/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony; import static android.Manifest.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE; import android.app.ActivityManagerNative; import android.app.IUserSwitchObserver; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.ContentValues; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.pm.IPackageManager; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IRemoteCallback; import android.os.Message; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.ServiceManager; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.preference.PreferenceManager; import android.provider.Settings; import android.telephony.Rlog; import android.telephony.CarrierConfigManager; import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager; import android.telephony.SubscriptionInfo; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccCardProxy; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccConstants; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccFileHandler; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccRecords; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccUtils; import android.text.TextUtils; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.List; /** *@hide */ public class SubscriptionInfoUpdater extends Handler { private static final String LOG_TAG = "SubscriptionInfoUpdater"; private static final int PROJECT_SIM_NUM = TelephonyManager.getDefault().getPhoneCount(); private static final int EVENT_SIM_LOCKED_QUERY_ICCID_DONE = 1; private static final int EVENT_GET_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE_DONE = 2; private static final int EVENT_SIM_LOADED = 3; private static final int EVENT_SIM_ABSENT = 4; private static final int EVENT_SIM_LOCKED = 5; private static final int EVENT_SIM_IO_ERROR = 6; private static final int EVENT_SIM_UNKNOWN = 7; private static final String ICCID_STRING_FOR_NO_SIM = ""; /** * int[] sInsertSimState maintains all slots' SIM inserted status currently, * it may contain 4 kinds of values: * SIM_NOT_INSERT : no SIM inserted in slot i now * SIM_CHANGED : a valid SIM insert in slot i and is different SIM from last time * it will later become SIM_NEW or SIM_REPOSITION during update procedure * SIM_NOT_CHANGE : a valid SIM insert in slot i and is the same SIM as last time * SIM_NEW : a valid SIM insert in slot i and is a new SIM * SIM_REPOSITION : a valid SIM insert in slot i and is inserted in different slot last time * positive integer #: index to distinguish SIM cards with the same IccId */ public static final int SIM_NOT_CHANGE = 0; public static final int SIM_CHANGED = -1; public static final int SIM_NEW = -2; public static final int SIM_REPOSITION = -3; public static final int SIM_NOT_INSERT = -99; public static final int STATUS_NO_SIM_INSERTED = 0x00; public static final int STATUS_SIM1_INSERTED = 0x01; public static final int STATUS_SIM2_INSERTED = 0x02; public static final int STATUS_SIM3_INSERTED = 0x04; public static final int STATUS_SIM4_INSERTED = 0x08; // Key used to read/write the current IMSI. Updated on SIM_STATE_CHANGED - LOADED. public static final String CURR_SUBID = "curr_subid"; private static Phone[] mPhone; private static Context mContext = null; private static String mIccId[] = new String[PROJECT_SIM_NUM]; private static int[] mInsertSimState = new int[PROJECT_SIM_NUM]; private SubscriptionManager mSubscriptionManager = null; private IPackageManager mPackageManager; // The current foreground user ID. private int mCurrentlyActiveUserId; private CarrierServiceBindHelper mCarrierServiceBindHelper; public SubscriptionInfoUpdater(Context context, Phone[] phoneProxy, CommandsInterface[] ci) { logd("Constructor invoked"); mContext = context; mPhone = phoneProxy; mSubscriptionManager = SubscriptionManager.from(mContext); mPackageManager = IPackageManager.Stub.asInterface(ServiceManager.getService("package")); IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter(TelephonyIntents.ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED); intentFilter.addAction(IccCardProxy.ACTION_INTERNAL_SIM_STATE_CHANGED); mContext.registerReceiver(sReceiver, intentFilter); mCarrierServiceBindHelper = new CarrierServiceBindHelper(mContext); initializeCarrierApps(); } private void initializeCarrierApps() { // Initialize carrier apps: // -Now (on system startup) // -Whenever new carrier privilege rules might change (new SIM is loaded) // -Whenever we switch to a new user mCurrentlyActiveUserId = 0; try { ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().registerUserSwitchObserver( new IUserSwitchObserver.Stub() { @Override public void onUserSwitching(int newUserId, IRemoteCallback reply) throws RemoteException { mCurrentlyActiveUserId = newUserId; CarrierAppUtils.disableCarrierAppsUntilPrivileged(mContext.getOpPackageName(), mPackageManager, TelephonyManager.getDefault(), mCurrentlyActiveUserId); if (reply != null) { try { reply.sendResult(null); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } @Override public void onUserSwitchComplete(int newUserId) { // Ignore. } @Override public void onForegroundProfileSwitch(int newProfileId) throws RemoteException { // Ignore. } }); mCurrentlyActiveUserId = ActivityManagerNative.getDefault().getCurrentUser().id; } catch (RemoteException e) { logd("Couldn't get current user ID; guessing it's 0: " + e.getMessage()); } CarrierAppUtils.disableCarrierAppsUntilPrivileged(mContext.getOpPackageName(), mPackageManager, TelephonyManager.getDefault(), mCurrentlyActiveUserId); } private final BroadcastReceiver sReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { logd("[Receiver]+"); String action = intent.getAction(); logd("Action: " + action); if (!action.equals(TelephonyIntents.ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED) && !action.equals(IccCardProxy.ACTION_INTERNAL_SIM_STATE_CHANGED)) { return; } int slotId = intent.getIntExtra(PhoneConstants.PHONE_KEY, SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SIM_SLOT_INDEX); logd("slotId: " + slotId); if (slotId == SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SIM_SLOT_INDEX) { return; } String simStatus = intent.getStringExtra(IccCardConstants.INTENT_KEY_ICC_STATE); logd("simStatus: " + simStatus); if (action.equals(TelephonyIntents.ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED)) { if (IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_ABSENT.equals(simStatus)) { sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_SIM_ABSENT, slotId, -1)); } else if (IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_UNKNOWN.equals(simStatus)) { sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_SIM_UNKNOWN, slotId, -1)); } else if (IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_CARD_IO_ERROR.equals(simStatus)) { sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_SIM_IO_ERROR, slotId, -1)); } else { logd("Ignoring simStatus: " + simStatus); } } else if (action.equals(IccCardProxy.ACTION_INTERNAL_SIM_STATE_CHANGED)) { if (IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOCKED.equals(simStatus)) { String reason = intent.getStringExtra( IccCardConstants.INTENT_KEY_LOCKED_REASON); sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_SIM_LOCKED, slotId, -1, reason)); } else if (IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOADED.equals(simStatus)) { sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_SIM_LOADED, slotId, -1)); } else { logd("Ignoring simStatus: " + simStatus); } } logd("[Receiver]-"); } }; private boolean isAllIccIdQueryDone() { for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_SIM_NUM; i++) { if (mIccId[i] == null) { logd("Wait for SIM" + (i + 1) + " IccId"); return false; } } logd("All IccIds query complete"); return true; } public void setDisplayNameForNewSub(String newSubName, int subId, int newNameSource) { SubscriptionInfo subInfo = mSubscriptionManager.getActiveSubscriptionInfo(subId); if (subInfo != null) { // overwrite SIM display name if it is not assigned by user int oldNameSource = subInfo.getNameSource(); CharSequence oldSubName = subInfo.getDisplayName(); logd("[setDisplayNameForNewSub] subId = " + subInfo.getSubscriptionId() + ", oldSimName = " + oldSubName + ", oldNameSource = " + oldNameSource + ", newSubName = " + newSubName + ", newNameSource = " + newNameSource); if (oldSubName == null || (oldNameSource == SubscriptionManager.NAME_SOURCE_DEFAULT_SOURCE && newSubName != null) || (oldNameSource == SubscriptionManager.NAME_SOURCE_SIM_SOURCE && newSubName != null && !newSubName.equals(oldSubName))) { mSubscriptionManager.setDisplayName(newSubName, subInfo.getSubscriptionId(), newNameSource); } } else { logd("SUB" + (subId + 1) + " SubInfo not created yet"); } } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_SIM_LOCKED_QUERY_ICCID_DONE: { AsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult)msg.obj; QueryIccIdUserObj uObj = (QueryIccIdUserObj) ar.userObj; int slotId = uObj.slotId; logd("handleMessage : SIM" + (slotId + 1)); if (ar.exception == null) { if (ar.result != null) { byte[] data = (byte[])ar.result; mIccId[slotId] = IccUtils.bcdToString(data, 0, data.length); } else { logd("Null ar"); mIccId[slotId] = ICCID_STRING_FOR_NO_SIM; } } else { mIccId[slotId] = ICCID_STRING_FOR_NO_SIM; logd("Query IccId fail: " + ar.exception); } logd("sIccId[" + slotId + "] = " + mIccId[slotId]); if (isAllIccIdQueryDone()) { updateSubscriptionInfoByIccId(); } broadcastSimStateChanged(slotId, IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOCKED, uObj.reason); if (!ICCID_STRING_FOR_NO_SIM.equals(mIccId[slotId])) { updateCarrierServices(slotId, IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOCKED); } break; } case EVENT_GET_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE_DONE: { AsyncResult ar = (AsyncResult)msg.obj; Integer slotId = (Integer)ar.userObj; if (ar.exception == null && ar.result != null) { int[] modes = (int[])ar.result; if (modes[0] == 1) { // Manual mode. mPhone[slotId].setNetworkSelectionModeAutomatic(null); } } else { logd("EVENT_GET_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE_DONE: error getting network mode."); } break; } case EVENT_SIM_LOADED: handleSimLoaded(msg.arg1); break; case EVENT_SIM_ABSENT: handleSimAbsent(msg.arg1); break; case EVENT_SIM_LOCKED: handleSimLocked(msg.arg1, (String) msg.obj); break; case EVENT_SIM_UNKNOWN: updateCarrierServices(msg.arg1, IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_UNKNOWN); break; case EVENT_SIM_IO_ERROR: updateCarrierServices(msg.arg1, IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_CARD_IO_ERROR); break; default: logd("Unknown msg:" + msg.what); } } private static class QueryIccIdUserObj { public String reason; public int slotId; QueryIccIdUserObj(String reason, int slotId) { this.reason = reason; this.slotId = slotId; } }; private void handleSimLocked(int slotId, String reason) { if (mIccId[slotId] != null && mIccId[slotId].equals(ICCID_STRING_FOR_NO_SIM)) { logd("SIM" + (slotId + 1) + " hot plug in"); mIccId[slotId] = null; } IccFileHandler fileHandler = mPhone[slotId].getIccCard() == null ? null : mPhone[slotId].getIccCard().getIccFileHandler(); if (fileHandler != null) { String iccId = mIccId[slotId]; if (iccId == null) { logd("Querying IccId"); fileHandler.loadEFTransparent(IccConstants.EF_ICCID, obtainMessage(EVENT_SIM_LOCKED_QUERY_ICCID_DONE, new QueryIccIdUserObj(reason, slotId))); } else { logd("NOT Querying IccId its already set sIccid[" + slotId + "]=" + iccId); updateCarrierServices(slotId, IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOCKED); broadcastSimStateChanged(slotId, IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOCKED, reason); } } else { logd("sFh[" + slotId + "] is null, ignore"); } } private void handleSimLoaded(int slotId) { logd("handleSimStateLoadedInternal: slotId: " + slotId); // The SIM should be loaded at this state, but it is possible in cases such as SIM being // removed or a refresh RESET that the IccRecords could be null. The right behavior is to // not broadcast the SIM loaded. IccRecords records = mPhone[slotId].getIccCard().getIccRecords(); if (records == null) { // Possibly a race condition. logd("onRecieve: IccRecords null"); return; } if (records.getIccId() == null) { logd("onRecieve: IccID null"); return; } mIccId[slotId] = records.getIccId(); if (isAllIccIdQueryDone()) { updateSubscriptionInfoByIccId(); } int subId = SubscriptionManager.DEFAULT_SUBSCRIPTION_ID; int[] subIds = SubscriptionController.getInstance().getSubId(slotId); if (subIds != null) { // Why an array? subId = subIds[0]; } if (SubscriptionManager.isValidSubscriptionId(subId)) { String operator = records.getOperatorNumeric(); if (operator != null) { if (subId == SubscriptionController.getInstance().getDefaultSubId()) { MccTable.updateMccMncConfiguration(mContext, operator, false); } SubscriptionController.getInstance().setMccMnc(operator,subId); } else { logd("EVENT_RECORDS_LOADED Operator name is null"); } TelephonyManager tm = TelephonyManager.getDefault(); String msisdn = tm.getLine1NumberForSubscriber(subId); ContentResolver contentResolver = mContext.getContentResolver(); if (msisdn != null) { ContentValues number = new ContentValues(1); number.put(SubscriptionManager.NUMBER, msisdn); contentResolver.update(SubscriptionManager.CONTENT_URI, number, SubscriptionManager.UNIQUE_KEY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID + "=" + Long.toString(subId), null); } SubscriptionInfo subInfo = mSubscriptionManager.getActiveSubscriptionInfo(subId); String nameToSet; String simCarrierName = tm.getSimOperatorNameForSubscription(subId); ContentValues