/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.support.v7.widget; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.view.View; import android.widget.LinearLayout; /** * Helper class for LayoutManagers to abstract measurements depending on the View's orientation. *
* It is developed to easily support vertical and horizontal orientations in a LayoutManager but * can also be used to abstract calls around view bounds and child measurements with margins and * decorations. * * @see #createHorizontalHelper(RecyclerView.LayoutManager) * @see #createVerticalHelper(RecyclerView.LayoutManager) */ public abstract class OrientationHelper { private static final int INVALID_SIZE = Integer.MIN_VALUE; protected final RecyclerView.LayoutManager mLayoutManager; public static final int HORIZONTAL = LinearLayout.HORIZONTAL; public static final int VERTICAL = LinearLayout.VERTICAL; private int mLastTotalSpace = INVALID_SIZE; final Rect mTmpRect = new Rect(); private OrientationHelper(RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager) { mLayoutManager = layoutManager; } /** * Call this method after onLayout method is complete if state is NOT pre-layout. * This method records information like layout bounds that might be useful in the next layout * calculations. */ public void onLayoutComplete() { mLastTotalSpace = getTotalSpace(); } /** * Returns the layout space change between the previous layout pass and current layout pass. *
* Make sure you call {@link #onLayoutComplete()} at the end of your LayoutManager's * {@link RecyclerView.LayoutManager#onLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler, * RecyclerView.State)} method. * * @return The difference between the current total space and previous layout's total space. * @see #onLayoutComplete() */ public int getTotalSpaceChange() { return INVALID_SIZE == mLastTotalSpace ? 0 : getTotalSpace() - mLastTotalSpace; } /** * Returns the start of the view including its decoration and margin. *
* For example, for the horizontal helper, if a View's left is at pixel 20, has 2px left * decoration and 3px left margin, returned value will be 15px. * * @param view The view element to check * @return The first pixel of the element * @see #getDecoratedEnd(android.view.View) */ public abstract int getDecoratedStart(View view); /** * Returns the end of the view including its decoration and margin. *
* For example, for the horizontal helper, if a View's right is at pixel 200, has 2px right * decoration and 3px right margin, returned value will be 205. * * @param view The view element to check * @return The last pixel of the element * @see #getDecoratedStart(android.view.View) */ public abstract int getDecoratedEnd(View view); /** * Returns the end of the View after its matrix transformations are applied to its layout * position. *
* This method is useful when trying to detect the visible edge of a View. *
* It includes the decorations but does not include the margins. * * @param view The view whose transformed end will be returned * @return The end of the View after its decor insets and transformation matrix is applied to * its position * * @see RecyclerView.LayoutManager#getTransformedBoundingBox(View, boolean, Rect) */ public abstract int getTransformedEndWithDecoration(View view); /** * Returns the start of the View after its matrix transformations are applied to its layout * position. *
* This method is useful when trying to detect the visible edge of a View. *
* It includes the decorations but does not include the margins. * * @param view The view whose transformed start will be returned * @return The start of the View after its decor insets and transformation matrix is applied to * its position * * @see RecyclerView.LayoutManager#getTransformedBoundingBox(View, boolean, Rect) */ public abstract int getTransformedStartWithDecoration(View view); /** * Returns the space occupied by this View in the current orientation including decorations and * margins. * * @param view The view element to check * @return Total space occupied by this view * @see #getDecoratedMeasurementInOther(View) */ public abstract int getDecoratedMeasurement(View view); /** * Returns the space occupied by this View in the perpendicular orientation including * decorations and margins. * * @param view The view element to check * @return Total space occupied by this view in the perpendicular orientation to current one * @see #getDecoratedMeasurement(View) */ public abstract int getDecoratedMeasurementInOther(View view); /** * Returns the start position of the layout after the start padding is added. * * @return The very first pixel we can draw. */ public abstract int getStartAfterPadding(); /** * Returns the end position of the layout after the end padding is removed. * * @return The end boundary for this layout. */ public abstract int getEndAfterPadding(); /** * Returns the end position of the layout without taking padding into account. * * @return The end boundary for this layout without considering padding. */ public abstract int getEnd(); /** * Offsets all children's positions by the given amount. * * @param amount Value to add to each child's layout parameters */ public abstract void offsetChildren(int amount); /** * Returns the total space to layout. This number is the difference between * {@link #getEndAfterPadding()} and {@link #getStartAfterPadding()}. * * @return Total space to layout children */ public abstract int getTotalSpace(); /** * Offsets the child in this orientation. * * @param view View to offset * @param offset offset amount */ public abstract void offsetChild(View view, int offset); /** * Returns the padding at the end of the layout. For horizontal helper, this is the right * padding and for