* Create a new IntentBuilder for launching a sharing action from launchingActivity.
* @param launchingActivity Activity that the share will be launched from
* @return a new IntentBuilder instance
public static IntentBuilder from(Activity launchingActivity) {
return new IntentBuilder(launchingActivity);
private IntentBuilder(Activity launchingActivity) {
mActivity = launchingActivity;
mIntent = new Intent().setAction(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
mIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_CALLING_PACKAGE, launchingActivity.getPackageName());
mIntent.putExtra(EXTRA_CALLING_ACTIVITY, launchingActivity.getComponentName());
* Retrieve the Intent as configured so far by the IntentBuilder. This Intent
* is suitable for use in a ShareActionProvider or chooser dialog.
* To create an intent that will launch the activity chooser so that the user
* may select a target for the share, see {@link #createChooserIntent()}.
* @return The current Intent being configured by this builder
public Intent getIntent() {
if (mToAddresses != null) {
combineArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, mToAddresses);
mToAddresses = null;
if (mCcAddresses != null) {
combineArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CC, mCcAddresses);
mCcAddresses = null;
if (mBccAddresses != null) {
combineArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_BCC, mBccAddresses);
mBccAddresses = null;
// Check if we need to change the action.
boolean needsSendMultiple = mStreams != null && mStreams.size() > 1;
boolean isSendMultiple = mIntent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE);
if (!needsSendMultiple && isSendMultiple) {
// Change back to a single send action; place the first stream into the
// intent for single sharing.
if (mStreams != null && !mStreams.isEmpty()) {
mIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, mStreams.get(0));
} else {
mStreams = null;
if (needsSendMultiple && !isSendMultiple) {
// Change to a multiple send action; place the relevant ArrayList into the
// intent for multiple sharing.
if (mStreams != null && !mStreams.isEmpty()) {
mIntent.putParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, mStreams);
} else {
return mIntent;
Activity getActivity() {
return mActivity;
private void combineArrayExtra(String extra, ArrayList add) {
String[] currentAddresses = mIntent.getStringArrayExtra(extra);
int currentLength = currentAddresses != null ? currentAddresses.length : 0;
String[] finalAddresses = new String[currentLength + add.size()];
if (currentAddresses != null) {
System.arraycopy(currentAddresses, 0, finalAddresses, add.size(), currentLength);
mIntent.putExtra(extra, finalAddresses);
private void combineArrayExtra(String extra, String[] add) {
// Add any items still pending
Intent intent = getIntent();
String[] old = intent.getStringArrayExtra(extra);
int oldLength = old != null ? old.length : 0;
String[] result = new String[oldLength + add.length];
if (old != null) System.arraycopy(old, 0, result, 0, oldLength);
System.arraycopy(add, 0, result, oldLength, add.length);
intent.putExtra(extra, result);
* Create an Intent that will launch the standard Android activity chooser,
* allowing the user to pick what activity/app on the system should handle
* the share.
* @return A chooser Intent for the currently configured sharing action
public Intent createChooserIntent() {
return Intent.createChooser(getIntent(), mChooserTitle);
* Start a chooser activity for the current share intent.
* Note that under most circumstances you should use
* {@link ShareCompat#configureMenuItem(MenuItem, IntentBuilder)
* ShareCompat.configureMenuItem()} to add a Share item to the menu while
* presenting a detail view of the content to be shared instead
* of invoking this directly.
public void startChooser() {
* Set the title that will be used for the activity chooser for this share.
* @param title Title string
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
public IntentBuilder setChooserTitle(CharSequence title) {
mChooserTitle = title;
return this;
* Set the title that will be used for the activity chooser for this share.
* @param resId Resource ID of the title string to use
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
public IntentBuilder setChooserTitle(@StringRes int resId) {
return setChooserTitle(mActivity.getText(resId));
* Set the type of data being shared
* @param mimeType mimetype of the shared data
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#setType(String)
public IntentBuilder setType(String mimeType) {
return this;
* Set the literal text data to be sent as part of the share.
* This may be a styled CharSequence.
* @param text Text to share
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_TEXT
public IntentBuilder setText(CharSequence text) {
mIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, text);
return this;
* Set an HTML string to be sent as part of the share.
