/* * Copyright (c) 2012, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as * published by the Free Software Foundation. Oracle designates this * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code. * * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that * accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any * questions. */ /* * Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Stephen Colebourne & Michael Nascimento Santos * * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * * Neither the name of JSR-310 nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ package tck.java.time.chrono; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.testng.Assert.fail; import java.time.Clock; import java.time.DateTimeException; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.time.LocalTime; import java.time.Month; import java.time.OffsetDateTime; import java.time.Year; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.time.ZoneOffset; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDate; import java.time.chrono.ChronoLocalDateTime; import java.time.chrono.ChronoPeriod; import java.time.chrono.ChronoZonedDateTime; import java.time.chrono.Chronology; import java.time.chrono.Era; import java.time.chrono.IsoChronology; import java.time.chrono.JapaneseDate; import java.time.chrono.MinguoChronology; import java.time.chrono.MinguoEra; import java.time.chrono.MinguoDate; import java.time.chrono.ThaiBuddhistChronology; import java.time.chrono.ThaiBuddhistDate; import java.time.format.ResolverStyle; import java.time.temporal.ChronoField; import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAccessor; import java.time.temporal.TemporalAdjusters; import java.time.temporal.TemporalField; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; import org.testng.annotations.Test; /** * Test. */ @Test public class TCKMinguoChronology { private static final ZoneOffset OFFSET_PTWO = ZoneOffset.ofHours(2); private static final ZoneId ZONE_PARIS = ZoneId.of("Europe/Paris"); private static final int YDIFF = 1911; //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Chronology.ofName("Minguo") Lookup by name //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Test public void test_chrono_byName() { Chronology c = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE; Chronology test = Chronology.of("Minguo"); Assert.assertNotNull(test, "The Minguo calendar could not be found byName"); Assert.assertEquals(test.getId(), "Minguo", "ID mismatch"); Assert.assertEquals(test.getCalendarType(), "roc", "Type mismatch"); Assert.assertEquals(test, c); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // creation, toLocalDate() //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name="samples") Object[][] data_samples() { return new Object[][] { {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1, 1, 1), LocalDate.of(1 + YDIFF, 1, 1)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1, 1, 2), LocalDate.of(1 + YDIFF, 1, 2)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1, 1, 3), LocalDate.of(1 + YDIFF, 1, 3)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(2, 1, 1), LocalDate.of(2 + YDIFF, 1, 1)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(3, 1, 1), LocalDate.of(3 + YDIFF, 1, 1)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(3, 12, 6), LocalDate.of(3 + YDIFF, 12, 6)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(4, 1, 1), LocalDate.of(4 + YDIFF, 1, 1)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(4, 7, 3), LocalDate.of(4 + YDIFF, 7, 3)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(4, 7, 4), LocalDate.of(4 + YDIFF, 7, 4)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(5, 1, 1), LocalDate.of(5 + YDIFF, 1, 1)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(100, 3, 3), LocalDate.of(100 + YDIFF, 3, 3)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(101, 10, 28), LocalDate.of(101 + YDIFF, 10, 28)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(101, 10, 29), LocalDate.of(101 + YDIFF, 10, 29)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(1916 - YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(1916, 2, 29)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(1908 - YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(1908, 2, 29)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(2000 - YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(2000, 2, 29)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(2400 - YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(2400, 2, 29)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(MinguoEra.ROC, 1916 - YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(1916, 2, 29)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(MinguoEra.BEFORE_ROC, 4, 60), LocalDate.of(1908, 2, 29)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(MinguoEra.ROC, 2000 - YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(2000, 2, 29)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateYearDay(MinguoEra.ROC, 2400 - YDIFF, 60), LocalDate.of(2400, 2, 29)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(MinguoEra.ROC, 1916 - YDIFF, 2, 29 ), LocalDate.of(1916, 2, 29)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(MinguoEra.BEFORE_ROC, 4, 2, 29), LocalDate.of(1908, 