/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony.cdma; import com.android.internal.telephony.*; import android.content.Context; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.Message; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.Registrant; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.telephony.DisconnectCause; import android.telephony.Rlog; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.telephony.PhoneNumberUtils; import android.telephony.ServiceState; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.UiccCardApplication; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.UiccController; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccCardApplicationStatus.AppState; /** * {@hide} */ public class CdmaConnection extends Connection { static final String LOG_TAG = "CdmaConnection"; private static final boolean VDBG = false; //***** Instance Variables CdmaCallTracker mOwner; CdmaCall mParent; String mPostDialString; // outgoing calls only boolean mDisconnected; int mIndex; // index in CdmaCallTracker.connections[], -1 if unassigned /* * These time/timespan values are based on System.currentTimeMillis(), * i.e., "wall clock" time. */ long mDisconnectTime; int mNextPostDialChar; // index into postDialString int mCause = DisconnectCause.NOT_DISCONNECTED; PostDialState mPostDialState = PostDialState.NOT_STARTED; int mPreciseCause = 0; String mVendorCause; Handler mHandler; private PowerManager.WakeLock mPartialWakeLock; //***** Event Constants static final int EVENT_DTMF_DONE = 1; static final int EVENT_PAUSE_DONE = 2; static final int EVENT_NEXT_POST_DIAL = 3; static final int EVENT_WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 4; //***** Constants static final int WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 60*1000; static final int PAUSE_DELAY_MILLIS = 2 * 1000; //***** Inner Classes class MyHandler extends Handler { MyHandler(Looper l) {super(l);} @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_NEXT_POST_DIAL: case EVENT_DTMF_DONE: case EVENT_PAUSE_DONE: processNextPostDialChar(); break; case EVENT_WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT: releaseWakeLock(); break; } } } //***** Constructors /** This is probably an MT call that we first saw in a CLCC response */ /*package*/ CdmaConnection (Context context, DriverCall dc, CdmaCallTracker ct, int index) { createWakeLock(context); acquireWakeLock(); mOwner = ct; mHandler = new MyHandler(mOwner.getLooper()); mAddress = dc.number; mIsIncoming = dc.isMT; mCreateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mCnapName = dc.name; mCnapNamePresentation = dc.namePresentation; mNumberPresentation = dc.numberPresentation; mIndex = index; mParent = parentFromDCState (dc.state); mParent.attach(this, dc); } /** This is an MO call/three way call, created when dialing */ /*package*/ CdmaConnection(Context context, String dialString, CdmaCallTracker ct, CdmaCall parent) { createWakeLock(context); acquireWakeLock(); mOwner = ct; mHandler = new MyHandler(mOwner.getLooper()); mDialString = dialString; Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "[CDMAConn] CdmaConnection: dialString=" + maskDialString(dialString)); dialString = formatDialString(dialString); Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "[CDMAConn] CdmaConnection:formated dialString=" + maskDialString(dialString)); mAddress = PhoneNumberUtils.extractNetworkPortionAlt(dialString); mPostDialString = PhoneNumberUtils.extractPostDialPortion(dialString); mIndex = -1; mIsIncoming = false; mCnapName = null; mCnapNamePresentation = PhoneConstants.PRESENTATION_ALLOWED; mNumberPresentation = PhoneConstants.PRESENTATION_ALLOWED; mCreateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (parent != null) { mParent = parent; //for the three way call case, not change parent state if (parent.mState == CdmaCall.State.ACTIVE) { parent.attachFake(this, CdmaCall.State.ACTIVE); } else { parent.attachFake(this, CdmaCall.State.DIALING); } } } /** This is a Call waiting call*/ CdmaConnection(Context context, CdmaCallWaitingNotification cw, CdmaCallTracker