/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.android.systemui.statusbar; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.animation.TimeAnimator; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.RectF; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewAnimationUtils; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import android.view.animation.PathInterpolator; import com.android.systemui.Interpolators; import com.android.systemui.R; import com.android.systemui.classifier.FalsingManager; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.FakeShadowView; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.NotificationUtils; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.NotificationStackScrollLayout; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.StackStateAnimator; /** * Base class for both {@link ExpandableNotificationRow} and {@link NotificationOverflowContainer} * to implement dimming/activating on Keyguard for the double-tap gesture */ public abstract class ActivatableNotificationView extends ExpandableOutlineView { private static final long DOUBLETAP_TIMEOUT_MS = 1200; private static final int BACKGROUND_ANIMATION_LENGTH_MS = 220; private static final int ACTIVATE_ANIMATION_LENGTH = 220; private static final int DARK_ANIMATION_LENGTH = 170; /** * The amount of width, which is kept in the end when performing a disappear animation (also * the amount from which the horizontal appearing begins) */ private static final float HORIZONTAL_COLLAPSED_REST_PARTIAL = 0.05f; /** * At which point from [0,1] does the horizontal collapse animation end (or start when * expanding)? 1.0 meaning that it ends immediately and 0.0 that it is continuously animated. */ private static final float HORIZONTAL_ANIMATION_END = 0.2f; /** * At which point from [0,1] does the alpha animation end (or start when * expanding)? 1.0 meaning that it ends immediately and 0.0 that it is continuously animated. */ private static final float ALPHA_ANIMATION_END = 0.0f; /** * At which point from [0,1] does the horizontal collapse animation start (or start when * expanding)? 1.0 meaning that it starts immediately and 0.0 that it is animated at all. */ private static final float HORIZONTAL_ANIMATION_START = 1.0f; /** * At which point from [0,1] does the vertical collapse animation start (or end when * expanding) 1.0 meaning that it starts immediately and 0.0 that it is animated at all. */ private static final float VERTICAL_ANIMATION_START = 1.0f; /** * Scale for the background to animate from when exiting dark mode. */ private static final float DARK_EXIT_SCALE_START = 0.93f; private static final Interpolator ACTIVATE_INVERSE_INTERPOLATOR = new PathInterpolator(0.6f, 0, 0.5f, 1); private static final Interpolator ACTIVATE_INVERSE_ALPHA_INTERPOLATOR = new PathInterpolator(0, 0, 0.5f, 1); private final int mTintedRippleColor; private final int mLowPriorityRippleColor; protected final int mNormalRippleColor; private boolean mDimmed; private boolean mDark; private int mBgTint = 0; private float mBgAlpha = 1f; /** * Flag to indicate that the notification has been touched once and the second touch will * click it. */ private boolean mActivated; private float mDownX; private float mDownY; private final float mTouchSlop; private OnActivatedListener mOnActivatedListener; private final Interpolator mSlowOutFastInInterpolator; private final Interpolator mSlowOutLinearInInterpolator; private Interpolator mCurrentAppearInterpolator; private Interpolator mCurrentAlphaInterpolator; private NotificationBackgroundView mBackgroundNormal; private NotificationBackgroundView mBackgroundDimmed; private ObjectAnimator mBackgroundAnimator; private RectF mAppearAnimationRect = new RectF(); private float mAnimationTranslationY; private boolean mDrawingAppearAnimation; private ValueAnimator mAppearAnimator; private ValueAnimator mBackgroundColorAnimator; private float mAppearAnimationFraction = -1.0f; private float mAppearAnimationTranslation; private boolean mShowingLegacyBackground; private final int mLegacyColor; private final int mNormalColor; private final int mLowPriorityColor; private boolean mIsBelowSpeedBump; private FalsingManager mFalsingManager; private boolean mTrackTouch; private float mNormalBackgroundVisibilityAmount; private ValueAnimator mFadeInFromDarkAnimator; private ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener mBackgroundVisibilityUpdater = new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { setNormalBackgroundVisibilityAmount(mBackgroundNormal.getAlpha()); } }; private AnimatorListenerAdapter mFadeInEndListener = new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { super.onAnimationEnd(animation); mFadeInFromDarkAnimator = null; updateBackground(); } }; private ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener mUpdateOutlineListener = new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { updateOutlineAlpha(); } }; private float mShadowAlpha = 1.0f; private FakeShadowView mFakeShadow; private int mCurrentBackgroundTint; private int mTargetTint; private int mStartTint; public ActivatableNotificationView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); mTouchSlop = ViewConfiguration.get(context).getScaledTouchSlop(); mSlowOutFastInInterpolator = new PathInterpolator(0.8f, 0.0f, 0.6f, 1.0f); mSlowOutLinearInInterpolator = new PathInterpolator(0.8f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); setClipChildren(false); setClipToPadding(false); mLegacyColor = context.getColor(R.color.notification_legacy_background_color); mNormalColor = context.getColor(R.color.notification_material_background_color); mLowPriorityColor = context.getColor( R.color.notification_material_background_low_priority_color); mTintedRippleColor = context.getColor( R.color.notification_ripple_tinted_color); mLowPriorityRippleColor = context.getColor( R.color.notification_ripple_color_low_priority); mNormalRippleColor = context.getColor( R.color.notification_ripple_untinted_color); mFalsingManager = FalsingManager.getInstance(context); } @Override protected void onFinishInflate() { super.onFinishInflate(); mBackgroundNormal = (NotificationBackgroundView) findViewById(R.id.backgroundNormal); mFakeShadow = (FakeShadowView) findViewById(R.id.fake_shadow); mBackgroundDimmed = (NotificationBackgroundView) findViewById(R.id.backgroundDimmed); mBackgroundNormal.setCustomBackground(R.drawable.notification_material_bg); mBackgroundDimmed.setCustomBackground(R.drawable.notification_material_bg_dim); updateBackground(); updateBackgroundTint(); updateOutlineAlpha(); } private final Runnable mTapTimeoutRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { makeInactive(true /* animate */); } }; @Override public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) { if (mDimmed && !mActivated && ev.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN && disallowSingleClick(ev)) { return true; } return super.onInterceptTouchEvent(ev); } protected boolean disallowSingleClick(MotionEvent ev) { return false; } protected boolean handleSlideBack() { return false; } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { boolean result; if (mDimmed) { boolean wasActivated = mActivated; result = handleTouchEventDimmed(event); if (wasActivated && result && event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP) { mFalsingManager.onNotificationDoubleTap(); removeCallbacks(mTapTimeoutRunnable); } } else { result = super.onTouchEvent(event); } return result; } @Override public void drawableHotspotChanged(float x, float y) { if (!mDimmed){ mBackgroundNormal.drawableHotspotChanged(x, y); } } @Override protected void drawableStateChanged() { super.drawableStateChanged(); if (mDimmed) { mBackgroundDimmed.setState(getDrawableState()); } else { mBackgroundNormal.setState(getDrawableState()); } } private boolean handleTouchEventDimmed(MotionEvent event) { int action = event.getActionMasked(); switch (action) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: mDownX = event.getX(); mDownY = event.getY(); mTrackTouch = true; if (mDownY > getActualHeight()) { mTrackTouch = false; } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: if (!isWithinTouchSlop(event)) { makeInactive(true /* animate */); mTrackTouch = false; } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: if (isWithinTouchSlop(event)) { if (handleSlideBack()) { return true; } if (!mActivated) { makeActive(); postDelayed(mTapTimeoutRunnable, DOUBLETAP_TIMEOUT_MS); } else { if (!performClick()) { return false; } } } else { makeInactive(true /* animate */); mTrackTouch = false; } break; case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL: makeInactive(true /* animate */); mTrackTouch = false; break; default: break; } return mTrackTouch; } private void makeActive() { mFalsingManager.onNotificationActive(); startActivateAnimation(false /* reverse */); mActivated = true; if (mOnActivatedListener != null) { mOnActivatedListener.onActivated(this); } } private void startActivateAnimation(final boolean reverse) { if (!isAttachedToWindow()) { return; } int widthHalf = mBackgroundNormal.getWidth()/2; int heightHalf = mBackgroundNormal.getActualHeight()/2; float radius = (float) Math.sqrt(widthHalf*widthHalf + heightHalf*heightHalf); Animator animator; if (reverse) { animator = ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal(mBackgroundNormal, widthHalf, heightHalf, radius, 0); } else { animator = ViewAnimationUtils.createCircularReveal(mBackgroundNormal, widthHalf, heightHalf, 0, radius); } mBackgroundNormal.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); Interpolator interpolator; Interpolator alphaInterpolator; if (!reverse) { interpolator = Interpolators.LINEAR_OUT_SLOW_IN; alphaInterpolator = Interpolators.LINEAR_OUT_SLOW_IN; } else { interpolator = ACTIVATE_INVERSE_INTERPOLATOR; alphaInterpolator = ACTIVATE_INVERSE_ALPHA_INTERPOLATOR; } animator.setInterpolator(interpolator); animator.setDuration(ACTIVATE_ANIMATION_LENGTH); if (reverse) { mBackgroundNormal.setAlpha(1f); animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { updateBackground(); } }); animator.start(); } else { mBackgroundNormal.setAlpha(0.4f); animator.start(); } mBackgroundNormal.animate() .alpha(reverse ? 0f : 1f) .setInterpolator(alphaInterpolator) .setUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { float animatedFraction = animation.getAnimatedFraction(); if (reverse) { animatedFraction = 1.0f - animatedFraction; } setNormalBackgroundVisibilityAmount(animatedFraction); } }) .setDuration(ACTIVATE_ANIMATION_LENGTH); } /** * Cancels the hotspot and makes the notification inactive. */ public void makeInactive(boolean animate) { if (mActivated) { mActivated = false; if (mDimmed) { if (animate) { startActivateAnimation(true /* reverse */); } else { updateBackground(); } } } if (mOnActivatedListener != null) { mOnActivatedListener.onActivationReset(this); } removeCallbacks(mTapTimeoutRunnable); } private boolean isWithinTouchSlop(MotionEvent event) { return Math.abs(event.getX() - mDownX) < mTouchSlop && Math.abs(event.getY() - mDownY) < mTouchSlop; } public void setDimmed(boolean dimmed, boolean fade) { if (mDimmed != dimmed) { mDimmed = dimmed; resetBackgroundAlpha(); if (fade) { fadeDimmedBackground(); } else { updateBackground(); } } } public void setDark(boolean dark, boolean fade, long delay) { super.setDark(dark, fade, delay); if (mDark == dark) { return; } mDark = dark; updateBackground(); if (!dark && fade && !shouldHideBackground()) { fadeInFromDark(delay); } updateOutlineAlpha(); } private void updateOutlineAlpha() { if (mDark) { setOutlineAlpha(0f); return; } float alpha = NotificationStackScrollLayout.BACKGROUND_ALPHA_DIMMED; alpha = (alpha + (1.0f - alpha) * mNormalBackgroundVisibilityAmount); alpha *= mShadowAlpha; if (mFadeInFromDarkAnimator != null) { alpha *= mFadeInFromDarkAnimator.getAnimatedFraction(); } setOutlineAlpha(alpha); } public void setNormalBackgroundVisibilityAmount(float normalBackgroundVisibilityAmount) { mNormalBackgroundVisibilityAmount = normalBackgroundVisibilityAmount; updateOutlineAlpha(); } public void setShowingLegacyBackground(boolean showing) { mShowingLegacyBackground = showing; updateBackgroundTint(); } @Override public void setBelowSpeedBump(boolean below) { super.setBelowSpeedBump(below); if (below != mIsBelowSpeedBump) { mIsBelowSpeedBump = below; updateBackgroundTint(); } } /** * Sets the tint color of the background */ public void setTintColor(int color) { setTintColor(color, false); } /** * Sets the tint color of the background */ public void setTintColor(int color, boolean animated) { mBgTint = color; updateBackgroundTint(animated); } protected void updateBackgroundTint() { updateBackgroundTint(false /* animated */); } private void updateBackgroundTint(boolean animated) { if (mBackgroundColorAnimator != null) { mBackgroundColorAnimator.cancel(); } int rippleColor = getRippleColor(); mBackgroundDimmed.setRippleColor(rippleColor); mBackgroundNormal.setRippleColor(rippleColor); int color = calculateBgColor(); if (!animated) { setBackgroundTintColor(color); } else if (color != mCurrentBackgroundTint) { mStartTint = mCurrentBackgroundTint; mTargetTint = color; mBackgroundColorAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0.0f, 