/* * Copyright (C) 2006 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.internal.telephony.gsm; import android.app.AlarmManager; import android.app.Notification; import android.app.NotificationManager; import android.app.PendingIntent; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.PersistableBundle; import android.os.PowerManager; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.ServiceManager; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.provider.Settings; import android.provider.Settings.SettingNotFoundException; import android.telephony.CellIdentityGsm; import android.telephony.CellIdentityLte; import android.telephony.CellIdentityWcdma; import android.telephony.CellInfo; import android.telephony.CellInfoGsm; import android.telephony.CellInfoLte; import android.telephony.CellInfoWcdma; import android.telephony.CellLocation; import android.telephony.Rlog; import android.telephony.ServiceState; import android.telephony.SignalStrength; import android.telephony.gsm.GsmCellLocation; import android.telephony.TelephonyManager; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.EventLog; import android.util.TimeUtils; import com.android.internal.telephony.CommandException; import com.android.internal.telephony.CommandsInterface; import com.android.internal.telephony.EventLogTags; import com.android.internal.telephony.ICarrierConfigLoader; import com.android.internal.telephony.MccTable; import com.android.internal.telephony.ProxyController; import com.android.internal.telephony.Phone; import com.android.internal.telephony.RILConstants; import com.android.internal.telephony.RestrictedState; import com.android.internal.telephony.ServiceStateTracker; import android.telephony.SubscriptionManager; import com.android.internal.telephony.TelephonyIntents; import com.android.internal.telephony.TelephonyProperties; import com.android.internal.telephony.dataconnection.DcTrackerBase; import com.android.internal.telephony.imsphone.ImsPhone; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccCardApplicationStatus.AppState; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.IccRecords; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.SIMRecords; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.UiccCardApplication; import com.android.internal.telephony.uicc.UiccController; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; /** * {@hide} */ final class GsmServiceStateTracker extends ServiceStateTracker { static final String LOG_TAG = "GsmSST"; static final boolean VDBG = false; //CAF_MSIM make it private ?? private static final int EVENT_ALL_DATA_DISCONNECTED = 1001; private GSMPhone mPhone; GsmCellLocation mCellLoc; GsmCellLocation mNewCellLoc; int mPreferredNetworkType; private int mMaxDataCalls = 1; private int mNewMaxDataCalls = 1; private int mReasonDataDenied = -1; private int mNewReasonDataDenied = -1; /** * GSM roaming status solely based on TS 27.007 7.2 CREG. Only used by * handlePollStateResult to store CREG roaming result. */ private boolean mGsmRoaming = false; /** * Data roaming status solely based on TS 27.007 10.1.19 CGREG. Only used by * handlePollStateResult to store CGREG roaming result. */ private boolean mDataRoaming = false; /** * Mark when service state is in emergency call only mode */ private boolean mEmergencyOnly = false; /** * Sometimes we get the NITZ time before we know what country we * are in. Keep the time zone information from the NITZ string so * we can fix the time zone once know the country. */ private boolean mNeedFixZoneAfterNitz = false; private int mZoneOffset; private boolean mZoneDst; private long mZoneTime; private boolean mGotCountryCode = false; private ContentResolver mCr; /** Boolean is true is setTimeFromNITZString was called */ private boolean mNitzUpdatedTime = false; String mSavedTimeZone; long mSavedTime; long mSavedAtTime; /** Started the recheck process after finding gprs should registered but not. */ private boolean mStartedGprsRegCheck = false; /** Already sent the event-log for no gprs register. */ private boolean mReportedGprsNoReg = false; /** * The Notification object given to the NotificationManager. */ private Notification mNotification; /** Wake lock used while setting time of day. */ private PowerManager.WakeLock mWakeLock; private static final String WAKELOCK_TAG = "ServiceStateTracker"; /** Notification type. */ static final int PS_ENABLED = 1001; // Access Control blocks data service static final int PS_DISABLED = 1002; // Access Control enables data service static final int CS_ENABLED = 1003; // Access Control blocks all voice/sms service static final int CS_DISABLED = 1004; // Access Control enables all voice/sms service static final int CS_NORMAL_ENABLED = 1005; // Access Control blocks normal voice/sms service static final int CS_EMERGENCY_ENABLED = 1006; // Access Control blocks emergency call service /** Notification id. */ static final int PS_NOTIFICATION = 888; // Id to update and cancel PS restricted static final int CS_NOTIFICATION = 999; // Id to update and cancel CS restricted private BroadcastReceiver mIntentReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if (!mPhone.mIsTheCurrentActivePhone) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Received Intent " + intent + " while being destroyed. Ignoring."); return; } if (intent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED)) { // update emergency string whenever locale changed updateSpnDisplay(); } else if (intent.getAction().equals(ACTION_RADIO_OFF)) { mAlarmSwitch = false; DcTrackerBase dcTracker = mPhone.mDcTracker; powerOffRadioSafely(dcTracker); } } }; private ContentObserver mAutoTimeObserver = new ContentObserver(new Handler()) { @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange) { Rlog.i("GsmServiceStateTracker", "Auto time state changed"); revertToNitzTime(); } }; private ContentObserver mAutoTimeZoneObserver = new ContentObserver(new Handler()) { @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange) { Rlog.i("GsmServiceStateTracker", "Auto time zone state changed"); revertToNitzTimeZone(); } }; public GsmServiceStateTracker(GSMPhone phone) { super(phone, phone.mCi, new CellInfoGsm()); mPhone = phone; mCellLoc = new GsmCellLocation(); mNewCellLoc = new GsmCellLocation(); PowerManager powerManager = (PowerManager)phone.getContext().getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE); mWakeLock = powerManager.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, WAKELOCK_TAG); mCi.registerForAvailable(this, EVENT_RADIO_AVAILABLE, null); mCi.registerForRadioStateChanged(this, EVENT_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED, null); mCi.registerForVoiceNetworkStateChanged(this, EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED, null); mCi.setOnNITZTime(this, EVENT_NITZ_TIME, null); mCi.setOnRestrictedStateChanged(this, EVENT_RESTRICTED_STATE_CHANGED, null); // system setting property AIRPLANE_MODE_ON is set in Settings. int airplaneMode = Settings.Global.getInt( phone.getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.AIRPLANE_MODE_ON, 0); mDesiredPowerState = ! (airplaneMode > 0); mCr = phone.getContext().getContentResolver(); mCr.registerContentObserver( Settings.Global.getUriFor(Settings.Global.AUTO_TIME), true, mAutoTimeObserver); mCr.registerContentObserver( Settings.Global.getUriFor(Settings.Global.AUTO_TIME_ZONE), true, mAutoTimeZoneObserver); setSignalStrengthDefaultValues(); // Monitor locale change IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(); filter.addAction(Intent.ACTION_LOCALE_CHANGED); phone.getContext().registerReceiver(mIntentReceiver, filter); filter = new IntentFilter(); Context context = phone.getContext(); filter.addAction(ACTION_RADIO_OFF); context.registerReceiver(mIntentReceiver, filter); } @Override public void dispose() { checkCorrectThread(); log("ServiceStateTracker dispose"); // Unregister for all events. mCi.unregisterForAvailable(this); mCi.unregisterForRadioStateChanged(this); mCi.unregisterForVoiceNetworkStateChanged(this); if (mUiccApplcation != null) {mUiccApplcation.unregisterForReady(this);} if (mIccRecords != null) {mIccRecords.unregisterForRecordsLoaded(this);} mCi.unSetOnRestrictedStateChanged(this); mCi.unSetOnNITZTime(this); mCr.unregisterContentObserver(mAutoTimeObserver); mCr.unregisterContentObserver(mAutoTimeZoneObserver); mPhone.getContext().unregisterReceiver(mIntentReceiver); super.dispose(); } @Override protected void finalize() { if(DBG) log("finalize"); } @Override protected Phone getPhone() { return mPhone; } @Override public void handleMessage (Message msg) { AsyncResult ar; int[] ints; String[] strings; Message message; if (!mPhone.mIsTheCurrentActivePhone) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "Received message " + msg + "[" + msg.what + "] while being destroyed. Ignoring."); return; } switch (msg.what) { case EVENT_RADIO_AVAILABLE: //this is unnecessary //setPowerStateToDesired(); break; case EVENT_SIM_READY: // Reset the mPreviousSubId so we treat a SIM power bounce // as a first boot. See b/19194287 mOnSubscriptionsChangedListener.mPreviousSubId.set(-1); pollState(); // Signal strength polling stops when radio is off queueNextSignalStrengthPoll(); break; case EVENT_RADIO_STATE_CHANGED: // This will do nothing in the radio not // available case setPowerStateToDesired(); pollState(); break; case EVENT_NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED: pollState(); break; case EVENT_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH: // This callback is called when signal strength is polled // all by itself if (!