/* * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.content; import android.accounts.Account; import android.accounts.AccountAndUser; import android.app.backup.BackupManager; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.ISyncStatusObserver; import android.content.PeriodicSync; import android.content.SyncInfo; import android.content.SyncRequest; import android.content.SyncStatusInfo; import android.database.Cursor; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteQueryBuilder; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.RemoteCallbackList; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.util.*; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.android.internal.util.ArrayUtils; import com.android.internal.util.FastXmlSerializer; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParser; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlPullParserException; import org.xmlpull.v1.XmlSerializer; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileInputStream; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.TimeZone; /** * Singleton that tracks the sync data and overall sync * history on the device. * * @hide */ public class SyncStorageEngine extends Handler { private static final String TAG = "SyncManager"; private static final String TAG_FILE = "SyncManagerFile"; private static final String XML_ATTR_NEXT_AUTHORITY_ID = "nextAuthorityId"; private static final String XML_ATTR_LISTEN_FOR_TICKLES = "listen-for-tickles"; private static final String XML_ATTR_SYNC_RANDOM_OFFSET = "offsetInSeconds"; private static final String XML_ATTR_ENABLED = "enabled"; private static final String XML_ATTR_USER = "user"; private static final String XML_TAG_LISTEN_FOR_TICKLES = "listenForTickles"; /** Default time for a periodic sync. */ private static final long DEFAULT_POLL_FREQUENCY_SECONDS = 60 * 60 * 24; // One day /** Percentage of period that is flex by default, if no flexMillis is set. */ private static final double DEFAULT_FLEX_PERCENT_SYNC = 0.04; /** Lower bound on sync time from which we assign a default flex time. */ private static final long DEFAULT_MIN_FLEX_ALLOWED_SECS = 5; @VisibleForTesting static final long MILLIS_IN_4WEEKS = 1000L * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 4; /** Enum value for a sync start event. */ public static final int EVENT_START = 0; /** Enum value for a sync stop event. */ public static final int EVENT_STOP = 1; /** Enum value for a server-initiated sync. */ public static final int SOURCE_SERVER = 0; /** Enum value for a local-initiated sync. */ public static final int SOURCE_LOCAL = 1; /** Enum value for a poll-based sync (e.g., upon connection to network) */ public static final int SOURCE_POLL = 2; /** Enum value for a user-initiated sync. */ public static final int SOURCE_USER = 3; /** Enum value for a periodic sync. */ public static final int SOURCE_PERIODIC = 4; public static final long NOT_IN_BACKOFF_MODE = -1; // TODO: i18n -- grab these out of resources. /** String names for the sync source types. */ public static final String[] SOURCES = { "SERVER", "LOCAL", "POLL", "USER", "PERIODIC", "SERVICE"}; // The MESG column will contain one of these or one of the Error types. public static final String MESG_SUCCESS = "success"; public static final String MESG_CANCELED = "canceled"; public static final int MAX_HISTORY = 100; private static final int MSG_WRITE_STATUS = 1; private static final long WRITE_STATUS_DELAY = 1000*60*10; // 10 minutes private static final int MSG_WRITE_STATISTICS = 2; private static final long WRITE_STATISTICS_DELAY = 1000*60*30; // 1/2 hour private static final boolean SYNC_ENABLED_DEFAULT = false; // the version of the accounts xml file format private static final int ACCOUNTS_VERSION = 2; private static HashMap sAuthorityRenames; private static PeriodicSyncAddedListener mPeriodicSyncAddedListener; static { sAuthorityRenames = new HashMap(); sAuthorityRenames.put("contacts", "com.android.contacts"); sAuthorityRenames.put("calendar", "com.android.calendar"); } static class AccountInfo { final AccountAndUser accountAndUser; final HashMap authorities = new HashMap(); AccountInfo(AccountAndUser accountAndUser) { this.accountAndUser = accountAndUser; } } /** Bare bones representation of a sync target. */ public static class EndPoint { public final static EndPoint USER_ALL_PROVIDER_ALL_ACCOUNTS_ALL = new EndPoint(null, null, UserHandle.USER_ALL); final Account account; final int userId; final String provider; public EndPoint(Account account, String provider, int userId) { this.account = account; this.provider = provider; this.userId = userId; } /** * An Endpoint for a sync matches if it targets the same sync adapter for the same user. * * @param spec the Endpoint to match. If the spec has null fields, they indicate a wildcard * and match any. */ public boolean matchesSpec(EndPoint spec) { if (userId != spec.userId && userId != UserHandle.USER_ALL && spec.userId != UserHandle.USER_ALL) { return false; } boolean accountsMatch; if (spec.account == null) { accountsMatch = true; } else { accountsMatch = account.equals(spec.account); } boolean providersMatch; if (spec.provider == null) { providersMatch = true; } else { providersMatch = provider.equals(spec.provider); } return accountsMatch && providersMatch; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(account == null ? "ALL ACCS" : account.name) .append("/") .append(provider == null ? "ALL PDRS" : provider); sb.append(":u" + userId); return sb.toString(); } } public static class AuthorityInfo { // Legal values of getIsSyncable /** * Default state for a newly installed adapter. An uninitialized adapter will receive an * initialization sync which are governed by a different set of rules to that of regular * syncs. */ public static final int NOT_INITIALIZED = -1; /** * The adapter will not receive any syncs. This is behaviourally equivalent to * setSyncAutomatically -> false. However setSyncAutomatically is surfaced to the user * while this is generally meant to be controlled by the developer. */ public static final int NOT_SYNCABLE = 0; /** * The adapter is initialized and functioning. This is the normal state for an adapter. */ public static final int SYNCABLE = 1; /** * The adapter is syncable but still requires an initialization sync. For example an adapter * than has been restored from a previous device will be in this state. Not meant for * external use. */ public static final int SYNCABLE_NOT_INITIALIZED = 2; final EndPoint target; final int ident; boolean enabled; int syncable; /** Time at which this sync will run, taking into account backoff. */ long backoffTime; /** Amount of delay due to backoff. */ long backoffDelay; /** Time offset to add to any requests coming to this target. */ long delayUntil; final ArrayList periodicSyncs; /** * Copy constructor for making deep-ish copies. Only the bundles stored * in periodic syncs can make unexpected changes. * * @param toCopy AuthorityInfo to be copied. */ AuthorityInfo(AuthorityInfo toCopy) { target = toCopy.target; ident = toCopy.ident; enabled = toCopy.enabled; syncable = toCopy.syncable; backoffTime = toCopy.backoffTime; backoffDelay = toCopy.backoffDelay; delayUntil = toCopy.delayUntil; periodicSyncs = new ArrayList(); for (PeriodicSync sync : toCopy.periodicSyncs) { // Still not a perfect copy, because we are just copying the mappings. periodicSyncs.add(new PeriodicSync(sync)); } } AuthorityInfo(EndPoint info, int id) { target = info; ident = id; enabled = SYNC_ENABLED_DEFAULT; periodicSyncs = new ArrayList(); defaultInitialisation(); } private void defaultInitialisation() { syncable = NOT_INITIALIZED; // default to "unknown" backoffTime = -1; // if < 0 then we aren't in backoff mode backoffDelay = -1; // if < 0 then we aren't in backoff mode if (mPeriodicSyncAddedListener != null) { mPeriodicSyncAddedListener.onPeriodicSyncAdded(target, new Bundle(), DEFAULT_POLL_FREQUENCY_SECONDS, calculateDefaultFlexTime(DEFAULT_POLL_FREQUENCY_SECONDS)); } } @Override public String toString() { return target + ", enabled=" + enabled + ", syncable=" + syncable + ", backoff=" + backoffTime + ", delay=" + delayUntil; } } public static class SyncHistoryItem { int authorityId; int historyId; long eventTime; long elapsedTime; int source; int event; long upstreamActivity; long downstreamActivity; String mesg; boolean initialization; Bundle extras; int reason; } public static class DayStats { public final int day; public int successCount; public long successTime; public int failureCount; public long failureTime; public DayStats(int day) { this.day = day; } } interface OnSyncRequestListener { /** Called when a sync is needed on an account(s) due to some change in state. */ public void onSyncRequest(EndPoint info, int reason, Bundle extras); } interface PeriodicSyncAddedListener { /** Called when a periodic sync is added. */ void onPeriodicSyncAdded(EndPoint target, Bundle extras, long pollFrequency, long flex); } interface OnAuthorityRemovedListener { /** Called when an authority is removed. */ void onAuthorityRemoved(EndPoint removedAuthority); } // Primary list of all syncable authorities. Also our global lock. private final SparseArray mAuthorities = new SparseArray(); private final HashMap mAccounts = new HashMap(); private final SparseArray> mCurrentSyncs = new SparseArray>(); private final SparseArray mSyncStatus = new SparseArray(); private final ArrayList mSyncHistory = new ArrayList(); private final RemoteCallbackList mChangeListeners = new RemoteCallbackList(); /** Reverse mapping for component name -> target id>. */ private final ArrayMap> mServices = new ArrayMap>(); private int mNextAuthorityId = 0; // We keep 4 weeks of stats. private final DayStats[] mDayStats = new DayStats[7*4]; private final Calendar mCal; private int mYear; private int mYearInDays; private final Context mContext; private static volatile SyncStorageEngine sSyncStorageEngine = null; private int mSyncRandomOffset; /** * This file contains the core engine state: all accounts and the * settings for them. It must never be lost, and should be changed * infrequently, so it is stored as an XML file. */ private final AtomicFile mAccountInfoFile; /** * This file contains the current sync status. We would like to retain * it across boots, but its loss is not the end of the world, so we store * this information as binary data. */ private final AtomicFile mStatusFile; /** * This file contains sync statistics. This is purely debugging information * so is written infrequently and can be thrown away at any time. */ private final AtomicFile mStatisticsFile; private int mNextHistoryId = 0; private SparseArray mMasterSyncAutomatically = new SparseArray(); private boolean mDefaultMasterSyncAutomatically; private OnSyncRequestListener mSyncRequestListener; private OnAuthorityRemovedListener mAuthorityRemovedListener; private SyncStorageEngine(Context context, File dataDir) { mContext = context; sSyncStorageEngine = this; mCal = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT+0")); mDefaultMasterSyncAutomatically = mContext.getResources().getBoolean( com.android.internal.R.bool.config_syncstorageengine_masterSyncAutomatically); File systemDir = new File(dataDir, "system"); File syncDir = new File(systemDir, "sync"); syncDir.mkdirs(); maybeDeleteLegacyPendingInfoLocked(syncDir); mAccountInfoFile = new AtomicFile(new File(syncDir, "accounts.xml")); mStatusFile = new AtomicFile(new File(syncDir, "status.bin")); mStatisticsFile = new AtomicFile(new File(syncDir, "stats.bin")); readAccountInfoLocked(); readStatusLocked(); readStatisticsLocked(); readAndDeleteLegacyAccountInfoLocked(); writeAccountInfoLocked(); writeStatusLocked(); writeStatisticsLocked(); } public static SyncStorageEngine newTestInstance(Context context) { return new SyncStorageEngine(context, context.getFilesDir()); } public static void init(Context context) { if (sSyncStorageEngine != null) { return; } File dataDir = Environment.getDataDirectory(); sSyncStorageEngine = new SyncStorageEngine(context, dataDir); } public static SyncStorageEngine getSingleton() { if (sSyncStorageEngine == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("not initialized"); } return sSyncStorageEngine; } protected void setOnSyncRequestListener(OnSyncRequestListener listener) { if (mSyncRequestListener == null) { mSyncRequestListener = listener; } } protected void setOnAuthorityRemovedListener(OnAuthorityRemovedListener listener) { if (mAuthorityRemovedListener == null) { mAuthorityRemovedListener = listener; } } protected void setPeriodicSyncAddedListener(PeriodicSyncAddedListener listener) { if (mPeriodicSyncAddedListener == null) { mPeriodicSyncAddedListener = listener; } } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { if (msg.what == MSG_WRITE_STATUS) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { writeStatusLocked(); } } else if (msg.what == MSG_WRITE_STATISTICS) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { writeStatisticsLocked(); } } } public int getSyncRandomOffset() { return mSyncRandomOffset; } public void addStatusChangeListener(int mask, ISyncStatusObserver callback) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { mChangeListeners.register(callback, mask); } } public void removeStatusChangeListener(ISyncStatusObserver callback) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { mChangeListeners.unregister(callback); } } /** * Figure out a reasonable flex time for cases where none is provided (old api calls). * @param syncTimeSeconds requested sync time from now. * @return amount of seconds before syncTimeSeconds that the sync can occur. * I.e. * earliest_sync_time = syncTimeSeconds - calculateDefaultFlexTime(syncTimeSeconds) * The flex time is capped at a percentage of the {@link #DEFAULT_POLL_FREQUENCY_SECONDS}. */ public static long calculateDefaultFlexTime(long syncTimeSeconds) { if (syncTimeSeconds < DEFAULT_MIN_FLEX_ALLOWED_SECS) { // Small enough sync request time that we don't add flex time - developer probably // wants to wait for an operation to occur before syncing so we honour the // request time. return 0L; } else if (syncTimeSeconds < DEFAULT_POLL_FREQUENCY_SECONDS) { return (long) (syncTimeSeconds * DEFAULT_FLEX_PERCENT_SYNC); } else { // Large enough sync request time that we cap the flex time. return (long) (DEFAULT_POLL_FREQUENCY_SECONDS * DEFAULT_FLEX_PERCENT_SYNC); } } void reportChange(int which) { ArrayList reports = null; synchronized (mAuthorities) { int i = mChangeListeners.beginBroadcast(); while (i > 0) { i--; Integer mask = (Integer)mChangeListeners.getBroadcastCookie(i); if ((which & mask.intValue()) == 0) { continue; } if (reports == null) { reports = new ArrayList(i); } reports.add(mChangeListeners.getBroadcastItem(i)); } mChangeListeners.finishBroadcast(); } if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG, "reportChange " + which + " to: " + reports); } if (reports != null) { int i = reports.size(); while (i > 0) { i--; try { reports.get(i).onStatusChanged(which); } catch (RemoteException e) { // The remote callback list will take care of this for us. } } } } public boolean getSyncAutomatically(Account account, int userId, String providerName) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { if (account != null) { AuthorityInfo authority = getAuthorityLocked( new EndPoint(account, providerName, userId), "getSyncAutomatically"); return authority != null && authority.enabled; } int i = mAuthorities.size(); while (i > 0) { i--; AuthorityInfo authorityInfo = mAuthorities.valueAt(i); if (authorityInfo.target.matchesSpec(new EndPoint(account, providerName, userId)) && authorityInfo.enabled) { return true; } } return false; } } public void setSyncAutomatically(Account account, int userId, String providerName, boolean sync) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.d(TAG, "setSyncAutomatically: " + /* account + */" provider " + providerName + ", user " + userId + " -> " + sync); } synchronized (mAuthorities) { AuthorityInfo authority = getOrCreateAuthorityLocked( new EndPoint(account, providerName, userId), -1 /* ident */, false); if (authority.enabled == sync) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.d(TAG, "setSyncAutomatically: already set to " + sync + ", doing nothing"); } return; } // If the adapter was syncable but missing its initialization sync, set it to // uninitialized now. This is to give it a chance to run any one-time initialization // logic. if (sync && authority.syncable == AuthorityInfo.SYNCABLE_NOT_INITIALIZED) { authority.syncable = AuthorityInfo.NOT_INITIALIZED; } authority.enabled = sync; writeAccountInfoLocked(); } if (sync) { requestSync(account, userId, SyncOperation.REASON_SYNC_AUTO, providerName, new Bundle()); } reportChange(ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_SETTINGS); queueBackup(); } public int getIsSyncable(Account account, int userId, String providerName) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { if (account != null) { AuthorityInfo authority = getAuthorityLocked( new EndPoint(account, providerName, userId), "get authority syncable"); if (authority == null) { return AuthorityInfo.NOT_INITIALIZED; } return authority.syncable; } int i = mAuthorities.size(); while (i > 0) { i--; AuthorityInfo authorityInfo = mAuthorities.valueAt(i); if (authorityInfo.target != null && authorityInfo.target.provider.equals(providerName)) { return authorityInfo.syncable; } } return AuthorityInfo.NOT_INITIALIZED; } } public void setIsSyncable(Account account, int userId, String providerName, int syncable) { setSyncableStateForEndPoint(new EndPoint(account, providerName, userId), syncable); } /** * An enabled sync service and a syncable provider's adapter both get resolved to the same * persisted variable - namely the "syncable" attribute for an AuthorityInfo in accounts.xml. * @param target target to set value for. * @param syncable 0 indicates unsyncable, <0 unknown, >0 is active/syncable. */ private void setSyncableStateForEndPoint(EndPoint target, int syncable) { AuthorityInfo aInfo; synchronized (mAuthorities) { aInfo = getOrCreateAuthorityLocked(target, -1, false); if (syncable < AuthorityInfo.NOT_INITIALIZED) { syncable = AuthorityInfo.NOT_INITIALIZED; } if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.d(TAG, "setIsSyncable: " + aInfo.toString() + " -> " + syncable); } if (aInfo.syncable == syncable) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.d(TAG, "setIsSyncable: already set to " + syncable + ", doing nothing"); } return; } aInfo.syncable = syncable; writeAccountInfoLocked(); } if (syncable == AuthorityInfo.SYNCABLE) { requestSync(aInfo, SyncOperation.REASON_IS_SYNCABLE, new Bundle()); } reportChange(ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_SETTINGS); } public Pair getBackoff(EndPoint info) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { AuthorityInfo authority = getAuthorityLocked(info, "getBackoff"); if (authority != null) { return Pair.create(authority.backoffTime, authority.backoffDelay); } return null; } } /** * Update the backoff for the given endpoint. The endpoint may be for a provider/account and * the account or provider info be null, which signifies all accounts or providers. */ public void setBackoff(EndPoint info, long nextSyncTime, long nextDelay) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG, "setBackoff: " + info + " -> nextSyncTime " + nextSyncTime + ", nextDelay " + nextDelay); } boolean changed; synchronized (mAuthorities) { if (info.account == null || info.provider == null) { // Do more work for a provider sync if the provided info has specified all // accounts/providers. changed = setBackoffLocked( info.account /* may be null */, info.userId, info.provider /* may be null */, nextSyncTime, nextDelay); } else { AuthorityInfo authorityInfo = getOrCreateAuthorityLocked(info, -1 /* ident */, true); if (authorityInfo.backoffTime == nextSyncTime && authorityInfo.backoffDelay == nextDelay) { changed = false; } else { authorityInfo.backoffTime = nextSyncTime; authorityInfo.backoffDelay = nextDelay; changed = true; } } } if (changed) { reportChange(ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_SETTINGS); } } /** * Either set backoff for a specific authority, or set backoff for all the * accounts on a specific adapter/all adapters. * * @param account account for which to set backoff. Null to specify all accounts. * @param userId id of the user making this request. * @param providerName provider for which to set backoff. Null to specify all providers. * @return true if a change occured. */ private boolean setBackoffLocked(Account account, int userId, String providerName, long nextSyncTime, long nextDelay) { boolean changed = false; for (AccountInfo accountInfo : mAccounts.values()) { if (account != null && !account.equals(accountInfo.accountAndUser.account) && userId != accountInfo.accountAndUser.userId) { continue; } for (AuthorityInfo authorityInfo : accountInfo.authorities.values()) { if (providerName != null && !providerName.equals(authorityInfo.target.provider)) { continue; } if (authorityInfo.backoffTime != nextSyncTime || authorityInfo.backoffDelay != nextDelay) { authorityInfo.backoffTime = nextSyncTime; authorityInfo.backoffDelay = nextDelay; changed = true; } } } return changed; } public void clearAllBackoffsLocked() { boolean changed = false; synchronized (mAuthorities) { // Clear backoff for all sync adapters. for (AccountInfo accountInfo : mAccounts.values()) { for (AuthorityInfo authorityInfo : accountInfo.authorities.values()) { if (authorityInfo.backoffTime != NOT_IN_BACKOFF_MODE || authorityInfo.backoffDelay != NOT_IN_BACKOFF_MODE) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG, "clearAllBackoffsLocked:" + " authority:" + authorityInfo.target + " account:" + accountInfo.accountAndUser.account.name + " user:" + accountInfo.accountAndUser.userId + " backoffTime was: " + authorityInfo.backoffTime + " backoffDelay was: " + authorityInfo.backoffDelay); } authorityInfo.backoffTime = NOT_IN_BACKOFF_MODE; authorityInfo.backoffDelay = NOT_IN_BACKOFF_MODE; changed = true; } } } } if (changed) { reportChange(ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_SETTINGS); } } public long getDelayUntilTime(EndPoint info) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { AuthorityInfo authority = getAuthorityLocked(info, "getDelayUntil"); if (authority == null) { return 0; } return authority.delayUntil; } } public void setDelayUntilTime(EndPoint info, long delayUntil) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG, "setDelayUntil: " + info + " -> delayUntil " + delayUntil); } synchronized (mAuthorities) { AuthorityInfo authority = getOrCreateAuthorityLocked(info, -1, true); if (authority.delayUntil == delayUntil) { return; } authority.delayUntil = delayUntil; } reportChange(ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_SETTINGS); } /** * Restore all periodic syncs read from persisted files. Used to restore periodic syncs * after an OS update. */ boolean restoreAllPeriodicSyncs() { if (mPeriodicSyncAddedListener == null) { return false; } synchronized (mAuthorities) { for (int i=0; i removing = new SparseArray(); Iterator accIt = mAccounts.values().iterator(); while (accIt.hasNext()) { AccountInfo acc = accIt.next(); if (!ArrayUtils.contains(accounts, acc.accountAndUser.account) && acc.accountAndUser.userId == userId) { // This account no longer exists... if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG, "Account removed: " + acc.accountAndUser); } for (AuthorityInfo auth : acc.authorities.values()) { removing.put(auth.ident, auth); } accIt.remove(); } } // Clean out all data structures. int i = removing.size(); if (i > 0) { while (i > 0) { i--; int ident = removing.keyAt(i); AuthorityInfo auth = removing.valueAt(i); if (mAuthorityRemovedListener != null) { mAuthorityRemovedListener.onAuthorityRemoved(auth.target); } mAuthorities.remove(ident); int j = mSyncStatus.size(); while (j > 0) { j--; if (mSyncStatus.keyAt(j) == ident) { mSyncStatus.remove(mSyncStatus.keyAt(j)); } } j = mSyncHistory.size(); while (j > 0) { j--; if (mSyncHistory.get(j).authorityId == ident) { mSyncHistory.remove(j); } } } writeAccountInfoLocked(); writeStatusLocked(); writeStatisticsLocked(); } } } /** * Called when a sync is starting. Supply a valid ActiveSyncContext with information * about the sync. */ public SyncInfo addActiveSync(SyncManager.ActiveSyncContext activeSyncContext) { final SyncInfo syncInfo; synchronized (mAuthorities) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG, "setActiveSync: account=" + " auth=" + activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation.target + " src=" + activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation.syncSource + " extras=" + activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation.extras); } final EndPoint info = activeSyncContext.mSyncOperation.target; AuthorityInfo authorityInfo = getOrCreateAuthorityLocked( info, -1 /* assign a new identifier if creating a new target */, true /* write to storage if this results in a change */); syncInfo = new SyncInfo( authorityInfo.ident, authorityInfo.target.account, authorityInfo.target.provider, activeSyncContext.mStartTime); getCurrentSyncs(authorityInfo.target.userId).add(syncInfo); } reportActiveChange(); return syncInfo; } /** * Called to indicate that a previously active sync is no longer active. */ public void removeActiveSync(SyncInfo syncInfo, int userId) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG, "removeActiveSync: account=" + syncInfo.account + " user=" + userId + " auth=" + syncInfo.authority); } getCurrentSyncs(userId).remove(syncInfo); } reportActiveChange(); } /** * To allow others to send active change reports, to poke clients. */ public void reportActiveChange() { reportChange(ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_ACTIVE); } /** * Note that sync has started for the given operation. */ public long insertStartSyncEvent(SyncOperation op, long now) { long id; synchronized (mAuthorities) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG, "insertStartSyncEvent: " + op); } AuthorityInfo authority = getAuthorityLocked(op.target, "insertStartSyncEvent"); if (authority == null) { return -1; } SyncHistoryItem item = new SyncHistoryItem(); item.initialization = op.isInitialization(); item.authorityId = authority.ident; item.historyId = mNextHistoryId++; if (mNextHistoryId < 0) mNextHistoryId = 0; item.eventTime = now; item.source = op.syncSource; item.reason = op.reason; item.extras = op.extras; item.event = EVENT_START; mSyncHistory.add(0, item); while (mSyncHistory.size() > MAX_HISTORY) { mSyncHistory.remove(mSyncHistory.size()-1); } id = item.historyId; if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) Slog.v(TAG, "returning historyId " + id); } reportChange(ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_STATUS); return id; } public void stopSyncEvent(long historyId, long elapsedTime, String resultMessage, long downstreamActivity, long upstreamActivity) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG, "stopSyncEvent: historyId=" + historyId); } SyncHistoryItem item = null; int i = mSyncHistory.size(); while (i > 0) { i--; item = mSyncHistory.get(i); if (item.historyId == historyId) { break; } item = null; } if (item == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "stopSyncEvent: no history for id " + historyId); return; } item.elapsedTime = elapsedTime; item.event = EVENT_STOP; item.mesg = resultMessage; item.downstreamActivity = downstreamActivity; item.upstreamActivity = upstreamActivity; SyncStatusInfo status = getOrCreateSyncStatusLocked(item.authorityId); status.numSyncs++; status.totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime; switch (item.source) { case SOURCE_LOCAL: status.numSourceLocal++; break; case SOURCE_POLL: status.numSourcePoll++; break; case SOURCE_USER: status.numSourceUser++; break; case SOURCE_SERVER: status.numSourceServer++; break; case SOURCE_PERIODIC: status.numSourcePeriodic++; break; } boolean writeStatisticsNow = false; int day = getCurrentDayLocked(); if (mDayStats[0] == null) { mDayStats[0] = new DayStats(day); } else if (day != mDayStats[0].day) { System.arraycopy(mDayStats, 0, mDayStats, 1, mDayStats.length-1); mDayStats[0] = new DayStats(day); writeStatisticsNow = true; } else if (mDayStats[0] == null) { } final DayStats ds = mDayStats[0]; final long lastSyncTime = (item.eventTime + elapsedTime); boolean