name = new ContentValues(1); if (subInfo != null && subInfo.getNameSource() != SubscriptionManager.NAME_SOURCE_USER_INPUT) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(simCarrierName)) { nameToSet = simCarrierName; } else { nameToSet = "CARD " + Integer.toString(slotId + 1); } name.put(SubscriptionManager.DISPLAY_NAME, nameToSet); logd("sim name = " + nameToSet); contentResolver.update(SubscriptionManager.CONTENT_URI, name, SubscriptionManager.UNIQUE_KEY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID + "=" + Long.toString(subId), null); } /* Update preferred network type and network selection mode on SIM change. * Storing last subId in SharedPreference for now to detect SIM change. */ SharedPreferences sp = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(mContext); int storedSubId = sp.getInt(CURR_SUBID + slotId, -1); if (storedSubId != subId) { int networkType = RILConstants.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE; // Set the modem network mode mPhone[slotId].setPreferredNetworkType(networkType, null); Settings.Global.putInt(mPhone[slotId].getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.PREFERRED_NETWORK_MODE + subId, networkType); // Only support automatic selection mode on SIM change. mPhone[slotId].getNetworkSelectionMode( obtainMessage(EVENT_GET_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE_DONE, new Integer(slotId))); // Update stored subId SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sp.edit(); editor.putInt(CURR_SUBID + slotId, subId); editor.apply(); } } else { logd("Invalid subId, could not update ContentResolver"); } // Update set of enabled carrier apps now that the privilege rules may have changed. CarrierAppUtils.disableCarrierAppsUntilPrivileged(mContext.getOpPackageName(), mPackageManager, TelephonyManager.getDefault(), mCurrentlyActiveUserId); broadcastSimStateChanged(slotId, IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOADED, null); updateCarrierServices(slotId, IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOADED); } private void updateCarrierServices(int slotId, String simState) { CarrierConfigManager configManager = (CarrierConfigManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.CARRIER_CONFIG_SERVICE); configManager.updateConfigForPhoneId(slotId, simState); mCarrierServiceBindHelper.updateForPhoneId(slotId, simState); } private void handleSimAbsent(int slotId) { if (mIccId[slotId] != null && !mIccId[slotId].equals(ICCID_STRING_FOR_NO_SIM)) { logd("SIM" + (slotId + 1) + " hot plug out"); } mIccId[slotId] = ICCID_STRING_FOR_NO_SIM; if (isAllIccIdQueryDone()) { updateSubscriptionInfoByIccId(); } updateCarrierServices(slotId, IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_ABSENT); } /** * TODO: Simplify more, as no one is interested in what happened * only what the current list contains. */ synchronized private void updateSubscriptionInfoByIccId() { logd("updateSubscriptionInfoByIccId:+ Start"); mSubscriptionManager.clearSubscriptionInfo(); for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_SIM_NUM; i++) { mInsertSimState[i] = SIM_NOT_CHANGE; } int insertedSimCount = PROJECT_SIM_NUM; for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_SIM_NUM; i++) { if (ICCID_STRING_FOR_NO_SIM.equals(mIccId[i])) { insertedSimCount--; mInsertSimState[i] = SIM_NOT_INSERT; } } logd("insertedSimCount = " + insertedSimCount); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_SIM_NUM; i++) { if (mInsertSimState[i] == SIM_NOT_INSERT) { continue; } index = 2; for (int j = i + 1; j < PROJECT_SIM_NUM; j++) { if (mInsertSimState[j] == SIM_NOT_CHANGE && mIccId[i].equals(mIccId[j])) { mInsertSimState[i] = 1; mInsertSimState[j] = index; index++; } } } ContentResolver contentResolver = mContext.getContentResolver(); String[] oldIccId = new String[PROJECT_SIM_NUM]; for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_SIM_NUM; i++) { oldIccId[i] = null; List oldSubInfo = SubscriptionController.getInstance().getSubInfoUsingSlotIdWithCheck(i, false, mContext.getOpPackageName()); if (oldSubInfo != null) { oldIccId[i] = oldSubInfo.get(0).getIccId(); logd("updateSubscriptionInfoByIccId: oldSubId = " + oldSubInfo.get(0).getSubscriptionId()); if (mInsertSimState[i] == SIM_NOT_CHANGE && !mIccId[i].equals(oldIccId[i])) { mInsertSimState[i] = SIM_CHANGED; } if (mInsertSimState[i] != SIM_NOT_CHANGE) { ContentValues value = new ContentValues(1); value.put(SubscriptionManager.SIM_SLOT_INDEX, SubscriptionManager.INVALID_SIM_SLOT_INDEX); contentResolver.update(SubscriptionManager.CONTENT_URI, value, SubscriptionManager.UNIQUE_KEY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID + "=" + Integer.toString(oldSubInfo.get(0).getSubscriptionId()), null); } } else { if (mInsertSimState[i] == SIM_NOT_CHANGE) { // no SIM inserted last time, but there is one SIM inserted now mInsertSimState[i] = SIM_CHANGED; } oldIccId[i] = ICCID_STRING_FOR_NO_SIM; logd("updateSubscriptionInfoByIccId: No SIM in slot " + i + " last time"); } } for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_SIM_NUM; i++) { logd("updateSubscriptionInfoByIccId: oldIccId[" + i + "] = " + oldIccId[i] + ", sIccId[" + i + "] = " + mIccId[i]); } //check if the inserted SIM is new SIM int nNewCardCount = 0; int nNewSimStatus = 0; for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_SIM_NUM; i++) { if (mInsertSimState[i] == SIM_NOT_INSERT) { logd("updateSubscriptionInfoByIccId: No SIM inserted in slot " + i + " this time"); } else { if (mInsertSimState[i] > 0) { //some special SIMs may have the same IccIds, add suffix to distinguish them //FIXME: addSubInfoRecord can return an error. mSubscriptionManager.addSubscriptionInfoRecord(mIccId[i] + Integer.toString(mInsertSimState[i]), i); logd("SUB" + (i + 1) + " has invalid IccId"); } else /*if (sInsertSimState[i] != SIM_NOT_INSERT)*/ { mSubscriptionManager.addSubscriptionInfoRecord(mIccId[i], i); } if (isNewSim(mIccId[i], oldIccId)) { nNewCardCount++; switch (i) { case PhoneConstants.SUB1: nNewSimStatus |= STATUS_SIM1_INSERTED; break; case PhoneConstants.SUB2: nNewSimStatus |= STATUS_SIM2_INSERTED; break; case PhoneConstants.SUB3: nNewSimStatus |= STATUS_SIM3_INSERTED; break; //case PhoneConstants.SUB3: // nNewSimStatus |= STATUS_SIM4_INSERTED; // break; } mInsertSimState[i] = SIM_NEW; } } } for (int i = 0; i < PROJECT_SIM_NUM; i++) { if (mInsertSimState[i] == SIM_CHANGED) { mInsertSimState[i] = SIM_REPOSITION; } logd("updateSubscriptionInfoByIccId: sInsertSimState[" + i + "] = " + mInsertSimState[i]); } List subInfos = mSubscriptionManager.getActiveSubscriptionInfoList(); int nSubCount = (subInfos == null) ? 0 : subInfos.size(); logd("updateSubscriptionInfoByIccId: nSubCount = " + nSubCount); for (int i=0; i < nSubCount; i++) { SubscriptionInfo temp = subInfos.get(i); String msisdn = TelephonyManager.getDefault().getLine1NumberForSubscriber( temp.getSubscriptionId()); if (msisdn != null) { ContentValues value = new ContentValues(1); value.put(SubscriptionManager.NUMBER, msisdn); contentResolver.update(SubscriptionManager.CONTENT_URI, value, SubscriptionManager.UNIQUE_KEY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID + "=" + Integer.toString(temp.getSubscriptionId()), null); } } // Ensure the modems are mapped correctly mSubscriptionManager.setDefaultDataSubId(mSubscriptionManager.getDefaultDataSubId()); SubscriptionController.getInstance().notifySubscriptionInfoChanged(); logd("updateSubscriptionInfoByIccId:- SsubscriptionInfo update complete"); } private boolean isNewSim(String iccId, String[] oldIccId) { boolean newSim = true; for(int i = 0; i < PROJECT_SIM_NUM; i++) { if(iccId.equals(oldIccId[i])) { newSim = false; break; } } logd("newSim = " + newSim); return newSim; } private void broadcastSimStateChanged(int slotId, String state, String reason) { Intent i = new Intent(TelephonyIntents.ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED); // TODO - we'd like this intent to have a single snapshot of all sim state, // but until then this should not use REPLACE_PENDING or we may lose // information // i.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING // | Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT); i.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BEFORE_BOOT); i.putExtra(PhoneConstants.PHONE_NAME_KEY, "Phone"); i.putExtra(IccCardConstants.INTENT_KEY_ICC_STATE, state); i.putExtra(IccCardConstants.INTENT_KEY_LOCKED_REASON, reason); SubscriptionManager.putPhoneIdAndSubIdExtra(i, slotId); logd("Broadcasting intent ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED " + IccCardConstants.INTENT_VALUE_ICC_LOADED + " reason " + null + " for mCardIndex : " + slotId); ActivityManagerNative.broadcastStickyIntent(i, READ_PHONE_STATE, UserHandle.USER_ALL); } public void dispose() { logd("[dispose]"); mContext.unregisterReceiver(sReceiver); } private void logd(String message) { Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, message); } public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { pw.println("SubscriptionInfoUpdater:"); mCarrierServiceBindHelper.dump(fd, pw, args); } }