2, 29)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(MinguoEra.ROC, 2000 - YDIFF, 2, 29), LocalDate.of(2000, 2, 29)}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(MinguoEra.ROC, 2400 - YDIFF, 2, 29), LocalDate.of(2400, 2, 29)}, }; } @Test(dataProvider="samples") public void test_toLocalDate(MinguoDate minguo, LocalDate iso) { assertEquals(LocalDate.from(minguo), iso); } @Test(dataProvider="samples") public void test_fromCalendrical(MinguoDate minguo, LocalDate iso) { assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(iso), minguo); assertEquals(MinguoDate.from(iso), minguo); } @Test(dataProvider="samples") public void test_isEqual(MinguoDate minguo, LocalDate iso) { assertTrue(minguo.isEqual(iso)); } @Test(dataProvider="samples") public void test_date_equals(MinguoDate minguo, LocalDate iso) { assertFalse(minguo.equals(iso)); assertNotEquals(minguo.hashCode(), iso.hashCode()); } @Test public void test_dateNow(){ assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), MinguoDate.now()) ; assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), MinguoDate.now(ZoneId.systemDefault())) ; assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), MinguoDate.now(Clock.systemDefaultZone())) ; assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), MinguoDate.now(Clock.systemDefaultZone().getZone())) ; assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(ZoneId.systemDefault())) ; assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.systemDefaultZone())) ; assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.systemDefaultZone().getZone())) ; ZoneId zoneId = ZoneId.of("Europe/Paris"); assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.system(zoneId))) ; assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.system(zoneId).getZone())) ; assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), MinguoDate.now(Clock.system(zoneId))) ; assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(zoneId), MinguoDate.now(Clock.system(zoneId).getZone())) ; assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(ZoneId.of(ZoneOffset.UTC.getId())), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.dateNow(Clock.systemUTC())) ; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") @Test(dataProvider="samples") public void test_MinguoDate(MinguoDate minguoDate, LocalDate iso) { MinguoDate hd = minguoDate; ChronoLocalDateTime hdt = hd.atTime(LocalTime.NOON); ZoneOffset zo = ZoneOffset.ofHours(1); ChronoZonedDateTime hzdt = hdt.atZone(zo); hdt = hdt.plus(1, ChronoUnit.YEARS); hdt = hdt.plus(1, ChronoUnit.MONTHS); hdt = hdt.plus(1, ChronoUnit.DAYS); hdt = hdt.plus(1, ChronoUnit.HOURS); hdt = hdt.plus(1, ChronoUnit.MINUTES); hdt = hdt.plus(1, ChronoUnit.SECONDS); hdt = hdt.plus(1, ChronoUnit.NANOS); ChronoLocalDateTime a2 = hzdt.toLocalDateTime(); MinguoDate a3 = a2.toLocalDate(); MinguoDate a5 = hzdt.toLocalDate(); //System.out.printf(" d: %s, dt: %s; odt: %s; zodt: %s; a4: %s%n", date, hdt, hodt, hzdt, a5); } @Test() public void test_MinguoChrono() { MinguoDate h1 = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(MinguoEra.ROC, 1, 2, 3); MinguoDate h2 = h1; ChronoLocalDateTime h3 = h2.atTime(LocalTime.NOON); @SuppressWarnings("unused") ChronoZonedDateTime h4 = h3.atZone(ZoneOffset.UTC); } @DataProvider(name="badDates") Object[][] data_badDates() { return new Object[][] { {1912, 0, 0}, {1912, -1, 1}, {1912, 0, 1}, {1912, 14, 1}, {1912, 15, 1}, {1912, 1, -1}, {1912, 1, 0}, {1912, 1, 32}, {1912, 2, 29}, {1912, 2, 30}, {1912, 12, -1}, {1912, 12, 0}, {1912, 12, 32}, {1907 - YDIFF, 2, 29}, {100 - YDIFF, 2, 29}, {2100 - YDIFF, 2, 29}, {2101 - YDIFF, 2, 29}, }; } @Test(dataProvider="badDates", expectedExceptions=DateTimeException.class) public void test_badDates(int year, int month, int dom) { MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(year, month, dom); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // prolepticYear() and is LeapYear() //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name="prolepticYear") Object[][] data_prolepticYear() { return new Object[][] { {1, MinguoEra.ROC, 1912 - YDIFF, 1912 - YDIFF, true}, {1, MinguoEra.ROC, 1916 - YDIFF, 1916 - YDIFF, true}, {1, MinguoEra.ROC, 1914 - YDIFF, 1914 - YDIFF, false}, {1, MinguoEra.ROC, 2000 - YDIFF, 2000 - YDIFF, true}, {1, MinguoEra.ROC, 2100 - YDIFF, 2100 - YDIFF, false}, {1, MinguoEra.ROC, 0, 0, false}, {1, MinguoEra.ROC, 1908 - YDIFF, 1908 - YDIFF, true}, {1, MinguoEra.ROC, 1900 - YDIFF, 1900 - YDIFF, false}, {1, MinguoEra.ROC, 1600 - YDIFF, 1600 - YDIFF, true}, {0, MinguoEra.BEFORE_ROC, YDIFF - 1911, 1912 - YDIFF, true}, {0, MinguoEra.BEFORE_ROC, YDIFF - 1915, 1916 - YDIFF, true}, {0, MinguoEra.BEFORE_ROC, YDIFF - 1913, 1914 - YDIFF, false}, {0, MinguoEra.BEFORE_ROC, YDIFF - 1999, 2000 - YDIFF, true}, {0, MinguoEra.BEFORE_ROC, YDIFF - 2099, 2100 - YDIFF, false}, {0, MinguoEra.BEFORE_ROC, 1, 0, false}, {0, MinguoEra.BEFORE_ROC, YDIFF - 1907, 1908 - YDIFF, true}, {0, MinguoEra.BEFORE_ROC, YDIFF - 1899, 1900 - YDIFF, false}, {0, MinguoEra.BEFORE_ROC, YDIFF - 1599, 1600 - YDIFF, true}, }; } @Test(dataProvider="prolepticYear") public void test_prolepticYear(int eraValue, Era era, int yearOfEra, int expectedProlepticYear, boolean isLeapYear) { Era eraObj = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.eraOf(eraValue); assertTrue(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.eras().contains(eraObj)); assertEquals(eraObj, era); assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.prolepticYear(era, yearOfEra), expectedProlepticYear); } @Test(dataProvider="prolepticYear") public void test_isLeapYear(int eraValue, Era era, int yearOfEra, int expectedProlepticYear, boolean isLeapYear) { assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.isLeapYear(expectedProlepticYear), isLeapYear); assertEquals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.isLeapYear(expectedProlepticYear), Year.of(expectedProlepticYear + YDIFF).isLeap()); MinguoDate minguo = MinguoDate.now(); minguo = minguo.with(ChronoField.YEAR, expectedProlepticYear).with(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR, 2); if (isLeapYear) { assertEquals(minguo.lengthOfMonth(), 29); } else { assertEquals(minguo.lengthOfMonth(), 28); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Bad Era for Chronology.date(era,...) and Chronology.prolepticYear(Era,...) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Test public void test_InvalidEras() { // Verify that the eras from every other Chronology are invalid for (Chronology chrono : Chronology.getAvailableChronologies()) { if (chrono instanceof MinguoChronology) { continue; } List eras = chrono.eras(); for (Era era : eras) { try { ChronoLocalDate date = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(era, 1, 1, 1); fail("MinguoChronology.date did not throw ClassCastException for Era: " + era); } catch (ClassCastException cex) { ; // ignore expected exception } /* Test for missing MinguoDate.of(Era, y, m, d) method. try { @SuppressWarnings("unused") MinguoDate jdate = MinguoDate.of(era, 1, 1, 1); fail("MinguoDate.of did not throw ClassCastException for Era: " + era); } catch (ClassCastException cex) { ; // ignore expected exception } */ try { @SuppressWarnings("unused") int year = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.prolepticYear(era, 1); fail("MinguoChronology.prolepticYear did not throw ClassCastException for Era: " + era); } catch (ClassCastException cex) { ; // ignore expected exception } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // with(DateTimeAdjuster) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Test public void test_adjust1() { MinguoDate base = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(2012, 10, 29); MinguoDate test = base.with(TemporalAdjusters.lastDayOfMonth()); assertEquals(test, MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(2012, 10, 31)); } @Test public void test_adjust2() { MinguoDate base = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1728, 12, 2); MinguoDate test = base.with(TemporalAdjusters.lastDayOfMonth()); assertEquals(test, MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1728, 12, 31)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // MinguoDate.with(Local*) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Test public void test_adjust_toLocalDate() { MinguoDate minguo = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(99, 1, 4); MinguoDate test = minguo.with(LocalDate.of(2012, 7, 6)); assertEquals(test, MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(101, 7, 6)); } @Test(expectedExceptions=DateTimeException.class) public void test_adjust_toMonth() { MinguoDate minguo = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1726, 1, 4); minguo.with(Month.APRIL); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // LocalDate.with(MinguoDate) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Test public void test_LocalDate_adjustToMinguoDate() { MinguoDate minguo = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(101, 10, 29); LocalDate test = LocalDate.MIN.with(minguo); assertEquals(test, LocalDate.of(2012, 10, 29)); } @Test public void test_LocalDateTime_adjustToMinguoDate() { MinguoDate minguo = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(101, 10, 29); LocalDateTime test = LocalDateTime.MIN.with(minguo); assertEquals(test, LocalDateTime.of(2012, 10, 29, 0, 0)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // localDateTime() //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name="localDateTime") Object[][] data_localDateTime() { return new Object[][] { {LocalDateTime.of(2012, 2, 29, 2, 7), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(MinguoEra.ROC, 2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29), LocalTime.of(2, 7), null}, {ZonedDateTime.of(2012, 2, 29, 2, 7, 1, 1, ZONE_PARIS), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(MinguoEra.ROC, 2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29), LocalTime.of(2, 7, 1, 1), null}, {OffsetDateTime.of(2012, 2, 29, 2, 7, 1, 1, OFFSET_PTWO), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(MinguoEra.ROC, 2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29), LocalTime.of(2, 7, 1, 1), null}, {JapaneseDate.of(2012, 2, 29), null, null, DateTimeException.class}, {ThaiBuddhistDate.of(2012 + 543, 2, 29), null, null, DateTimeException.class}, {LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 29), null, null, DateTimeException.class}, {LocalTime.of(20, 30, 29, 0), null, null, DateTimeException.class}, }; } @Test(dataProvider="localDateTime") public