ct, CdmaCall parent) { createWakeLock(context); acquireWakeLock(); mOwner = ct; mHandler = new MyHandler(mOwner.getLooper()); mAddress = cw.number; mNumberPresentation = cw.numberPresentation; mCnapName = cw.name; mCnapNamePresentation = cw.namePresentation; mIndex = -1; mIsIncoming = true; mCreateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mConnectTime = 0; mParent = parent; parent.attachFake(this, CdmaCall.State.WAITING); } public void dispose() { } static boolean equalsHandlesNulls (Object a, Object b) { return (a == null) ? (b == null) : a.equals (b); } /*package*/ boolean compareTo(DriverCall c) { // On mobile originated (MO) calls, the phone number may have changed // due to a SIM Toolkit call control modification. // // We assume we know when MO calls are created (since we created them) // and therefore don't need to compare the phone number anyway. if (! (mIsIncoming || c.isMT)) return true; // ... but we can compare phone numbers on MT calls, and we have // no control over when they begin, so we might as well String cAddress = PhoneNumberUtils.stringFromStringAndTOA(c.number, c.TOA); return mIsIncoming == c.isMT && equalsHandlesNulls(mAddress, cAddress); } @Override public String getOrigDialString(){ return mDialString; } @Override public CdmaCall getCall() { return mParent; } @Override public long getDisconnectTime() { return mDisconnectTime; } @Override public long getHoldDurationMillis() { if (getState() != CdmaCall.State.HOLDING) { // If not holding, return 0 return 0; } else { return SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mHoldingStartTime; } } @Override public int getDisconnectCause() { return mCause; } @Override public CdmaCall.State getState() { if (mDisconnected) { return CdmaCall.State.DISCONNECTED; } else { return super.getState(); } } @Override public void hangup() throws CallStateException { if (!mDisconnected) { mOwner.hangup(this); } else { throw new CallStateException ("disconnected"); } } @Override public void separate() throws CallStateException { if (!mDisconnected) { mOwner.separate(this); } else { throw new CallStateException ("disconnected"); } } @Override public PostDialState getPostDialState() { return mPostDialState; } @Override public void proceedAfterWaitChar() { if (mPostDialState != PostDialState.WAIT) { Rlog.w(LOG_TAG, "CdmaConnection.proceedAfterWaitChar(): Expected " + "getPostDialState() to be WAIT but was " + mPostDialState); return; } setPostDialState(PostDialState.STARTED); processNextPostDialChar(); } @Override public void proceedAfterWildChar(String str) { if (mPostDialState != PostDialState.WILD) { Rlog.w(LOG_TAG, "CdmaConnection.proceedAfterWaitChar(): Expected " + "getPostDialState() to be WILD but was " + mPostDialState); return; } setPostDialState(PostDialState.STARTED); // make a new postDialString, with the wild char replacement string // at the beginning, followed by the remaining postDialString. StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(str); buf.append(mPostDialString.substring(mNextPostDialChar)); mPostDialString = buf.toString(); mNextPostDialChar = 0; if (Phone.DEBUG_PHONE) { log("proceedAfterWildChar: new postDialString is " + mPostDialString); } processNextPostDialChar(); } @Override public void cancelPostDial() { setPostDialState(PostDialState.CANCELLED); } /** * Called when this Connection is being hung up locally (eg, user pressed "end") * Note that at this point, the hangup request has been dispatched to the radio * but no response has yet been received so update() has not yet been called */ void onHangupLocal() { mCause = DisconnectCause.LOCAL; mPreciseCause = 0; mVendorCause = null; } /** * Maps RIL call disconnect code to {@link DisconnectCause}. * @param causeCode RIL disconnect code * @return the corresponding value from {@link DisconnectCause} */ int disconnectCauseFromCode(int causeCode) { /** * See 22.001 Annex F.4 for mapping of cause codes * to local tones */ switch (causeCode) { case CallFailCause.USER_BUSY: return DisconnectCause.BUSY; case CallFailCause.NO_CIRCUIT_AVAIL: return DisconnectCause.CONGESTION; case