/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder; import android.animation.ValueAnimator; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import android.view.animation.PathInterpolator; import com.android.systemui.R; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.ExpandableNotificationRow; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationData; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.ScrimView; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy.HeadsUpManager; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.stack.StackStateAnimator; /** * Controls both the scrim behind the notifications and in front of the notifications (when a * security method gets shown). */ public class ScrimController implements ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener, HeadsUpManager.OnHeadsUpChangedListener { public static final long ANIMATION_DURATION = 220; public static final Interpolator KEYGUARD_FADE_OUT_INTERPOLATOR = new PathInterpolator(0f, 0, 0.7f, 1f); private static final float SCRIM_BEHIND_ALPHA = 0.62f; private static final float SCRIM_BEHIND_ALPHA_KEYGUARD = 0.45f; private static final float SCRIM_BEHIND_ALPHA_UNLOCKING = 0.2f; private static final float SCRIM_IN_FRONT_ALPHA = 0.75f; private static final int TAG_KEY_ANIM = R.id.scrim; private static final int TAG_KEY_ANIM_TARGET = R.id.scrim_target; private static final int TAG_START_ALPHA = R.id.scrim_alpha_start; private static final int TAG_END_ALPHA = R.id.scrim_alpha_end; protected final ScrimView mScrimBehind; private final ScrimView mScrimInFront; private final UnlockMethodCache mUnlockMethodCache; private final View mHeadsUpScrim; private float mScrimBehindAlpha = SCRIM_BEHIND_ALPHA; private float mScrimBehindAlphaKeyguard = SCRIM_BEHIND_ALPHA_KEYGUARD; private float mScrimBehindAlphaUnlocking = SCRIM_BEHIND_ALPHA_UNLOCKING; protected boolean mKeyguardShowing; private float mFraction; private boolean mDarkenWhileDragging; protected boolean mBouncerShowing; private boolean mWakeAndUnlocking; private boolean mAnimateChange; private boolean mUpdatePending; private boolean mExpanding; private boolean mAnimateKeyguardFadingOut; private long mDurationOverride = -1; private long mAnimationDelay; private Runnable mOnAnimationFinished; private final Interpolator mInterpolator = new DecelerateInterpolator(); private boolean mDozing; private float mDozeInFrontAlpha; private float mDozeBehindAlpha; private float mCurrentInFrontAlpha; private float mCurrentBehindAlpha; private float mCurrentHeadsUpAlpha = 1; private int mPinnedHeadsUpCount; private float mTopHeadsUpDragAmount; private View mDraggedHeadsUpView; private boolean mForceHideScrims; private boolean mSkipFirstFrame; private boolean mDontAnimateBouncerChanges; private boolean mKeyguardFadingOutInProgress; private ValueAnimator mKeyguardFadeoutAnimation; public ScrimController(ScrimView scrimBehind, ScrimView scrimInFront, View headsUpScrim) { mScrimBehind = scrimBehind; mScrimInFront = scrimInFront; mHeadsUpScrim = headsUpScrim; final Context context = scrimBehind.getContext(); mUnlockMethodCache = UnlockMethodCache.getInstance(context); updateHeadsUpScrim(false); } public void setKeyguardShowing(boolean showing) { mKeyguardShowing = showing; scheduleUpdate(); } public void setShowScrimBehind(boolean show) { if (show) { mScrimBehindAlpha = SCRIM_BEHIND_ALPHA; mScrimBehindAlphaKeyguard = SCRIM_BEHIND_ALPHA_KEYGUARD; mScrimBehindAlphaUnlocking = SCRIM_BEHIND_ALPHA_UNLOCKING; } else { mScrimBehindAlpha = 0; mScrimBehindAlphaKeyguard = 0; mScrimBehindAlphaUnlocking = 0; } scheduleUpdate(); } public void onTrackingStarted() { mExpanding = true; mDarkenWhileDragging = !mUnlockMethodCache.canSkipBouncer(); } public void onExpandingFinished() { mExpanding = false; } public void setPanelExpansion(float fraction) { if (mFraction != fraction) { mFraction = fraction; scheduleUpdate(); if (mPinnedHeadsUpCount != 0) { updateHeadsUpScrim(false); } if (mKeyguardFadeoutAnimation != null) { mKeyguardFadeoutAnimation.cancel(); } } } public void setBouncerShowing(boolean showing) { mBouncerShowing = showing; mAnimateChange = !mExpanding && !mDontAnimateBouncerChanges; scheduleUpdate(); } public void setWakeAndUnlocking() { mWakeAndUnlocking = true; scheduleUpdate(); } public void animateKeyguardFadingOut(long delay, long duration, Runnable onAnimationFinished, boolean skipFirstFrame) { mWakeAndUnlocking = false; mAnimateKeyguardFadingOut = true; mDurationOverride = duration; mAnimationDelay = delay; mAnimateChange = true; mSkipFirstFrame = skipFirstFrame; mOnAnimationFinished = onAnimationFinished; scheduleUpdate(); // No need to wait for the next frame to be drawn for this case - onPreDraw will execute // the changes we just scheduled. onPreDraw(); } public void abortKeyguardFadingOut() { if (mAnimateKeyguardFadingOut) { endAnimateKeyguardFadingOut(true /* force */); } } public void animateGoingToFullShade(long delay, long duration) { mDurationOverride = duration; mAnimationDelay = delay; mAnimateChange = true; scheduleUpdate(); } public void animateNextChange() { mAnimateChange = true; } public void setDozing(boolean dozing) { if (mDozing != dozing) { mDozing = dozing; scheduleUpdate(); } } public void setDozeInFrontAlpha(float alpha) { mDozeInFrontAlpha = alpha; updateScrimColor(mScrimInFront); } public void setDozeBehindAlpha(float alpha) { mDozeBehindAlpha = alpha; updateScrimColor(mScrimBehind); } public float getDozeBehindAlpha() { return mDozeBehindAlpha; } public float getDozeInFrontAlpha() { return mDozeInFrontAlpha; } private void scheduleUpdate() { if (mUpdatePending) return; // Make sure that a frame gets scheduled. mScrimBehind.invalidate(); mScrimBehind.getViewTreeObserver().addOnPreDrawListener(this); mUpdatePending = true; } protected void updateScrims() { if (mAnimateKeyguardFadingOut || mForceHideScrims) { setScrimInFrontColor(0f); setScrimBehindColor(0f); } else if (mWakeAndUnlocking) { // During wake and unlock, we first hide everything behind a black scrim, which then // gets faded out from animateKeyguardFadingOut. if (mDozing) { setScrimInFrontColor(0f); setScrimBehindColor(1f); } else { setScrimInFrontColor(1f); setScrimBehindColor(0f); } } else if (!mKeyguardShowing && !mBouncerShowing) { updateScrimNormal(); setScrimInFrontColor(0); } else { updateScrimKeyguard(); } mAnimateChange = false; } private void updateScrimKeyguard() { if (mExpanding && mDarkenWhileDragging) { float behindFraction = Math.max(0, Math.min(mFraction, 1)); float fraction = 1 - behindFraction; fraction = (float) Math.pow(fraction, 0.8f); behindFraction = (float) Math.pow(behindFraction, 0.8f); setScrimInFrontColor(fraction * SCRIM_IN_FRONT_ALPHA); setScrimBehindColor(behindFraction * mScrimBehindAlphaKeyguard); } else if (mBouncerShowing) { setScrimInFrontColor(SCRIM_IN_FRONT_ALPHA); setScrimBehindColor(0f); } else { float fraction = Math.max(0, Math.min(mFraction, 1)); setScrimInFrontColor(0f); setScrimBehindColor(fraction * (mScrimBehindAlphaKeyguard - mScrimBehindAlphaUnlocking) + mScrimBehindAlphaUnlocking); } } private void updateScrimNormal() { float frac = mFraction; // let's start this 20% of the way down the screen frac = frac * 1.2f - 0.2f; if (frac <= 0) { setScrimBehindColor(0); } else { // woo, special effects final float k = (float)(1f-0.5f*(1f-Math.cos(3.14159f * Math.pow(1f-frac, 2f)))); setScrimBehindColor(k * mScrimBehindAlpha); } } private void setScrimBehindColor(float alpha) { setScrimColor(mScrimBehind, alpha); } private void setScrimInFrontColor(float alpha) { setScrimColor(mScrimInFront, alpha); if (alpha == 0f) { mScrimInFront.setClickable(false); } else { // Eat touch events (unless dozing). mScrimInFront.setClickable(!mDozing); } } private void setScrimColor(View scrim, float alpha) { updateScrim(mAnimateChange, scrim, alpha, getCurrentScrimAlpha(scrim)); } private float getDozeAlpha(View scrim) { return scrim == mScrimBehind ? mDozeBehindAlpha : mDozeInFrontAlpha; } private float getCurrentScrimAlpha(View scrim) { return scrim == mScrimBehind ? mCurrentBehindAlpha : scrim == mScrimInFront ? mCurrentInFrontAlpha : mCurrentHeadsUpAlpha; } private void setCurrentScrimAlpha(View scrim, float alpha) { if (scrim == mScrimBehind) { mCurrentBehindAlpha = alpha; } else if (scrim == mScrimInFront) { mCurrentInFrontAlpha = alpha; } else { alpha = Math.max(0.0f, Math.min(1.0f, alpha)); mCurrentHeadsUpAlpha = alpha; } } private void updateScrimColor(View scrim) { float alpha1 = getCurrentScrimAlpha(scrim); if (scrim instanceof ScrimView) { float alpha2 = getDozeAlpha(scrim); float alpha = 1 - (1 - alpha1) * (1 - alpha2); alpha = Math.max(0, Math.min(1.0f, alpha)); ((ScrimView) scrim).setScrimColor(Color.argb((int) (alpha * 255), 0, 0, 0)); } else { scrim.setAlpha(alpha1); } } private void startScrimAnimation(final View scrim, float target) { float current = getCurrentScrimAlpha(scrim); ValueAnimator anim = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(current, target); anim.addUpdateListener(new ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener() { @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) { float alpha = (float) animation.getAnimatedValue(); setCurrentScrimAlpha(scrim, alpha); updateScrimColor(scrim); } }); anim.setInterpolator(getInterpolator()); anim.setStartDelay(mAnimationDelay); anim.setDuration(mDurationOverride != -1 ? mDurationOverride : ANIMATION_DURATION); anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { if (mOnAnimationFinished != null) { mOnAnimationFinished.run(); mOnAnimationFinished = null; } if (mKeyguardFadingOutInProgress) { mKeyguardFadeoutAnimation = null; mKeyguardFadingOutInProgress = false; } scrim.setTag(TAG_KEY_ANIM, null); scrim.setTag(TAG_KEY_ANIM_TARGET, null); } }); anim.start(); if (mAnimateKeyguardFadingOut) { mKeyguardFadingOutInProgress = true; mKeyguardFadeoutAnimation = anim; } if (mSkipFirstFrame) { anim.setCurrentPlayTime(16); } scrim.setTag(TAG_KEY_ANIM, anim); scrim.setTag(TAG_KEY_ANIM_TARGET, target); } private Interpolator getInterpolator() { return mAnimateKeyguardFadingOut ? KEYGUARD_FADE_OUT_INTERPOLATOR : mInterpolator; } @Override public boolean onPreDraw() { mScrimBehind.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnPreDrawListener(this); mUpdatePending = false; if (mDontAnimateBouncerChanges) { mDontAnimateBouncerChanges = false; } updateScrims(); mDurationOverride = -1; mAnimationDelay = 0; mSkipFirstFrame = false; // Make sure that we always call the listener even if we didn't start an animation. endAnimateKeyguardFadingOut(false /* force */); return true; } private void endAnimateKeyguardFadingOut(boolean force) { mAnimateKeyguardFadingOut = false; if (force || (!isAnimating(mScrimInFront) && !isAnimating(mScrimBehind))) { if (mOnAnimationFinished != null) { mOnAnimationFinished.run(); mOnAnimationFinished = null; } mKeyguardFadingOutInProgress = false; } } private boolean isAnimating(View scrim) { return scrim.getTag(TAG_KEY_ANIM) != null; } public void setDrawBehindAsSrc(boolean asSrc) { mScrimBehind.setDrawAsSrc(asSrc); } @Override public void