package; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static; /** * This object describes the Home SP sub tree in the "PerProviderSubscription MO" described in * the Hotspot 2.0 specification, section 9.1. * As a convenience, the object also refers to the other sub-parts of the full * PerProviderSubscription tree. */ public class HomeSP { private final Map mSSIDs; // SSID, HESSID, [0,N] private final String mFQDN; private final DomainMatcher mDomainMatcher; private final Set mOtherHomePartners; private final HashSet mRoamingConsortiums; // [0,N] private final Set mMatchAnyOIs; // [0,N] private final List mMatchAllOIs; // [0,N] private final Credential mCredential; // Informational: private final String mFriendlyName; // [1] private final String mIconURL; // [0,1] private final Policy mPolicy; private final int mCredentialPriority; private final Map mAAATrustRoots; private final UpdateInfo mSubscriptionUpdate; private final SubscriptionParameters mSubscriptionParameters; private final int mUpdateIdentifier; @Deprecated public HomeSP(Map ssidMap, /*@NotNull*/ String fqdn, /*@NotNull*/ HashSet roamingConsortiums, /*@NotNull*/ Set otherHomePartners, /*@NotNull*/ Set matchAnyOIs, /*@NotNull*/ List matchAllOIs, String friendlyName, String iconURL, Credential credential) { mSSIDs = ssidMap; List> otherPartners = new ArrayList<>(otherHomePartners.size()); for (String otherPartner : otherHomePartners) { otherPartners.add(Utils.splitDomain(otherPartner)); } mOtherHomePartners = otherHomePartners; mFQDN = fqdn; mDomainMatcher = new DomainMatcher(Utils.splitDomain(fqdn), otherPartners); mRoamingConsortiums = roamingConsortiums; mMatchAnyOIs = matchAnyOIs; mMatchAllOIs = matchAllOIs; mFriendlyName = friendlyName; mIconURL = iconURL; mCredential = credential; mPolicy = null; mCredentialPriority = -1; mAAATrustRoots = null; mSubscriptionUpdate = null; mSubscriptionParameters = null; mUpdateIdentifier = -1; } public HomeSP(Map ssidMap, /*@NotNull*/ String fqdn, /*@NotNull*/ HashSet roamingConsortiums, /*@NotNull*/ Set otherHomePartners, /*@NotNull*/ Set matchAnyOIs, /*@NotNull*/ List matchAllOIs, String friendlyName, String iconURL, Credential credential, Policy policy, int credentialPriority, Map AAATrustRoots, UpdateInfo subscriptionUpdate, SubscriptionParameters subscriptionParameters, int updateIdentifier) { mSSIDs = ssidMap; List> otherPartners = new ArrayList<>(otherHomePartners.size()); for (String otherPartner : otherHomePartners) { otherPartners.add(Utils.splitDomain(otherPartner)); } mOtherHomePartners = otherHomePartners; mFQDN = fqdn; mDomainMatcher = new DomainMatcher(Utils.splitDomain(fqdn), otherPartners); mRoamingConsortiums = roamingConsortiums; mMatchAnyOIs = matchAnyOIs; mMatchAllOIs = matchAllOIs; mFriendlyName = friendlyName; mIconURL = iconURL; mCredential = credential; mPolicy = policy; mCredentialPriority = credentialPriority; mAAATrustRoots = AAATrustRoots; mSubscriptionUpdate = subscriptionUpdate; mSubscriptionParameters = subscriptionParameters; mUpdateIdentifier = updateIdentifier; } public int getUpdateIdentifier() { return mUpdateIdentifier; } public UpdateInfo getSubscriptionUpdate() { return mSubscriptionUpdate; } public Policy getPolicy() { return mPolicy; } public PasspointMatch match(NetworkDetail networkDetail, Map anqpElementMap, SIMAccessor simAccessor) { List imsis = simAccessor.getMatchingImsis(mCredential.getImsi()); PasspointMatch spMatch = matchSP(networkDetail, anqpElementMap, imsis); if (spMatch == PasspointMatch.Incomplete || spMatch == PasspointMatch.Declined) { return spMatch; } if (imsiMatch(imsis, (ThreeGPPNetworkElement) anqpElementMap.get(ANQPElementType.ANQP3GPPNetwork)) != null) { // PLMN match, promote sp match to roaming if necessary. return spMatch == PasspointMatch.None ? PasspointMatch.RoamingProvider : spMatch; } NAIRealmElement naiRealmElement = (NAIRealmElement) anqpElementMap.get(ANQPElementType.ANQPNAIRealm); int authMatch = naiRealmElement != null ? naiRealmElement.match(mCredential) : AuthMatch.Indeterminate; Log.d(Utils.hs2LogTag(getClass()), networkDetail.toKeyString() + " match on " + mFQDN + ": " + spMatch + ", auth " + AuthMatch.toString(authMatch)); if (authMatch == AuthMatch.None) { // Distinct auth mismatch, demote authentication. return PasspointMatch.None; } else if ((authMatch & AuthMatch.Realm) == 0) { // No realm match, return sp match as is. return spMatch; } else { // Realm match, promote sp match to roaming if necessary. return spMatch == PasspointMatch.None ? PasspointMatch.RoamingProvider : spMatch; } } public PasspointMatch