CallFailCause.ACM_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: return DisconnectCause.LIMIT_EXCEEDED; case CallFailCause.CALL_BARRED: return DisconnectCause.CALL_BARRED; case CallFailCause.FDN_BLOCKED: return DisconnectCause.FDN_BLOCKED; case CallFailCause.DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_USSD: return DisconnectCause.DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_USSD; case CallFailCause.DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_SS: return DisconnectCause.DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_SS; case CallFailCause.DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_DIAL: return DisconnectCause.DIAL_MODIFIED_TO_DIAL; case CallFailCause.CDMA_LOCKED_UNTIL_POWER_CYCLE: return DisconnectCause.CDMA_LOCKED_UNTIL_POWER_CYCLE; case CallFailCause.CDMA_DROP: return DisconnectCause.CDMA_DROP; case CallFailCause.CDMA_INTERCEPT: return DisconnectCause.CDMA_INTERCEPT; case CallFailCause.CDMA_REORDER: return DisconnectCause.CDMA_REORDER; case CallFailCause.CDMA_SO_REJECT: return DisconnectCause.CDMA_SO_REJECT; case CallFailCause.CDMA_RETRY_ORDER: return DisconnectCause.CDMA_RETRY_ORDER; case CallFailCause.CDMA_ACCESS_FAILURE: return DisconnectCause.CDMA_ACCESS_FAILURE; case CallFailCause.CDMA_PREEMPTED: return DisconnectCause.CDMA_PREEMPTED; case CallFailCause.CDMA_NOT_EMERGENCY: return DisconnectCause.CDMA_NOT_EMERGENCY; case CallFailCause.CDMA_ACCESS_BLOCKED: return DisconnectCause.CDMA_ACCESS_BLOCKED; case CallFailCause.ERROR_UNSPECIFIED: case CallFailCause.NORMAL_CLEARING: default: CDMAPhone phone = mOwner.mPhone; int serviceState = phone.getServiceState().getState(); UiccCardApplication app = UiccController .getInstance() .getUiccCardApplication(phone.getPhoneId(), UiccController.APP_FAM_3GPP2); AppState uiccAppState = (app != null) ? app.getState() : AppState.APPSTATE_UNKNOWN; if (serviceState == ServiceState.STATE_POWER_OFF) { return DisconnectCause.POWER_OFF; } else if (serviceState == ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE || serviceState == ServiceState.STATE_EMERGENCY_ONLY) { return DisconnectCause.OUT_OF_SERVICE; } else if (phone.mCdmaSubscriptionSource == CdmaSubscriptionSourceManager.SUBSCRIPTION_FROM_RUIM && uiccAppState != AppState.APPSTATE_READY) { return DisconnectCause.ICC_ERROR; } else if (causeCode==CallFailCause.NORMAL_CLEARING) { return DisconnectCause.NORMAL; } else { return DisconnectCause.ERROR_UNSPECIFIED; } } } /*package*/ void onRemoteDisconnect(int causeCode, String vendorCause) { this.mPreciseCause = causeCode; this.mVendorCause = vendorCause; onDisconnect(disconnectCauseFromCode(causeCode)); } /** * Called when the radio indicates the connection has been disconnected. * @param cause call disconnect cause; values are defined in {@link DisconnectCause} */ /*package*/ boolean onDisconnect(int cause) { boolean changed = false; mCause = cause; if (!mDisconnected) { doDisconnect(); if (VDBG) Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "onDisconnect: cause=" + cause); mOwner.mPhone.notifyDisconnect(this); if (mParent != null) { changed = mParent.connectionDisconnected(this); } } releaseWakeLock(); return changed; } /** Called when the call waiting connection has been hung up */ /*package*/ void onLocalDisconnect() { if (!mDisconnected) { doDisconnect(); if (VDBG) Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "onLoalDisconnect" ); if (mParent != null) { mParent.detach(this); } } releaseWakeLock(); } // Returns true if state has changed, false if nothing changed /*package*/ boolean update (DriverCall dc) { CdmaCall newParent; boolean changed = false; boolean wasConnectingInOrOut = isConnectingInOrOut(); boolean wasHolding = (getState() == CdmaCall.State.HOLDING); newParent = parentFromDCState(dc.state); if (Phone.DEBUG_PHONE) log("parent= " +mParent +", newParent= " + newParent); log(" mNumberConverted " + mNumberConverted); if (!equalsHandlesNulls(mAddress, dc.number) && (!mNumberConverted || !equalsHandlesNulls(mConvertedNumber, dc.number))) { if (Phone.DEBUG_PHONE) log("update: phone # changed!"); mAddress = dc.number; changed = true; } // A