(mCurrentPage); if (prevPage != null && mCurrentPage != mPageListeningToSlider && mCurrentPage != mKeyguardWidgetPager.getWidgetToResetOnPageFadeOut()) { prevPage.resetSize(); } KeyguardWidgetFrame newCurPage = mKeyguardWidgetPager.getWidgetPageAt(newPageIndex); boolean challengeOverlapping = mChallengeLayout.isChallengeOverlapping(); if (challengeOverlapping && !newCurPage.isSmall() && mPageListeningToSlider != newPageIndex) { newCurPage.shrinkWidget(true); } } mCurrentPage = newPageIndex; } public void onPageBeginWarp() { fadeOutSecurity(SlidingChallengeLayout.CHALLENGE_FADE_OUT_DURATION); View frame = mKeyguardWidgetPager.getPageAt(mKeyguardWidgetPager.getPageWarpIndex()); ((KeyguardWidgetFrame)frame).showFrame(this); } public void onPageEndWarp() { fadeInSecurity(SlidingChallengeLayout.CHALLENGE_FADE_IN_DURATION); View frame = mKeyguardWidgetPager.getPageAt(mKeyguardWidgetPager.getPageWarpIndex()); ((KeyguardWidgetFrame)frame).hideFrame(this); } private int getChallengeTopRelativeToFrame(KeyguardWidgetFrame frame, int top) { mTmpPoint[0] = 0; mTmpPoint[1] = top; mapPoint((View) mChallengeLayout, frame, mTmpPoint); return mTmpPoint[1]; } /** * Simple method to map a point from one view's coordinates to another's. Note: this method * doesn't account for transforms, so if the views will be transformed, this should not be used. * * @param fromView The view to which the point is relative * @param toView The view into which the point should be mapped * @param pt The point */ private void mapPoint(View fromView, View toView, int pt[]) { fromView.getLocationInWindow(mTmpLoc); int x = mTmpLoc[0]; int y = mTmpLoc[1]; toView.getLocationInWindow(mTmpLoc); int vX = mTmpLoc[0]; int vY = mTmpLoc[1]; pt[0] += x - vX; pt[1] += y - vY; } private void userActivity() { if (mKeyguardHostView != null) { mKeyguardHostView.onUserActivityTimeoutChanged(); mKeyguardHostView.userActivity(); } } @Override public void onScrollStateChanged(int scrollState) { if (mKeyguardWidgetPager == null || mChallengeLayout == null) return; boolean challengeOverlapping = mChallengeLayout.isChallengeOverlapping(); if (scrollState == SlidingChallengeLayout.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) { KeyguardWidgetFrame frame = mKeyguardWidgetPager.getWidgetPageAt(mPageListeningToSlider); if (frame == null) return; if (!challengeOverlapping) { if (!mKeyguardWidgetPager.isPageMoving()) { frame.resetSize(); userActivity(); } else { mKeyguardWidgetPager.setWidgetToResetOnPageFadeOut(mPageListeningToSlider); } } if (frame.isSmall()) { // This is to make sure that if the scroller animation gets cut off midway // that the frame doesn't stay in a partial down position. frame.setFrameHeight(frame.getSmallFrameHeight()); } if (scrollState != SlidingChallengeLayout.SCROLL_STATE_FADING) { frame.hideFrame(this); } updateEdgeSwiping(); if (mChallengeLayout.isChallengeShowing()) { mKeyguardSecurityContainer.onResume(KeyguardSecurityView.VIEW_REVEALED); } else { mKeyguardSecurityContainer.onPause(); } mPageListeningToSlider = -1; } else if (mLastScrollState == SlidingChallengeLayout.SCROLL_STATE_IDLE) { // Whether dragging or settling, if the last state was idle, we use this signal // to update the current page who will receive events from the sliding challenge. // We resize the frame as appropriate. mPageListeningToSlider = mKeyguardWidgetPager.getNextPage(); KeyguardWidgetFrame frame = mKeyguardWidgetPager.getWidgetPageAt(mPageListeningToSlider); if (frame == null) return; // Skip showing the frame and shrinking the widget if we are if (!mChallengeLayout.isBouncing()) { if (scrollState != SlidingChallengeLayout.SCROLL_STATE_FADING) { frame.showFrame(this); } // As soon as the security begins sliding, the widget becomes small (if it wasn't // small to begin with). if (!frame.isSmall()) { // We need to fetch the final page, in case the pages are in motion. mPageListeningToSlider = mKeyguardWidgetPager.getNextPage(); frame.shrinkWidget(false); } } else { if (!frame.isSmall()) { // We need to fetch the final page, in case the pages are in motion. mPageListeningToSlider = mKeyguardWidgetPager.getNextPage(); } } // View is on the move. Pause the security view until it completes. mKeyguardSecurityContainer.onPause(); } mLastScrollState = scrollState; } @Override public void onScrollPositionChanged(float scrollPosition, int challengeTop) { mChallengeTop = challengeTop; KeyguardWidgetFrame frame = mKeyguardWidgetPager.getWidgetPageAt(mPageListeningToSlider); if (frame != null && mLastScrollState != SlidingChallengeLayout.SCROLL_STATE_FADING) { frame.adjustFrame(getChallengeTopRelativeToFrame(frame, mChallengeTop)); } } private Runnable mHideHintsRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (mKeyguardWidgetPager != null) { mKeyguardWidgetPager.hideOutlinesAndSidePages(); } } }; public void showUsabilityHints() { mMainQueue.postDelayed( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { mKeyguardSecurityContainer.showUsabilityHint(); } } , SCREEN_ON_RING_HINT_DELAY); if (SHOW_INITIAL_PAGE_HINTS) { mKeyguardWidgetPager.showInitialPageHints(); } if (mHideHintsRunnable != null) { mMainQueue.postDelayed(mHideHintsRunnable, SCREEN_ON_HINT_DURATION); } } // ChallengeLayout.OnBouncerStateChangedListener @Override public void onBouncerStateChanged(boolean bouncerActive) { if (bouncerActive) { mKeyguardWidgetPager.zoomOutToBouncer(); } else { mKeyguardWidgetPager.zoomInFromBouncer(); if (mKeyguardHostView != null) { mKeyguardHostView.setOnDismissAction(null); } } } }