(mCi.getRadioState().isOn())) { // Polling will continue when radio turns back on return; } ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; onSignalStrengthResult(ar, true); queueNextSignalStrengthPoll(); break; case EVENT_GET_LOC_DONE: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; if (ar.exception == null) { String states[] = (String[])ar.result; int lac = -1; int cid = -1; if (states.length >= 3) { try { if (states[1] != null && states[1].length() > 0) { lac = Integer.parseInt(states[1], 16); } if (states[2] != null && states[2].length() > 0) { cid = Integer.parseInt(states[2], 16); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { Rlog.w(LOG_TAG, "error parsing location: " + ex); } } mCellLoc.setLacAndCid(lac, cid); mPhone.notifyLocationChanged(); } // Release any temporary cell lock, which could have been // acquired to allow a single-shot location update. disableSingleLocationUpdate(); break; case EVENT_POLL_STATE_REGISTRATION: case EVENT_POLL_STATE_GPRS: case EVENT_POLL_STATE_OPERATOR: case EVENT_POLL_STATE_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; handlePollStateResult(msg.what, ar); break; case EVENT_POLL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH: // Just poll signal strength...not part of pollState() mCi.getSignalStrength(obtainMessage(EVENT_GET_SIGNAL_STRENGTH)); break; case EVENT_NITZ_TIME: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; String nitzString = (String)((Object[])ar.result)[0]; long nitzReceiveTime = ((Long)((Object[])ar.result)[1]).longValue(); setTimeFromNITZString(nitzString, nitzReceiveTime); break; case EVENT_SIGNAL_STRENGTH_UPDATE: // This is a notification from // CommandsInterface.setOnSignalStrengthUpdate ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; // The radio is telling us about signal strength changes // we don't have to ask it mDontPollSignalStrength = true; onSignalStrengthResult(ar, true); break; case EVENT_SIM_RECORDS_LOADED: log("EVENT_SIM_RECORDS_LOADED: what=" + msg.what); // Gsm doesn't support OTASP so its not needed mPhone.notifyOtaspChanged(OTASP_NOT_NEEDED); updatePhoneObject(); updateSpnDisplay(); break; case EVENT_LOCATION_UPDATES_ENABLED: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; if (ar.exception == null) { mCi.getVoiceRegistrationState(obtainMessage(EVENT_GET_LOC_DONE, null)); } break; case EVENT_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; // Don't care the result, only use for dereg network (COPS=2) message = obtainMessage(EVENT_RESET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, ar.userObj); mCi.setPreferredNetworkType(mPreferredNetworkType, message); break; case EVENT_RESET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; if (ar.userObj != null) { AsyncResult.forMessage(((Message) ar.userObj)).exception = ar.exception; ((Message) ar.userObj).sendToTarget(); } break; case EVENT_GET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE: ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; if (ar.exception == null) { mPreferredNetworkType = ((int[])ar.result)[0]; } else { mPreferredNetworkType = RILConstants.NETWORK_MODE_GLOBAL; } message = obtainMessage(EVENT_SET_PREFERRED_NETWORK_TYPE, ar.userObj); int toggledNetworkType = RILConstants.NETWORK_MODE_GLOBAL; mCi.setPreferredNetworkType(toggledNetworkType, message); break; case EVENT_CHECK_REPORT_GPRS: if (mSS != null && !isGprsConsistent(mSS.getDataRegState(), mSS.getVoiceRegState())) { // Can't register data service while voice service is ok // i.e. CREG is ok while CGREG is not // possible a network or baseband side error GsmCellLocation loc = ((GsmCellLocation)mPhone.getCellLocation()); EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.DATA_NETWORK_REGISTRATION_FAIL, mSS.getOperatorNumeric(), loc != null ? loc.getCid() : -1); mReportedGprsNoReg = true; } mStartedGprsRegCheck = false; break; case EVENT_RESTRICTED_STATE_CHANGED: // This is a notification from // CommandsInterface.setOnRestrictedStateChanged if (DBG) log("EVENT_RESTRICTED_STATE_CHANGED"); ar = (AsyncResult) msg.obj; onRestrictedStateChanged(ar); break; case EVENT_ALL_DATA_DISCONNECTED: int dds = SubscriptionManager.getDefaultDataSubId(); ProxyController.getInstance().unregisterForAllDataDisconnected(dds, this); synchronized(this) { if (mPendingRadioPowerOffAfterDataOff) { if (DBG) log("EVENT_ALL_DATA_DISCONNECTED, turn radio off now."); hangupAndPowerOff(); mPendingRadioPowerOffAfterDataOff = false; } else { log("EVENT_ALL_DATA_DISCONNECTED is stale"); } } break; case EVENT_CHANGE_IMS_STATE: if (DBG) log("EVENT_CHANGE_IMS_STATE:"); setPowerStateToDesired(); break; case EVENT_IMS_CAPABILITY_CHANGED: if (DBG) log("EVENT_IMS_CAPABILITY_CHANGED"); updateSpnDisplay(); break; default: super.handleMessage(msg); break; } } @Override protected void setPowerStateToDesired() { if (DBG) { log("mDeviceShuttingDown = " + mDeviceShuttingDown); log("mDesiredPowerState = " + mDesiredPowerState); log("getRadioState = " + mCi.getRadioState()); log("mPowerOffDelayNeed = " + mPowerOffDelayNeed); log("mAlarmSwitch = " + mAlarmSwitch); } if (mAlarmSwitch) { if(DBG) log("mAlarmSwitch == true"); Context context = mPhone.getContext(); AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); am.cancel(mRadioOffIntent); mAlarmSwitch = false; } // If we want it on and it's off, turn it on if (mDesiredPowerState && mCi.getRadioState() == CommandsInterface.RadioState.RADIO_OFF) { mCi.setRadioPower(true, null); } else if (!mDesiredPowerState && mCi.getRadioState().isOn()) { // If it's on and available and we want it off gracefully if (mPowerOffDelayNeed) { if (mImsRegistrationOnOff && !mAlarmSwitch) { if(DBG) log("mImsRegistrationOnOff == true"); Context context = mPhone.getContext(); AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); Intent intent = new Intent(ACTION_RADIO_OFF); mRadioOffIntent = PendingIntent.getBroadcast(context, 0, intent, 0); mAlarmSwitch = true; if (DBG) log("Alarm setting"); am.set(AlarmManager.ELAPSED_REALTIME_WAKEUP, SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + 3000, mRadioOffIntent); } else { DcTrackerBase dcTracker = mPhone.mDcTracker; powerOffRadioSafely(dcTracker); } } else { DcTrackerBase dcTracker = mPhone.mDcTracker; powerOffRadioSafely(dcTracker); } } else if (mDeviceShuttingDown && mCi.getRadioState().isAvailable()) { mCi.requestShutdown(null); } } @Override protected void hangupAndPowerOff() { // hang up all active voice calls if (mPhone.isInCall()) { mPhone.mCT.mRingingCall.hangupIfAlive(); mPhone.mCT.mBackgroundCall.hangupIfAlive(); mPhone.mCT.mForegroundCall.hangupIfAlive(); } mCi.setRadioPower(false, null); } @Override protected void updateSpnDisplay() { // The values of plmn/showPlmn change in different scenarios. // 1) No service but emergency call allowed -> expected // to show "Emergency call only" // EXTRA_SHOW_PLMN = true // EXTRA_PLMN = "Emergency call only" // 2) No service at all --> expected to show "No service" // EXTRA_SHOW_PLMN = true // EXTRA_PLMN = "No service" // 3) Normal operation in either home or roaming service // EXTRA_SHOW_PLMN = depending on IccRecords rule // EXTRA_PLMN = plmn // 4) No service due to power off, aka airplane mode // EXTRA_SHOW_PLMN = false // EXTRA_PLMN = null IccRecords iccRecords = mIccRecords; String