null cnapName should be the same as "" if (TextUtils.isEmpty(dc.name)) { if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(mCnapName)) { changed = true; mCnapName = ""; } } else if (!dc.name.equals(mCnapName)) { changed = true; mCnapName = dc.name; } if (Phone.DEBUG_PHONE) log("--dssds----"+mCnapName); mCnapNamePresentation = dc.namePresentation; mNumberPresentation = dc.numberPresentation; if (newParent != mParent) { if (mParent != null) { mParent.detach(this); } newParent.attach(this, dc); mParent = newParent; changed = true; } else { boolean parentStateChange; parentStateChange = mParent.update (this, dc); changed = changed || parentStateChange; } /** Some state-transition events */ if (Phone.DEBUG_PHONE) log( "Update, wasConnectingInOrOut=" + wasConnectingInOrOut + ", wasHolding=" + wasHolding + ", isConnectingInOrOut=" + isConnectingInOrOut() + ", changed=" + changed); if (wasConnectingInOrOut && !isConnectingInOrOut()) { onConnectedInOrOut(); } if (changed && !wasHolding && (getState() == CdmaCall.State.HOLDING)) { // We've transitioned into HOLDING onStartedHolding(); } return changed; } /** * Called when this Connection is in the foregroundCall * when a dial is initiated. * We know we're ACTIVE, and we know we're going to end up * HOLDING in the backgroundCall */ void fakeHoldBeforeDial() { if (mParent != null) { mParent.detach(this); } mParent = mOwner.mBackgroundCall; mParent.attachFake(this, CdmaCall.State.HOLDING); onStartedHolding(); } /*package*/ int getCDMAIndex() throws CallStateException { if (mIndex >= 0) { return mIndex + 1; } else { throw new CallStateException ("CDMA connection index not assigned"); } } /** * An incoming or outgoing call has connected */ void onConnectedInOrOut() { mConnectTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mConnectTimeReal = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); mDuration = 0; // bug #678474: incoming call interpreted as missed call, even though // it sounds like the user has picked up the call. if (Phone.DEBUG_PHONE) { log("onConnectedInOrOut: connectTime=" + mConnectTime); } if (!mIsIncoming) { // outgoing calls only processNextPostDialChar(); } else { // Only release wake lock for incoming calls, for outgoing calls the wake lock // will be released after any pause-dial is completed releaseWakeLock(); } } private void doDisconnect() { mIndex = -1; mDisconnectTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); mDuration = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mConnectTimeReal; mDisconnected = true; clearPostDialListeners(); } /*package*/ void onStartedHolding() { mHoldingStartTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } /** * Performs the appropriate action for a post-dial char, but does not * notify application. returns false if the character is invalid and * should be ignored */ private boolean processPostDialChar(char c) { if (PhoneNumberUtils.is12Key(c)) { mOwner.mCi.sendDtmf(c, mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_DTMF_DONE)); } else if (c == PhoneNumberUtils.PAUSE) { setPostDialState(PostDialState.PAUSE); // Upon occurrences of the separator, the UE shall // pause again for 2 seconds before sending any // further DTMF digits. mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_PAUSE_DONE), PAUSE_DELAY_MILLIS); } else if (c == PhoneNumberUtils.WAIT) { setPostDialState(PostDialState.WAIT); } else if (c == PhoneNumberUtils.WILD) { setPostDialState(PostDialState.WILD); } else { return false; } return true; } @Override public String getRemainingPostDialString() { if (mPostDialState == PostDialState.CANCELLED || mPostDialState == PostDialState.COMPLETE || mPostDialString == null || mPostDialString.length() <= mNextPostDialChar) { return ""; } String subStr = mPostDialString.substring(mNextPostDialChar); if (subStr != null) { int wIndex = subStr.indexOf(PhoneNumberUtils.WAIT); int pIndex = subStr.indexOf(PhoneNumberUtils.PAUSE); if (wIndex > 0 && (wIndex < pIndex || pIndex <= 0)) { subStr = subStr.substring(0, wIndex); } else if (pIndex > 0) { subStr = subStr.substring(0, pIndex); } } return subStr; } public