/* * Copyright 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.support.v7.graphics; import android.graphics.Bitmap; import android.graphics.Color; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.support.annotation.ColorInt; import android.support.annotation.Nullable; import android.support.v4.graphics.ColorUtils; import android.support.v4.os.AsyncTaskCompat; import android.util.TimingLogger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; /** * A helper class to extract prominent colors from an image. *

* A number of colors with different profiles are extracted from the image: *

* These can be retrieved from the appropriate getter method. * *

* Instances are created with a {@link Builder} which supports several options to tweak the * generated Palette. See that class' documentation for more information. *

* Generation should always be completed on a background thread, ideally the one in * which you load your image on. {@link Builder} supports both synchronous and asynchronous * generation: * *

 * // Synchronous
 * Palette p = Palette.from(bitmap).generate();
 * // Asynchronous
 * Palette.from(bitmap).generate(new PaletteAsyncListener() {
 *     public void onGenerated(Palette p) {
 *         // Use generated instance
 *     }
 * });
*/ public final class Palette { /** * Listener to be used with {@link #generateAsync(Bitmap, PaletteAsyncListener)} or * {@link #generateAsync(Bitmap, int, PaletteAsyncListener)} */ public interface PaletteAsyncListener { /** * Called when the {@link Palette} has been generated. */ void onGenerated(Palette palette); } private static final int DEFAULT_RESIZE_BITMAP_MAX_DIMENSION = 192; private static final int DEFAULT_CALCULATE_NUMBER_COLORS = 16; private static final float MIN_CONTRAST_TITLE_TEXT = 3.0f; private static final float MIN_CONTRAST_BODY_TEXT = 4.5f; private static final String LOG_TAG = "Palette"; private static final boolean LOG_TIMINGS = false; /** * Start generating a {@link Palette} with the returned {@link Builder} instance. */ public static Builder from(Bitmap bitmap) { return new Builder(bitmap); } /** * Generate a {@link Palette} from the pre-generated list of {@link Palette.Swatch} swatches. * This is useful for testing, or if you want to resurrect a {@link Palette} instance from a * list of swatches. Will return null if the {@code swatches} is null. */ public static Palette from(List swatches) { return new Builder(swatches).generate(); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link Builder} to generate the Palette. */ @Deprecated public static Palette generate(Bitmap bitmap) { return from(bitmap).generate(); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link Builder} to generate the Palette. */ @Deprecated public static Palette generate(Bitmap bitmap, int numColors) { return from(bitmap).maximumColorCount(numColors).generate(); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link Builder} to generate the Palette. */ @Deprecated public static AsyncTask generateAsync( Bitmap bitmap, PaletteAsyncListener listener) { return from(bitmap).generate(listener); } /** * @deprecated Use {@link Builder} to generate the Palette. */ @Deprecated public static AsyncTask generateAsync( final Bitmap bitmap, final int numColors, final PaletteAsyncListener listener) { return from(bitmap).maximumColorCount(numColors).generate(listener); } private final List mSwatches; private final Generator mGenerator; private Palette(List swatches, Generator generator) { mSwatches = swatches; mGenerator = generator; } /** * Returns all of the swatches which make up the palette. */ public List getSwatches() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(mSwatches); } /** * Returns the most vibrant swatch in the palette. Might be null. */ @Nullable public Swatch getVibrantSwatch() { return mGenerator.getVibrantSwatch(); } /** * Returns a light and vibrant swatch from the palette. Might be null. */ @Nullable public Swatch getLightVibrantSwatch() { return mGenerator.getLightVibrantSwatch(); } /** * Returns a dark and vibrant swatch from the palette. Might be null. */ @Nullable public Swatch getDarkVibrantSwatch() { return mGenerator.getDarkVibrantSwatch(); } /** * Returns a muted swatch from the palette. Might be null. */ @Nullable public Swatch getMutedSwatch() { return mGenerator.getMutedSwatch(); } /** * Returns a muted and light swatch from the palette. Might be null. */ @Nullable public Swatch getLightMutedSwatch() { return mGenerator.getLightMutedSwatch(); } /** * Returns a muted and dark swatch from the palette. Might be null. */ @Nullable public Swatch getDarkMutedSwatch() { return mGenerator.getDarkMutedSwatch(); } /** * Returns the most vibrant color in the palette as an RGB packed int. * * @param defaultColor value to return if the swatch isn't available */ @ColorInt public int getVibrantColor(@ColorInt int defaultColor) { Swatch swatch = getVibrantSwatch(); return swatch != null ? swatch.getRgb() : defaultColor; } /** * Returns a light and vibrant color from the palette as an RGB packed int. * * @param defaultColor value to return if the swatch isn't available */ @ColorInt public int getLightVibrantColor(@ColorInt int defaultColor) { Swatch swatch = getLightVibrantSwatch(); return swatch != null ? swatch.getRgb() : defaultColor; } /** * Returns a dark and vibrant color from the palette as an RGB packed int. * * @param defaultColor value to return if the swatch isn't available */ @ColorInt public int getDarkVibrantColor(@ColorInt int defaultColor) { Swatch swatch = getDarkVibrantSwatch(); return swatch != null ? swatch.getRgb() : defaultColor; } /** * Returns a muted color from the palette as an RGB packed int. * * @param defaultColor value to return if the swatch isn't available */ @ColorInt public int getMutedColor(@ColorInt int defaultColor) { Swatch swatch = getMutedSwatch(); return swatch != null ? swatch.getRgb() : defaultColor; } /** * Returns a muted and light color from the palette as an RGB packed int. * * @param defaultColor value to return if the swatch isn't available */ @ColorInt public int getLightMutedColor(@ColorInt int defaultColor) { Swatch swatch = getLightMutedSwatch(); return swatch != null ? swatch.getRgb() : defaultColor; } /** * Returns a muted and dark color from the palette as an RGB packed int. * * @param defaultColor value to return if the swatch isn't available */ @ColorInt public int getDarkMutedColor(@ColorInt int defaultColor) { Swatch swatch = getDarkMutedSwatch(); return swatch != null ? swatch.getRgb() : defaultColor; } /** * Scale the bitmap down so that it's largest dimension is {@code targetMaxDimension}. * If {@code bitmap} is smaller than this, then it is returned. */ private static Bitmap scaleBitmapDown(Bitmap bitmap, final int targetMaxDimension) { final int maxDimension = Math.max(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight()); if (maxDimension <= targetMaxDimension) { // If the bitmap is small enough already, just return it return bitmap; } final float scaleRatio = targetMaxDimension / (float) maxDimension; return Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, Math.round(bitmap.getWidth() * scaleRatio), Math.round(bitmap.getHeight() * scaleRatio), false); } /** * Represents a color swatch generated from an image's palette. The RGB color can be retrieved * by calling {@link #getRgb()}. */ public static final class Swatch { private final int mRed, mGreen, mBlue; private final int mRgb; private final int mPopulation; private boolean mGeneratedTextColors; private int mTitleTextColor; private int mBodyTextColor; private float[] mHsl; public Swatch(@ColorInt int color, int population) { mRed = Color.red(color); mGreen = Color.green(color); mBlue = Color.blue(color); mRgb = color; mPopulation = population; } Swatch(int red, int green, int blue, int population) { mRed = red; mGreen = green; mBlue = blue; mRgb = Color.rgb(red, green, blue); mPopulation = population; } /** * @return this swatch's RGB color value */ @ColorInt public int getRgb() { return mRgb; } /** * Return this swatch's HSL values. * hsv[0] is Hue [0 .. 