writeStatusNow = false; if (MESG_SUCCESS.equals(resultMessage)) { // - if successful, update the successful columns if (status.lastSuccessTime == 0 || status.lastFailureTime != 0) { writeStatusNow = true; } status.lastSuccessTime = lastSyncTime; status.lastSuccessSource = item.source; status.lastFailureTime = 0; status.lastFailureSource = -1; status.lastFailureMesg = null; status.initialFailureTime = 0; ds.successCount++; ds.successTime += elapsedTime; } else if (!MESG_CANCELED.equals(resultMessage)) { if (status.lastFailureTime == 0) { writeStatusNow = true; } status.lastFailureTime = lastSyncTime; status.lastFailureSource = item.source; status.lastFailureMesg = resultMessage; if (status.initialFailureTime == 0) { status.initialFailureTime = lastSyncTime; } ds.failureCount++; ds.failureTime += elapsedTime; } if (writeStatusNow) { writeStatusLocked(); } else if (!hasMessages(MSG_WRITE_STATUS)) { sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_WRITE_STATUS), WRITE_STATUS_DELAY); } if (writeStatisticsNow) { writeStatisticsLocked(); } else if (!hasMessages(MSG_WRITE_STATISTICS)) { sendMessageDelayed(obtainMessage(MSG_WRITE_STATISTICS), WRITE_STATISTICS_DELAY); } } reportChange(ContentResolver.SYNC_OBSERVER_TYPE_STATUS); } /** * Return a list of the currently active syncs. Note that the returned * items are the real, live active sync objects, so be careful what you do * with it. */ private List getCurrentSyncs(int userId) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { return getCurrentSyncsLocked(userId); } } /** * @param userId Id of user to return current sync info. * @param canAccessAccounts Determines whether to redact Account information from the result. * @return a copy of the current syncs data structure. Will not return null. */ public List getCurrentSyncsCopy(int userId, boolean canAccessAccounts) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { final List syncs = getCurrentSyncsLocked(userId); final List syncsCopy = new ArrayList(); for (SyncInfo sync : syncs) { SyncInfo copy; if (!canAccessAccounts) { copy = SyncInfo.createAccountRedacted( sync.authorityId, sync.authority, sync.startTime); } else { copy = new SyncInfo(sync); } syncsCopy.add(copy); } return syncsCopy; } } private List getCurrentSyncsLocked(int userId) { ArrayList syncs = mCurrentSyncs.get(userId); if (syncs == null) { syncs = new ArrayList(); mCurrentSyncs.put(userId, syncs); } return syncs; } /** * Return a copy of the specified target with the corresponding sync status */ public Pair getCopyOfAuthorityWithSyncStatus(EndPoint info) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { AuthorityInfo authorityInfo = getOrCreateAuthorityLocked(info, -1 /* assign a new identifier if creating a new target */, true /* write to storage if this results in a change */); return createCopyPairOfAuthorityWithSyncStatusLocked(authorityInfo); } } /** * Returns the status that matches the target. * * @param info the endpoint target we are querying status info for. * @return the SyncStatusInfo for the endpoint. */ public SyncStatusInfo getStatusByAuthority(EndPoint info) { if (info.account == null || info.provider == null) { return null; } synchronized (mAuthorities) { final int N = mSyncStatus.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { SyncStatusInfo cur = mSyncStatus.valueAt(i); AuthorityInfo ainfo = mAuthorities.get(cur.authorityId); if (ainfo != null && ainfo.target.matchesSpec(info)) { return cur; } } return null; } } /** Return true if the pending status is true of any matching authorities. */ public boolean isSyncPending(EndPoint info) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { final int N = mSyncStatus.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { SyncStatusInfo cur = mSyncStatus.valueAt(i); AuthorityInfo ainfo = mAuthorities.get(cur.authorityId); if (ainfo == null) { continue; } if (!ainfo.target.matchesSpec(info)) { continue; } if (cur.pending) { return true; } } return false; } } /** * Return an array of the current sync status for all authorities. Note * that the objects inside the array are the real, live status objects, * so be careful what you do with them. */ public ArrayList getSyncHistory() { synchronized (mAuthorities) { final int N = mSyncHistory.size(); ArrayList items = new ArrayList(N); for (int i=0; i createCopyPairOfAuthorityWithSyncStatusLocked( AuthorityInfo authorityInfo) { SyncStatusInfo syncStatusInfo = getOrCreateSyncStatusLocked(authorityInfo.ident); return Pair.create(new AuthorityInfo(authorityInfo), new SyncStatusInfo(syncStatusInfo)); } private int getCurrentDayLocked() { mCal.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); final int dayOfYear = mCal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR); if (mYear != mCal.get(Calendar.YEAR)) { mYear = mCal.get(Calendar.YEAR); mCal.clear(); mCal.set(Calendar.YEAR, mYear); mYearInDays = (int)(mCal.getTimeInMillis()/86400000); } return dayOfYear + mYearInDays; } /** * Retrieve a target's full info, returning null if one does not exist. * * @param info info of the target to look up. * @param tag If non-null, this will be used in a log message if the * requested target does not exist. */ private AuthorityInfo getAuthorityLocked(EndPoint info, String tag) { AccountAndUser au = new AccountAndUser(info.account, info.userId); AccountInfo accountInfo = mAccounts.get(au); if (accountInfo == null) { if (tag != null) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG, tag + ": unknown account " + au); } } return null; } AuthorityInfo authority = accountInfo.authorities.get(info.provider); if (authority == null) { if (tag != null) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG, tag + ": unknown provider " + info.provider); } } return null; } return authority; } /** * @param info info identifying target. * @param ident unique identifier for target. -1 for none. * @param doWrite if true, update the accounts.xml file on the disk. * @return the authority that corresponds to the provided sync target, creating it if none * exists. */ private AuthorityInfo getOrCreateAuthorityLocked(EndPoint info, int ident, boolean doWrite) { AuthorityInfo authority = null; AccountAndUser au = new AccountAndUser(info.account, info.userId); AccountInfo account = mAccounts.get(au); if (account == null) { account = new AccountInfo(au); mAccounts.put(au, account); } authority = account.authorities.get(info.provider); if (authority == null) { authority = createAuthorityLocked(info, ident, doWrite); account.authorities.put(info.provider, authority); } return authority; } private AuthorityInfo createAuthorityLocked(EndPoint info, int ident, boolean doWrite) { AuthorityInfo authority; if (ident < 0) { ident = mNextAuthorityId; mNextAuthorityId++; doWrite = true; } if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG, "created a new AuthorityInfo for " + info); } authority = new AuthorityInfo(info, ident); mAuthorities.put(ident, authority); if (doWrite) { writeAccountInfoLocked(); } return authority; } public void removeAuthority(EndPoint info) { synchronized (mAuthorities) { removeAuthorityLocked(info.account, info.userId, info.provider, true /* doWrite */); } } /** * Remove an authority associated with a provider. Needs to be a standalone function for * backward compatibility. */ private void removeAuthorityLocked(Account account, int userId, String authorityName, boolean doWrite) { AccountInfo accountInfo = mAccounts.get(new AccountAndUser(account, userId)); if (accountInfo != null) { final AuthorityInfo authorityInfo = accountInfo.authorities.remove(authorityName); if (authorityInfo != null) { if (mAuthorityRemovedListener != null) { mAuthorityRemovedListener.onAuthorityRemoved(authorityInfo.target); } mAuthorities.remove(authorityInfo.ident); if (doWrite) { writeAccountInfoLocked(); } } } } private SyncStatusInfo getOrCreateSyncStatusLocked(int authorityId) { SyncStatusInfo status = mSyncStatus.get(authorityId); if (status == null) { status = new SyncStatusInfo(authorityId); mSyncStatus.put(authorityId, status); } return status; } public void writeAllState() { synchronized (mAuthorities) { // Account info is always written so no need to do it here. writeStatusLocked(); writeStatisticsLocked(); } } /** * public for testing */ public void clearAndReadState() { synchronized (mAuthorities) { mAuthorities.clear(); mAccounts.clear(); mServices.clear(); mSyncStatus.clear(); mSyncHistory.clear(); readAccountInfoLocked(); readStatusLocked(); readStatisticsLocked(); readAndDeleteLegacyAccountInfoLocked(); writeAccountInfoLocked(); writeStatusLocked(); writeStatisticsLocked(); } } /** * Read all account information back in to the initial engine state. */ private void readAccountInfoLocked() { int highestAuthorityId = -1; FileInputStream fis = null; try { fis = mAccountInfoFile.openRead(); if (Log.isLoggable(TAG_FILE, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG_FILE, "Reading " + mAccountInfoFile.getBaseFile()); } XmlPullParser parser = Xml.newPullParser(); parser.setInput(fis, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name()); int eventType = parser.getEventType(); while (eventType != XmlPullParser.START_TAG && eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { eventType = parser.next(); } if (eventType == XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT) { Slog.i(TAG, "No initial accounts"); return; } String tagName = parser.getName(); if ("accounts".equals(tagName)) { String listen = parser.getAttributeValue(null, XML_ATTR_LISTEN_FOR_TICKLES); String versionString = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "version"); int version; try { version = (versionString == null) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(versionString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { version = 0; } String nextIdString = parser.getAttributeValue(null, XML_ATTR_NEXT_AUTHORITY_ID); try { int id = (nextIdString == null) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(nextIdString); mNextAuthorityId = Math.max(mNextAuthorityId, id); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // don't care } String offsetString = parser.getAttributeValue(null, XML_ATTR_SYNC_RANDOM_OFFSET); try { mSyncRandomOffset = (offsetString == null) ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(offsetString); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { mSyncRandomOffset = 0; } if (mSyncRandomOffset == 0) { Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); mSyncRandomOffset = random.nextInt(86400); } mMasterSyncAutomatically.put(0, listen == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(listen)); eventType = parser.next(); AuthorityInfo authority = null; PeriodicSync periodicSync = null; do { if (eventType == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { tagName = parser.getName(); if (parser.getDepth() == 2) { if ("authority".equals(tagName)) { authority = parseAuthority(parser, version); periodicSync = null; if (authority != null) { if (authority.ident > highestAuthorityId) { highestAuthorityId = authority.ident; } } else { EventLog.writeEvent(0x534e4554, "26513719", -1, "Malformed authority"); } } else if (XML_TAG_LISTEN_FOR_TICKLES.equals(tagName)) { parseListenForTickles(parser); } } else if (parser.getDepth() == 3) { if ("periodicSync".equals(tagName) && authority != null) { periodicSync = parsePeriodicSync(parser, authority); } } else if (parser.getDepth() == 4 && periodicSync != null) { if ("extra".equals(tagName)) { parseExtra(parser, periodicSync.extras); } } } eventType = parser.next(); } while (eventType != XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT); } } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Error reading accounts", e); return; } catch (java.io.IOException e) { if (fis == null) Slog.i(TAG, "No initial accounts"); else Slog.w(TAG, "Error reading accounts", e); return; } finally { mNextAuthorityId = Math.max(highestAuthorityId + 1, mNextAuthorityId); if (fis != null) { try { fis.close(); } catch (java.io.IOException e1) { } } } maybeMigrateSettingsForRenamedAuthorities(); } /** * Ensure the old pending.bin is deleted, as it has been changed to pending.xml. * pending.xml was used starting in KLP. * @param syncDir directory where the sync files are located. */ private void maybeDeleteLegacyPendingInfoLocked(File syncDir) { File file = new File(syncDir, "pending.bin"); if (!file.exists()) { return; } else { file.delete(); } } /** * some authority names have changed. copy over their settings and delete the old ones * @return true if a change was made */ private boolean maybeMigrateSettingsForRenamedAuthorities() { boolean writeNeeded = false; ArrayList authoritiesToRemove = new ArrayList(); final int N = mAuthorities.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { AuthorityInfo authority = mAuthorities.valueAt(i); // skip this authority if it isn't one of the renamed ones final String newAuthorityName = sAuthorityRenames.get(authority.target.provider); if (newAuthorityName == null) { continue; } // remember this authority so we can remove it later. we can't remove it // now without messing up this loop iteration authoritiesToRemove.add(authority); // this authority isn't enabled, no need to copy it to the new authority name since // the default is "disabled" if (!authority.enabled) { continue; } // if we already have a record of this new authority then don't copy over the settings EndPoint newInfo = new EndPoint(authority.target.account, newAuthorityName, authority.target.userId); if (getAuthorityLocked(newInfo, "cleanup") != null) { continue; } AuthorityInfo newAuthority = getOrCreateAuthorityLocked(newInfo, -1 /* ident */, false /* doWrite */); newAuthority.enabled = true; writeNeeded = true; } for (AuthorityInfo authorityInfo : authoritiesToRemove) { removeAuthorityLocked( authorityInfo.target.account, authorityInfo.target.userId, authorityInfo.target.provider, false /* doWrite */); writeNeeded = true; } return writeNeeded; } private void parseListenForTickles(XmlPullParser parser) { String user = parser.getAttributeValue(null, XML_ATTR_USER); int userId = 0; try { userId = Integer.parseInt(user); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "error parsing the user for listen-for-tickles", e); } catch (NullPointerException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "the user in listen-for-tickles is null", e); } String enabled = parser.getAttributeValue(null, XML_ATTR_ENABLED); boolean listen = enabled == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(enabled); mMasterSyncAutomatically.put(userId, listen); } private AuthorityInfo parseAuthority(XmlPullParser parser, int version) { AuthorityInfo authority = null; int id = -1; try { id = Integer.parseInt(parser.getAttributeValue(null, "id")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "error parsing the id of the authority", e); } catch (NullPointerException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "the id of the authority is null", e); } if (id >= 0) { String authorityName = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "authority"); String enabled = parser.getAttributeValue(null, XML_ATTR_ENABLED); String syncable = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "syncable"); String accountName = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "account"); String accountType = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "type"); String user = parser.getAttributeValue(null, XML_ATTR_USER); String packageName = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "package"); String className = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "class"); int userId = user == null ? 0 : Integer.parseInt(user); if (accountType == null && packageName == null) { accountType = "com.google"; syncable = String.valueOf(AuthorityInfo.NOT_INITIALIZED); } authority = mAuthorities.get(id); if (Log.isLoggable(TAG_FILE, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG_FILE, "Adding authority:" + " account=" + accountName + " accountType=" + accountType + " auth=" + authorityName + " package=" + packageName + " class=" + className + " user=" + userId + " enabled=" + enabled + " syncable=" + syncable); } if (authority == null) { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG_FILE, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG_FILE, "Creating authority entry"); } EndPoint info = null; if (accountName != null && authorityName != null) { info = new EndPoint( new Account(accountName, accountType), authorityName, userId); } if (info != null) { authority = getOrCreateAuthorityLocked(info, id, false); // If the version is 0 then we are upgrading from a file format that did not // know about periodic syncs. In that case don't clear the list since we // want the default, which is a daily periodic sync. // Otherwise clear out this default list since we will populate it later with // the periodic sync descriptions that are read from the configuration file. if (version > 0) { authority.periodicSyncs.clear(); } } } if (authority != null) { authority.enabled = enabled == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(enabled); try { authority.syncable = (syncable == null) ? AuthorityInfo.NOT_INITIALIZED : Integer.parseInt(syncable); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // On L we stored this as {"unknown", "true", "false"} so fall back to this // format. if ("unknown".equals(syncable)) { authority.syncable = AuthorityInfo.NOT_INITIALIZED; } else { authority.syncable = Boolean.parseBoolean(syncable) ? AuthorityInfo.SYNCABLE : AuthorityInfo.NOT_SYNCABLE; } } } else { Slog.w(TAG, "Failure adding authority: account=" + accountName + " auth=" + authorityName + " enabled=" + enabled + " syncable=" + syncable); } } return authority; } /** * Parse a periodic sync from accounts.xml. Sets the bundle to be empty. */ private PeriodicSync parsePeriodicSync(XmlPullParser parser, AuthorityInfo authorityInfo) { Bundle extras = new Bundle(); // Gets filled in later. String periodValue = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "period"); String flexValue = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "flex"); final long period; long flextime; try { period = Long.parseLong(periodValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "error parsing the period of a periodic sync", e); return null; } catch (NullPointerException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "the period of a periodic sync is null", e); return null; } try { flextime = Long.parseLong(flexValue); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { flextime = calculateDefaultFlexTime(period); Slog.e(TAG, "Error formatting value parsed for periodic sync flex: " + flexValue + ", using default: " + flextime); } catch (NullPointerException expected) { flextime = calculateDefaultFlexTime(period); Slog.d(TAG, "No flex time specified for this sync, using a default. period: " + period + " flex: " + flextime); } PeriodicSync periodicSync; periodicSync = new PeriodicSync(authorityInfo.target.account, authorityInfo.target.provider, extras, period, flextime); authorityInfo.periodicSyncs.add(periodicSync); return periodicSync; } private void parseExtra(XmlPullParser parser, Bundle extras) { String name = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "name"); String type = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "type"); String value1 = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "value1"); String value2 = parser.getAttributeValue(null, "value2"); try { if ("long".equals(type)) { extras.putLong(name, Long.parseLong(value1)); } else if ("integer".equals(type)) { extras.putInt(name, Integer.parseInt(value1)); } else if ("double".equals(type)) { extras.putDouble(name, Double.parseDouble(value1)); } else if ("float".equals(type)) { extras.putFloat(name, Float.parseFloat(value1)); } else if ("boolean".equals(type)) { extras.putBoolean(name, Boolean.parseBoolean(value1)); } else if ("string".equals(type)) { extras.putString(name, value1); } else if ("account".equals(type)) { extras.putParcelable(name, new Account(value1, value2)); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "error parsing bundle value", e); } catch (NullPointerException e) { Slog.e(TAG, "error parsing bundle value", e); } } /** * Write all account information to the account file. */ private void writeAccountInfoLocked() { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG_FILE, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG_FILE, "Writing new " + mAccountInfoFile.getBaseFile()); } FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = mAccountInfoFile.startWrite(); XmlSerializer out = new FastXmlSerializer(); out.setOutput(fos, StandardCharsets.UTF_8.name()); out.startDocument(null, true); out.setFeature("http://xmlpull.org/v1/doc/features.html#indent-output", true); out.startTag(null, "accounts"); out.attribute(null, "version", Integer.toString(ACCOUNTS_VERSION)); out.attribute(null, XML_ATTR_NEXT_AUTHORITY_ID, Integer.toString(mNextAuthorityId)); out.attribute(null, XML_ATTR_SYNC_RANDOM_OFFSET, Integer.toString(mSyncRandomOffset)); // Write the Sync Automatically flags for each user final int M = mMasterSyncAutomatically.size(); for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) { int userId = mMasterSyncAutomatically.keyAt(m); Boolean listen = mMasterSyncAutomatically.valueAt(m); out.startTag(null, XML_TAG_LISTEN_FOR_TICKLES); out.attribute(null, XML_ATTR_USER, Integer.toString(userId)); out.attribute(null, XML_ATTR_ENABLED, Boolean.toString(listen)); out.endTag(null, XML_TAG_LISTEN_FOR_TICKLES); } final int N = mAuthorities.size(); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { AuthorityInfo authority = mAuthorities.valueAt(i); EndPoint info = authority.target; out.startTag(null, "authority"); out.attribute(null, "id", Integer.toString(authority.ident)); out.attribute(null, XML_ATTR_USER, Integer.toString(info.userId)); out.attribute(null, XML_ATTR_ENABLED, Boolean.toString(authority.enabled)); out.attribute(null, "account", info.account.name); out.attribute(null, "type", info.account.type); out.attribute(null, "authority", info.provider); out.attribute(null, "syncable", Integer.toString(authority.syncable)); out.endTag(null, "authority"); } out.endTag(null, "accounts"); out.endDocument(); mAccountInfoFile.finishWrite(fos); } catch (java.io.IOException e1) { Slog.w(TAG, "Error writing accounts", e1); if (fos != null) { mAccountInfoFile.failWrite(fos); } } } static int getIntColumn(Cursor c, String name) { return c.getInt(c.getColumnIndex(name)); } static long getLongColumn(Cursor c, String name) { return c.getLong(c.getColumnIndex(name)); } /** * Load sync engine state from the old syncmanager database, and then * erase it. Note that we don't deal with pending operations, active * sync, or history. */ private void readAndDeleteLegacyAccountInfoLocked() { // Look for old database to initialize from. File file = mContext.getDatabasePath("syncmanager.db"); if (!file.exists()) { return; } String path = file.getPath(); SQLiteDatabase db = null; try { db = SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase(path, null, SQLiteDatabase.OPEN_READONLY); } catch (SQLiteException e) { } if (db != null) { final boolean hasType = db.getVersion() >= 11; // Copy in all of the status information, as well as accounts. if (Log.isLoggable(TAG_FILE, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG_FILE, "Reading legacy sync accounts db"); } SQLiteQueryBuilder qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); qb.setTables("stats, status"); HashMap map = new HashMap(); map.put("_id", "status._id as _id"); map.put("account", "stats.account as account"); if (hasType) { map.put("account_type", "stats.account_type as account_type"); } map.put("authority", "stats.authority as authority"); map.put("totalElapsedTime", "totalElapsedTime"); map.put("numSyncs", "numSyncs"); map.put("numSourceLocal", "numSourceLocal"); map.put("numSourcePoll", "numSourcePoll"); map.put("numSourceServer", "numSourceServer"); map.put("numSourceUser", "numSourceUser"); map.put("lastSuccessSource", "lastSuccessSource"); map.put("lastSuccessTime", "lastSuccessTime"); map.put("lastFailureSource", "lastFailureSource"); map.put("lastFailureTime", "lastFailureTime"); map.put("lastFailureMesg", "lastFailureMesg"); map.put("pending", "pending"); qb.setProjectionMap(map); qb.appendWhere("stats._id = status.stats_id"); Cursor c = qb.query(db, null, null, null, null, null, null); while (c.moveToNext()) { String accountName = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("account")); String accountType = hasType ? c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("account_type")) : null; if (accountType == null) { accountType = "com.google"; } String authorityName = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("authority")); AuthorityInfo authority = this.getOrCreateAuthorityLocked( new EndPoint(new Account(accountName, accountType), authorityName, 0 /* legacy is single-user */) , -1, false); if (authority != null) { int i = mSyncStatus.size(); boolean found = false; SyncStatusInfo st = null; while (i > 0) { i--; st = mSyncStatus.valueAt(i); if (st.authorityId == authority.ident) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { st = new SyncStatusInfo(authority.ident); mSyncStatus.put(authority.ident, st); } st.totalElapsedTime = getLongColumn(c, "totalElapsedTime"); st.numSyncs = getIntColumn(c, "numSyncs"); st.numSourceLocal = getIntColumn(c, "numSourceLocal"); st.numSourcePoll = getIntColumn(c, "numSourcePoll"); st.numSourceServer = getIntColumn(c, "numSourceServer"); st.numSourceUser = getIntColumn(c, "numSourceUser"); st.numSourcePeriodic = 0; st.lastSuccessSource = getIntColumn(c, "lastSuccessSource"); st.lastSuccessTime = getLongColumn(c, "lastSuccessTime"); st.lastFailureSource = getIntColumn(c, "lastFailureSource"); st.lastFailureTime = getLongColumn(c, "lastFailureTime"); st.lastFailureMesg = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("lastFailureMesg")); st.pending = getIntColumn(c, "pending") != 0; } } c.close(); // Retrieve the settings. qb = new SQLiteQueryBuilder(); qb.setTables("settings"); c = qb.query(db, null, null, null, null, null, null); while (c.moveToNext()) { String name = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("name")); String value = c.getString(c.getColumnIndex("value")); if (name == null) continue; if (name.equals("listen_for_tickles")) { setMasterSyncAutomatically(value == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(value), 0); } else if (name.startsWith("sync_provider_")) { String provider = name.substring("sync_provider_".length(), name.length()); int i = mAuthorities.size(); while (i > 0) { i--; AuthorityInfo authority = mAuthorities.valueAt(i); if (authority.target.provider.equals(provider)) { authority.enabled = value == null || Boolean.parseBoolean(value); authority.syncable = 1; } } } } c.close(); db.close(); (new File(path)).delete(); } } public static final int STATUS_FILE_END = 0; public static final int STATUS_FILE_ITEM = 100; /** * Read all sync status back in to the initial engine state. */ private void readStatusLocked() { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG_FILE, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG_FILE, "Reading " + mStatusFile.getBaseFile()); } try { byte[] data = mStatusFile.readFully(); Parcel in = Parcel.obtain(); in.unmarshall(data, 0, data.length); in.setDataPosition(0); int token; while ((token=in.readInt()) != STATUS_FILE_END) { if (token == STATUS_FILE_ITEM) { SyncStatusInfo status = new SyncStatusInfo(in); if (mAuthorities.indexOfKey(status.authorityId) >= 0) { status.pending = false; if (Log.isLoggable(TAG_FILE, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG_FILE, "Adding status for id " + status.authorityId); } mSyncStatus.put(status.authorityId, status); } } else { // Ooops. Slog.w(TAG, "Unknown status token: " + token); break; } } } catch (java.io.IOException e) { Slog.i(TAG, "No initial status"); } } /** * Write all sync status to the sync status file. */ private void writeStatusLocked() { if (Log.isLoggable(TAG_FILE, Log.VERBOSE)) { Slog.v(TAG_FILE, "Writing new " + mStatusFile.getBaseFile()); } // The file is being written, so we don't need to have a scheduled // write until the next change. removeMessages(MSG_WRITE_STATUS); FileOutputStream fos = null; try { fos = mStatusFile.startWrite(); Parcel out = Parcel.obtain(); final int N = mSyncStatus.size(); for (int i=0; i