void updateParent(CdmaCall oldParent, CdmaCall newParent){ if (newParent != oldParent) { if (oldParent != null) { oldParent.detach(this); } newParent.attachFake(this, CdmaCall.State.ACTIVE); mParent = newParent; } } @Override protected void finalize() { /** * It is understood that This finializer is not guaranteed * to be called and the release lock call is here just in * case there is some path that doesn't call onDisconnect * and or onConnectedInOrOut. */ if (mPartialWakeLock.isHeld()) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "[CdmaConn] UNEXPECTED; mPartialWakeLock is held when finalizing."); } releaseWakeLock(); } void processNextPostDialChar() { char c = 0; Registrant postDialHandler; if (mPostDialState == PostDialState.CANCELLED) { releaseWakeLock(); //Rlog.v("CDMA", "##### processNextPostDialChar: postDialState == CANCELLED, bail"); return; } if (mPostDialString == null || mPostDialString.length() <= mNextPostDialChar) { setPostDialState(PostDialState.COMPLETE); // We were holding a wake lock until pause-dial was complete, so give it up now releaseWakeLock(); // notifyMessage.arg1 is 0 on complete c = 0; } else { boolean isValid; setPostDialState(PostDialState.STARTED); c = mPostDialString.charAt(mNextPostDialChar++); isValid = processPostDialChar(c); if (!isValid) { // Will call processNextPostDialChar mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_NEXT_POST_DIAL).sendToTarget(); // Don't notify application Rlog.e("CDMA", "processNextPostDialChar: c=" + c + " isn't valid!"); return; } } notifyPostDialListenersNextChar(c); // TODO: remove the following code since the handler no longer executes anything. postDialHandler = mOwner.mPhone.mPostDialHandler; Message notifyMessage; if (postDialHandler != null && (notifyMessage = postDialHandler.messageForRegistrant()) != null) { // The AsyncResult.result is the Connection object PostDialState state = mPostDialState; AsyncResult ar = AsyncResult.forMessage(notifyMessage); ar.result = this; ar.userObj = state; // arg1 is the character that was/is being processed notifyMessage.arg1 = c; notifyMessage.sendToTarget(); } } /** "connecting" means "has never been ACTIVE" for both incoming * and outgoing calls */ private boolean isConnectingInOrOut() { return mParent == null || mParent == mOwner.mRingingCall || mParent.mState == CdmaCall.State.DIALING || mParent.mState == CdmaCall.State.ALERTING; } private CdmaCall parentFromDCState (DriverCall.State state) { switch (state) { case ACTIVE: case DIALING: case ALERTING: return mOwner.mForegroundCall; //break; case HOLDING: return mOwner.mBackgroundCall; //break; case INCOMING: case WAITING: return mOwner.mRingingCall; //break; default: throw new RuntimeException("illegal call state: " + state); } } /** * Set post dial state and acquire wake lock while switching to "started" or "wait" * state, the wake lock will be released if state switches out of "started" or "wait" * state or after WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS. * @param s new PostDialState */ private void setPostDialState(PostDialState s) { if (s == PostDialState.STARTED || s == PostDialState.PAUSE) { synchronized (mPartialWakeLock) { if (mPartialWakeLock.isHeld()) { mHandler.removeMessages(EVENT_WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT); } else { acquireWakeLock(); } Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(EVENT_WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT); mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT_MILLIS); } } else { mHandler.removeMessages(EVENT_WAKE_LOCK_TIMEOUT); releaseWakeLock(); } mPostDialState = s; notifyPostDialListeners(); } private void createWakeLock(Context context) { PowerManager pm = (PowerManager)context.