* If {@link Intent#EXTRA_TEXT EXTRA_TEXT} has not already been supplied,
* a styled version of the supplied HTML text will be added as EXTRA_TEXT as
* parsed by {@link android.text.Html#fromHtml(String) Html.fromHtml}.
* @param htmlText A string containing HTML markup as a richer version of the text
* provided by EXTRA_TEXT.
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see #setText(CharSequence)
public IntentBuilder setHtmlText(String htmlText) {
mIntent.putExtra(IntentCompat.EXTRA_HTML_TEXT, htmlText);
if (!mIntent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT)) {
// Supply a default if EXTRA_TEXT isn't set
return this;
* Set a stream URI to the data that should be shared.
* This replaces all currently set stream URIs and will produce a single-stream
* ACTION_SEND intent.
* @param streamUri URI of the stream to share
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_STREAM
public IntentBuilder setStream(Uri streamUri) {
if (!mIntent.getAction().equals(Intent.ACTION_SEND)) {
mStreams = null;
mIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, streamUri);
return this;
* Add a stream URI to the data that should be shared. If this is not the first
* stream URI added the final intent constructed will become an ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE
* intent. Not all apps will handle both ACTION_SEND and ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE.
* @param streamUri URI of the stream to share
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_STREAM
* @see Intent#ACTION_SEND
public IntentBuilder addStream(Uri streamUri) {
Uri currentStream = mIntent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM);
if (mStreams == null && currentStream == null) {
return setStream(streamUri);
if (mStreams == null) {
mStreams = new ArrayList();
if (currentStream != null) {
return this;
* Set an array of email addresses as recipients of this share.
* This replaces all current "to" recipients that have been set so far.
* @param addresses Email addresses to send to
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_EMAIL
public IntentBuilder setEmailTo(String[] addresses) {
if (mToAddresses != null) {
mToAddresses = null;
mIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, addresses);
return this;
* Add an email address to be used in the "to" field of the final Intent.
* @param address Email address to send to
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_EMAIL
public IntentBuilder addEmailTo(String address) {
if (mToAddresses == null) {
mToAddresses = new ArrayList();
return this;
* Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "to" field of the final Intent.
* @param addresses Email addresses to send to
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_EMAIL
public IntentBuilder addEmailTo(String[] addresses) {
combineArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL, addresses);
return this;
* Set an array of email addresses to CC on this share.
* This replaces all current "CC" recipients that have been set so far.
* @param addresses Email addresses to CC on the share
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_CC
public IntentBuilder setEmailCc(String[] addresses) {
mIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CC, addresses);
return this;
* Add an email address to be used in the "cc" field of the final Intent.
* @param address Email address to CC
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_CC
public IntentBuilder addEmailCc(String address) {
if (mCcAddresses == null) {
mCcAddresses = new ArrayList();
return this;
* Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "cc" field of the final Intent.
* @param addresses Email addresses to CC
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_CC
public IntentBuilder addEmailCc(String[] addresses) {
combineArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CC, addresses);
return this;
* Set an array of email addresses to BCC on this share.
* This replaces all current "BCC" recipients that have been set so far.
* @param addresses Email addresses to BCC on the share
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_BCC
public IntentBuilder setEmailBcc(String[] addresses) {
mIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_BCC, addresses);
return this;
* Add an email address to be used in the "bcc" field of the final Intent.
* @param address Email address to BCC
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_BCC
public IntentBuilder addEmailBcc(String address) {
if (mBccAddresses == null) {
mBccAddresses = new ArrayList();
return this;
* Add an array of email addresses to be used in the "bcc" field of the final Intent.
* @param addresses Email addresses to BCC
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_BCC
public IntentBuilder addEmailBcc(String[] addresses) {
combineArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_BCC, addresses);
return this;
* Set a subject heading for this share; useful for sharing via email.
* @param subject Subject heading for this share
* @return This IntentBuilder for method chaining
* @see Intent#EXTRA_SUBJECT
public IntentBuilder setSubject(String subject) {
mIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT, subject);
return this;
* IntentReader is a helper for reading the data contained within a sharing (ACTION_SEND)
* Intent. It provides methods to parse standard elements included with a share
* in addition to extra metadata about the app that shared the content.