void test_localDateTime(TemporalAccessor accessor, MinguoDate expectedDate, LocalTime expectedTime, Class expectedEx) { if (expectedEx == null) { ChronoLocalDateTime result = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.localDateTime(accessor); assertEquals(result.toLocalDate(), expectedDate); assertEquals(MinguoDate.from(accessor), expectedDate); assertEquals(result.toLocalTime(), expectedTime); } else { try { ChronoLocalDateTime result = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.localDateTime(accessor); fail(); } catch (Exception ex) { assertTrue(expectedEx.isInstance(ex)); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // zonedDateTime(TemporalAccessor) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name="zonedDateTime") Object[][] data_zonedDateTime() { return new Object[][] { {ZonedDateTime.of(2012, 2, 29, 2, 7, 1, 1, ZONE_PARIS), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(MinguoEra.ROC, 2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29), LocalTime.of(2, 7, 1, 1), null}, {OffsetDateTime.of(2012, 2, 29, 2, 7, 1, 1, OFFSET_PTWO), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(MinguoEra.ROC, 2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29), LocalTime.of(2, 7, 1, 1), null}, {LocalDateTime.of(2012, 2, 29, 2, 7), null, null, DateTimeException.class}, {JapaneseDate.of(2012, 2, 29), null, null, DateTimeException.class}, {ThaiBuddhistDate.of(2012 + 543, 2, 29), null, null, DateTimeException.class}, {LocalDate.of(2012, 2, 29), null, null, DateTimeException.class}, {LocalTime.of(20, 30, 29, 0), null, null, DateTimeException.class}, }; } @Test(dataProvider="zonedDateTime") public void test_zonedDateTime(TemporalAccessor accessor, MinguoDate expectedDate, LocalTime expectedTime, Class expectedEx) { if (expectedEx == null) { ChronoZonedDateTime result = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.zonedDateTime(accessor); assertEquals(result.toLocalDate(), expectedDate); assertEquals(MinguoDate.from(accessor), expectedDate); assertEquals(result.toLocalTime(), expectedTime); } else { try { ChronoZonedDateTime result = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.zonedDateTime(accessor); fail(); } catch (Exception ex) { assertTrue(expectedEx.isInstance(ex)); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // zonedDateTime(Instant, ZoneId ) //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Test public void test_Instant_zonedDateTime() { OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime.of(2012, 2, 29, 2, 7, 1, 1, OFFSET_PTWO); ZonedDateTime zonedDateTime = ZonedDateTime.of(2012, 2, 29, 2, 7, 1, 1, ZONE_PARIS); ChronoZonedDateTime result = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.zonedDateTime(offsetDateTime.toInstant(), offsetDateTime.getOffset()); assertEquals(result.toLocalDate(), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(MinguoEra.ROC, 2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29)); assertEquals(result.toLocalTime(), LocalTime.of(2, 7, 1, 1)); result = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.zonedDateTime(zonedDateTime.toInstant(), zonedDateTime.getOffset()); assertEquals(result.toLocalDate(), MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(MinguoEra.ROC, 2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29)); assertEquals(result.toLocalTime(), LocalTime.of(2, 7, 1, 1)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // PeriodUntil() //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Test public void test_periodUntilDate() { MinguoDate mdate1 = MinguoDate.of(1970, 1, 1); MinguoDate mdate2 = MinguoDate.of(1971, 2, 2); ChronoPeriod period = mdate1.until(mdate2); assertEquals(period, MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.period(1, 1, 1)); } @Test public void test_periodUntilUnit() { MinguoDate mdate1 = MinguoDate.of(1970, 1, 1); MinguoDate mdate2 = MinguoDate.of(1971, 2, 2); long months = mdate1.until(mdate2, ChronoUnit.MONTHS); assertEquals(months, 13); } @Test public void test_periodUntilDiffChrono() { MinguoDate mdate1 = MinguoDate.of(1970, 1, 1); MinguoDate mdate2 = MinguoDate.of(1971, 2, 2); ThaiBuddhistDate ldate2 = ThaiBuddhistChronology.INSTANCE.date(mdate2); ChronoPeriod period = mdate1.until(ldate2); assertEquals(period, MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.period(1, 1, 1)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // toString() //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name="toString") Object[][] data_toString() { return new Object[][] { {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1, 1, 1), "Minguo ROC 1-01-01"}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1728, 10, 28), "Minguo ROC 1728-10-28"}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1728, 10, 29), "Minguo ROC 1728-10-29"}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1727, 12, 5), "Minguo ROC 1727-12-05"}, {MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.date(1727, 12, 6), "Minguo ROC 1727-12-06"}, }; } @Test(dataProvider="toString") public void test_toString(MinguoDate minguo, String expected) { assertEquals(minguo.toString(), expected); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // equals() //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @Test