360) * hsv[1] is Saturation [0...1] * hsv[2] is Lightness [0...1] */ public float[] getHsl() { if (mHsl == null) { mHsl = new float[3]; ColorUtils.RGBToHSL(mRed, mGreen, mBlue, mHsl); } return mHsl; } /** * @return the number of pixels represented by this swatch */ public int getPopulation() { return mPopulation; } /** * Returns an appropriate color to use for any 'title' text which is displayed over this * {@link Swatch}'s color. This color is guaranteed to have sufficient contrast. */ @ColorInt public int getTitleTextColor() { ensureTextColorsGenerated(); return mTitleTextColor; } /** * Returns an appropriate color to use for any 'body' text which is displayed over this * {@link Swatch}'s color. This color is guaranteed to have sufficient contrast. */ @ColorInt public int getBodyTextColor() { ensureTextColorsGenerated(); return mBodyTextColor; } private void ensureTextColorsGenerated() { if (!mGeneratedTextColors) { // First check white, as most colors will be dark final int lightBodyAlpha = ColorUtils.calculateMinimumAlpha( Color.WHITE, mRgb, MIN_CONTRAST_BODY_TEXT); final int lightTitleAlpha = ColorUtils.calculateMinimumAlpha( Color.WHITE, mRgb, MIN_CONTRAST_TITLE_TEXT); if (lightBodyAlpha != -1 && lightTitleAlpha != -1) { // If we found valid light values, use them and return mBodyTextColor = ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(Color.WHITE, lightBodyAlpha); mTitleTextColor = ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(Color.WHITE, lightTitleAlpha); mGeneratedTextColors = true; return; } final int darkBodyAlpha = ColorUtils.calculateMinimumAlpha( Color.BLACK, mRgb, MIN_CONTRAST_BODY_TEXT); final int darkTitleAlpha = ColorUtils.calculateMinimumAlpha( Color.BLACK, mRgb, MIN_CONTRAST_TITLE_TEXT); if (darkBodyAlpha != -1 && darkBodyAlpha != -1) { // If we found valid dark values, use them and return mBodyTextColor = ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(Color.BLACK, darkBodyAlpha); mTitleTextColor = ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(Color.BLACK, darkTitleAlpha); mGeneratedTextColors = true; return; } // If we reach here then we can not find title and body values which use the same // lightness, we need to use mismatched values mBodyTextColor = lightBodyAlpha != -1 ? ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(Color.WHITE, lightBodyAlpha) : ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(Color.BLACK, darkBodyAlpha); mTitleTextColor = lightTitleAlpha != -1 ? ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(Color.WHITE, lightTitleAlpha) : ColorUtils.setAlphaComponent(Color.BLACK, darkTitleAlpha); mGeneratedTextColors = true; } } @Override public String toString() { return new StringBuilder(getClass().getSimpleName()) .append(" [RGB: #").append(Integer.toHexString(getRgb())).append(']') .append(" [HSL: ").append(Arrays.toString(getHsl())).append(']') .append(" [Population: ").append(mPopulation).append(']') .append(" [Title Text: #").append(Integer.toHexString(getTitleTextColor())) .append(']') .append(" [Body Text: #").append(Integer.toHexString(getBodyTextColor())) .append(']').toString(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } Swatch swatch = (Swatch) o; return mPopulation == swatch.mPopulation && mRgb == swatch.mRgb; } @Override public int hashCode() { return 31 * mRgb + mPopulation; } } /** * Builder class for generating {@link Palette} instances. */ public static final class Builder { private List mSwatches; private Bitmap mBitmap; private int mMaxColors = DEFAULT_CALCULATE_NUMBER_COLORS; private int mResizeMaxDimension = DEFAULT_RESIZE_BITMAP_MAX_DIMENSION; private final List mFilters = new ArrayList<>(); private Generator mGenerator; /** * Construct a new {@link Builder} using a source {@link Bitmap} */ public Builder(Bitmap bitmap) { this(); if (bitmap == null || bitmap.isRecycled()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Bitmap is not valid"); } mBitmap = bitmap; } /** * Construct a new {@link Builder} using a list of {@link Swatch} instances. * Typically only used for testing. */ public Builder(List swatches) { this(); if (swatches == null || swatches.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("List of Swatches is not valid"); } mSwatches = swatches; } private Builder() { mFilters.add(DEFAULT_FILTER); } /** * Set the {@link Generator} to use when generating the {@link Palette}. If this is called * with {@code null} then the default generator will be used. */ Builder generator(Generator generator) { mGenerator = generator; return this; } /** * Set the maximum number of colors to use in the quantization step when using a * {@link android.graphics.Bitmap} as the source. *