1.0f); mBackgroundColorAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { int newColor = NotificationUtils.interpolateColors(mStartTint, mTargetTint, animation.getAnimatedFraction()); setBackgroundTintColor(newColor); } }); mBackgroundColorAnimator.setDuration(StackStateAnimator.ANIMATION_DURATION_STANDARD); mBackgroundColorAnimator.setInterpolator(Interpolators.LINEAR); mBackgroundColorAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mBackgroundColorAnimator = null; } }); mBackgroundColorAnimator.start(); } } private void setBackgroundTintColor(int color) { mCurrentBackgroundTint = color; if (color == mNormalColor) { // We don't need to tint a normal notification color = 0; } mBackgroundDimmed.setTint(color); mBackgroundNormal.setTint(color); } /** * Fades in the background when exiting dark mode. */ private void fadeInFromDark(long delay) { final View background = mDimmed ? mBackgroundDimmed : mBackgroundNormal; background.setAlpha(0f); mBackgroundVisibilityUpdater.onAnimationUpdate(null); background.setPivotX(mBackgroundDimmed.getWidth() / 2f); background.setPivotY(getActualHeight() / 2f); background.setScaleX(DARK_EXIT_SCALE_START); background.setScaleY(DARK_EXIT_SCALE_START); background.animate() .alpha(1f) .scaleX(1f) .scaleY(1f) .setDuration(DARK_ANIMATION_LENGTH) .setStartDelay(delay) .setInterpolator(Interpolators.LINEAR_OUT_SLOW_IN) .setListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { // Jump state if we are cancelled background.setScaleX(1f); background.setScaleY(1f); background.setAlpha(1f); } }) .setUpdateListener(mBackgroundVisibilityUpdater) .start(); mFadeInFromDarkAnimator = TimeAnimator.ofFloat(0.0f, 1.0f); mFadeInFromDarkAnimator.setDuration(DARK_ANIMATION_LENGTH); mFadeInFromDarkAnimator.setStartDelay(delay); mFadeInFromDarkAnimator.setInterpolator(Interpolators.LINEAR_OUT_SLOW_IN); mFadeInFromDarkAnimator.addListener(mFadeInEndListener); mFadeInFromDarkAnimator.addUpdateListener(mUpdateOutlineListener); mFadeInFromDarkAnimator.start(); } /** * Fades the background when the dimmed state changes. */ private void fadeDimmedBackground() { mBackgroundDimmed.animate().cancel(); mBackgroundNormal.animate().cancel(); if (mActivated) { updateBackground(); return; } if (!shouldHideBackground()) { if (mDimmed) { mBackgroundDimmed.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { mBackgroundNormal.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } } float startAlpha = mDimmed ? 1f : 0; float endAlpha = mDimmed ? 0 : 1f; int duration = BACKGROUND_ANIMATION_LENGTH_MS; // Check whether there is already a background animation running. if (mBackgroundAnimator != null) { startAlpha = (Float) mBackgroundAnimator.getAnimatedValue(); duration = (int) mBackgroundAnimator.getCurrentPlayTime(); mBackgroundAnimator.removeAllListeners(); mBackgroundAnimator.cancel(); if (duration <= 0) { updateBackground(); return; } } mBackgroundNormal.setAlpha(startAlpha); mBackgroundAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mBackgroundNormal, View.ALPHA, startAlpha, endAlpha); mBackgroundAnimator.setInterpolator(Interpolators.FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN); mBackgroundAnimator.setDuration(duration); mBackgroundAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { updateBackground(); mBackgroundAnimator = null; } }); mBackgroundAnimator.addUpdateListener(mBackgroundVisibilityUpdater); mBackgroundAnimator.start(); } protected void updateBackgroundAlpha(float transformationAmount) { mBgAlpha = isChildInGroup() && mDimmed ? transformationAmount : 1f; mBackgroundDimmed.setAlpha(mBgAlpha); } protected void resetBackgroundAlpha() { updateBackgroundAlpha(0f /* transformationAmount */); } protected void updateBackground() { cancelFadeAnimations(); if (shouldHideBackground()) { mBackgroundDimmed.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mBackgroundNormal.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); } else if (mDimmed) { // When groups are animating to the expanded state from the lockscreen, show the // normal background instead of the dimmed background final boolean dontShowDimmed = isGroupExpansionChanging() && isChildInGroup(); mBackgroundDimmed.setVisibility(dontShowDimmed ? View.INVISIBLE : View.VISIBLE); mBackgroundNormal.setVisibility((mActivated || dontShowDimmed) ? View.VISIBLE : View.INVISIBLE); } else { mBackgroundDimmed.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE); mBackgroundNormal.