plmn = null; boolean showPlmn = false; int rule = (iccRecords != null) ? iccRecords.getDisplayRule(mSS.getOperatorNumeric()) : 0; if (mSS.getVoiceRegState() == ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE || mSS.getVoiceRegState() == ServiceState.STATE_EMERGENCY_ONLY) { showPlmn = true; if (mEmergencyOnly) { // No service but emergency call allowed plmn = Resources.getSystem(). getText(com.android.internal.R.string.emergency_calls_only).toString(); } else { // No service at all plmn = Resources.getSystem(). getText(com.android.internal.R.string.lockscreen_carrier_default).toString(); } if (DBG) log("updateSpnDisplay: radio is on but out " + "of service, set plmn='" + plmn + "'"); } else if (mSS.getVoiceRegState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE) { // In either home or roaming service plmn = mSS.getOperatorAlphaLong(); showPlmn = !TextUtils.isEmpty(plmn) && ((rule & SIMRecords.SPN_RULE_SHOW_PLMN) == SIMRecords.SPN_RULE_SHOW_PLMN); } else { // Power off state, such as airplane mode, show plmn as "No service" showPlmn = true; plmn = Resources.getSystem(). getText(com.android.internal.R.string.lockscreen_carrier_default).toString(); if (DBG) log("updateSpnDisplay: radio is off w/ showPlmn=" + showPlmn + " plmn=" + plmn); } // The value of spn/showSpn are same in different scenarios. // EXTRA_SHOW_SPN = depending on IccRecords rule and radio/IMS state // EXTRA_SPN = spn // EXTRA_DATA_SPN = dataSpn String spn = (iccRecords != null) ? iccRecords.getServiceProviderName() : ""; String dataSpn = spn; boolean showSpn = !TextUtils.isEmpty(spn) && ((rule & SIMRecords.SPN_RULE_SHOW_SPN) == SIMRecords.SPN_RULE_SHOW_SPN); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(spn) && mPhone.getImsPhone() != null && ((ImsPhone) mPhone.getImsPhone()).isVowifiEnabled()) { // In Wi-Fi Calling mode show SPN+WiFi String formatVoice = mPhone.getContext().getText( com.android.internal.R.string.wfcSpnFormat).toString(); String formatData = mPhone.getContext().getText( com.android.internal.R.string.wfcDataSpnFormat).toString(); String originalSpn = spn.trim(); spn = String.format(formatVoice, originalSpn); dataSpn = String.format(formatData, originalSpn); showSpn = true; showPlmn = false; } else if (mSS.getVoiceRegState() == ServiceState.STATE_POWER_OFF || (showPlmn && TextUtils.equals(spn, plmn))) { // airplane mode or spn equals plmn, do not show spn spn = null; showSpn = false; } // Update SPN_STRINGS_UPDATED_ACTION IFF any value changes if (showPlmn != mCurShowPlmn || showSpn != mCurShowSpn || !TextUtils.equals(spn, mCurSpn) || !TextUtils.equals(dataSpn, mCurDataSpn) || !TextUtils.equals(plmn, mCurPlmn)) { if (DBG) { log(String.format("updateSpnDisplay: changed" + " sending intent rule=" + rule + " showPlmn='%b' plmn='%s' showSpn='%b' spn='%s' dataSpn='%s'", showPlmn, plmn, showSpn, spn, dataSpn)); } Intent intent = new Intent(TelephonyIntents.SPN_STRINGS_UPDATED_ACTION); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING); intent.putExtra(TelephonyIntents.EXTRA_SHOW_SPN, showSpn); intent.putExtra(TelephonyIntents.EXTRA_SPN, spn); intent.putExtra(TelephonyIntents.EXTRA_DATA_SPN, dataSpn); intent.putExtra(TelephonyIntents.EXTRA_SHOW_PLMN, showPlmn); intent.putExtra(TelephonyIntents.EXTRA_PLMN, plmn); SubscriptionManager.putPhoneIdAndSubIdExtra(intent, mPhone.getPhoneId()); mPhone.getContext().sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL); if (!mSubscriptionController.setPlmnSpn(mPhone.getPhoneId(), showPlmn, plmn, showSpn, spn)) { mSpnUpdatePending = true; } } mCurShowSpn = showSpn; mCurShowPlmn = showPlmn; mCurSpn = spn; mCurDataSpn = dataSpn; mCurPlmn = plmn; } /** * Handle the result of one of the pollState()-related requests */ @Override protected void handlePollStateResult (int what, AsyncResult ar) { int ints[]; String states[]; // Ignore stale requests from last poll if (ar.userObj != mPollingContext) return; if (ar.exception != null) { CommandException.Error err=null; if (ar.exception instanceof CommandException) { err = ((CommandException)(ar.exception)).getCommandError(); } if (err == CommandException.Error.RADIO_NOT_AVAILABLE) { // Radio has crashed or turned off cancelPollState(); return; } if (err != CommandException.Error.OP_NOT_ALLOWED_BEFORE_REG_NW) { loge("RIL implementation has returned an error where it must succeed" + ar.exception); } } else try { switch (what) { case EVENT_POLL_STATE_REGISTRATION: { states = (String[])ar.result; int lac = -1; int cid = -1; int type = ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_UNKNOWN; int regState = ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_UNKNOWN; int reasonRegStateDenied = -1; int psc = -1; if (states.length > 0) { try { regState = Integer.parseInt(states[0]); if (states.length >= 3) { if (states[1] != null && states[1].length() > 0) { lac = Integer.parseInt(states[1], 16); } if (states[2] != null && states[2].length() > 0) { cid = Integer.parseInt(states[2], 16); } // states[3] (if present) is the current radio technology if (states.length >= 4 && states[3] != null) { type = Integer.parseInt(states[3]); } } if (states.length > 14) { if (states[14] != null && states[14].length() > 0) { psc = Integer.parseInt(states[14], 16); } } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { loge("error parsing RegistrationState: " + ex); } } mGsmRoaming = regCodeIsRoaming(regState); mNewSS.setState(regCodeToServiceState(regState)); mNewSS.setRilVoiceRadioTechnology(type); boolean isVoiceCapable = mPhoneBase.getContext().getResources() .getBoolean(com.android.internal.R.bool.config_voice_capable); if ((regState == ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_DENIED_EMERGENCY_CALL_ENABLED || regState == ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_NOT_REG_EMERGENCY_CALL_ENABLED || regState == ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_SEARCHING_EMERGENCY_CALL_ENABLED || regState == ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_UNKNOWN_EMERGENCY_CALL_ENABLED) && isVoiceCapable) { mEmergencyOnly = true; } else { mEmergencyOnly = false; } // LAC and CID are -1 if not avail mNewCellLoc.setLacAndCid(lac, cid); mNewCellLoc.setPsc(psc); break; } case EVENT_POLL_STATE_GPRS: { states = (String[])ar.result; int type = 0; int regState = ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_UNKNOWN; mNewReasonDataDenied = -1; mNewMaxDataCalls = 1; if (states.length > 0) { try { regState = Integer.parseInt(states[0]); // states[3] (if present) is the current radio technology if (states.length >= 4 && states[3] != null) { type = Integer.parseInt(states[3]); } if ((states.length >= 5 ) && (regState == ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_DENIED)) { mNewReasonDataDenied = Integer.parseInt(states[4]); } if (states.length >= 6) { mNewMaxDataCalls = Integer.parseInt(states[5]); } } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { loge("error parsing GprsRegistrationState: " + ex); } } int dataRegState = regCodeToServiceState(regState); mNewSS.setDataRegState(dataRegState); mDataRoaming = regCodeIsRoaming(regState); mNewSS.setRilDataRadioTechnology(type); if (DBG) { log("handlPollStateResultMessage: GsmSST setDataRegState=" + dataRegState + " regState=" + regState + " dataRadioTechnology=" + type); } break; } case EVENT_POLL_STATE_OPERATOR: { String opNames[] = (String[])ar.result; if (opNames != null && opNames.length >= 3) { // FIXME: Giving brandOverride higher precedence, is this desired? String brandOverride = mUiccController.getUiccCard(getPhoneId()) != null ? mUiccController.getUiccCard(getPhoneId()).getOperatorBrandOverride() : null; if (brandOverride != null) { log("EVENT_POLL_STATE_OPERATOR: use brandOverride=" + brandOverride); mNewSS.setOperatorName(brandOverride, brandOverride, opNames[2]); } else { mNewSS.setOperatorName (opNames[0], opNames[1], opNames[2]); } } break; } case EVENT_POLL_STATE_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE: { ints = (int[])ar.result; mNewSS.setIsManualSelection(ints[0] == 1); if ((ints[0] == 1) && (!mPhone.isManualNetSelAllowed())) { /* * modem is currently in manual selection but manual * selection is not allowed in the current mode so * switch to automatic registration */ mPhone.setNetworkSelectionModeAutomatic (null); log(" Forcing Automatic Network Selection, " + "manual selection is not allowed"); } break; } } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { loge("Exception while