onHeadsUpPinnedModeChanged(boolean inPinnedMode) { } @Override public void onHeadsUpPinned(ExpandableNotificationRow headsUp) { mPinnedHeadsUpCount++; updateHeadsUpScrim(true); } @Override public void onHeadsUpUnPinned(ExpandableNotificationRow headsUp) { mPinnedHeadsUpCount--; if (headsUp == mDraggedHeadsUpView) { mDraggedHeadsUpView = null; mTopHeadsUpDragAmount = 0.0f; } updateHeadsUpScrim(true); } @Override public void onHeadsUpStateChanged(NotificationData.Entry entry, boolean isHeadsUp) { } private void updateHeadsUpScrim(boolean animate) { updateScrim(animate, mHeadsUpScrim, calculateHeadsUpAlpha(), mCurrentHeadsUpAlpha); } private void updateScrim(boolean animate, View scrim, float alpha, float currentAlpha) { if (mKeyguardFadingOutInProgress) { return; } ValueAnimator previousAnimator = StackStateAnimator.getChildTag(scrim, TAG_KEY_ANIM); float animEndValue = -1; if (previousAnimator != null) { if (animate || alpha == currentAlpha) { previousAnimator.cancel(); } else { animEndValue = StackStateAnimator.getChildTag(scrim, TAG_END_ALPHA); } } if (alpha != currentAlpha && alpha != animEndValue) { if (animate) { startScrimAnimation(scrim, alpha); scrim.setTag(TAG_START_ALPHA, currentAlpha); scrim.setTag(TAG_END_ALPHA, alpha); } else { if (previousAnimator != null) { float previousStartValue = StackStateAnimator.getChildTag(scrim, TAG_START_ALPHA); float previousEndValue = StackStateAnimator.getChildTag(scrim, TAG_END_ALPHA); // we need to increase all animation keyframes of the previous animator by the // relative change to the end value PropertyValuesHolder[] values = previousAnimator.getValues(); float relativeDiff = alpha - previousEndValue; float newStartValue = previousStartValue + relativeDiff; newStartValue = Math.max(0, Math.min(1.0f, newStartValue)); values[0].setFloatValues(newStartValue, alpha); scrim.setTag(TAG_START_ALPHA, newStartValue); scrim.setTag(TAG_END_ALPHA, alpha); previousAnimator.setCurrentPlayTime(previousAnimator.getCurrentPlayTime()); } else { // update the alpha directly setCurrentScrimAlpha(scrim, alpha); updateScrimColor(scrim); } } } } /** * Set the amount the current top heads up view is dragged. The range is from 0 to 1 and 0 means * the heads up is in its resting space and 1 means it's fully dragged out. * * @param draggedHeadsUpView the dragged view * @param topHeadsUpDragAmount how far is it dragged */ public void setTopHeadsUpDragAmount(View draggedHeadsUpView, float topHeadsUpDragAmount) { mTopHeadsUpDragAmount = topHeadsUpDragAmount; mDraggedHeadsUpView = draggedHeadsUpView; updateHeadsUpScrim(false); } private float calculateHeadsUpAlpha() { float alpha; if (mPinnedHeadsUpCount >= 2) { alpha = 1.0f; } else if (mPinnedHeadsUpCount == 0) { alpha = 0.0f; } else { alpha = 1.0f - mTopHeadsUpDragAmount; } float expandFactor = (1.0f - mFraction); expandFactor = Math.max(expandFactor, 0.0f); return alpha * expandFactor; } public void forceHideScrims(boolean hide) { mForceHideScrims = hide; mAnimateChange = false; scheduleUpdate(); } public void dontAnimateBouncerChangesUntilNextFrame() { mDontAnimateBouncerChanges = true; } public void setExcludedBackgroundArea(Rect area) { mScrimBehind.setExcludedArea(area); } public int getScrimBehindColor() { return mScrimBehind.getScrimColorWithAlpha(); } public void setScrimBehindChangeRunnable(Runnable changeRunnable) { mScrimBehind.setChangeRunnable(changeRunnable); } public void onDensityOrFontScaleChanged() { ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = mHeadsUpScrim.getLayoutParams(); layoutParams.height = mHeadsUpScrim.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.heads_up_scrim_height); mHeadsUpScrim.setLayoutParams(layoutParams); } }