public void test_equals_true() { assertTrue(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.equals(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE)); } @Test public void test_equals_false() { assertFalse(MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.equals(IsoChronology.INSTANCE)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name = "resolve_yearOfEra") Object[][] data_resolve_yearOfEra() { return new Object[][] { // era only {ResolverStyle.STRICT, -1, null, null, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, -1, null, null, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, -1, null, null, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.STRICT, 0, null, null, ChronoField.ERA, 0}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, 0, null, null, ChronoField.ERA, 0}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 0, null, null, ChronoField.ERA, 0}, {ResolverStyle.STRICT, 1, null, null, ChronoField.ERA, 1}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, 1, null, null, ChronoField.ERA, 1}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 1, null, null, ChronoField.ERA, 1}, {ResolverStyle.STRICT, 2, null, null, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, 2, null, null, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 2, null, null, null, null}, // era and year-of-era {ResolverStyle.STRICT, -1, 2012, null, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, -1, 2012, null, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, -1, 2012, null, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.STRICT, 0, 2012, null, ChronoField.YEAR, -2011}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, 0, 2012, null, ChronoField.YEAR, -2011}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 0, 2012, null, ChronoField.YEAR, -2011}, {ResolverStyle.STRICT, 1, 2012, null, ChronoField.YEAR, 2012}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, 1, 2012, null, ChronoField.YEAR, 2012}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 1, 2012, null, ChronoField.YEAR, 2012}, {ResolverStyle.STRICT, 2, 2012, null, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, 2, 2012, null, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, 2, 2012, null, null, null}, // year-of-era only {ResolverStyle.STRICT, null, 2012, null, ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA, 2012}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, null, 2012, null, ChronoField.YEAR, 2012}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, null, 2012, null, ChronoField.YEAR, 2012}, {ResolverStyle.STRICT, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, null, Integer.MAX_VALUE, null, ChronoField.YEAR, Integer.MAX_VALUE}, // year-of-era and year {ResolverStyle.STRICT, null, 2012, 2012, ChronoField.YEAR, 2012}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, null, 2012, 2012, ChronoField.YEAR, 2012}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, null, 2012, 2012, ChronoField.YEAR, 2012}, {ResolverStyle.STRICT, null, 2012, -2011, ChronoField.YEAR, -2011}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, null, 2012, -2011, ChronoField.YEAR, -2011}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, null, 2012, -2011, ChronoField.YEAR, -2011}, {ResolverStyle.STRICT, null, 2012, 2013, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, null, 2012, 2013, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, null, 2012, 2013, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.STRICT, null, 2012, -2013, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.SMART, null, 2012, -2013, null, null}, {ResolverStyle.LENIENT, null, 2012, -2013, null, null}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "resolve_yearOfEra") public void test_resolve_yearOfEra(ResolverStyle style, Integer e, Integer yoe, Integer y, ChronoField field, Integer expected) { Map fieldValues = new HashMap<>(); if (e != null) { fieldValues.put(ChronoField.ERA, (long) e); } if (yoe != null) { fieldValues.put(ChronoField.YEAR_OF_ERA, (long) yoe); } if (y != null) { fieldValues.put(ChronoField.YEAR, (long) y); } if (field != null) { MinguoDate date = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, style); assertEquals(date, null); assertEquals(fieldValues.get(field), (Long) expected.longValue()); assertEquals(fieldValues.size(), 1); } else { try { MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, style); fail("Should have failed"); } catch (DateTimeException ex) { // expected } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name = "resolve_ymd") Object[][] data_resolve_ymd() { return new Object[][] { {2012 - YDIFF, 1, -365, date(2010 - YDIFF, 12, 31), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, -364, date(2011 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, -31, date(2011 - YDIFF, 11, 30), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, -30, date(2011 - YDIFF, 12, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, -12, date(2011 - YDIFF, 12, 19), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 27, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 27), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 28, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 28), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 29, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 29), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 30, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 30), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 31, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 31), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 59, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 28), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 60, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 61, date(2012 - YDIFF, 3, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 365, date(2012 - YDIFF, 12, 30), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 366, date(2012 - YDIFF, 12, 31), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 367, date(2013 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 367 + 364, date(2013 - YDIFF, 12, 31), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 367 + 365, date(2014 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 28, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 28), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 30, date(2012 - YDIFF, 3, 1), date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29), false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 31, date(2012 - YDIFF, 3, 2), date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29), false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 32, date(2012 - YDIFF, 3, 3), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, -12, 1, date(2010 - YDIFF, 12, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, -11, 1, date(2011 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, -1, 1, date(2011 - YDIFF, 11, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 0, 1, date(2011 - YDIFF, 12, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 12, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 12, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 13, 1, date(2013 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 24, 1, date(2013 - YDIFF, 12, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 25, 1, date(2014 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 6, -31, date(2012 - YDIFF, 4, 30), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 6, -30, date(2012 - YDIFF, 5, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 6, -1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 5, 30), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 6, 0, date(2012 - YDIFF, 5, 31), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 6, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 6, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 6, 30, date(2012 - YDIFF, 6, 30), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 6, 31, date(2012 - YDIFF, 7, 1), date(2012 - YDIFF, 6, 30), false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 6, 61, date(2012 - YDIFF, 7, 31), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 6, 62, date(2012 - YDIFF, 8, 1), false, false}, {2011 - YDIFF, 2, 1, date(2011 - YDIFF, 2, 1), true, true}, {2011 - YDIFF, 2, 28, date(2011 - YDIFF, 2, 28), true, true}, {2011 - YDIFF, 2, 29, date(2011 - YDIFF, 3, 1), date(2011 - YDIFF, 2, 28), false}, {2011 - YDIFF, 2, 30, date(2011 - YDIFF, 3, 2), date(2011 - YDIFF, 2, 28), false}, {2011 - YDIFF, 2, 31, date(2011 - YDIFF, 3, 3), date(2011 - YDIFF, 2, 28), false}, {2011 - YDIFF, 2, 32, date(2011 - YDIFF, 3, 4), false, false}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "resolve_ymd") public void test_resolve_ymd_lenient(int y, int m, int d, MinguoDate expected, Object smart, boolean strict) { Map fieldValues = new HashMap<>(); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.YEAR, (long) y); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR, (long) m); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH, (long) d); MinguoDate date = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.LENIENT); assertEquals(date, expected); assertEquals(fieldValues.size(), 0); } @Test(dataProvider = "resolve_ymd") public void test_resolve_ymd_smart(int y, int m, int d, MinguoDate expected, Object smart, boolean strict) { Map fieldValues = new HashMap<>(); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.YEAR, (long) y); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR, (long) m); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH, (long) d); if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(smart)) { MinguoDate date = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.SMART); assertEquals(date, expected); assertEquals(fieldValues.size(), 0); } else if (smart instanceof MinguoDate) { MinguoDate date = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.SMART); assertEquals(date, smart); } else { try { MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.SMART); fail("Should have failed"); } catch (DateTimeException ex) { // expected } } } @Test(dataProvider = "resolve_ymd") public void test_resolve_ymd_strict(int y, int m, int d, MinguoDate expected, Object smart, boolean strict) { Map fieldValues = new HashMap<>(); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.YEAR, (long) y); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR, (long) m); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.DAY_OF_MONTH, (long) d); if (strict) { MinguoDate date = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.STRICT); assertEquals(date, expected); assertEquals(fieldValues.size(), 0); } else { try { MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.STRICT); fail("Should have failed"); } catch (DateTimeException ex) { // expected } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name = "resolve_yd") Object[][] data_resolve_yd() { return new Object[][] { {2012 - YDIFF, -365, date(2010 - YDIFF, 12, 31), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, -364, date(2011 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, -31, date(2011 - YDIFF, 11, 30), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, -30, date(2011 - YDIFF, 12, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, -12, date(2011 - YDIFF, 12, 19), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, -1, date(2011 - YDIFF, 12, 30), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 0, date(2011 - YDIFF, 12, 31), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 2), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 31, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 31), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 32, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 59, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 28), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 60, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 61, date(2012 - YDIFF, 3, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 365, date(2012 - YDIFF, 12, 30), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 366, date(2012 - YDIFF, 12, 31), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 367, date(2013 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 367 + 364, date(2013 - YDIFF, 12, 31), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 367 + 365, date(2014 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2011 - YDIFF, 59, date(2011 - YDIFF, 2, 28), true, true}, {2011 - YDIFF, 60, date(2011 - YDIFF, 3, 1), true, true}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "resolve_yd") public void test_resolve_yd_lenient(int y, int d, MinguoDate expected, boolean smart, boolean strict) { Map fieldValues = new HashMap<>(); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.YEAR, (long) y); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.DAY_OF_YEAR, (long) d); MinguoDate date = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.LENIENT); assertEquals(date, expected); assertEquals(fieldValues.size(), 0); } @Test(dataProvider = "resolve_yd") public void test_resolve_yd_smart(int y, int d, MinguoDate expected, boolean smart, boolean strict) { Map fieldValues = new HashMap<>(); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.YEAR, (long) y); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.DAY_OF_YEAR, (long) d); if (smart) { MinguoDate date = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.SMART); assertEquals(date, expected); assertEquals(fieldValues.size(), 0); } else { try { MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.SMART); fail("Should have failed"); } catch (DateTimeException ex) { // expected } } } @Test(dataProvider = "resolve_yd") public void test_resolve_yd_strict(int y, int d, MinguoDate expected, boolean smart, boolean strict) { Map fieldValues = new HashMap<>(); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.YEAR, (long) y); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.DAY_OF_YEAR, (long) d); if (strict) { MinguoDate date = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.STRICT); assertEquals(date, expected); assertEquals(fieldValues.size(), 0); } else { try { MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.STRICT); fail("Should have failed"); } catch (DateTimeException ex) { // expected } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- @DataProvider(name = "resolve_ymaa") Object[][] data_resolve_ymaa() { return new Object[][] { {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, -365, date(2010 - YDIFF, 12, 31), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, -364, date(2011 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, -31, date(2011 - YDIFF, 11, 30), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, -30, date(2011 - YDIFF, 12, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, -12, date(2011 - YDIFF, 12, 19), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, 59, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 28), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, 60, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, 61, date(2012 - YDIFF, 3, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, 365, date(2012 - YDIFF, 12, 30), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, 366, date(2012 - YDIFF, 12, 31), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, 367, date(2013 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, 367 + 364, date(2013 - YDIFF, 12, 31), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, 367 + 365, date(2014 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 0, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 25), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 0, 7, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 31), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 1, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 1, 7, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 7), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 2, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 8), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 2, 7, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 14), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 3, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 15), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 3, 7, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 21), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 4, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 22), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 4, 7, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 28), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 5, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 2, 29), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 5, 2, date(2012 - YDIFF, 3, 1), true, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 5, 7, date(2012 - YDIFF, 3, 6), true, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 6, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 3, 7), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 2, 6, 7, date(2012 - YDIFF, 3, 13), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 12, 1, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 12, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 12, 5, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 12, 29), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 12, 5, 2, date(2012 - YDIFF, 12, 30), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 12, 5, 3, date(2012 - YDIFF, 12, 31), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 12, 5, 4, date(2013 - YDIFF, 1, 1), true, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 12, 5, 7, date(2013 - YDIFF, 1, 4), true, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, -12, 1, 1, date(2010 - YDIFF, 12, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, -11, 1, 1, date(2011 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, -1, 1, 1, date(2011 - YDIFF, 11, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 0, 1, 1, date(2011 - YDIFF, 12, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 1, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 12, 1, 1, date(2012 - YDIFF, 12, 1), true, true}, {2012 - YDIFF, 13, 1, 1, date(2013 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 24, 1, 1, date(2013 - YDIFF, 12, 1), false, false}, {2012 - YDIFF, 25, 1, 1, date(2014 - YDIFF, 1, 1), false, false}, {2011 - YDIFF, 2, 1, 1, date(2011 - YDIFF, 2, 1), true, true}, {2011 - YDIFF, 2, 4, 7, date(2011 - YDIFF, 2, 28), true, true}, {2011 - YDIFF, 2, 5, 1, date(2011 - YDIFF, 3, 1), true, false}, }; } @Test(dataProvider = "resolve_ymaa") public void test_resolve_ymaa_lenient(int y, int m, int w, int d, MinguoDate expected, boolean smart, boolean strict) { Map fieldValues = new HashMap<>(); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.YEAR, (long) y); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR, (long) m); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH, (long) w); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, (long) d); MinguoDate date = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.LENIENT); assertEquals(date, expected); assertEquals(fieldValues.size(), 0); } @Test(dataProvider = "resolve_ymaa") public void test_resolve_ymaa_smart(int y, int m, int w, int d, MinguoDate expected, boolean smart, boolean strict) { Map fieldValues = new HashMap<>(); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.YEAR, (long) y); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR, (long) m); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH, (long) w); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, (long) d); if (smart) { MinguoDate date = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.SMART); assertEquals(date, expected); assertEquals(fieldValues.size(), 0); } else { try { MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.SMART); fail("Should have failed"); } catch (DateTimeException ex) { // expected } } } @Test(dataProvider = "resolve_ymaa") public void test_resolve_ymaa_strict(int y, int m, int w, int d, MinguoDate expected, boolean smart, boolean strict) { Map fieldValues = new HashMap<>(); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.YEAR, (long) y); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.MONTH_OF_YEAR, (long) m); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH, (long) w); fieldValues.put(ChronoField.ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH, (long) d); if (strict) { MinguoDate date = MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.STRICT); assertEquals(date, expected); assertEquals(fieldValues.size(), 0); } else { try { MinguoChronology.INSTANCE.resolveDate(fieldValues, ResolverStyle.STRICT); fail("Should have failed"); } catch (DateTimeException ex) { // expected } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- private static MinguoDate date(int y, int m, int d) { return MinguoDate.of(y, m, d); } }