polling service state. Probably malformed RIL response." + ex); } mPollingContext[0]--; if (mPollingContext[0] == 0) { updateRoamingState(); mNewSS.setEmergencyOnly(mEmergencyOnly); pollStateDone(); } } /** * Query the carrier configuration to determine if there any network overrides * for roaming or not roaming for the current service state. */ protected void updateRoamingState() { /** * Since the roaming state of gsm service (from +CREG) and * data service (from +CGREG) could be different, the new SS * is set to roaming when either is true. * * There are exceptions for the above rule. * The new SS is not set as roaming while gsm service reports * roaming but indeed it is same operator. * And the operator is considered non roaming. * * The test for the operators is to handle special roaming * agreements and MVNO's. */ boolean roaming = (mGsmRoaming || mDataRoaming); if (mGsmRoaming && !isOperatorConsideredRoaming(mNewSS) && (isSameNamedOperators(mNewSS) || isOperatorConsideredNonRoaming(mNewSS))) { roaming = false; } // Save the roaming state before carrier config possibly overrides it. mNewSS.setDataRoamingFromRegistration(roaming); ICarrierConfigLoader configLoader = (ICarrierConfigLoader) ServiceManager.getService(Context.CARRIER_CONFIG_SERVICE); if (configLoader != null) { try { PersistableBundle b = configLoader.getConfigForSubId(mPhone.getSubId()); if (alwaysOnHomeNetwork(b)) { log("updateRoamingState: carrier config override always on home network"); roaming = false; } else if (isNonRoamingInGsmNetwork(b, mNewSS.getOperatorNumeric())) { log("updateRoamingState: carrier config override set non roaming:" + mNewSS.getOperatorNumeric()); roaming = false; } else if (isRoamingInGsmNetwork(b, mNewSS.getOperatorNumeric())) { log("updateRoamingState: carrier config override set roaming:" + mNewSS.getOperatorNumeric()); roaming = true; } } catch (RemoteException e) { loge("updateRoamingState: unable to access carrier config service"); } } else { log("updateRoamingState: no carrier config service available"); } mNewSS.setVoiceRoaming(roaming); mNewSS.setDataRoaming(roaming); } /** * Set both voice and data roaming type, * judging from the ISO country of SIM VS network. */ protected void setRoamingType(ServiceState currentServiceState) { final boolean isVoiceInService = (currentServiceState.getVoiceRegState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE); if (isVoiceInService) { if (currentServiceState.getVoiceRoaming()) { // check roaming type by MCC if (inSameCountry(currentServiceState.getVoiceOperatorNumeric())) { currentServiceState.setVoiceRoamingType( ServiceState.ROAMING_TYPE_DOMESTIC); } else { currentServiceState.setVoiceRoamingType( ServiceState.ROAMING_TYPE_INTERNATIONAL); } } else { currentServiceState.setVoiceRoamingType(ServiceState.ROAMING_TYPE_NOT_ROAMING); } } final boolean isDataInService = (currentServiceState.getDataRegState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE); final int dataRegType = currentServiceState.getRilDataRadioTechnology(); if (isDataInService) { if (!currentServiceState.getDataRoaming()) { currentServiceState.setDataRoamingType(ServiceState.ROAMING_TYPE_NOT_ROAMING); } else if (ServiceState.isGsm(dataRegType)) { if (isVoiceInService) { // GSM data should have the same state as voice currentServiceState.setDataRoamingType(currentServiceState .getVoiceRoamingType()); } else { // we can not decide GSM data roaming type without voice currentServiceState.setDataRoamingType(ServiceState.ROAMING_TYPE_UNKNOWN); } } else { // we can not decide 3gpp2 roaming state here currentServiceState.setDataRoamingType(ServiceState.ROAMING_TYPE_UNKNOWN); } } } private void setSignalStrengthDefaultValues() { mSignalStrength = new SignalStrength(true); } /** * A complete "service state" from our perspective is * composed of a handful of separate requests to the radio. * * We make all of these requests at once, but then abandon them * and start over again if the radio notifies us that some * event has changed */ @Override public void pollState() { mPollingContext = new int[1]; mPollingContext[0] = 0; switch (mCi.getRadioState()) { case RADIO_UNAVAILABLE: mNewSS.setStateOutOfService(); mNewCellLoc.setStateInvalid(); setSignalStrengthDefaultValues(); mGotCountryCode = false; mNitzUpdatedTime = false; pollStateDone(); break; case RADIO_OFF: mNewSS.setStateOff(); mNewCellLoc.setStateInvalid(); setSignalStrengthDefaultValues(); mGotCountryCode = false; mNitzUpdatedTime = false; if (ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_IWLAN != mSS.getRilDataRadioTechnology()) { pollStateDone(); } default: // Issue all poll-related commands at once // then count down the responses, which // are allowed to arrive out-of-order mPollingContext[0]++; mCi.getOperator( obtainMessage( EVENT_POLL_STATE_OPERATOR, mPollingContext)); mPollingContext[0]++; mCi.getDataRegistrationState( obtainMessage( EVENT_POLL_STATE_GPRS, mPollingContext)); mPollingContext[0]++; mCi.getVoiceRegistrationState( obtainMessage( EVENT_POLL_STATE_REGISTRATION, mPollingContext)); mPollingContext[0]++; mCi.getNetworkSelectionMode( obtainMessage( EVENT_POLL_STATE_NETWORK_SELECTION_MODE, mPollingContext)); break; } } private void pollStateDone() { if (Build.IS_DEBUGGABLE && SystemProperties.getBoolean(PROP_FORCE_ROAMING, false)) { mNewSS.setVoiceRoaming(true); mNewSS.setDataRoaming(true); } useDataRegStateForDataOnlyDevices(); resetServiceStateInIwlanMode(); if (DBG) { log("Poll ServiceState done: " + " oldSS=[" + mSS + "] newSS=[" + mNewSS + "]" + " oldMaxDataCalls=" + mMaxDataCalls + " mNewMaxDataCalls=" + mNewMaxDataCalls + " oldReasonDataDenied=" + mReasonDataDenied + " mNewReasonDataDenied=" + mNewReasonDataDenied); } boolean hasRegistered = mSS.getVoiceRegState() != ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE && mNewSS.getVoiceRegState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE; boolean hasDeregistered = mSS.getVoiceRegState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE && mNewSS.getVoiceRegState() != ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE; boolean hasGprsAttached = mSS.getDataRegState() != ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE && mNewSS.getDataRegState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE; boolean hasGprsDetached = mSS.getDataRegState() == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE && mNewSS.getDataRegState() != ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE; boolean hasDataRegStateChanged = mSS.getDataRegState() != mNewSS.getDataRegState(); boolean hasVoiceRegStateChanged = mSS.getVoiceRegState() != mNewSS.getVoiceRegState(); boolean hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged = mSS.getRilVoiceRadioTechnology() != mNewSS.getRilVoiceRadioTechnology(); boolean hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged = mSS.getRilDataRadioTechnology() != mNewSS.getRilDataRadioTechnology(); boolean hasChanged = !mNewSS.equals(mSS); boolean hasVoiceRoamingOn = !mSS.getVoiceRoaming() && mNewSS.getVoiceRoaming(); boolean hasVoiceRoamingOff = mSS.getVoiceRoaming() && !mNewSS.getVoiceRoaming(); boolean hasDataRoamingOn = !mSS.getDataRoaming() && mNewSS.getDataRoaming(); boolean hasDataRoamingOff = mSS.getDataRoaming() && !mNewSS.getDataRoaming(); boolean hasLocationChanged = !mNewCellLoc.equals(mCellLoc); TelephonyManager tm = (TelephonyManager) mPhone.getContext().getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE); // Add an event log when connection state changes if (hasVoiceRegStateChanged || hasDataRegStateChanged) { EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.GSM_SERVICE_STATE_CHANGE, mSS.getVoiceRegState(), mSS.getDataRegState(), mNewSS.getVoiceRegState(), mNewSS.getDataRegState()); } // Add an event log when network type switched // TODO: we may add filtering to reduce the event logged, // i.e. check preferred network setting, only switch to 2G, etc if (hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged) { int cid = -1; GsmCellLocation loc = mNewCellLoc; if (loc != null) cid = loc.getCid(); // NOTE: this code was previously located after mSS and mNewSS are swapped, so // existing logs were incorrectly using the new state for "network_from" // and STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE for "network_to". To avoid confusion, use a new log tag // to record the correct states. EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.GSM_RAT_SWITCHED_NEW, cid, mSS.getRilVoiceRadioTechnology(), mNewSS.getRilVoiceRadioTechnology()); if (DBG) { log("RAT switched " + ServiceState.rilRadioTechnologyToString(mSS.getRilVoiceRadioTechnology()) + " -> " + ServiceState.rilRadioTechnologyToString( mNewSS.getRilVoiceRadioTechnology()) + " at cell " + cid); } } // swap mSS and mNewSS to put new state in mSS ServiceState tss = mSS; mSS = mNewSS; mNewSS = tss; // clean slate for next time mNewSS.setStateOutOfService(); // swap mCellLoc and mNewCellLoc to put new state in mCellLoc GsmCellLocation tcl = mCellLoc; mCellLoc = mNewCellLoc; mNewCellLoc = tcl; mReasonDataDenied = mNewReasonDataDenied; mMaxDataCalls = mNewMaxDataCalls; if (hasRilVoiceRadioTechnologyChanged) { updatePhoneObject(); } if (hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged) { tm.setDataNetworkTypeForPhone(mPhone.getPhoneId(), mSS.getRilVoiceRadioTechnology()); if (ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_IWLAN == mSS.getRilDataRadioTechnology()) { log("pollStateDone: IWLAN enabled"); } } if (hasRegistered) { mNetworkAttachedRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); if (DBG) { log("pollStateDone: registering current mNitzUpdatedTime=" + mNitzUpdatedTime + " changing to false"); } mNitzUpdatedTime = false; } if (hasChanged) { String operatorNumeric; updateSpnDisplay(); tm.setNetworkOperatorNameForPhone(mPhone.getPhoneId(), mSS.getOperatorAlphaLong()); String prevOperatorNumeric = tm.getNetworkOperatorForPhone(mPhone.getPhoneId()); operatorNumeric = mSS.getOperatorNumeric(); tm.setNetworkOperatorNumericForPhone(mPhone.getPhoneId(), operatorNumeric); updateCarrierMccMncConfiguration(operatorNumeric, prevOperatorNumeric, mPhone.getContext()); if (operatorNumeric == null) { if (DBG) log("operatorNumeric is null"); tm.setNetworkCountryIsoForPhone(mPhone.getPhoneId(), ""); mGotCountryCode = false; mNitzUpdatedTime = false; } else { String iso = ""; String mcc = ""; try{ mcc = operatorNumeric.substring(0, 3); iso = MccTable.countryCodeForMcc(Integer.parseInt(mcc)); } catch ( NumberFormatException ex){ loge("pollStateDone: countryCodeForMcc error" + ex); } catch ( StringIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { loge("pollStateDone: countryCodeForMcc error" + ex); } tm.setNetworkCountryIsoForPhone(mPhone.getPhoneId(), iso); mGotCountryCode = true; TimeZone zone = null; if (!mNitzUpdatedTime && !mcc.equals("000") && !TextUtils.isEmpty(iso) && getAutoTimeZone()) { // Test both paths if ignore nitz is true boolean testOneUniqueOffsetPath = SystemProperties.getBoolean( TelephonyProperties.PROPERTY_IGNORE_NITZ, false) && ((SystemClock.uptimeMillis() & 1) == 0); ArrayList uniqueZones = TimeUtils.getTimeZonesWithUniqueOffsets(iso); if ((uniqueZones.size() == 1) || testOneUniqueOffsetPath) { zone = uniqueZones.get(0); if (DBG) { log("pollStateDone: no nitz but one TZ for iso-cc=" + iso + " with zone.getID=" + zone.getID() + " testOneUniqueOffsetPath=" + testOneUniqueOffsetPath); } setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTimeZone(zone.getID()); } else { if (DBG) { log("pollStateDone: there are " + uniqueZones.size() + " unique offsets for iso-cc='" + iso + " testOneUniqueOffsetPath=" + testOneUniqueOffsetPath + "', do nothing"); } } } if (shouldFixTimeZoneNow(mPhone, operatorNumeric, prevOperatorNumeric, mNeedFixZoneAfterNitz)) { // If the offset is (0, false) and the timezone property // is set, use the timezone property rather than // GMT. String zoneName = SystemProperties.get(TIMEZONE_PROPERTY); if (DBG) { log("pollStateDone: fix time zone zoneName='" + zoneName + "' mZoneOffset=" + mZoneOffset + " mZoneDst=" + mZoneDst + " iso-cc='" + iso + "' iso-cc-idx=" + Arrays.binarySearch(GMT_COUNTRY_CODES, iso)); } if ("".equals(iso) && mNeedFixZoneAfterNitz) { // Country code not found. This is likely a test network. // Get a TimeZone based only on the NITZ parameters (best guess). zone = getNitzTimeZone(mZoneOffset, mZoneDst, mZoneTime); if (DBG) log("pollStateDone: using NITZ TimeZone"); } else // "(mZoneOffset == 0) && (mZoneDst == false) && // (Arrays.binarySearch(GMT_COUNTRY_CODES, iso) < 0)" // means that we received a NITZ string telling // it is in GMT+0 w/ DST time zone // BUT iso tells is NOT, e.g, a wrong NITZ reporting // local time w/ 0 offset. if ((mZoneOffset == 0) && (mZoneDst == false) && (zoneName != null) && (zoneName.length() > 0) && (Arrays.binarySearch(GMT_COUNTRY_CODES, iso) < 0)) { zone = TimeZone.getDefault(); if (mNeedFixZoneAfterNitz) { // For wrong NITZ reporting local time w/ 0 offset, // need adjust time to reflect default timezone setting long ctm = System.currentTimeMillis(); long tzOffset = zone.getOffset(ctm); if (DBG) { log("pollStateDone: tzOffset=" + tzOffset + " ltod=" + TimeUtils.logTimeOfDay(ctm)); } if (getAutoTime()) { long adj = ctm - tzOffset; if (DBG) log("pollStateDone: adj ltod=" + TimeUtils.logTimeOfDay(adj)); setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTime(adj); } else { // Adjust the saved NITZ time to account for tzOffset. mSavedTime = mSavedTime - tzOffset; } } if (DBG) log("pollStateDone: using default TimeZone"); } else { zone = TimeUtils.getTimeZone(mZoneOffset, mZoneDst, mZoneTime, iso); if (DBG) log("pollStateDone: using getTimeZone(off, dst, time, iso)"); } mNeedFixZoneAfterNitz = false; if (zone != null) { log("pollStateDone: zone != null zone.getID=" + zone.getID()); if (getAutoTimeZone()) { setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTimeZone(zone.getID()); } saveNitzTimeZone(zone.getID()); } else { log("pollStateDone: zone == null"); } } } tm.setNetworkRoamingForPhone(mPhone.getPhoneId(), mSS.getVoiceRoaming()); setRoamingType(mSS); log("Broadcasting ServiceState : " + mSS); mPhone.notifyServiceStateChanged(mSS); } if (hasGprsAttached) { mAttachedRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } if (hasGprsDetached) { mDetachedRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } if (hasDataRegStateChanged || hasRilDataRadioTechnologyChanged) { notifyDataRegStateRilRadioTechnologyChanged(); if (ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_IWLAN == mSS.getRilDataRadioTechnology()) { mPhone.notifyDataConnection(Phone.REASON_IWLAN_AVAILABLE); } else { mPhone.notifyDataConnection(null); } } if (hasVoiceRoamingOn) { mVoiceRoamingOnRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } if (hasVoiceRoamingOff) { mVoiceRoamingOffRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } if (hasDataRoamingOn) { mDataRoamingOnRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } if (hasDataRoamingOff) { mDataRoamingOffRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); } if (hasLocationChanged) { mPhone.notifyLocationChanged(); } if (! isGprsConsistent(mSS.getDataRegState(), mSS.getVoiceRegState())) { if (!mStartedGprsRegCheck && !mReportedGprsNoReg) { mStartedGprsRegCheck = true; int check_period = Settings.Global.getInt( mPhone.getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.GPRS_REGISTER_CHECK_PERIOD_MS, DEFAULT_GPRS_CHECK_PERIOD_MILLIS); sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(EVENT_CHECK_REPORT_GPRS), check_period); } } else { mReportedGprsNoReg = false; } // TODO: Add GsmCellIdenity updating, see CdmaLteServiceStateTracker. } /** * Check if GPRS got registered while voice is registered. * * @param dataRegState i.e. CGREG in GSM * @param voiceRegState i.e. CREG in GSM * @return false if device only register to voice but not gprs */ private boolean isGprsConsistent(int dataRegState, int voiceRegState) { return !