/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package android.support.v17.leanback.widget; import android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder; import android.content.Context; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.drawable.ColorDrawable; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.support.annotation.ColorInt; import android.support.v17.leanback.R; import android.support.v17.leanback.graphics.CompositeDrawable; import android.support.v17.leanback.graphics.FitWidthBitmapDrawable; import android.util.TypedValue; /** * Helper class responsible for wiring in parallax effect in * {@link android.support.v17.leanback.app.DetailsFragment}. The default effect will render * a drawable like the following two parts, cover drawable above DetailsOverviewRow and solid * color below DetailsOverviewRow. *
 *        ***************************
 *        *        Cover Drawable   *
 *        ***************************
 *        *    DetailsOverviewRow   *
 *        *                         *
 *        ***************************
 *        *     Bottom Drawable     *
 *        *      (Solid Color)      *
 *        *         Related         *
 *        *         Content         *
 *        ***************************
* *
  • * In case the solid color is not set, it will use defaultBrandColorDark from LeanbackTheme. *
  • * @hide */ public class DetailsParallaxDrawable extends CompositeDrawable { private Drawable mBottomDrawable; /** * Creates a DetailsParallaxDrawable using a cover drawable. * @param context Context to get resource values. * @param parallax DetailsParallax to add background parallax effect. * @param coverDrawable Cover drawable at top * @param coverDrawableParallaxTarget Define a ParallaxTarget that would be performed on cover * Drawable. e.g. To change "verticalOffset" of cover * Drawable from 0 to 120 pixels above screen, uses: * new ParallaxTarget.PropertyValuesHolderTarget( * coverDrawable, * PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("verticalOffset", 0, -120)) */ public DetailsParallaxDrawable(Context context, DetailsParallax parallax, Drawable coverDrawable, ParallaxTarget coverDrawableParallaxTarget) { init(context, parallax, coverDrawable, new ColorDrawable(), coverDrawableParallaxTarget); } /** * Creates a DetailsParallaxDrawable using a cover drawable and bottom drawable. * @param context Context to get resource values. * @param parallax DetailsParallax to add background parallax effect. * @param coverDrawable Cover drawable at top * @param bottomDrawable Bottom drawable, when null it will create a default ColorDrawable. * @param coverDrawableParallaxTarget Define a ParallaxTarget that would be performed on cover * Drawable. e.g. To change "verticalOffset" of cover * Drawable from 0 to 120 pixels above screen, uses: * new ParallaxTarget.PropertyValuesHolderTarget( * coverDrawable, * PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("verticalOffset", 0, -120)) */ public DetailsParallaxDrawable(Context context, DetailsParallax parallax, Drawable coverDrawable, Drawable bottomDrawable, ParallaxTarget coverDrawableParallaxTarget) { init(context, parallax, coverDrawable, bottomDrawable, coverDrawableParallaxTarget); } /** * Creates DetailsParallaxDrawable using {@link FitWidthBitmapDrawable} for cover drawable. * @param context Context to get resource values. * @param parallax DetailsParallax to add background parallax effect. */ public DetailsParallaxDrawable(Context context, DetailsParallax parallax) { int verticalMovementMax = -context.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( R.dimen.lb_details_cover_drawable_parallax_movement); Drawable coverDrawable = new FitWidthBitmapDrawable(); ParallaxTarget coverDrawableParallaxTarget = new ParallaxTarget.PropertyValuesHolderTarget( coverDrawable, PropertyValuesHolder.ofInt("verticalOffset", 0, verticalMovementMax)); init(context, parallax, coverDrawable, new ColorDrawable(), coverDrawableParallaxTarget); } void init(Context context, DetailsParallax parallax, Drawable coverDrawable, Drawable bottomDrawable, ParallaxTarget coverDrawableParallaxTarget) { if (bottomDrawable instanceof ColorDrawable) { ColorDrawable colorDrawable = ((ColorDrawable) bottomDrawable); if (colorDrawable.getColor() == Color.TRANSPARENT) { colorDrawable.setColor(getDefaultBackgroundColor(context)); } } addChildDrawable(coverDrawable); addChildDrawable(mBottomDrawable = bottomDrawable); connect(context, parallax, coverDrawableParallaxTarget); } private static int getDefaultBackgroundColor(Context context) { TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue(); if (context.getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.defaultBrandColorDark, outValue, true)) { return context.getResources().getColor(outValue.resourceId); } return context.getResources().getColor(R.color.lb_default_brand_color_dark); } /** * @return First child which is cover drawable appearing at top. */ public Drawable getCoverDrawable() { return getChildAt(0).getDrawable(); } /** * @return Second child which is ColorDrawable by default. */ public Drawable getBottomDrawable() { return mBottomDrawable; } /** * Changes the solid background color of the related content section. */ public void setSolidColor(@ColorInt int color) { ((ColorDrawable) mBottomDrawable).setColor(color); } /** * @return Returns the solid background color of the related content section. */ public @ColorInt int getSolidColor() { return ((ColorDrawable) mBottomDrawable).getColor(); } /** * Connects DetailsParallaxDrawable to DetailsParallax object. * @param parallax The DetailsParallax object to add ParallaxEffects for the drawable. */ void connect(Context context, DetailsParallax parallax, ParallaxTarget coverDrawableParallaxTarget) { Parallax.IntProperty frameTop = parallax.getOverviewRowTop(); Parallax.IntProperty frameBottom = parallax.getOverviewRowBottom(); final int fromValue = context.getResources() .getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.lb_details_v2_align_pos_for_actions); final int toValue = context.getResources() .getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.lb_details_v2_align_pos_for_description); parallax.addEffect(frameTop.atAbsolute(fromValue), frameTop.atAbsolute(toValue)) .target(coverDrawableParallaxTarget); // Add solid color parallax effect: // When frameBottom moves from bottom of the screen to top of the screen, // change solid ColorDrawable's top from bottom of screen to top of the screen. parallax.addEffect(frameBottom.atMax(), frameBottom.atMin()) .target(getChildAt(1), ChildDrawable.TOP_ABSOLUTE); // Also when frameTop moves from bottom of screen to top of the screen, // we are changing bottom of the bitmap from bottom of screen to top of screen. parallax.addEffect(frameTop.atMax(), frameTop.atMin()) .target(getChildAt(0), ChildDrawable.BOTTOM_ABSOLUTE); } }