* Social sharing apps are encouraged to provide attribution for the app that shared
* the content. IntentReader offers access to the application label, calling activity info,
* and application icon of the app that shared the content. This data may have been provided
* voluntarily by the calling app and should always be displayed to the user before submission
* for manual verification. The user should be offered the option to omit this information
* from shared posts if desired.
* Activities that intend to receive sharing intents should configure an intent-filter
* to accept {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND} intents ("android.intent.action.SEND") and optionally
* accept {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE} ("android.intent.action.SEND_MULTIPLE") if
* the activity is equipped to handle multiple data streams.
public static class IntentReader {
private static final String TAG = "IntentReader";
private Activity mActivity;
private Intent mIntent;
private String mCallingPackage;
private ComponentName mCallingActivity;
private ArrayList mStreams;
* Get an IntentReader for parsing and interpreting the sharing intent
* used to start the given activity.
* @param activity Activity that was started to share content
* @return IntentReader for parsing sharing data
public static IntentReader from(Activity activity) {
return new IntentReader(activity);
private IntentReader(Activity activity) {
mActivity = activity;
mIntent = activity.getIntent();
mCallingPackage = ShareCompat.getCallingPackage(activity);
mCallingActivity = ShareCompat.getCallingActivity(activity);
* Returns true if the activity this reader was obtained for was
* started with an {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND} or {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE}
* sharing Intent.
* @return true if the activity was started with an ACTION_SEND
public boolean isShareIntent() {
final String action = mIntent.getAction();
return Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals(action) || Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE.equals(action);
* Returns true if the activity this reader was obtained for was started with an
* {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND} intent and contains a single shared item.
* The shared content should be obtained using either the {@link #getText()}
* or {@link #getStream()} methods depending on the type of content shared.
* @return true if the activity was started with an ACTION_SEND intent
public boolean isSingleShare() {
return Intent.ACTION_SEND.equals(mIntent.getAction());
* Returns true if the activity this reader was obtained for was started with an
* {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE} intent. The Intent may contain more than
* one stream item.
* @return true if the activity was started with an ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE intent
public boolean isMultipleShare() {
return Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE.equals(mIntent.getAction());
* Get the mimetype of the data shared to this activity.
* @return mimetype of the shared data
* @see Intent#getType()
public String getType() {
return mIntent.getType();
* Get the literal text shared with the target activity.
* @return Literal shared text or null if none was supplied
* @see Intent#EXTRA_TEXT
public CharSequence getText() {
return mIntent.getCharSequenceExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT);
* Get the styled HTML text shared with the target activity.
* If no HTML text was supplied but {@link Intent#EXTRA_TEXT} contained
* styled text, it will be converted to HTML if possible and returned.
* If the text provided by {@link Intent#EXTRA_TEXT} was not styled text,
* it will be escaped by {@link android.text.Html#escapeHtml(CharSequence)}
* and returned. If no text was provided at all, this method will return null.
* @return Styled text provided by the sender as HTML.
public String getHtmlText() {
String result = mIntent.getStringExtra(IntentCompat.EXTRA_HTML_TEXT);
if (result == null) {
CharSequence text = getText();
if (text instanceof Spanned) {
result = Html.toHtml((Spanned) text);
} else if (text != null) {
if (SDK_INT >= 16) {
result = Html.escapeHtml(text);
} else {
StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
withinStyle(out, text, 0, text.length());
result = out.toString();
return result;
private static void withinStyle(StringBuilder out, CharSequence text,
int start, int end) {
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
if (c == '<') {
} else if (c == '>') {
} else if (c == '&') {
} else if (c > 0x7E || c < ' ') {
out.append("" + ((int) c) + ";");
} else if (c == ' ') {
while (i + 1 < end && text.charAt(i + 1) == ' ') {
out.append(" ");
out.append(' ');
} else {
* Get a URI referring to a data stream shared with the target activity.
* This call will fail if the share intent contains multiple stream items.
* If {@link #isMultipleShare()} returns true the application should use
* {@link #getStream(int)} and {@link #getStreamCount()} to retrieve the
* included stream items.
* @return A URI referring to a data stream to be shared or null if one was not supplied
* @see Intent#EXTRA_STREAM
public Uri getStream() {
return mIntent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM);
* Get the URI of a stream item shared with the target activity.
* Index should be in the range [0-getStreamCount()).