vertical helper, this is the bottom padding. This method does not check * whether the layout is RTL or not. * * @return The padding at the end of the layout. */ public abstract int getEndPadding(); /** * Returns the MeasureSpec mode for the current orientation from the LayoutManager. * * @return The current measure spec mode. * * @see View.MeasureSpec * @see RecyclerView.LayoutManager#getWidthMode() * @see RecyclerView.LayoutManager#getHeightMode() */ public abstract int getMode(); /** * Returns the MeasureSpec mode for the perpendicular orientation from the LayoutManager. * * @return The current measure spec mode. * * @see View.MeasureSpec * @see RecyclerView.LayoutManager#getWidthMode() * @see RecyclerView.LayoutManager#getHeightMode() */ public abstract int getModeInOther(); /** * Creates an OrientationHelper for the given LayoutManager and orientation. * * @param layoutManager LayoutManager to attach to * @param orientation Desired orientation. Should be {@link #HORIZONTAL} or {@link #VERTICAL} * @return A new OrientationHelper */ public static OrientationHelper createOrientationHelper( RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager, int orientation) { switch (orientation) { case HORIZONTAL: return createHorizontalHelper(layoutManager); case VERTICAL: return createVerticalHelper(layoutManager); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid orientation"); } /** * Creates a horizontal OrientationHelper for the given LayoutManager. * * @param layoutManager The LayoutManager to attach to. * @return A new OrientationHelper */ public static OrientationHelper createHorizontalHelper( RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager) { return new OrientationHelper(layoutManager) { @Override public int getEndAfterPadding() { return mLayoutManager.getWidth() - mLayoutManager.getPaddingRight(); } @Override public int getEnd() { return mLayoutManager.getWidth(); } @Override public void offsetChildren(int amount) { mLayoutManager.offsetChildrenHorizontal(amount); } @Override public int getStartAfterPadding() { return mLayoutManager.getPaddingLeft(); } @Override public int getDecoratedMeasurement(View view) { final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedMeasuredWidth(view) + params.leftMargin + params.rightMargin; } @Override public int getDecoratedMeasurementInOther(View view) { final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(view) + params.topMargin + params.bottomMargin; } @Override public int getDecoratedEnd(View view) { final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedRight(view) + params.rightMargin; } @Override public int getDecoratedStart(View view) { final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedLeft(view) - params.leftMargin; } @Override public int getTransformedEndWithDecoration(View view) { mLayoutManager.getTransformedBoundingBox(view, true, mTmpRect); return mTmpRect.right; } @Override public int getTransformedStartWithDecoration(View view) { mLayoutManager.getTransformedBoundingBox(view, true, mTmpRect); return mTmpRect.left; } @Override public int getTotalSpace() { return mLayoutManager.getWidth() - mLayoutManager.getPaddingLeft() - mLayoutManager.getPaddingRight(); } @Override public void offsetChild(View view, int offset) { view.offsetLeftAndRight(offset); } @Override public int getEndPadding() { return mLayoutManager.getPaddingRight(); } @Override public int getMode() { return mLayoutManager.getWidthMode(); } @Override public int getModeInOther() { return mLayoutManager.getHeightMode(); } }; } /** * Creates a vertical OrientationHelper for the given LayoutManager. * * @param layoutManager The LayoutManager to attach to. * @return A new OrientationHelper */ public static OrientationHelper createVerticalHelper(RecyclerView.LayoutManager layoutManager) { return new OrientationHelper(layoutManager) { @Override public int getEndAfterPadding() { return mLayoutManager.getHeight() - mLayoutManager.getPaddingBottom(); } @Override public int getEnd() { return mLayoutManager.getHeight(); } @Override public void offsetChildren(int amount) { mLayoutManager.offsetChildrenVertical(amount); } @Override public int getStartAfterPadding() { return mLayoutManager.getPaddingTop(); } @Override public int getDecoratedMeasurement(View view) { final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedMeasuredHeight(view) + params.topMargin + params.bottomMargin; } @Override public int getDecoratedMeasurementInOther(View view) { final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedMeasuredWidth(view) + params.leftMargin + params.rightMargin; } @Override public int getDecoratedEnd(View view) { final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedBottom(view) + params.bottomMargin; } @Override public int getDecoratedStart(View view) { final RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams(); return mLayoutManager.getDecoratedTop(view) - params.topMargin; } @Override public int getTransformedEndWithDecoration(View view) { mLayoutManager.getTransformedBoundingBox(view, true, mTmpRect); return mTmpRect.bottom; } @Override public int getTransformedStartWithDecoration(View view) { mLayoutManager.getTransformedBoundingBox(view, true, mTmpRect); return mTmpRect.top; } @Override public int getTotalSpace() { return mLayoutManager.getHeight() - mLayoutManager.getPaddingTop() - mLayoutManager.getPaddingBottom(); } @Override public void offsetChild(View view, int offset) { view.offsetTopAndBottom(offset); } @Override public int getEndPadding() { return mLayoutManager.getPaddingBottom(); } @Override public int getMode() { return mLayoutManager.getHeightMode(); } @Override public int getModeInOther() { return mLayoutManager.getWidthMode(); } }; } }