((voiceRegState == ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE) && (dataRegState != ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE)); } /** * Returns a TimeZone object based only on parameters from the NITZ string. */ private TimeZone getNitzTimeZone(int offset, boolean dst, long when) { TimeZone guess = findTimeZone(offset, dst, when); if (guess == null) { // Couldn't find a proper timezone. Perhaps the DST data is wrong. guess = findTimeZone(offset, !dst, when); } if (DBG) log("getNitzTimeZone returning " + (guess == null ? guess : guess.getID())); return guess; } private TimeZone findTimeZone(int offset, boolean dst, long when) { int rawOffset = offset; if (dst) { rawOffset -= 3600000; } String[] zones = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(rawOffset); TimeZone guess = null; Date d = new Date(when); for (String zone : zones) { TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(zone); if (tz.getOffset(when) == offset && tz.inDaylightTime(d) == dst) { guess = tz; break; } } return guess; } private void queueNextSignalStrengthPoll() { if (mDontPollSignalStrength) { // The radio is telling us about signal strength changes // we don't have to ask it return; } Message msg; msg = obtainMessage(); msg.what = EVENT_POLL_SIGNAL_STRENGTH; long nextTime; // TODO Don't poll signal strength if screen is off sendMessageDelayed(msg, POLL_PERIOD_MILLIS); } /** * Set restricted state based on the OnRestrictedStateChanged notification * If any voice or packet restricted state changes, trigger a UI * notification and notify registrants when sim is ready. * * @param ar an int value of RIL_RESTRICTED_STATE_* */ private void onRestrictedStateChanged(AsyncResult ar) { RestrictedState newRs = new RestrictedState(); if (DBG) log("onRestrictedStateChanged: E rs "+ mRestrictedState); if (ar.exception == null) { int[] ints = (int[])ar.result; int state = ints[0]; newRs.setCsEmergencyRestricted( ((state & RILConstants.RIL_RESTRICTED_STATE_CS_EMERGENCY) != 0) || ((state & RILConstants.RIL_RESTRICTED_STATE_CS_ALL) != 0) ); //ignore the normal call and data restricted state before SIM READY if (mUiccApplcation != null && mUiccApplcation.getState() == AppState.APPSTATE_READY) { newRs.setCsNormalRestricted( ((state & RILConstants.RIL_RESTRICTED_STATE_CS_NORMAL) != 0) || ((state & RILConstants.RIL_RESTRICTED_STATE_CS_ALL) != 0) ); newRs.setPsRestricted( (state & RILConstants.RIL_RESTRICTED_STATE_PS_ALL)!= 0); } if (DBG) log("onRestrictedStateChanged: new rs "+ newRs); if (!mRestrictedState.isPsRestricted() && newRs.isPsRestricted()) { mPsRestrictEnabledRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); setNotification(PS_ENABLED); } else if (mRestrictedState.isPsRestricted() && !newRs.isPsRestricted()) { mPsRestrictDisabledRegistrants.notifyRegistrants(); setNotification(PS_DISABLED); } /** * There are two kind of cs restriction, normal and emergency. So * there are 4 x 4 combinations in current and new restricted states * and we only need to notify when state is changed. */ if (mRestrictedState.isCsRestricted()) { if (!newRs.isCsRestricted()) { // remove all restriction setNotification(CS_DISABLED); } else if (!newRs.isCsNormalRestricted()) { // remove normal restriction setNotification(CS_EMERGENCY_ENABLED); } else if (!newRs.isCsEmergencyRestricted()) { // remove emergency restriction setNotification(CS_NORMAL_ENABLED); } } else if (mRestrictedState.isCsEmergencyRestricted() && !mRestrictedState.isCsNormalRestricted()) { if (!newRs.isCsRestricted()) { // remove all restriction setNotification(CS_DISABLED); } else if (newRs.isCsRestricted()) { // enable all restriction setNotification(CS_ENABLED); } else if (newRs.isCsNormalRestricted()) { // remove emergency restriction and enable normal restriction setNotification(CS_NORMAL_ENABLED); } } else if (!mRestrictedState.isCsEmergencyRestricted() && mRestrictedState.isCsNormalRestricted()) { if (!newRs.isCsRestricted()) { // remove all restriction setNotification(CS_DISABLED); } else if (newRs.isCsRestricted()) { // enable all restriction setNotification(CS_ENABLED); } else if (newRs.isCsEmergencyRestricted()) { // remove normal restriction and enable emergency restriction setNotification(CS_EMERGENCY_ENABLED); } } else { if (newRs.isCsRestricted()) { // enable all restriction setNotification(CS_ENABLED); } else if (newRs.isCsEmergencyRestricted()) { // enable emergency restriction setNotification(CS_EMERGENCY_ENABLED); } else if (newRs.isCsNormalRestricted()) { // enable normal restriction setNotification(CS_NORMAL_ENABLED); } } mRestrictedState = newRs; } log("onRestrictedStateChanged: X rs "+ mRestrictedState); } /** code is registration state 0-5 from TS 27.007 7.2 */ private int regCodeToServiceState(int code) { switch (code) { case 0: case 2: // 2 is "searching" case 3: // 3 is "registration denied" case 4: // 4 is "unknown" no vaild in current baseband case 10:// same as 0, but indicates that emergency call is possible. case 12:// same as 2, but indicates that emergency call is possible. case 13:// same as 3, but indicates that emergency call is possible. case 14:// same as 4, but indicates that emergency call is possible. return ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE; case 1: return ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE; case 5: // in service, roam return ServiceState.STATE_IN_SERVICE; default: loge("regCodeToServiceState: unexpected service state " + code); return ServiceState.STATE_OUT_OF_SERVICE; } } /** * code is registration state 0-5 from TS 27.007 7.2 * returns true if registered roam, false otherwise */ private boolean regCodeIsRoaming (int code) { return ServiceState.RIL_REG_STATE_ROAMING == code; } /** * Set roaming state if operator mcc is the same as sim mcc * and ons is different from spn * * @param s ServiceState hold current ons * @return true if same operator */ private boolean isSameNamedOperators(ServiceState s) { String spn = ((TelephonyManager) mPhone.getContext(). getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE)). getSimOperatorNameForPhone(getPhoneId()); String onsl = s.getOperatorAlphaLong(); String onss = s.getOperatorAlphaShort(); boolean equalsOnsl = onsl != null && spn.equals(onsl); boolean equalsOnss = onss != null && spn.equals(onss); return currentMccEqualsSimMcc(s) && (equalsOnsl || equalsOnss); } /** * Compare SIM MCC with Operator MCC * * @param s ServiceState hold current ons * @return true if both are same */ private boolean currentMccEqualsSimMcc(ServiceState s) { String simNumeric = ((TelephonyManager) mPhone.getContext(). getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE)). getSimOperatorNumericForPhone(getPhoneId()); String operatorNumeric = s.getOperatorNumeric(); boolean equalsMcc = true; try { equalsMcc = simNumeric.substring(0, 3). equals(operatorNumeric.substring(0, 3)); } catch (Exception e){ } return equalsMcc; } /** * Do not set roaming state in case of oprators considered non-roaming. * + Can use mcc or mcc+mnc as item of config_operatorConsideredNonRoaming. * For example, 302 or 21407. If mcc or mcc+mnc match with operator, * don't set roaming state. * * @param s ServiceState hold current ons * @return false for roaming state set */ private boolean isOperatorConsideredNonRoaming(ServiceState s) { String operatorNumeric = s.getOperatorNumeric(); String[] numericArray = mPhone.getContext().getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_operatorConsideredNonRoaming); if (numericArray.length == 0 || operatorNumeric == null) { return false; } for (String numeric : numericArray) { if (operatorNumeric.startsWith(numeric)) { return true; } } return false; } private boolean isOperatorConsideredRoaming(ServiceState s) { String operatorNumeric = s.getOperatorNumeric(); String[] numericArray = mPhone.getContext().getResources().getStringArray( com.android.internal.R.array.config_sameNamedOperatorConsideredRoaming); if (numericArray.length == 0 || operatorNumeric == null) { return false; } for (String numeric : numericArray) { if (operatorNumeric.startsWith(numeric)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @return The current GPRS state. IN_SERVICE is the same as "attached" * and OUT_OF_SERVICE is the same as detached. */ @Override public int getCurrentDataConnectionState() { return mSS.getDataRegState(); } /** * @return true if phone is camping on a technology (eg UMTS) * that could support voice and data simultaneously. */ @Override public boolean isConcurrentVoiceAndDataAllowed() { return (mSS.getRilVoiceRadioTechnology() >= ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_UMTS); } /** * @return the current cell location information. Prefer Gsm location * information if available otherwise return LTE location information */ public CellLocation getCellLocation() { if ((mCellLoc.getLac() >= 0) && (mCellLoc.getCid() >= 0)) { if (DBG) log("getCellLocation(): X good mCellLoc=" + mCellLoc); return mCellLoc; } else { List result = getAllCellInfo(); if (result != null) { // A hack to allow tunneling of LTE information via GsmCellLocation // so that older Network Location Providers can return some information // on LTE only networks, see bug 9228974. // // We'll search the return CellInfo array preferring GSM/WCDMA // data, but if there is none we'll tunnel the first LTE information // in the list. // // The tunnel'd LTE information is returned as follows: // LAC = TAC field // CID = CI field // PSC = 0. GsmCellLocation cellLocOther = new GsmCellLocation(); for (CellInfo ci : result) { if (ci instanceof CellInfoGsm) { CellInfoGsm cellInfoGsm = (CellInfoGsm)ci; CellIdentityGsm cellIdentityGsm = cellInfoGsm.getCellIdentity(); cellLocOther.setLacAndCid(cellIdentityGsm.getLac(), cellIdentityGsm.getCid()); cellLocOther.setPsc(cellIdentityGsm.getPsc()); if (DBG) log("getCellLocation(): X ret GSM info=" + cellLocOther); return cellLocOther; } else if (ci instanceof CellInfoWcdma) { CellInfoWcdma cellInfoWcdma = (CellInfoWcdma)ci; CellIdentityWcdma cellIdentityWcdma = cellInfoWcdma.getCellIdentity(); cellLocOther.setLacAndCid(cellIdentityWcdma.getLac(), cellIdentityWcdma.getCid()); cellLocOther.setPsc(cellIdentityWcdma.getPsc()); if (DBG) log("getCellLocation(): X ret WCDMA info=" + cellLocOther); return cellLocOther; } else if ((ci instanceof CellInfoLte) && ((cellLocOther.getLac() < 0) || (cellLocOther.getCid() < 0))) { // We'll return the first good LTE info we get if there is no better answer CellInfoLte cellInfoLte = (CellInfoLte)ci; CellIdentityLte cellIdentityLte = cellInfoLte.getCellIdentity(); if ((cellIdentityLte.getTac() != Integer.MAX_VALUE) && (cellIdentityLte.getCi() != Integer.MAX_VALUE)) { cellLocOther.setLacAndCid(cellIdentityLte.getTac(), cellIdentityLte.getCi()); cellLocOther.setPsc(0); if (DBG) { log("getCellLocation(): possible LTE cellLocOther=" + cellLocOther); } } } } if (DBG) { log("getCellLocation(): X ret best answer cellLocOther=" + cellLocOther); } return cellLocOther; } else { if (DBG) { log("getCellLocation(): X empty mCellLoc and CellInfo mCellLoc=" + mCellLoc); } return mCellLoc; } } } /** * nitzReceiveTime is time_t that the NITZ time was posted */ private void setTimeFromNITZString (String nitz, long nitzReceiveTime) { // "yy/mm/dd,hh:mm:ss(+/-)tz" // tz is in number of quarter-hours long start = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); if (DBG) {log("NITZ: " + nitz + "," + nitzReceiveTime + " start=" + start + " delay=" + (start - nitzReceiveTime)); } try { /* NITZ time (hour:min:sec) will be in UTC but it supplies the timezone * offset as well (which we won't worry about until later) */ Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT")); c.clear(); c.set(Calendar.DST_OFFSET, 0); String[] nitzSubs = nitz.split("[/:,+-]"); int year = 2000 + Integer.parseInt(nitzSubs[0]); c.set(Calendar.YEAR, year); // month is 0 based! int month = Integer.parseInt(nitzSubs[1]) - 1; c.set(Calendar.MONTH, month); int date = Integer.parseInt(nitzSubs[2]); c.set(Calendar.DATE, date); int hour = Integer.parseInt(nitzSubs[3]); c.set(Calendar.HOUR, hour); int minute = Integer.parseInt(nitzSubs[4]); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, minute); int second = Integer.parseInt(nitzSubs[5]); c.set(Calendar.SECOND, second); boolean sign = (nitz.indexOf('-') == -1); int tzOffset = Integer.parseInt(nitzSubs[6]); int dst = (nitzSubs.length >= 8 ) ? Integer.parseInt(nitzSubs[7]) : 0; // The zone offset received from NITZ is for current local time, // so DST correction is already applied. Don't add it again. // // tzOffset += dst * 4; // // We could unapply it if we wanted the raw offset. tzOffset = (sign ? 1 : -1) * tzOffset * 15 * 60 * 1000; TimeZone zone = null; // As a special extension, the Android emulator appends the name of // the host computer's timezone to the nitz string. this is zoneinfo // timezone name of the form Area!Location or Area!Location!SubLocation // so we need to convert the ! into / if (nitzSubs.length >= 9) { String tzname = nitzSubs[8].replace('!','/'); zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone( tzname ); } String iso = ((TelephonyManager) mPhone.getContext(). getSystemService(Context.TELEPHONY_SERVICE)). getNetworkCountryIsoForPhone(mPhone.getPhoneId()); if (zone == null) { if (mGotCountryCode) { if (iso != null && iso.length() > 0) { zone = TimeUtils.getTimeZone(tzOffset, dst != 0, c.getTimeInMillis(), iso); } else { // We don't have a valid iso country code. This is // most likely because we're on a test network that's // using a bogus MCC (eg, "001"), so get a TimeZone // based only on the NITZ parameters. zone = getNitzTimeZone(tzOffset, (dst != 0), c.getTimeInMillis()); } } } if ((zone == null) || (mZoneOffset != tzOffset) || (mZoneDst != (dst != 0))){ // We got the time before the country or the zone has changed // so we don't know how to identify the DST rules yet. Save // the information and hope to fix it up later. mNeedFixZoneAfterNitz = true; mZoneOffset = tzOffset; mZoneDst = dst != 0; mZoneTime = c.getTimeInMillis(); } if (zone != null) { if (getAutoTimeZone()) { setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTimeZone(zone.getID()); } saveNitzTimeZone(zone.getID()); } String ignore = SystemProperties.get("gsm.ignore-nitz"); if (ignore != null && ignore.equals("yes")) { log("NITZ: Not setting clock because gsm.ignore-nitz is set"); return; } try { mWakeLock.acquire(); if (getAutoTime()) { long millisSinceNitzReceived = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - nitzReceiveTime; if (millisSinceNitzReceived < 0) { // Sanity check: something is wrong if (DBG) { log("NITZ: not setting time, clock has rolled " + "backwards since NITZ time was received, " + nitz); } return; } if (millisSinceNitzReceived > Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // If the time is this far off, something is wrong > 24 days! if (DBG) { log("NITZ: not setting time, processing has taken " + (millisSinceNitzReceived / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)) + " days"); } return; } // Note: with range checks above, cast to int is safe c.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, (int)millisSinceNitzReceived); if (DBG) { log("NITZ: Setting time of day to " + c.getTime() + " NITZ receive delay(ms): " + millisSinceNitzReceived + " gained(ms): " + (c.getTimeInMillis() - System.currentTimeMillis()) + " from " + nitz); } setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTime(c.getTimeInMillis()); Rlog.i(LOG_TAG, "NITZ: after Setting time of day"); } SystemProperties.set("gsm.nitz.time", String.valueOf(c.getTimeInMillis())); saveNitzTime(c.getTimeInMillis()); if (VDBG) { long end = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); log("NITZ: end=" + end + " dur=" + (end - start)); } mNitzUpdatedTime = true; } finally { mWakeLock.release(); } } catch (RuntimeException ex) { loge("NITZ: Parsing NITZ time " + nitz + " ex=" + ex); } } private boolean getAutoTime() { try { return Settings.Global.getInt(mPhone.getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.AUTO_TIME) > 0; } catch (SettingNotFoundException snfe) { return true; } } private boolean getAutoTimeZone() { try { return Settings.Global.getInt(mPhone.getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.AUTO_TIME_ZONE) > 0; } catch (SettingNotFoundException snfe) { return true; } } private void saveNitzTimeZone(String zoneId) { mSavedTimeZone = zoneId; } private void saveNitzTime(long time) { mSavedTime = time; mSavedAtTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } /** * Set the timezone and send out a sticky broadcast so the system can * determine if the timezone was set by the carrier. * * @param zoneId timezone set by carrier */ private void setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTimeZone(String zoneId) { if (DBG) log("setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTimeZone: setTimeZone=" + zoneId); AlarmManager alarm = (AlarmManager) mPhone.getContext().getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); alarm.setTimeZone(zoneId); Intent intent = new Intent(TelephonyIntents.ACTION_NETWORK_SET_TIMEZONE); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING); intent.putExtra("time-zone", zoneId); mPhone.getContext().sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL); if (DBG) { log("setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTimeZone: call alarm.setTimeZone and broadcast zoneId=" + zoneId); } } /** * Set the time and Send out a sticky broadcast so the system can determine * if the time was set by the carrier. * * @param time time set by network */ private void setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTime(long time) { if (DBG) log("setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTime: time=" + time + "ms"); SystemClock.setCurrentTimeMillis(time); Intent intent = new Intent(TelephonyIntents.ACTION_NETWORK_SET_TIME); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_REPLACE_PENDING); intent.putExtra("time", time); mPhone.getContext().sendStickyBroadcastAsUser(intent, UserHandle.ALL); } private void revertToNitzTime() { if (Settings.Global.getInt(mPhone.getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.AUTO_TIME, 0) == 0) { return; } if (DBG) { log("Reverting to NITZ Time: mSavedTime=" + mSavedTime + " mSavedAtTime=" + mSavedAtTime); } if (mSavedTime != 0 && mSavedAtTime != 0) { setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTime(mSavedTime + (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mSavedAtTime)); } } private void revertToNitzTimeZone() { if (Settings.Global.getInt(mPhone.getContext().getContentResolver(), Settings.Global.AUTO_TIME_ZONE, 0) == 0) { return; } if (DBG) log("Reverting to NITZ TimeZone: tz='" + mSavedTimeZone); if (mSavedTimeZone != null) { setAndBroadcastNetworkSetTimeZone(mSavedTimeZone); } } /** * Post a notification to NotificationManager for restricted state * * @param notifyType is one state of PS/CS_*_ENABLE/DISABLE */ private void setNotification(int notifyType) { if (DBG) log("setNotification: create notification " + notifyType); // Needed because sprout RIL sends these when they shouldn't? boolean isSetNotification = mPhone.getContext().getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_user_notification_of_restrictied_mobile_access); if (!isSetNotification) { if (DBG) log("Ignore all the notifications"); return; } Context context = mPhone.getContext(); CharSequence details = ""; CharSequence title = context.getText(com.android.internal.R.string.RestrictedChangedTitle); int notificationId = CS_NOTIFICATION; switch (notifyType) { case PS_ENABLED: long dataSubId = SubscriptionManager.getDefaultDataSubId(); if (dataSubId != mPhone.getSubId()) { return; } notificationId = PS_NOTIFICATION; details = context.getText(com.android.internal.R.string.RestrictedOnData); break; case PS_DISABLED: notificationId = PS_NOTIFICATION; break; case CS_ENABLED: details = context.getText(com.android.internal.R.string.RestrictedOnAllVoice); break; case CS_NORMAL_ENABLED: details = context.getText(com.android.internal.R.string.RestrictedOnNormal); break; case CS_EMERGENCY_ENABLED: details = context.getText(com.android.internal.R.string.RestrictedOnEmergency); break; case CS_DISABLED: // do nothing and cancel the notification later break; } if (DBG) log("setNotification: put notification " + title + " / " +details); mNotification = new Notification.Builder(context) .setWhen(System.currentTimeMillis()) .setAutoCancel(true) .setSmallIcon(com.android.internal.R.drawable.stat_sys_warning) .setTicker(title) .setColor(context.getResources().getColor( com.android.internal.R.color.system_notification_accent_color)) .setContentTitle(title) .setContentText(details) .build(); NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); if (notifyType == PS_DISABLED || notifyType == CS_DISABLED) { // cancel previous post notification notificationManager.cancel(notificationId); } else { // update restricted state notification notificationManager.notify(notificationId, mNotification); } } private UiccCardApplication getUiccCardApplication() { return mUiccController.getUiccCardApplication(mPhone.getPhoneId(), UiccController.APP_FAM_3GPP); } @Override protected void onUpdateIccAvailability() { if (mUiccController == null ) { return; } UiccCardApplication newUiccApplication = getUiccCardApplication(); if (mUiccApplcation != newUiccApplication) { if (mUiccApplcation != null) { log("Removing stale icc objects."); mUiccApplcation.unregisterForReady(this); if (mIccRecords != null) { mIccRecords.unregisterForRecordsLoaded(this); } mIccRecords = null; mUiccApplcation = null; } if (newUiccApplication != null) { log("New card found"); mUiccApplcation = newUiccApplication; mIccRecords = mUiccApplcation.getIccRecords(); mUiccApplcation.registerForReady(this, EVENT_SIM_READY, null); if (mIccRecords != null) { mIccRecords.registerForRecordsLoaded(this, EVENT_SIM_RECORDS_LOADED, null); } } } } @Override protected void log(String s) { Rlog.d(LOG_TAG, "[GsmSST] " + s); } @Override protected void loge(String s) { Rlog.e(LOG_TAG, "[GsmSST] " + s); } @Override public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { pw.println("GsmServiceStateTracker extends:"); super.dump(fd, pw, args); pw.println(" mPhone=" + mPhone); pw.println(" mSS=" + mSS); pw.println(" mNewSS=" + mNewSS); pw.println(" mCellLoc=" + mCellLoc); pw.println(" mNewCellLoc=" + mNewCellLoc); pw.println(" mPreferredNetworkType=" + mPreferredNetworkType); pw.println(" mMaxDataCalls=" + mMaxDataCalls); pw.println(" mNewMaxDataCalls=" + mNewMaxDataCalls); pw.println(" mReasonDataDenied=" + mReasonDataDenied); pw.println(" mNewReasonDataDenied=" + mNewReasonDataDenied); pw.println(" mGsmRoaming=" + mGsmRoaming); pw.println(" mDataRoaming=" + mDataRoaming); pw.println(" mEmergencyOnly=" + mEmergencyOnly); pw.println(" mNeedFixZoneAfterNitz=" + mNeedFixZoneAfterNitz); pw.flush(); pw.println(" mZoneOffset=" + mZoneOffset); pw.println(" mZoneDst=" + mZoneDst); pw.println(" mZoneTime=" + mZoneTime); pw.println(" mGotCountryCode=" + mGotCountryCode); pw.println(" mNitzUpdatedTime=" + mNitzUpdatedTime); pw.println(" mSavedTimeZone=" + mSavedTimeZone); pw.println(" mSavedTime=" + mSavedTime); pw.println(" mSavedAtTime=" + mSavedAtTime); pw.println(" mStartedGprsRegCheck=" + mStartedGprsRegCheck); pw.println(" mReportedGprsNoReg=" + mReportedGprsNoReg); pw.println(" mNotification=" + mNotification); pw.println(" mWakeLock=" + mWakeLock); pw.println(" mCurSpn=" + mCurSpn); pw.println(" mCurDataSpn=" + mCurDataSpn); pw.println(" mCurShowSpn=" + mCurShowSpn); pw.println(" mCurPlmn=" + mCurPlmn); pw.println(" mCurShowPlmn=" + mCurShowPlmn); pw.flush(); } /** * Clean up existing voice and data connection then turn off radio power. * * Hang up the existing voice calls to decrease call drop rate. */ @Override public void powerOffRadioSafely(DcTrackerBase dcTracker) { synchronized (this) { if (!mPendingRadioPowerOffAfterDataOff) { int dds = SubscriptionManager.getDefaultDataSubId(); // To minimize race conditions we call cleanUpAllConnections on // both if else paths instead of before this isDisconnected test. if (dcTracker.isDisconnected() && (dds == mPhone.getSubId() || (dds != mPhone.getSubId() && ProxyController.getInstance().isDataDisconnected(dds)))) { // To minimize race conditions we do this after isDisconnected dcTracker.cleanUpAllConnections(Phone.REASON_RADIO_TURNED_OFF); if (DBG) log("Data disconnected, turn off radio right away."); hangupAndPowerOff(); } else { // hang up all active voice calls first if (mPhone.isInCall()) { mPhone.mCT.mRingingCall.hangupIfAlive(); mPhone.mCT.mBackgroundCall.hangupIfAlive(); mPhone.mCT.mForegroundCall.hangupIfAlive(); } dcTracker.cleanUpAllConnections(Phone.REASON_RADIO_TURNED_OFF); if (dds != mPhone.getSubId() && !ProxyController.getInstance().isDataDisconnected(dds)) { if (DBG) log("Data is active on DDS. Wait for all data disconnect"); // Data is not disconnected on DDS. Wait for the data disconnect complete // before sending the RADIO_POWER off. ProxyController.getInstance().registerForAllDataDisconnected(dds, this, EVENT_ALL_DATA_DISCONNECTED, null); mPendingRadioPowerOffAfterDataOff = true; } Message msg = Message.obtain(this); msg.what = EVENT_SET_RADIO_POWER_OFF; msg.arg1 = ++mPendingRadioPowerOffAfterDataOffTag; if (sendMessageDelayed(msg, 30000)) { if (DBG) log("Wait upto 30s for data to disconnect, then turn off radio."); mPendingRadioPowerOffAfterDataOff = true; } else { log("Cannot send delayed Msg, turn off radio right away."); hangupAndPowerOff(); mPendingRadioPowerOffAfterDataOff = false; } } } } } public void setImsRegistrationState(boolean registered){ if (mImsRegistrationOnOff && !registered) { if (mAlarmSwitch) { mImsRegistrationOnOff = registered; Context context = mPhone.getContext(); AlarmManager am = (AlarmManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ALARM_SERVICE); am.cancel(mRadioOffIntent); mAlarmSwitch = false; sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_CHANGE_IMS_STATE)); return; } } mImsRegistrationOnOff = registered; } public void onImsCapabilityChanged() { sendMessage(obtainMessage(EVENT_IMS_CAPABILITY_CHANGED)); } }