/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone; import android.service.notification.StatusBarNotification; import android.support.annotation.Nullable; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.ExpandableNotificationRow; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationData; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.StatusBarState; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.HeadsUpManager; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; /** * A class to handle notifications and their corresponding groups. */ public class NotificationGroupManager implements HeadsUpManager.OnHeadsUpChangedListener { private final HashMap mGroupMap = new HashMap<>(); private OnGroupChangeListener mListener; private int mBarState = -1; private HashMap mIsolatedEntries = new HashMap<>(); private HeadsUpManager mHeadsUpManager; public void setOnGroupChangeListener(OnGroupChangeListener listener) { mListener = listener; } public boolean isGroupExpanded(StatusBarNotification sbn) { NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(sbn)); if (group == null) { return false; } return group.expanded; } public void setGroupExpanded(StatusBarNotification sbn, boolean expanded) { NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(sbn)); if (group == null) { return; } setGroupExpanded(group, expanded); } private void setGroupExpanded(NotificationGroup group, boolean expanded) { group.expanded = expanded; if (group.summary != null) { mListener.onGroupExpansionChanged(group.summary.row, expanded); } } public void onEntryRemoved(NotificationData.Entry removed) { onEntryRemovedInternal(removed, removed.notification); mIsolatedEntries.remove(removed.key); } /** * An entry was removed. * * @param removed the removed entry * @param sbn the notification the entry has, which doesn't need to be the same as it's internal * notification */ private void onEntryRemovedInternal(NotificationData.Entry removed, final StatusBarNotification sbn) { String groupKey = getGroupKey(sbn); final NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(groupKey); if (group == null) { // When an app posts 2 different notifications as summary of the same group, then a // cancellation of the first notification removes this group. // This situation is not supported and we will not allow such notifications anymore in // the close future. See b/23676310 for reference. return; } if (isGroupChild(sbn)) { group.children.remove(removed); } else { group.summary = null; } updateSuppression(group); if (group.children.isEmpty()) { if (group.summary == null) { mGroupMap.remove(groupKey); } } } public void onEntryAdded(final NotificationData.Entry added) { final StatusBarNotification sbn = added.notification; boolean isGroupChild = isGroupChild(sbn); String groupKey = getGroupKey(sbn); NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(groupKey); if (group == null) { group = new NotificationGroup(); mGroupMap.put(groupKey, group); } if (isGroupChild) { group.children.add(added); updateSuppression(group); } else { group.summary = added; group.expanded = added.row.areChildrenExpanded(); updateSuppression(group); if (!group.children.isEmpty()) { HashSet childrenCopy = (HashSet) group.children.clone(); for (NotificationData.Entry child : childrenCopy) { onEntryBecomingChild(child); } mListener.onGroupCreatedFromChildren(group); } } } private void onEntryBecomingChild(NotificationData.Entry entry) { if (entry.row.isHeadsUp()) { onHeadsUpStateChanged(entry, true); } } public void onEntryBundlingUpdated(final NotificationData.Entry updated, final String overrideGroupKey) { final StatusBarNotification oldSbn = updated.notification.clone(); if (!Objects.equals(oldSbn.getOverrideGroupKey(), overrideGroupKey)) { updated.notification.setOverrideGroupKey(overrideGroupKey); onEntryUpdated(updated, oldSbn); } } private void updateSuppression(NotificationGroup group) { if (group == null) { return; } boolean prevSuppressed = group.suppressed; group.suppressed = group.summary != null && !group.expanded && (group.children.size() == 1 || (group.children.size() == 0 && group.summary.notification.getNotification().isGroupSummary() && hasIsolatedChildren(group))); if (prevSuppressed != group.suppressed) { if (group.suppressed) { handleSuppressedSummaryHeadsUpped(group.summary); } mListener.onGroupsChanged(); } } private boolean hasIsolatedChildren(NotificationGroup group) { return getNumberOfIsolatedChildren(group.summary.notification.getGroupKey()) != 0; } private int getNumberOfIsolatedChildren(String groupKey) { int count = 0; for (StatusBarNotification sbn : mIsolatedEntries.values()) { if (sbn.getGroupKey().equals(groupKey) && isIsolated(sbn)) { count++; } } return count; } private NotificationData.Entry getIsolatedChild(String groupKey) { for (StatusBarNotification sbn : mIsolatedEntries.values()) { if (sbn.getGroupKey().equals(groupKey) && isIsolated(sbn)) { return mGroupMap.get(sbn.getKey()).summary; } } return null; } public void onEntryUpdated(NotificationData.Entry entry, StatusBarNotification oldNotification) { if (mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(oldNotification)) != null) { onEntryRemovedInternal(entry, oldNotification); } onEntryAdded(entry); if (isIsolated(entry.notification)) { mIsolatedEntries.put(entry.key, entry.notification); String oldKey = oldNotification.getGroupKey(); String newKey = entry.notification.getGroupKey(); if (!oldKey.equals(newKey)) { updateSuppression(mGroupMap.get(oldKey)); updateSuppression(mGroupMap.get(newKey)); } } else if (!isGroupChild(oldNotification) && isGroupChild(entry.notification)) { onEntryBecomingChild(entry); } } public boolean isSummaryOfSuppressedGroup(StatusBarNotification sbn) { return isGroupSuppressed(getGroupKey(sbn)) && sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary(); } private boolean isOnlyChild(StatusBarNotification sbn) { return !sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary() && getTotalNumberOfChildren(sbn) == 1; } public boolean isOnlyChildInGroup(StatusBarNotification sbn) { if (!isOnlyChild(sbn)) { return false; } ExpandableNotificationRow logicalGroupSummary = getLogicalGroupSummary(sbn); return logicalGroupSummary != null && !logicalGroupSummary.getStatusBarNotification().equals(sbn); } private int getTotalNumberOfChildren(StatusBarNotification sbn) { int isolatedChildren = getNumberOfIsolatedChildren(sbn.getGroupKey()); NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(sbn.getGroupKey()); int realChildren = group != null ? group.children.size() : 0; return isolatedChildren + realChildren; } private boolean isGroupSuppressed(String groupKey) { NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(groupKey); return group != null && group.suppressed; } public void setStatusBarState(int newState) { if (mBarState == newState) { return; } mBarState = newState; if (mBarState == StatusBarState.KEYGUARD) { collapseAllGroups(); } } public void collapseAllGroups() { // Because notifications can become isolated when the group becomes suppressed it can // lead to concurrent modifications while looping. We need to make a copy. ArrayList groupCopy = new ArrayList<>(mGroupMap.values()); int size = groupCopy.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { NotificationGroup group = groupCopy.get(i); if (group.expanded) { setGroupExpanded(group, false); } updateSuppression(group); } } /** * @return whether a given notification is a child in a group which has a summary */ public boolean isChildInGroupWithSummary(StatusBarNotification sbn) { if (!isGroupChild(sbn)) { return false; } NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(sbn)); if (group == null || group.summary == null || group.suppressed) { return false; } if (group.children.isEmpty()) { // If the suppression of a group changes because the last child was removed, this can // still be called temporarily because the child hasn't been fully removed yet. Let's // make sure we still return false in that case. return false; } return true; } /** * @return whether a given notification is a summary in a group which has children */ public boolean isSummaryOfGroup(StatusBarNotification sbn) { if (!isGroupSummary(sbn)) { return false; } NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(sbn)); if (group == null) { return false; } return !group.children.isEmpty(); } /** * Get the summary of a specified status bar notification. For isolated notification this return * itself. */ public ExpandableNotificationRow getGroupSummary(StatusBarNotification sbn) { return getGroupSummary(getGroupKey(sbn)); } /** * Similar to {@link #getGroupSummary(StatusBarNotification)} but doesn't get the visual summary * but the logical summary, i.e when a child is isolated, it still returns the summary as if * it wasn't isolated. */ public ExpandableNotificationRow getLogicalGroupSummary( StatusBarNotification sbn) { return getGroupSummary(sbn.getGroupKey()); } @Nullable private ExpandableNotificationRow getGroupSummary(String groupKey) { NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(groupKey); return group == null ? null : group.summary == null ? null : group.summary.row; } /** @return group expansion state after toggling. */ public boolean toggleGroupExpansion(StatusBarNotification sbn) { NotificationGroup group = mGroupMap.get(getGroupKey(sbn)); if (group == null) { return false; } setGroupExpanded(group, !group.expanded); return group.expanded; } private boolean isIsolated(StatusBarNotification sbn) { return mIsolatedEntries.containsKey(sbn.getKey()); } private boolean isGroupSummary(StatusBarNotification sbn) { if (isIsolated(sbn)) { return true; } return sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary(); } private