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); mBackgroundNormal.setAlpha(1f); removeCallbacks(mTapTimeoutRunnable); // make in inactive to avoid it sticking around active makeInactive(false /* animate */); } setNormalBackgroundVisibilityAmount( mBackgroundNormal.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE ? 1.0f : 0.0f); } protected boolean shouldHideBackground() { return mDark; } private void cancelFadeAnimations() { if (mBackgroundAnimator != null) { mBackgroundAnimator.cancel(); } mBackgroundDimmed.animate().cancel(); mBackgroundNormal.animate().cancel(); } @Override protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) { super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom); setPivotX(getWidth() / 2); } @Override public void setActualHeight(int actualHeight, boolean notifyListeners) { super.setActualHeight(actualHeight, notifyListeners); setPivotY(actualHeight / 2); mBackgroundNormal.setActualHeight(actualHeight); mBackgroundDimmed.setActualHeight(actualHeight); } @Override public void setClipTopAmount(int clipTopAmount) { super.setClipTopAmount(clipTopAmount); mBackgroundNormal.setClipTopAmount(clipTopAmount); mBackgroundDimmed.setClipTopAmount(clipTopAmount); } @Override public void performRemoveAnimation(long duration, float translationDirection, Runnable onFinishedRunnable) { enableAppearDrawing(true); if (mDrawingAppearAnimation) { startAppearAnimation(false /* isAppearing */, translationDirection, 0, duration, onFinishedRunnable); } else if (onFinishedRunnable != null) { onFinishedRunnable.run(); } } @Override public void performAddAnimation(long delay, long duration) { enableAppearDrawing(true); if (mDrawingAppearAnimation) { startAppearAnimation(true /* isAppearing */, -1.0f, delay, duration, null); } } private void startAppearAnimation(boolean isAppearing, float translationDirection, long delay, long duration, final Runnable onFinishedRunnable) { cancelAppearAnimation(); mAnimationTranslationY = translationDirection * getActualHeight(); if (mAppearAnimationFraction == -1.0f) { // not initialized yet, we start anew if (isAppearing) { mAppearAnimationFraction = 0.0f; mAppearAnimationTranslation = mAnimationTranslationY; } else { mAppearAnimationFraction = 1.0f; mAppearAnimationTranslation = 0; } } float targetValue; if (isAppearing) { mCurrentAppearInterpolator = mSlowOutFastInInterpolator; mCurrentAlphaInterpolator = Interpolators.LINEAR_OUT_SLOW_IN; targetValue = 1.0f; } else { mCurrentAppearInterpolator = Interpolators.FAST_OUT_SLOW_IN; mCurrentAlphaInterpolator = mSlowOutLinearInInterpolator; targetValue = 0.0f; } mAppearAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(mAppearAnimationFraction, targetValue); mAppearAnimator.setInterpolator(Interpolators.LINEAR); mAppearAnimator.setDuration( (long) (duration * Math.abs(mAppearAnimationFraction - targetValue))); mAppearAnimator.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { mAppearAnimationFraction = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue(); updateAppearAnimationAlpha(); updateAppearRect(); invalidate(); } }); if (delay > 0) { // we need to apply the initial state already to avoid drawn frames in the wrong state updateAppearAnimationAlpha(); updateAppearRect(); mAppearAnimator.setStartDelay(delay); } mAppearAnimator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { private boolean mWasCancelled; @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { if (onFinishedRunnable != null) { onFinishedRunnable.run(); } if (!mWasCancelled) { enableAppearDrawing(false); } } @Override public void onAnimationStart(Animator animation) { mWasCancelled = false; } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { mWasCancelled = true; } }); mAppearAnimator.start(); } private void cancelAppearAnimation() { if (mAppearAnimator != null) { mAppearAnimator.cancel(); mAppearAnimator = null; } } public void cancelAppearDrawing() { cancelAppearAnimation(); enableAppearDrawing(false); } private void updateAppearRect() { float inverseFraction = (1.0f - mAppearAnimationFraction); float translationFraction = mCurrentAppearInterpolator.getInterpolation(inverseFraction); float translateYTotalAmount = translationFraction * mAnimationTranslationY; mAppearAnimationTranslation = translateYTotalAmount; // handle width animation float widthFraction = (inverseFraction - (1.0f - HORIZONTAL_ANIMATION_START)) / (HORIZONTAL_ANIMATION_START - HORIZONTAL_ANIMATION_END); widthFraction = Math.min(1.0f, Math.max(0.0f, widthFraction)); widthFraction = mCurrentAppearInterpolator.getInterpolation(widthFraction); float left = (getWidth() * (0.5f - HORIZONTAL_COLLAPSED_REST_PARTIAL / 2.0f) * widthFraction); float right = getWidth() - left; // handle top animation float heightFraction = (inverseFraction - (1.0f - VERTICAL_ANIMATION_START)) / VERTICAL_ANIMATION_START; heightFraction = Math.max(0.0f, heightFraction); heightFraction = mCurrentAppearInterpolator.getInterpolation(heightFraction); float top; float bottom; final int actualHeight = getActualHeight(); if (mAnimationTranslationY > 0.0f) { bottom = actualHeight - heightFraction * mAnimationTranslationY * 0.1f - translateYTotalAmount; top = bottom * heightFraction; } else { top = heightFraction * (actualHeight + mAnimationTranslationY) * 0.1f - translateYTotalAmount; bottom = actualHeight * (1 - heightFraction) + top * heightFraction; } mAppearAnimationRect.set(left, top, right, bottom); setOutlineRect(left, top + mAppearAnimationTranslation, right, bottom + mAppearAnimationTranslation); } private void updateAppearAnimationAlpha() { float contentAlphaProgress = mAppearAnimationFraction; contentAlphaProgress = contentAlphaProgress / (1.0f - ALPHA_ANIMATION_END); contentAlphaProgress = Math.min(1.0f, contentAlphaProgress); contentAlphaProgress = mCurrentAlphaInterpolator.getInterpolation(contentAlphaProgress); setContentAlpha(contentAlphaProgress); } private void setContentAlpha(float contentAlpha) { View contentView = getContentView(); if (contentView.hasOverlappingRendering()) { int layerType = contentAlpha == 0.0f || contentAlpha == 1.0f ? LAYER_TYPE_NONE : LAYER_TYPE_HARDWARE; int currentLayerType = contentView.getLayerType(); if (currentLayerType != layerType) { contentView.setLayerType(layerType, null); } } contentView.setAlpha(contentAlpha); } protected abstract View getContentView(); public int calculateBgColor() { return calculateBgColor(true /* withTint */); } private int calculateBgColor(boolean withTint) { if (withTint && mBgTint != 0) { return mBgTint; } else if (mShowingLegacyBackground) { return mLegacyColor; } else if (mIsBelowSpeedBump) { return mLowPriorityColor; } else { return mNormalColor; } } protected int getRippleColor() { if (mBgTint != 0) { return mTintedRippleColor; } else if (mShowingLegacyBackground) { return mTintedRippleColor; } else if (mIsBelowSpeedBump) { return mLowPriorityRippleColor; } else { return mNormalRippleColor; } } /** * When we draw the appear animation, we render the view in a bitmap and render this bitmap * as a shader of a rect. This call creates the Bitmap and switches the drawing mode, * such that the normal drawing of the views does not happen anymore. * * @param enable Should it be enabled. */ private void enableAppearDrawing(boolean enable) { if (enable != mDrawingAppearAnimation) { mDrawingAppearAnimation = enable; if (!enable) { setContentAlpha(1.0f); mAppearAnimationFraction = -1; setOutlineRect(null); } invalidate(); } } @Override protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) { if (mDrawingAppearAnimation) { canvas.save(); canvas.translate(0, mAppearAnimationTranslation); } super.dispatchDraw(canvas); if (mDrawingAppearAnimation) { canvas.restore(); } } public void setOnActivatedListener(OnActivatedListener onActivatedListener) { mOnActivatedListener = onActivatedListener; } public void reset() { setTintColor(0); resetBackgroundAlpha(); setShowingLegacyBackground(false); setBelowSpeedBump(false); } public boolean hasSameBgColor(ActivatableNotificationView otherView) { return calculateBgColor() == otherView.calculateBgColor(); } @Override public float getShadowAlpha() { return mShadowAlpha; } @Override public void setShadowAlpha(float shadowAlpha) { if (shadowAlpha != mShadowAlpha) { mShadowAlpha = shadowAlpha; updateOutlineAlpha(); } } @Override public void setFakeShadowIntensity(float shadowIntensity, float outlineAlpha, int shadowYEnd, int outlineTranslation) { mFakeShadow.setFakeShadowTranslationZ(shadowIntensity * (getTranslationZ() + FakeShadowView.SHADOW_SIBLING_TRESHOLD), outlineAlpha, shadowYEnd, outlineTranslation); } public int getBackgroundColorWithoutTint() { return calculateBgColor(false /* withTint */); } public interface OnActivatedListener { void onActivated(ActivatableNotificationView view); void onActivationReset(ActivatableNotificationView view); } }