/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.databinding.tool.util; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRInputStream; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; import android.databinding.parser.BindingExpressionLexer; import android.databinding.parser.BindingExpressionParser; import android.databinding.parser.XMLLexer; import android.databinding.parser.XMLParser; import android.databinding.parser.XMLParser.AttributeContext; import android.databinding.parser.XMLParser.ElementContext; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; /** * Ugly inefficient class to strip unwanted tags from XML. * Band-aid solution to unblock development */ public class XmlEditor { public static String strip(File f, String newTag) throws IOException { ANTLRInputStream inputStream = new ANTLRInputStream(new FileReader(f)); XMLLexer lexer = new XMLLexer(inputStream); CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); XMLParser parser = new XMLParser(tokenStream); XMLParser.DocumentContext expr = parser.document(); XMLParser.ElementContext root = expr.element(); if (root == null || !"layout".equals(nodeName(root))) { return null; // not a binding layout } List childrenOfRoot = elements(root); List dataNodes = filterNodesByName("data", childrenOfRoot); if (dataNodes.size() > 1) { L.e("Multiple binding data tags in %s. Expecting a maximum of one.", f.getAbsolutePath()); } ArrayList lines = new ArrayList<>(); lines.addAll(FileUtils.readLines(f, "utf-8")); for (android.databinding.parser.XMLParser.ElementContext it : dataNodes) { replace(lines, toPosition(it.getStart()), toEndPosition(it.getStop()), ""); } List layoutNodes = excludeNodesByName("data", childrenOfRoot); if (layoutNodes.size() != 1) { L.e("Only one layout element and one data element are allowed. %s has %d", f.getAbsolutePath(), layoutNodes.size()); } final XMLParser.ElementContext layoutNode = layoutNodes.get(0); ArrayList> noTag = new ArrayList<>(); recurseReplace(layoutNode, lines, noTag, newTag, 0); // Remove the Position rootStartTag = toPosition(root.getStart()); Position rootEndTag = toPosition(root.content().getStart()); replace(lines, rootStartTag, rootEndTag, ""); // Remove the ImmutablePair endLayoutPositions = findTerminalPositions(root, lines); replace(lines, endLayoutPositions.left, endLayoutPositions.right, ""); StringBuilder rootAttributes = new StringBuilder(); for (AttributeContext attr : attributes(root)) { rootAttributes.append(' ').append(attr.getText()); } Pair noTagRoot = null; for (Pair pair : noTag) { if (pair.getRight() == layoutNode) { noTagRoot = pair; break; } } if (noTagRoot != null) { ImmutablePair newRootTag = new ImmutablePair<>( noTagRoot.getLeft() + rootAttributes.toString(), layoutNode); int index = noTag.indexOf(noTagRoot); noTag.set(index, newRootTag); } else { ImmutablePair newRootTag = new ImmutablePair<>(rootAttributes.toString(), layoutNode); noTag.add(newRootTag); } //noinspection NullableProblems Collections.sort(noTag, new Comparator>() { @Override public int compare(Pair o1, Pair o2) { Position start1 = toPosition(o1.getRight().getStart()); Position start2 = toPosition(o2.getRight().getStart()); int lineCmp = Integer.compare(start2.line, start1.line); if (lineCmp != 0) { return lineCmp; } return Integer.compare(start2.charIndex, start1.charIndex); } }); for (Pair it : noTag) { XMLParser.ElementContext element = it.getRight(); String tag = it.getLeft(); Position endTagPosition = endTagPosition(element); fixPosition(lines, endTagPosition); String line = lines.get(endTagPosition.line); String newLine = line.substring(0, endTagPosition.charIndex) + " " + tag + line.substring(endTagPosition.charIndex); lines.set(endTagPosition.line, newLine); } return StringUtils.join(lines, System.getProperty("line.separator")); } private static List filterNodesByName(String name, Iterable items) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); for (T item : items) { if (name.equals(nodeName(item))) { result.add(item); } } return result; } private static List excludeNodesByName(String name, Iterable items) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); for (T item : items) { if (!name.equals(nodeName(item))) { result.add(item); } } return result; } private static Position toPosition(Token token) { return new Position(token.getLine() - 1, token.getCharPositionInLine()); } private static Position toEndPosition(Token token) { return new Position(token.getLine() - 1, token.getCharPositionInLine() + token.getText().length()); } public static String nodeName(XMLParser.ElementContext elementContext) { return elementContext.elmName.getText(); } public static List attributes(XMLParser.ElementContext elementContext) { if (elementContext.attribute() == null) { return new ArrayList<>(); } else { return elementContext.attribute(); } } public static List expressionAttributes ( XMLParser.ElementContext elementContext) { List result = new ArrayList<>(); for (AttributeContext input : attributes(elementContext)) { String attrName = input.attrName.getText(); String value = input.attrValue.getText(); if (attrName.equals("android:tag") || (value.startsWith("\"@{") && value.endsWith("}\"")) || (value.startsWith("'@{") && value.endsWith("}'"))) { result.add(input); } } return result; } private static Position endTagPosition(XMLParser.ElementContext context) { if (context.content() == null) { // no content, so just subtract from the "/>" Position endTag = toEndPosition(context.getStop()); if (endTag.charIndex <= 0) { L.e("invalid input in %s", context); } endTag.charIndex -= 2; return endTag; } else { // tag with no attributes, but with content Position position = toPosition(context.content().getStart()); if (position.charIndex <= 0) { L.e("invalid input in %s", context); } position.charIndex--; return position; } } public static List elements( XMLParser.ElementContext context) { if (context.content() != null && context.content().element() != null) { return context.content().element(); } return new ArrayList<>(); } private static boolean replace(ArrayList lines, Position start, Position end, String text) { fixPosition(lines, start); fixPosition(lines, end); if (start.line != end.line) { String startLine = lines.get(start.line); String newStartLine = startLine.substring(0, start.charIndex) + text; lines.set(start.line, newStartLine); for (int i = start.line + 1; i < end.line; i++) { String line = lines.get(i); lines.set(i, replaceWithSpaces(line, 0, line.length() - 1)); } String endLine = lines.get(end.line); String newEndLine = replaceWithSpaces(endLine, 0, end.charIndex - 1); lines.set(end.line, newEndLine); return true; } else if (end.charIndex - start.charIndex >= text.length()) { String line = lines.get(start.line); int endTextIndex = start.charIndex + text.length(); String replacedText = replaceRange(line, start.charIndex, endTextIndex, text); String spacedText = replaceWithSpaces(replacedText, endTextIndex, end.charIndex - 1); lines.set(start.line, spacedText); return true; } else { String line = lines.get(start.line); String newLine = replaceWithSpaces(line, start.charIndex, end.charIndex - 1); lines.set(start.line, newLine); return false; } } private static String replaceRange(String line, int start, int end, String newText) { return line.substring(0, start) + newText + line.substring(end); } public static boolean hasExpressionAttributes(XMLParser.ElementContext context) { List expressions = expressionAttributes(context); int size = expressions.size(); //noinspection ConstantConditions return size > 1 || (size == 1 && !expressions.get(0).attrName.getText().equals("android:tag")); } private static int recurseReplace(XMLParser.ElementContext node, ArrayList lines, ArrayList> noTag, String newTag, int bindingIndex) { int nextBindingIndex = bindingIndex; boolean isMerge = "merge".equals(nodeName(node)); final boolean containsInclude = filterNodesByName("include", elements(node)).size() > 0; if (!isMerge && (hasExpressionAttributes(node) || newTag != null || containsInclude)) { String tag = ""; if (newTag != null) { tag = "android:tag=\"" + newTag + "_" + bindingIndex + "\""; nextBindingIndex++; } else if (!"include".equals(nodeName(node))) { tag = "android:tag=\"binding_" + bindingIndex + "\""; nextBindingIndex++; } for (AttributeContext it : expressionAttributes(node)) { Position start = toPosition(it.getStart()); Position end = toEndPosition(it.getStop()); String defaultVal = defaultReplacement(it); if (defaultVal != null) { replace(lines, start, end, it.attrName.getText() + "=\"" + defaultVal + "\""); } else if (replace(lines, start, end, tag)) { tag = ""; } } if (tag.length() != 0) { noTag.add(new ImmutablePair<>(tag, node)); } } String nextTag; if (bindingIndex == 0 && isMerge) { nextTag = newTag; } else { nextTag = null; } for (XMLParser.ElementContext it : elements(node)) { nextBindingIndex = recurseReplace(it, lines, noTag, nextTag, nextBindingIndex); } return nextBindingIndex; } private static String defaultReplacement(XMLParser.AttributeContext attr) { String textWithQuotes = attr.attrValue.getText(); String escapedText = textWithQuotes.substring(1, textWithQuotes.length() - 1); if (!escapedText.startsWith("@{") || !escapedText.endsWith("}")) { return null; } String text = StringEscapeUtils .unescapeXml(escapedText.substring(2, escapedText.length() - 1)); ANTLRInputStream inputStream = new ANTLRInputStream(text); BindingExpressionLexer lexer = new BindingExpressionLexer(inputStream); CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer); BindingExpressionParser parser = new BindingExpressionParser(tokenStream); BindingExpressionParser.BindingSyntaxContext root = parser.bindingSyntax(); BindingExpressionParser.DefaultsContext defaults = root.defaults(); if (defaults != null) { BindingExpressionParser.ConstantValueContext constantValue = defaults .constantValue(); BindingExpressionParser.LiteralContext literal = constantValue.literal(); if (literal != null) { BindingExpressionParser.StringLiteralContext stringLiteral = literal .stringLiteral(); if (stringLiteral != null) { TerminalNode doubleQuote = stringLiteral.DoubleQuoteString(); if (doubleQuote != null) { String quotedStr = doubleQuote.getText(); String unquoted = quotedStr.substring(1, quotedStr.length() - 1); return StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml10(unquoted); } else { String quotedStr = stringLiteral.SingleQuoteString().getText(); String unquoted = quotedStr.substring(1, quotedStr.length() - 1); String unescaped = unquoted.replace("\"", "\\\"").replace("\\`", "`"); return StringEscapeUtils.escapeXml10(unescaped); } } } return constantValue.getText(); } return null; } private static ImmutablePair findTerminalPositions( XMLParser.ElementContext node, ArrayList lines) { Position endPosition = toEndPosition(node.getStop()); Position startPosition = toPosition(node.getStop()); int index; do { index = lines.get(startPosition.line).lastIndexOf("(startPosition, endPosition); } private static String replaceWithSpaces(String line, int start, int end) { StringBuilder lineBuilder = new StringBuilder(line); for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { lineBuilder.setCharAt(i, ' '); } return lineBuilder.toString(); } private static void fixPosition(ArrayList lines, Position pos) { String line = lines.get(pos.line); while (pos.charIndex > line.length()) { pos.charIndex--; } } private static class Position { int line; int charIndex; public Position(int line, int charIndex) { this.line = line; this.charIndex = charIndex; } } }