matchSP(NetworkDetail networkDetail, Map anqpElementMap, List imsis) { if (mSSIDs.containsKey(networkDetail.getSSID())) { Long hessid = mSSIDs.get(networkDetail.getSSID()); if (hessid == null || networkDetail.getHESSID() == hessid) { Log.d(Utils.hs2LogTag(getClass()), "match SSID"); return PasspointMatch.HomeProvider; } } Set anOIs = new HashSet<>(); if (networkDetail.getRoamingConsortiums() != null) { for (long oi : networkDetail.getRoamingConsortiums()) { anOIs.add(oi); } } boolean validANQP = anqpElementMap != null && Constants.hasBaseANQPElements(anqpElementMap.keySet()); RoamingConsortiumElement rcElement = validANQP ? (RoamingConsortiumElement) anqpElementMap.get(ANQPElementType.ANQPRoamingConsortium) : null; if (rcElement != null) { anOIs.addAll(rcElement.getOIs()); } // It may seem reasonable to check for home provider match prior to checking for roaming // relationship, but it is possible to avoid an ANQP query if it turns out that the // "match all" rule fails based only on beacon info only. boolean roamingMatch = false; if (!mMatchAllOIs.isEmpty()) { boolean matchesAll = true; for (long spOI : mMatchAllOIs) { if (!anOIs.contains(spOI)) { matchesAll = false; break; } } if (matchesAll) { roamingMatch = true; } else { if (validANQP || networkDetail.getAnqpOICount() == 0) { return PasspointMatch.Declined; } else { return PasspointMatch.Incomplete; } } } if (!roamingMatch && (!Collections.disjoint(mMatchAnyOIs, anOIs) || !Collections.disjoint(mRoamingConsortiums, anOIs))) { roamingMatch = true; } if (!validANQP) { return PasspointMatch.Incomplete; } DomainNameElement domainNameElement = (DomainNameElement) anqpElementMap.get(ANQPElementType.ANQPDomName); if (domainNameElement != null) { for (String domain : domainNameElement.getDomains()) { List anLabels = Utils.splitDomain(domain); DomainMatcher.Match match = mDomainMatcher.isSubDomain(anLabels); if (match != DomainMatcher.Match.None) { return PasspointMatch.HomeProvider; } if (imsiMatch(imsis, anLabels) != null) { return PasspointMatch.HomeProvider; } } } return roamingMatch ? PasspointMatch.RoamingProvider : PasspointMatch.None; } private String imsiMatch(List imsis, ThreeGPPNetworkElement plmnElement) { if (imsis == null || plmnElement == null || plmnElement.getPlmns().isEmpty()) { return null; } for (CellularNetwork network : plmnElement.getPlmns()) { for (String mccMnc : network) { String imsi = imsiMatch(imsis, mccMnc); if (imsi != null) { return imsi; } } } return null; } private String imsiMatch(List imsis, List fqdn) { if (imsis == null) { return null; } String mccMnc = Utils.getMccMnc(fqdn); return mccMnc != null ? imsiMatch(imsis, mccMnc) : null; } private String imsiMatch(List imsis, String mccMnc) { if (mCredential.getImsi().matchesMccMnc(mccMnc)) { for (String imsi : imsis) { if (imsi.startsWith(mccMnc)) { return imsi; } } } return null; } public String getFQDN() { return mFQDN; } public String getFriendlyName() { return mFriendlyName; } public HashSet getRoamingConsortiums() { return mRoamingConsortiums; } public Credential getCredential() { return mCredential; } public Map getSSIDs() { return mSSIDs; } public Collection getOtherHomePartners() { return mOtherHomePartners; } public Set getMatchAnyOIs() { return mMatchAnyOIs; } public List getMatchAllOIs() { return mMatchAllOIs; } public String getIconURL() { return mIconURL; } public boolean deepEquals(HomeSP other) { return mFQDN.equals(other.mFQDN) && mSSIDs.equals(other.mSSIDs) && mOtherHomePartners.equals(other.mOtherHomePartners) && mRoamingConsortiums.equals(other.mRoamingConsortiums) && mMatchAnyOIs.equals(other.mMatchAnyOIs) && mMatchAllOIs.equals(other.mMatchAllOIs) && mFriendlyName.equals(other.mFriendlyName) &&, other.mIconURL) == 0 && mCredential.equals(other.mCredential); } @Override public boolean equals(Object thatObject) { if (this == thatObject) { return true; } else if (thatObject == null || getClass() != thatObject.getClass()) { return false; } HomeSP that = (HomeSP) thatObject; return mFQDN.equals(that.mFQDN); } @Override public int hashCode() { return mFQDN.hashCode(); } @Override public String toString() { return "HomeSP{" + "SSIDs=" + mSSIDs + ", FQDN='" + mFQDN + '\'' + ", DomainMatcher=" + mDomainMatcher + ", RoamingConsortiums={" + Utils.roamingConsortiumsToString(mRoamingConsortiums) + '}' + ", MatchAnyOIs={" + Utils.roamingConsortiumsToString(mMatchAnyOIs) + '}' + ", MatchAllOIs={" + Utils.roamingConsortiumsToString(mMatchAllOIs) + '}' + ", Credential=" + mCredential + ", FriendlyName='" + mFriendlyName + '\'' + ", IconURL='" + mIconURL + '\'' + '}'; } }