/* * Copyright (c) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.ims; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.AsyncResult; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Message; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.telephony.Rlog; import com.android.ims.internal.IImsUt; import com.android.ims.internal.IImsUtListener; /** * Provides APIs for the supplementary service settings using IMS (Ut interface). * It is created from 3GPP TS 24.623 (XCAP(XML Configuration Access Protocol) * over the Ut interface for manipulating supplementary services). * * @hide */ public class ImsUt implements ImsUtInterface { /** * Key string for an additional supplementary service configurations. */ /** * Actions : string format of ImsUtInterface#ACTION_xxx * "0" (deactivation), "1" (activation), "2" (not_used), * "3" (registration), "4" (erasure), "5" (Interrogation) */ public static final String KEY_ACTION = "action"; /** * Categories : * "OIP", "OIR", "TIP", "TIR", "CDIV", "CB", "CW", "CONF", * "ACR", "MCID", "ECT", "CCBS", "AOC", "MWI", "FA", "CAT" * * Detailed parameter name will be determined according to the properties * of the supplementary service configuration. */ public static final String KEY_CATEGORY = "category"; public static final String CATEGORY_OIP = "OIP"; public static final String CATEGORY_OIR = "OIR"; public static final String CATEGORY_TIP = "TIP"; public static final String CATEGORY_TIR = "TIR"; public static final String CATEGORY_CDIV = "CDIV"; public static final String CATEGORY_CB = "CB"; public static final String CATEGORY_CW = "CW"; public static final String CATEGORY_CONF = "CONF"; private static final String TAG = "ImsUt"; private static final boolean DBG = true; // For synchronization of private variables private Object mLockObj = new Object(); private final IImsUt miUt; private HashMap mPendingCmds = new HashMap(); public ImsUt(IImsUt iUt) { miUt = iUt; if (miUt != null) { try { miUt.setListener(new IImsUtListenerProxy()); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } } public void close() { synchronized(mLockObj) { if (miUt != null) { try { miUt.close(); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } if (!mPendingCmds.isEmpty()) { Map.Entry[] entries = mPendingCmds.entrySet().toArray(new Map.Entry[mPendingCmds.size()]); for (Map.Entry entry : entries) { sendFailureReport(entry.getValue(), new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } mPendingCmds.clear(); } } } /** * Operations for the supplementary service configuration */ /** * Retrieves the configuration of the call barring. * * @param cbType type of call barring to be queried; ImsUtInterface#CB_XXX * @param result message to pass the result of this operation * The return value of ((AsyncResult)result.obj) is an array of {@link ImsSsInfo}. */ @Override public void queryCallBarring(int cbType, Message result) { if (DBG) { log("queryCallBarring :: Ut=" + miUt + ", cbType=" + cbType); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.queryCallBarring(cbType); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Retrieves the configuration of the call forward. * The return value of ((AsyncResult)result.obj) is an array of {@link ImsCallForwardInfo}. */ @Override public void queryCallForward(int condition, String number, Message result) { if (DBG) { log("queryCallForward :: Ut=" + miUt + ", condition=" + condition + ", number=" + Rlog.pii(TAG, number)); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.queryCallForward(condition, number); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Retrieves the configuration of the call waiting. * The return value of ((AsyncResult)result.obj) is an array of {@link ImsSsInfo}. */ @Override public void queryCallWaiting(Message result) { if (DBG) { log("queryCallWaiting :: Ut=" + miUt); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.queryCallWaiting(); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Retrieves the default CLIR setting. */ @Override public void queryCLIR(Message result) { if (DBG) { log("queryCLIR :: Ut=" + miUt); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.queryCLIR(); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Retrieves the CLIP call setting. */ public void queryCLIP(Message result) { if (DBG) { log("queryCLIP :: Ut=" + miUt); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.queryCLIP(); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Retrieves the COLR call setting. */ public void queryCOLR(Message result) { if (DBG) { log("queryCOLR :: Ut=" + miUt); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.queryCOLR(); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Retrieves the COLP call setting. */ public void queryCOLP(Message result) { if (DBG) { log("queryCOLP :: Ut=" + miUt); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.queryCOLP(); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Modifies the configuration of the call barring. */ @Override public void updateCallBarring(int cbType, int action, Message result, String[] barrList) { if (DBG) { if (barrList != null) { String bList = new String(); for (int i = 0; i < barrList.length; i++) { bList.concat(barrList[i] + " "); } log("updateCallBarring :: Ut=" + miUt + ", cbType=" + cbType + ", action=" + action + ", barrList=" + bList); } else { log("updateCallBarring :: Ut=" + miUt + ", cbType=" + cbType + ", action=" + action); } } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.updateCallBarring(cbType, action, barrList); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Modifies the configuration of the call forward. */ @Override public void updateCallForward(int action, int condition, String number, int serviceClass, int timeSeconds, Message result) { if (DBG) { log("updateCallForward :: Ut=" + miUt + ", action=" + action + ", condition=" + condition + ", number=" + Rlog.pii(TAG, number) + ", serviceClass=" + serviceClass + ", timeSeconds=" + timeSeconds); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.updateCallForward(action, condition, number, serviceClass, timeSeconds); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Modifies the configuration of the call waiting. */ @Override public void updateCallWaiting(boolean enable, int serviceClass, Message result) { if (DBG) { log("updateCallWaiting :: Ut=" + miUt + ", enable=" + enable + ",serviceClass=" + serviceClass); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.updateCallWaiting(enable, serviceClass); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Updates the configuration of the CLIR supplementary service. */ @Override public void updateCLIR(int clirMode, Message result) { if (DBG) { log("updateCLIR :: Ut=" + miUt + ", clirMode=" + clirMode); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.updateCLIR(clirMode); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Updates the configuration of the CLIP supplementary service. */ @Override public void updateCLIP(boolean enable, Message result) { if (DBG) { log("updateCLIP :: Ut=" + miUt + ", enable=" + enable); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.updateCLIP(enable); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Updates the configuration of the COLR supplementary service. */ @Override public void updateCOLR(int presentation, Message result) { if (DBG) { log("updateCOLR :: Ut=" + miUt + ", presentation=" + presentation); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.updateCOLR(presentation); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * Updates the configuration of the COLP supplementary service. */ @Override public void updateCOLP(boolean enable, Message result) { if (DBG) { log("updateCallWaiting :: Ut=" + miUt + ", enable=" + enable); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.updateCOLP(enable); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } /** * @return returns true if the binder is alive, false otherwise. */ public boolean isBinderAlive() { return miUt.asBinder().isBinderAlive(); } public void transact(Bundle ssInfo, Message result) { if (DBG) { log("transact :: Ut=" + miUt + ", ssInfo=" + ssInfo); } synchronized(mLockObj) { try { int id = miUt.transact(ssInfo); if (id < 0) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); return; } mPendingCmds.put(Integer.valueOf(id), result); } catch (RemoteException e) { sendFailureReport(result, new ImsReasonInfo(ImsReasonInfo.CODE_UT_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, 0)); } } } private void sendFailureReport(Message result, ImsReasonInfo error) { if (result == null || error == null) { return; } String errorString; // If ImsReasonInfo object does not have a String error code, use a // default error string. if (error.mExtraMessage == null) { errorString = Resources.getSystem().getString( com.android.internal.R.string.mmiError); } else { errorString = new String(error.mExtraMessage); } AsyncResult.forMessage(result, null, new ImsException(errorString, error.mCode)); result.sendToTarget(); } private void sendSuccessReport(Message result) { if (result == null) { return; } AsyncResult.forMessage(result, null, null); result.sendToTarget(); } private void sendSuccessReport(Message result, Object ssInfo) { if (result == null) { return; } AsyncResult.forMessage(result, ssInfo, null); result.sendToTarget(); } private void log(String s) { Rlog.d(TAG, s); } private void loge(String s) { Rlog.e(TAG, s); } private void loge(String s, Throwable t) { Rlog.e(TAG, s, t); } /** * A listener type for the result of the supplementary service configuration. */ private class IImsUtListenerProxy extends IImsUtListener.Stub { /** * Notifies the result of the supplementary service configuration udpate. */ @Override public void utConfigurationUpdated(IImsUt ut, int id) { Integer key = Integer.valueOf(id); synchronized(mLockObj) { sendSuccessReport(mPendingCmds.get(key)); mPendingCmds.remove(key); } } @Override public void utConfigurationUpdateFailed(IImsUt ut, int id, ImsReasonInfo error) { Integer key = Integer.valueOf(id); synchronized(mLockObj) { sendFailureReport(mPendingCmds.get(key), error); mPendingCmds.remove(key); } } /** * Notifies the result of the supplementary service configuration query. */ @Override public void utConfigurationQueried(IImsUt ut, int id, Bundle ssInfo) { Integer key = Integer.valueOf(id); synchronized(mLockObj) { sendSuccessReport(mPendingCmds.get(key), ssInfo); mPendingCmds.remove(key); } } @Override public void utConfigurationQueryFailed(IImsUt ut, int id, ImsReasonInfo error) { Integer key = Integer.valueOf(id); synchronized(mLockObj) { sendFailureReport(mPendingCmds.get(key), error); mPendingCmds.remove(key); } } /** * Notifies the status of the call barring supplementary service. */ @Override public void utConfigurationCallBarringQueried(IImsUt ut, int id, ImsSsInfo[] cbInfo) { Integer key = Integer.valueOf(id); synchronized(mLockObj) { sendSuccessReport(mPendingCmds.get(key), cbInfo); mPendingCmds.remove(key); } } /** * Notifies the status of the call forwarding supplementary service. */ @Override public void utConfigurationCallForwardQueried(IImsUt ut, int id, ImsCallForwardInfo[] cfInfo) { Integer key = Integer.valueOf(id); synchronized(mLockObj) { sendSuccessReport(mPendingCmds.get(key), cfInfo); mPendingCmds.remove(key); } } /** * Notifies the status of the call waiting supplementary service. */ @Override public void utConfigurationCallWaitingQueried(IImsUt ut, int id, ImsSsInfo[] cwInfo) { Integer key = Integer.valueOf(id); synchronized(mLockObj) { sendSuccessReport(mPendingCmds.get(key), cwInfo); mPendingCmds.remove(key); } } } }