* @param index Index of text item to retrieve
* @return Requested stream item URI
* @see Intent#EXTRA_STREAM
public Uri getStream(int index) {
if (mStreams == null && isMultipleShare()) {
mStreams = mIntent.getParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM);
if (mStreams != null) {
return mStreams.get(index);
if (index == 0) {
return mIntent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM);
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Stream items available: " + getStreamCount()
+ " index requested: " + index);
* Return the number of stream items shared. The return value will be 0 or 1 if
* this was an {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND} intent, or 0 or more if it was an
* {@link Intent#ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE} intent.
* @return Count of text items contained within the Intent
public int getStreamCount() {
if (mStreams == null && isMultipleShare()) {
mStreams = mIntent.getParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM);
if (mStreams != null) {
return mStreams.size();
return mIntent.hasExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM) ? 1 : 0;
* Get an array of Strings, each an email address to share to.
* @return An array of email addresses or null if none were supplied.
* @see Intent#EXTRA_EMAIL
public String[] getEmailTo() {
return mIntent.getStringArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL);
* Get an array of Strings, each an email address to CC on this share.
* @return An array of email addresses or null if none were supplied.
* @see Intent#EXTRA_CC
public String[] getEmailCc() {
return mIntent.getStringArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_CC);
* Get an array of Strings, each an email address to BCC on this share.
* @return An array of email addresses or null if none were supplied.
* @see Intent#EXTRA_BCC
public String[] getEmailBcc() {
return mIntent.getStringArrayExtra(Intent.EXTRA_BCC);
* Get a subject heading for this share; useful when sharing via email.
* @return The subject heading for this share or null if one was not supplied.
* @see Intent#EXTRA_SUBJECT
public String getSubject() {
return mIntent.getStringExtra(Intent.EXTRA_SUBJECT);
* Get the name of the package that invoked this sharing intent. If the activity
* was not started for a result, IntentBuilder will read this from extra metadata placed
* in the Intent by ShareBuilder.
* Note: This data may have been provided voluntarily by the calling
* application. As such it should not be trusted for accuracy in the context of
* security or verification.
* @return Name of the package that started this activity or null if unknown
* @see Activity#getCallingPackage()
public String getCallingPackage() {
return mCallingPackage;
* Get the {@link ComponentName} of the Activity that invoked this sharing intent.
* If the target sharing activity was not started for a result, IntentBuilder will read
* this from extra metadata placed in the intent by ShareBuilder.
* Note: This data may have been provided voluntarily by the calling
* application. As such it should not be trusted for accuracy in the context of
* security or verification.
* @return ComponentName of the calling Activity or null if unknown
* @see Activity#getCallingActivity()
public ComponentName getCallingActivity() {
return mCallingActivity;
* Get the icon of the calling activity as a Drawable if data about
* the calling activity is available.
* Note: This data may have been provided voluntarily by the calling
* application. As such it should not be trusted for accuracy in the context of
* security or verification.
* @return The calling Activity's icon or null if unknown
public Drawable getCallingActivityIcon() {
if (mCallingActivity == null) return null;
PackageManager pm = mActivity.getPackageManager();
try {
return pm.getActivityIcon(mCallingActivity);
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Could not retrieve icon for calling activity", e);
return null;
* Get the icon of the calling application as a Drawable if data
* about the calling package is available.
* Note: This data may have been provided voluntarily by the calling
* application. As such it should not be trusted for accuracy in the context of
* security or verification.
* @return The calling application's icon or null if unknown
public Drawable getCallingApplicationIcon() {
if (mCallingPackage == null) return null;
PackageManager pm = mActivity.getPackageManager();
try {
return pm.getApplicationIcon(mCallingPackage);
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Could not retrieve icon for calling application", e);
return null;
* Get the human-readable label (title) of the calling application if
* data about the calling package is available.
* Note: This data may have been provided voluntarily by the calling
* application. As such it should not be trusted for accuracy in the context of
* security or verification.
* @return The calling application's label or null if unknown
public CharSequence getCallingApplicationLabel() {
if (mCallingPackage == null) return null;
PackageManager pm = mActivity.getPackageManager();
try {
return pm.getApplicationLabel(pm.getApplicationInfo(mCallingPackage, 0));
} catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Could not retrieve label for calling application", e);
return null;