/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.systemui.recents; import android.app.ActivityManager; import android.app.UiModeManager; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.ContentResolver; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.content.pm.ActivityInfo; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.graphics.Point; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.hardware.display.DisplayManager; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.os.UserHandle; import android.provider.Settings; import android.util.EventLog; import android.util.Log; import android.view.Display; import android.widget.Toast; import com.android.internal.logging.MetricsLogger; import com.android.internal.logging.MetricsProto.MetricsEvent; import com.android.systemui.EventLogConstants; import com.android.systemui.EventLogTags; import com.android.systemui.R; import com.android.systemui.RecentsComponent; import com.android.systemui.SystemUI; import com.android.systemui.recents.events.EventBus; import com.android.systemui.recents.events.activity.ConfigurationChangedEvent; import com.android.systemui.recents.events.activity.DockedTopTaskEvent; import com.android.systemui.recents.events.activity.RecentsActivityStartingEvent; import com.android.systemui.recents.events.component.RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent; import com.android.systemui.recents.events.component.ScreenPinningRequestEvent; import com.android.systemui.recents.events.ui.RecentsDrawnEvent; import com.android.systemui.recents.misc.SystemServicesProxy; import com.android.systemui.recents.model.RecentsTaskLoader; import com.android.systemui.recents.tv.RecentsTvImpl; import com.android.systemui.stackdivider.Divider; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * An implementation of the SystemUI recents component, which supports both system and secondary * users. */ public class Recents extends SystemUI implements RecentsComponent { private final static String TAG = "Recents"; private final static boolean DEBUG = false; public final static int EVENT_BUS_PRIORITY = 1; public final static int BIND_TO_SYSTEM_USER_RETRY_DELAY = 5000; public final static int RECENTS_GROW_TARGET_INVALID = -1; // Purely for experimentation private final static String RECENTS_OVERRIDE_SYSPROP_KEY = "persist.recents_override_pkg"; private final static String ACTION_SHOW_RECENTS = "com.android.systemui.recents.ACTION_SHOW"; private final static String ACTION_HIDE_RECENTS = "com.android.systemui.recents.ACTION_HIDE"; private final static String ACTION_TOGGLE_RECENTS = "com.android.systemui.recents.ACTION_TOGGLE"; private static final String COUNTER_WINDOW_SUPPORTED = "window_enter_supported"; private static final String COUNTER_WINDOW_UNSUPPORTED = "window_enter_unsupported"; private static final String COUNTER_WINDOW_INCOMPATIBLE = "window_enter_incompatible"; private static SystemServicesProxy sSystemServicesProxy; private static RecentsDebugFlags sDebugFlags; private static RecentsTaskLoader sTaskLoader; private static RecentsConfiguration sConfiguration; // For experiments only, allows another package to handle recents if it is defined in the system // properties. This is limited to show/toggle/hide, and does not tie into the ActivityManager, // and does not reside in the home stack. private String mOverrideRecentsPackageName; private Handler mHandler; private RecentsImpl mImpl; private int mDraggingInRecentsCurrentUser; // Only For system user, this is the callbacks instance we return to each secondary user private RecentsSystemUser mSystemToUserCallbacks; // Only for secondary users, this is the callbacks instance provided by the system user to make // calls back private IRecentsSystemUserCallbacks mUserToSystemCallbacks; // The set of runnables to run after binding to the system user's service. private final ArrayList mOnConnectRunnables = new ArrayList<>(); // Only for secondary users, this is the death handler for the binder from the system user private final IBinder.DeathRecipient mUserToSystemCallbacksDeathRcpt = new IBinder.DeathRecipient() { @Override public void binderDied() { mUserToSystemCallbacks = null; EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.SYSUI_RECENTS_CONNECTION, EventLogConstants.SYSUI_RECENTS_CONNECTION_USER_SYSTEM_UNBOUND, sSystemServicesProxy.getProcessUser()); // Retry after a fixed duration mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { registerWithSystemUser(); } }, BIND_TO_SYSTEM_USER_RETRY_DELAY); } }; // Only for secondary users, this is the service connection we use to connect to the system user private final ServiceConnection mUserToSystemServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { if (service != null) { mUserToSystemCallbacks = IRecentsSystemUserCallbacks.Stub.asInterface( service); EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.SYSUI_RECENTS_CONNECTION, EventLogConstants.SYSUI_RECENTS_CONNECTION_USER_SYSTEM_BOUND, sSystemServicesProxy.getProcessUser()); // Listen for system user's death, so that we can reconnect later try { service.linkToDeath(mUserToSystemCallbacksDeathRcpt, 0); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Lost connection to (System) SystemUI", e); } // Run each of the queued runnables runAndFlushOnConnectRunnables(); } // Unbind ourselves now that we've registered our callbacks. The // binder to the system user are still valid at this point. mContext.unbindService(this); } @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { // Do nothing } }; /** * Returns the callbacks interface that non-system users can call. */ public IBinder getSystemUserCallbacks() { return mSystemToUserCallbacks; } public static RecentsTaskLoader getTaskLoader() { return sTaskLoader; } public static SystemServicesProxy getSystemServices() { return sSystemServicesProxy; } public static RecentsConfiguration getConfiguration() { return sConfiguration; } public static RecentsDebugFlags getDebugFlags() { return sDebugFlags; } @Override public void start() { sDebugFlags = new RecentsDebugFlags(mContext); sSystemServicesProxy = SystemServicesProxy.getInstance(mContext); sTaskLoader = new RecentsTaskLoader(mContext); sConfiguration = new RecentsConfiguration(mContext); mHandler = new Handler(); UiModeManager uiModeManager = (UiModeManager) mContext. getSystemService(Context.UI_MODE_SERVICE); if (uiModeManager.getCurrentModeType() == Configuration.UI_MODE_TYPE_TELEVISION) { mImpl = new RecentsTvImpl(mContext); } else { mImpl = new RecentsImpl(mContext); } // Check if there is a recents override package if ("userdebug".equals(Build.TYPE) || "eng".equals(Build.TYPE)) { String cnStr = SystemProperties.get(RECENTS_OVERRIDE_SYSPROP_KEY); if (!cnStr.isEmpty()) { mOverrideRecentsPackageName = cnStr; } } // Register with the event bus EventBus.getDefault().register(this, EVENT_BUS_PRIORITY); EventBus.getDefault().register(sSystemServicesProxy, EVENT_BUS_PRIORITY); EventBus.getDefault().register(sTaskLoader, EVENT_BUS_PRIORITY); // Due to the fact that RecentsActivity is per-user, we need to establish and interface for // the system user's Recents component to pass events (like show/hide/toggleRecents) to the // secondary user, and vice versa (like visibility change, screen pinning). final int processUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getProcessUser(); if (sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(processUser)) { // For the system user, initialize an instance of the interface that we can pass to the // secondary user mSystemToUserCallbacks = new RecentsSystemUser(mContext, mImpl); } else { // For the secondary user, bind to the primary user's service to get a persistent // interface to register its implementation and to later update its state registerWithSystemUser(); } putComponent(Recents.class, this); } @Override public void onBootCompleted() { mImpl.onBootCompleted(); } /** * Shows the Recents. */ @Override public void showRecents(boolean triggeredFromAltTab, boolean fromHome) { // Ensure the device has been provisioned before allowing the user to interact with // recents if (!isUserSetup()) { return; } if (proxyToOverridePackage(ACTION_SHOW_RECENTS)) { return; } int recentsGrowTarget = getComponent(Divider.class).getView().growsRecents(); int currentUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getCurrentUser(); if (sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(currentUser)) { mImpl.showRecents(triggeredFromAltTab, false /* draggingInRecents */, true /* animate */, false /* reloadTasks */, fromHome, recentsGrowTarget); } else { if (mSystemToUserCallbacks != null) { IRecentsNonSystemUserCallbacks callbacks = mSystemToUserCallbacks.getNonSystemUserRecentsForUser(currentUser); if (callbacks != null) { try { callbacks.showRecents(triggeredFromAltTab, false /* draggingInRecents */, true /* animate */, false /* reloadTasks */, fromHome, recentsGrowTarget); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "No SystemUI callbacks found for user: " + currentUser); } } } } /** * Hides the Recents. */ @Override public void hideRecents(boolean triggeredFromAltTab, boolean triggeredFromHomeKey) { // Ensure the device has been provisioned before allowing the user to interact with // recents if (!isUserSetup()) { return; } if (proxyToOverridePackage(ACTION_HIDE_RECENTS)) { return; } int currentUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getCurrentUser(); if (sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(currentUser)) { mImpl.hideRecents(triggeredFromAltTab, triggeredFromHomeKey); } else { if (mSystemToUserCallbacks != null) { IRecentsNonSystemUserCallbacks callbacks = mSystemToUserCallbacks.getNonSystemUserRecentsForUser(currentUser); if (callbacks != null) { try { callbacks.hideRecents(triggeredFromAltTab, triggeredFromHomeKey); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "No SystemUI callbacks found for user: " + currentUser); } } } } /** * Toggles the Recents activity. */ @Override public void toggleRecents(Display display) { // Ensure the device has been provisioned before allowing the user to interact with // recents if (!isUserSetup()) { return; } if (proxyToOverridePackage(ACTION_TOGGLE_RECENTS)) { return; } int growTarget = getComponent(Divider.class).getView().growsRecents(); int currentUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getCurrentUser(); if (sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(currentUser)) { mImpl.toggleRecents(growTarget); } else { if (mSystemToUserCallbacks != null) { IRecentsNonSystemUserCallbacks callbacks = mSystemToUserCallbacks.getNonSystemUserRecentsForUser(currentUser); if (callbacks != null) { try { callbacks.toggleRecents(growTarget); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "No SystemUI callbacks found for user: " + currentUser); } } } } /** * Preloads info for the Recents activity. */ @Override public void preloadRecents() { // Ensure the device has been provisioned before allowing the user to interact with // recents if (!isUserSetup()) { return; } int currentUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getCurrentUser(); if (sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(currentUser)) { mImpl.preloadRecents(); } else { if (mSystemToUserCallbacks != null) { IRecentsNonSystemUserCallbacks callbacks = mSystemToUserCallbacks.getNonSystemUserRecentsForUser(currentUser); if (callbacks != null) { try { callbacks.preloadRecents(); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "No SystemUI callbacks found for user: " + currentUser); } } } } @Override public void cancelPreloadingRecents() { // Ensure the device has been provisioned before allowing the user to interact with // recents if (!isUserSetup()) { return; } int currentUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getCurrentUser(); if (sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(currentUser)) { mImpl.cancelPreloadingRecents(); } else { if (mSystemToUserCallbacks != null) { IRecentsNonSystemUserCallbacks callbacks = mSystemToUserCallbacks.getNonSystemUserRecentsForUser(currentUser); if (callbacks != null) { try { callbacks.cancelPreloadingRecents(); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "No SystemUI callbacks found for user: " + currentUser); } } } } @Override public boolean dockTopTask(int dragMode, int stackCreateMode, Rect initialBounds, int metricsDockAction) { // Ensure the device has been provisioned before allowing the user to interact with // recents if (!isUserSetup()) { return false; } Point realSize = new Point(); if (initialBounds == null) { mContext.getSystemService(DisplayManager.class).getDisplay(Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY) .getRealSize(realSize); initialBounds = new Rect(0, 0, realSize.x, realSize.y); } int currentUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getCurrentUser(); SystemServicesProxy ssp = Recents.getSystemServices(); ActivityManager.RunningTaskInfo runningTask = ssp.getRunningTask(); boolean screenPinningActive = ssp.isScreenPinningActive(); boolean isRunningTaskInHomeStack = runningTask != null && SystemServicesProxy.isHomeStack(runningTask.stackId); if (runningTask != null && !isRunningTaskInHomeStack && !screenPinningActive) { logDockAttempt(mContext, runningTask.topActivity, runningTask.resizeMode); if (runningTask.isDockable) { if (metricsDockAction != -1) { MetricsLogger.action(mContext, metricsDockAction, runningTask.topActivity.flattenToShortString()); } if (sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(currentUser)) { mImpl.dockTopTask(runningTask.id, dragMode, stackCreateMode, initialBounds); } else { if (mSystemToUserCallbacks != null) { IRecentsNonSystemUserCallbacks callbacks = mSystemToUserCallbacks.getNonSystemUserRecentsForUser(currentUser); if (callbacks != null) { try { callbacks.dockTopTask(runningTask.id, dragMode, stackCreateMode, initialBounds); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "No SystemUI callbacks found for user: " + currentUser); } } } mDraggingInRecentsCurrentUser = currentUser; return true; } else { Toast.makeText(mContext, R.string.recents_incompatible_app_message, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return false; } } else { return false; } } public static void logDockAttempt(Context ctx, ComponentName activity, int resizeMode) { if (resizeMode == ActivityInfo.RESIZE_MODE_UNRESIZEABLE) { MetricsLogger.action(ctx, MetricsEvent.ACTION_WINDOW_DOCK_UNRESIZABLE, activity.flattenToShortString()); } MetricsLogger.count(ctx, getMetricsCounterForResizeMode(resizeMode), 1); } private static String getMetricsCounterForResizeMode(int resizeMode) { switch (resizeMode) { case ActivityInfo.RESIZE_MODE_FORCE_RESIZEABLE: return COUNTER_WINDOW_UNSUPPORTED; case ActivityInfo.RESIZE_MODE_RESIZEABLE: case ActivityInfo.RESIZE_MODE_RESIZEABLE_AND_PIPABLE: return COUNTER_WINDOW_SUPPORTED; default: return COUNTER_WINDOW_INCOMPATIBLE; } } @Override public void onDraggingInRecents(float distanceFromTop) { if (sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(mDraggingInRecentsCurrentUser)) { mImpl.onDraggingInRecents(distanceFromTop); } else { if (mSystemToUserCallbacks != null) { IRecentsNonSystemUserCallbacks callbacks = mSystemToUserCallbacks.getNonSystemUserRecentsForUser( mDraggingInRecentsCurrentUser); if (callbacks != null) { try { callbacks.onDraggingInRecents(distanceFromTop); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "No SystemUI callbacks found for user: " + mDraggingInRecentsCurrentUser); } } } } @Override public void onDraggingInRecentsEnded(float velocity) { if (sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(mDraggingInRecentsCurrentUser)) { mImpl.onDraggingInRecentsEnded(velocity); } else { if (mSystemToUserCallbacks != null) { IRecentsNonSystemUserCallbacks callbacks = mSystemToUserCallbacks.getNonSystemUserRecentsForUser( mDraggingInRecentsCurrentUser); if (callbacks != null) { try { callbacks.onDraggingInRecentsEnded(velocity); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "No SystemUI callbacks found for user: " + mDraggingInRecentsCurrentUser); } } } } @Override public void showNextAffiliatedTask() { // Ensure the device has been provisioned before allowing the user to interact with // recents if (!isUserSetup()) { return; } mImpl.showNextAffiliatedTask(); } @Override public void showPrevAffiliatedTask() { // Ensure the device has been provisioned before allowing the user to interact with // recents if (!isUserSetup()) { return; } mImpl.showPrevAffiliatedTask(); } /** * Updates on configuration change. */ public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) { int currentUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getCurrentUser(); if (sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(currentUser)) { mImpl.onConfigurationChanged(); } else { if (mSystemToUserCallbacks != null) { IRecentsNonSystemUserCallbacks callbacks = mSystemToUserCallbacks.getNonSystemUserRecentsForUser(currentUser); if (callbacks != null) { try { callbacks.onConfigurationChanged(); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } else { Log.e(TAG, "No SystemUI callbacks found for user: " + currentUser); } } } } /** * Handle Recents activity visibility changed. */ public final void onBusEvent(final RecentsVisibilityChangedEvent event) { SystemServicesProxy ssp = Recents.getSystemServices(); int processUser = ssp.getProcessUser(); if (ssp.isSystemUser(processUser)) { mImpl.onVisibilityChanged(event.applicationContext, event.visible); } else { postToSystemUser(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { mUserToSystemCallbacks.updateRecentsVisibility(event.visible); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } }); } } /** * Handle screen pinning request. */ public final void onBusEvent(final ScreenPinningRequestEvent event) { int processUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getProcessUser(); if (sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(processUser)) { mImpl.onStartScreenPinning(event.applicationContext, event.taskId); } else { postToSystemUser(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { mUserToSystemCallbacks.startScreenPinning(event.taskId); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } }); } } public final void onBusEvent(final RecentsDrawnEvent event) { int processUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getProcessUser(); if (!sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(processUser)) { postToSystemUser(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { mUserToSystemCallbacks.sendRecentsDrawnEvent(); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } }); } } public final void onBusEvent(final DockedTopTaskEvent event) { int processUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getProcessUser(); if (!sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(processUser)) { postToSystemUser(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { mUserToSystemCallbacks.sendDockingTopTaskEvent(event.dragMode, event.initialRect); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } }); } } public final void onBusEvent(final RecentsActivityStartingEvent event) { int processUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getProcessUser(); if (!sSystemServicesProxy.isSystemUser(processUser)) { postToSystemUser(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { mUserToSystemCallbacks.sendLaunchRecentsEvent(); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Callback failed", e); } } }); } } public final void onBusEvent(ConfigurationChangedEvent event) { // Update the configuration for the Recents component when the activity configuration // changes as well mImpl.onConfigurationChanged(); } /** * Attempts to register with the system user. */ private void registerWithSystemUser() { final int processUser = sSystemServicesProxy.getProcessUser(); postToSystemUser(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { mUserToSystemCallbacks.registerNonSystemUserCallbacks( new RecentsImplProxy(mImpl), processUser); } catch (RemoteException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to register", e); } } }); } /** * Runs the runnable in the system user's Recents context, connecting to the service if * necessary. */ private void postToSystemUser(final Runnable onConnectRunnable) { mOnConnectRunnables.add(onConnectRunnable); if (mUserToSystemCallbacks == null) { Intent systemUserServiceIntent = new Intent(); systemUserServiceIntent.setClass(mContext, RecentsSystemUserService.class); boolean bound = mContext.bindServiceAsUser(systemUserServiceIntent, mUserToSystemServiceConnection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE, UserHandle.SYSTEM); EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.SYSUI_RECENTS_CONNECTION, EventLogConstants.SYSUI_RECENTS_CONNECTION_USER_BIND_SERVICE, sSystemServicesProxy.getProcessUser()); if (!bound) { // Retry after a fixed duration mHandler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { registerWithSystemUser(); } }, BIND_TO_SYSTEM_USER_RETRY_DELAY); } } else { runAndFlushOnConnectRunnables(); } } /** * Runs all the queued runnables after a service connection is made. */ private void runAndFlushOnConnectRunnables() { for (Runnable r : mOnConnectRunnables) { r.run(); } mOnConnectRunnables.clear(); } /** * @return whether this device is provisioned and the current user is set up. */ private boolean isUserSetup() { ContentResolver cr = mContext.getContentResolver(); return (Settings.Global.getInt(cr, Settings.Global.DEVICE_PROVISIONED, 0) != 0) && (Settings.Secure.getInt(cr, Settings.Secure.USER_SETUP_COMPLETE, 0) != 0); } /** * Attempts to proxy the following action to the override recents package. * @return whether the proxying was successful */ private boolean proxyToOverridePackage(String action) { if (mOverrideRecentsPackageName != null) { Intent intent = new Intent(action); intent.setPackage(mOverrideRecentsPackageName); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND); mContext.sendBroadcast(intent); return true; } return false; } }