* Good values for depend on the source image type. For landscapes, good values are in * the range 10-16. For images which are largely made up of people's faces then this * value should be increased to ~24. */ public Builder maximumColorCount(int colors) { mMaxColors = colors; return this; } /** * Set the resize value when using a {@link android.graphics.Bitmap} as the source. * If the bitmap's largest dimension is greater than the value specified, then the bitmap * will be resized so that it's largest dimension matches {@code maxDimension}. If the * bitmap is smaller or equal, the original is used as-is. *

* This value has a large effect on the processing time. The larger the resized image is, * the greater time it will take to generate the palette. The smaller the image is, the * more detail is lost in the resulting image and thus less precision for color selection. */ public Builder resizeBitmapSize(int maxDimension) { mResizeMaxDimension = maxDimension; return this; } /** * Clear all added filters. This includes any default filters added automatically by * {@link Palette}. */ public Builder clearFilters() { mFilters.clear(); return this; } /** * Add a filter to be able to have fine grained controlled over the colors which are * allowed in the resulting palette. * * @param filter filter to add. */ public Builder addFilter(Filter filter) { if (filter != null) { mFilters.add(filter); } return this; } /** * Generate and return the {@link Palette} synchronously. */ public Palette generate() { final TimingLogger logger = LOG_TIMINGS ? new TimingLogger(LOG_TAG, "Generation") : null; List swatches; if (mBitmap != null) { // We have a Bitmap so we need to quantization to reduce the number of colors if (mResizeMaxDimension <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Minimum dimension size for resizing should should be >= 1"); } // First we'll scale down the bitmap so it's largest dimension is as specified final Bitmap scaledBitmap = scaleBitmapDown(mBitmap, mResizeMaxDimension); if (logger != null) { logger.addSplit("Processed Bitmap"); } // Now generate a quantizer from the Bitmap final int width = scaledBitmap.getWidth(); final int height = scaledBitmap.getHeight(); final int[] pixels = new int[width * height]; scaledBitmap.getPixels(pixels, 0, width, 0, 0, width, height); final ColorCutQuantizer quantizer = new ColorCutQuantizer(pixels, mMaxColors, mFilters.isEmpty() ? null : mFilters.toArray(new Filter[mFilters.size()])); // If created a new bitmap, recycle it if (scaledBitmap != mBitmap) { scaledBitmap.recycle(); } swatches = quantizer.getQuantizedColors(); if (logger != null) { logger.addSplit("Color quantization completed"); } } else { // Else we're using the provided swatches swatches = mSwatches; } // If we haven't been provided with a generator, use the default if (mGenerator == null) { mGenerator = new DefaultGenerator(); } // Now call let the Generator do it's thing mGenerator.generate(swatches); if (logger != null) { logger.addSplit("Generator.generate() completed"); } // Now create a Palette instance Palette p = new Palette(swatches, mGenerator); if (logger != null) { logger.addSplit("Created Palette"); logger.dumpToLog(); } return p; } /** * Generate the {@link Palette} asynchronously. The provided listener's * {@link PaletteAsyncListener#onGenerated} method will be called with the palette when * generated. */ public AsyncTask generate(final PaletteAsyncListener listener) { if (listener == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("listener can not be null"); } return AsyncTaskCompat.executeParallel( new AsyncTask() { @Override protected Palette doInBackground(Bitmap... params) { return generate(); } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Palette colorExtractor) { listener.onGenerated(colorExtractor); } }, mBitmap); } } static abstract class Generator { /** * This method will be called with the {@link Palette.Swatch} that represent an image. * You should process this list so that you have appropriate values when the other methods in * class are called. *

* This method will probably be called on a background thread. */ public abstract void generate(List swatches); /** * Return the most vibrant {@link Palette.Swatch} */ public Palette.Swatch getVibrantSwatch() { return null; } /** * Return a light and vibrant {@link Palette.Swatch} */ public Palette.Swatch getLightVibrantSwatch() { return null; } /** * Return a dark and vibrant {@link Palette.Swatch} */ public Palette.Swatch getDarkVibrantSwatch() { return null; } /** * Return a muted {@link Palette.Swatch} */ public Palette.Swatch getMutedSwatch() { return null; } /** * Return a muted and light {@link Palette.Swatch} */ public Palette.Swatch getLightMutedSwatch() { return null; } /** * Return a muted and dark {@link Palette.Swatch} */ public Palette.Swatch getDarkMutedSwatch() { return null; } } /** * A Filter provides a mechanism for exercising fine-grained control over which colors * are valid within a resulting {@link Palette}. */ public interface Filter { /** * Hook to allow clients to be able filter colors from resulting palette. * * @param rgb the color in RGB888. * @param hsl HSL representation of the color. * * @return true if the color is allowed, false if not. * * @see Builder#addFilter(Filter) */ boolean isAllowed(int rgb, float[] hsl); } /** * The default filter. */ private static final Filter DEFAULT_FILTER = new Filter() { private static final float BLACK_MAX_LIGHTNESS = 0.05f; private static final float WHITE_MIN_LIGHTNESS = 0.95f; @Override public boolean isAllowed(int rgb, float[] hsl) { return !isWhite(hsl) && !isBlack(hsl) && !isNearRedILine(hsl); } /** * @return true if the color represents a color which is close to black. */ private boolean isBlack(float[] hslColor) { return hslColor[2] <= BLACK_MAX_LIGHTNESS; } /** * @return true if the color represents a color which is close to white. */ private boolean isWhite(float[] hslColor) { return hslColor[2] >= WHITE_MIN_LIGHTNESS; } /** * @return true if the color lies close to the red side of the I line. */ private boolean isNearRedILine(float[] hslColor) { return hslColor[0] >= 10f && hslColor[0] <= 37f && hslColor[1] <= 0.82f; } }; }