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); mPartialWakeLock = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, LOG_TAG); } private void acquireWakeLock() { log("acquireWakeLock"); mPartialWakeLock.acquire(); } private void releaseWakeLock() { synchronized (mPartialWakeLock) { if (mPartialWakeLock.isHeld()) { log("releaseWakeLock"); mPartialWakeLock.release(); } } } private static boolean isPause(char c) { return c == PhoneNumberUtils.PAUSE; } private static boolean isWait(char c) { return c == PhoneNumberUtils.WAIT; } // This function is to find the next PAUSE character index if // multiple pauses in a row. Otherwise it finds the next non PAUSE or // non WAIT character index. private static int findNextPCharOrNonPOrNonWCharIndex(String phoneNumber, int currIndex) { boolean wMatched = isWait(phoneNumber.charAt(currIndex)); int index = currIndex + 1; int length = phoneNumber.length(); while (index < length) { char cNext = phoneNumber.charAt(index); // if there is any W inside P/W sequence,mark it if (isWait(cNext)) { wMatched = true; } // if any characters other than P/W chars after P/W sequence // we break out the loop and append the correct if (!isWait(cNext) && !isPause(cNext)) { break; } index++; } // It means the PAUSE character(s) is in the middle of dial string // and it needs to be handled one by one. if ((index < length) && (index > (currIndex + 1)) && ((wMatched == false) && isPause(phoneNumber.charAt(currIndex)))) { return (currIndex + 1); } return index; } // This function returns either PAUSE or WAIT character to append. // It is based on the next non PAUSE/WAIT character in the phoneNumber and the // index for the current PAUSE/WAIT character private static char findPOrWCharToAppend(String phoneNumber, int currPwIndex, int nextNonPwCharIndex) { char c = phoneNumber.charAt(currPwIndex); char ret; // Append the PW char ret = (isPause(c)) ? PhoneNumberUtils.PAUSE : PhoneNumberUtils.WAIT; // If the nextNonPwCharIndex is greater than currPwIndex + 1, // it means the PW sequence contains not only P characters. // Since for the sequence that only contains P character, // the P character is handled one by one, the nextNonPwCharIndex // equals to currPwIndex + 1. // In this case, skip P, append W. if (nextNonPwCharIndex > (currPwIndex + 1)) { ret = PhoneNumberUtils.WAIT; } return ret; } /** * format original dial string * 1) convert international dialing prefix "+" to * string specified per region * * 2) handle corner cases for PAUSE/WAIT dialing: * * If PAUSE/WAIT sequence at the end, ignore them. * * If consecutive PAUSE/WAIT sequence in the middle of the string, * and if there is any WAIT in PAUSE/WAIT sequence, treat them like WAIT. */ public static String formatDialString(String phoneNumber) { /** * TODO(cleanup): This function should move to PhoneNumberUtils, and * tests should be added. */ if (phoneNumber == null) { return null; } int length = phoneNumber.length(); StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); char c; int currIndex = 0; while (currIndex < length) { c = phoneNumber.charAt(currIndex); if (isPause(c) || isWait(c)) { if (currIndex < length - 1) { // if PW not at the end int nextIndex = findNextPCharOrNonPOrNonWCharIndex(phoneNumber, currIndex); // If there is non PW char following PW sequence if (nextIndex < length) { char pC = findPOrWCharToAppend(phoneNumber, currIndex, nextIndex); ret.append(pC); // If PW char sequence has more than 2 PW characters, // skip to the last PW character since the sequence already be // converted to WAIT character if (nextIndex > (currIndex + 1)) { currIndex = nextIndex - 1; } } else if (nextIndex == length) { // It means PW characters at the end, ignore currIndex = length - 1; } } } else { ret.append(c); } currIndex++; } return PhoneNumberUtils.cdmaCheckAndProcessPlusCode(ret.toString()); } private void log(String msg) { Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "[CDMAConn] " + msg); } private String maskDialString(String dialString) { if (VDBG) { return dialString; } return ""; } @Override public int getNumberPresentation() { return mNumberPresentation; } @Override public UUSInfo getUUSInfo() { // UUS information not supported in CDMA return null; } public int getPreciseDisconnectCause() { return mPreciseCause; } @Override public String getVendorDisconnectCause() { return mVendorCause; } @Override public Connection getOrigConnection() { return null; } @Override public boolean isMultiparty() { return false; } }