boolean isGroupChild(StatusBarNotification sbn) { if (isIsolated(sbn)) { return false; } return sbn.isGroup() && !sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary(); } private String getGroupKey(StatusBarNotification sbn) { if (isIsolated(sbn)) { return sbn.getKey(); } return sbn.getGroupKey(); } @Override public void onHeadsUpPinnedModeChanged(boolean inPinnedMode) { } @Override public void onHeadsUpPinned(ExpandableNotificationRow headsUp) { } @Override public void onHeadsUpUnPinned(ExpandableNotificationRow headsUp) { } @Override public void onHeadsUpStateChanged(NotificationData.Entry entry, boolean isHeadsUp) { final StatusBarNotification sbn = entry.notification; if (entry.row.isHeadsUp()) { if (shouldIsolate(sbn)) { // We will be isolated now, so lets update the groups onEntryRemovedInternal(entry, entry.notification); mIsolatedEntries.put(sbn.getKey(), sbn); onEntryAdded(entry); // We also need to update the suppression of the old group, because this call comes // even before the groupManager knows about the notification at all. // When the notification gets added afterwards it is already isolated and therefore // it doesn't lead to an update. updateSuppression(mGroupMap.get(entry.notification.getGroupKey())); mListener.onGroupsChanged(); } else { handleSuppressedSummaryHeadsUpped(entry); } } else { if (mIsolatedEntries.containsKey(sbn.getKey())) { // not isolated anymore, we need to update the groups onEntryRemovedInternal(entry, entry.notification); mIsolatedEntries.remove(sbn.getKey()); onEntryAdded(entry); mListener.onGroupsChanged(); } } } private void handleSuppressedSummaryHeadsUpped(NotificationData.Entry entry) { StatusBarNotification sbn = entry.notification; if (!isGroupSuppressed(sbn.getGroupKey()) || !sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary() || !entry.row.isHeadsUp()) { return; } // The parent of a suppressed group got huned, lets hun the child! NotificationGroup notificationGroup = mGroupMap.get(sbn.getGroupKey()); if (notificationGroup != null) { Iterator iterator = notificationGroup.children.iterator(); NotificationData.Entry child = iterator.hasNext() ? iterator.next() : null; if (child == null) { child = getIsolatedChild(sbn.getGroupKey()); } if (child != null) { if (mHeadsUpManager.isHeadsUp(child.key)) { mHeadsUpManager.updateNotification(child, true); } else { mHeadsUpManager.showNotification(child); } } } mHeadsUpManager.releaseImmediately(entry.key); } private boolean shouldIsolate(StatusBarNotification sbn) { NotificationGroup notificationGroup = mGroupMap.get(sbn.getGroupKey()); return (sbn.isGroup() && !sbn.getNotification().isGroupSummary()) && (sbn.getNotification().fullScreenIntent != null || notificationGroup == null || !notificationGroup.expanded || isGroupNotFullyVisible(notificationGroup)); } private boolean isGroupNotFullyVisible(NotificationGroup notificationGroup) { return notificationGroup.summary == null || notificationGroup.summary.row.getClipTopAmount() > 0 || notificationGroup.summary.row.getTranslationY() < 0; } public void setHeadsUpManager(HeadsUpManager headsUpManager) { mHeadsUpManager = headsUpManager; } public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { pw.println("GroupManager state:"); pw.println(" number of groups: " + mGroupMap.size()); for (Map.Entry entry : mGroupMap.entrySet()) { pw.println("\n key: " + entry.getKey()); pw.println(entry.getValue()); } pw.println("\n isolated entries: " + mIsolatedEntries.size()); for (Map.Entry entry : mIsolatedEntries.entrySet()) { pw.print(" "); pw.print(entry.getKey()); pw.print(", "); pw.println(entry.getValue()); } } public static class NotificationGroup { public final HashSet children = new HashSet<>(); public NotificationData.Entry summary; public boolean expanded; /** * Is this notification group suppressed, i.e its summary is hidden */ public boolean suppressed; @Override public String toString() { String result = " summary:\n " + (summary != null ? summary.notification : "null"); result += "\n children size: " + children.size(); for (NotificationData.Entry child : children) { result += "\n " + child.notification; } return result; } } public interface OnGroupChangeListener { /** * The expansion of a group has changed. * * @param changedRow the row for which the expansion has changed, which is also the summary * @param expanded a boolean indicating the new expanded state */ void onGroupExpansionChanged(ExpandableNotificationRow changedRow, boolean expanded); /** * A group of children just received a summary notification and should therefore become * children of it. * * @param group the group created */ void onGroupCreatedFromChildren(NotificationGroup group); /** * The groups have changed. This can happen if the isolation of a child has changes or if a * group became suppressed / unsuppressed */ void onGroupsChanged(); } }