/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.display; import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_AUTO_MIRROR; import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager .VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_CAN_SHOW_WITH_INSECURE_KEYGUARD; import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_PRESENTATION; import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_PUBLIC; import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_SECURE; import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_SUPPORTS_TOUCH; import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager.VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT; import static android.hardware.display.DisplayManager .VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_DESTROY_CONTENT_ON_REMOVAL; import android.content.Context; import android.hardware.display.IVirtualDisplayCallback; import android.media.projection.IMediaProjection; import android.media.projection.IMediaProjectionCallback; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.IBinder; import android.os.SystemProperties; import android.os.IBinder.DeathRecipient; import android.os.Message; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.util.ArrayMap; import android.util.Slog; import android.view.Display; import android.view.Surface; import android.view.SurfaceControl; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Iterator; /** * A display adapter that provides virtual displays on behalf of applications. *

* Display adapters are guarded by the {@link DisplayManagerService.SyncRoot} lock. *

*/ @VisibleForTesting public class VirtualDisplayAdapter extends DisplayAdapter { static final String TAG = "VirtualDisplayAdapter"; static final boolean DEBUG = false; // Unique id prefix for virtual displays private static final String UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX = "virtual:"; private final ArrayMap mVirtualDisplayDevices = new ArrayMap(); private final Handler mHandler; private final SurfaceControlDisplayFactory mSurfaceControlDisplayFactory; // Called with SyncRoot lock held. public VirtualDisplayAdapter(DisplayManagerService.SyncRoot syncRoot, Context context, Handler handler, Listener listener) { this(syncRoot, context, handler, listener, (String name, boolean secure) -> SurfaceControl.createDisplay(name, secure)); } @VisibleForTesting VirtualDisplayAdapter(DisplayManagerService.SyncRoot syncRoot, Context context, Handler handler, Listener listener, SurfaceControlDisplayFactory surfaceControlDisplayFactory) { super(syncRoot, context, handler, listener, TAG); mHandler = handler; mSurfaceControlDisplayFactory = surfaceControlDisplayFactory; } public DisplayDevice createVirtualDisplayLocked(IVirtualDisplayCallback callback, IMediaProjection projection, int ownerUid, String ownerPackageName, String name, int width, int height, int densityDpi, Surface surface, int flags, String uniqueId) { boolean secure = (flags & VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_SECURE) != 0; IBinder appToken = callback.asBinder(); IBinder displayToken = mSurfaceControlDisplayFactory.createDisplay(name, secure); final String baseUniqueId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + ownerPackageName + "," + ownerUid + "," + name + ","; final int uniqueIndex = getNextUniqueIndex(baseUniqueId); if (uniqueId == null) { uniqueId = baseUniqueId + uniqueIndex; } else { uniqueId = UNIQUE_ID_PREFIX + ownerPackageName + ":" + uniqueId; } VirtualDisplayDevice device = new VirtualDisplayDevice(displayToken, appToken, ownerUid, ownerPackageName, name, width, height, densityDpi, surface, flags, new Callback(callback, mHandler), uniqueId, uniqueIndex); mVirtualDisplayDevices.put(appToken, device); try { if (projection != null) { projection.registerCallback(new MediaProjectionCallback(appToken)); } appToken.linkToDeath(device, 0); } catch (RemoteException ex) { mVirtualDisplayDevices.remove(appToken); device.destroyLocked(false); return null; } // Return the display device without actually sending the event indicating // that it was added. The caller will handle it. return device; } public void resizeVirtualDisplayLocked(IBinder appToken, int width, int height, int densityDpi) { VirtualDisplayDevice device = mVirtualDisplayDevices.get(appToken); if (device != null) { device.resizeLocked(width, height, densityDpi); } } public void setVirtualDisplaySurfaceLocked(IBinder appToken, Surface surface) { VirtualDisplayDevice device = mVirtualDisplayDevices.get(appToken); if (device != null) { device.setSurfaceLocked(surface); } } public DisplayDevice releaseVirtualDisplayLocked(IBinder appToken) { VirtualDisplayDevice device = mVirtualDisplayDevices.remove(appToken); if (device != null) { device.destroyLocked(true); appToken.unlinkToDeath(device, 0); } // Return the display device that was removed without actually sending the // event indicating that it was removed. The caller will handle it. return device; } /** * Returns the next unique index for the uniqueIdPrefix */ private int getNextUniqueIndex(String uniqueIdPrefix) { if (mVirtualDisplayDevices.isEmpty()) { return 0; } int nextUniqueIndex = 0; Iterator it = mVirtualDisplayDevices.values().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { VirtualDisplayDevice device = it.next(); if (device.getUniqueId().startsWith(uniqueIdPrefix) && device.mUniqueIndex >= nextUniqueIndex) { // Increment the next unique index to be greater than ones we have already ran // across for displays that have the same unique Id prefix. nextUniqueIndex = device.mUniqueIndex + 1; } } return nextUniqueIndex; } private void handleBinderDiedLocked(IBinder appToken) { mVirtualDisplayDevices.remove(appToken); } private void handleMediaProjectionStoppedLocked(IBinder appToken) { VirtualDisplayDevice device = mVirtualDisplayDevices.remove(appToken); if (device != null) { Slog.i(TAG, "Virtual display device released because media projection stopped: " + device.mName); device.stopLocked(); } } private final class VirtualDisplayDevice extends DisplayDevice implements DeathRecipient { private static final int PENDING_SURFACE_CHANGE = 0x01; private static final int PENDING_RESIZE = 0x02; private static final float REFRESH_RATE = 60.0f; private final IBinder mAppToken; private final int mOwnerUid; final String mOwnerPackageName; final String mName; private final int mFlags; private final Callback mCallback; private int mWidth; private int mHeight; private int mDensityDpi; private Surface mSurface; private DisplayDeviceInfo mInfo; private int mDisplayState; private boolean mStopped; private int mPendingChanges; private int mUniqueIndex; private Display.Mode mMode; public VirtualDisplayDevice(IBinder displayToken, IBinder appToken, int ownerUid, String ownerPackageName, String name, int width, int height, int densityDpi, Surface surface, int flags, Callback callback, String uniqueId, int uniqueIndex) { super(VirtualDisplayAdapter.this, displayToken, uniqueId); mAppToken = appToken; mOwnerUid = ownerUid; mOwnerPackageName = ownerPackageName; mName = name; mWidth = width; mHeight = height; mMode = createMode(width, height, REFRESH_RATE); mDensityDpi = densityDpi; mSurface = surface; mFlags = flags; mCallback = callback; mDisplayState = Display.STATE_UNKNOWN; mPendingChanges |= PENDING_SURFACE_CHANGE; mUniqueIndex = uniqueIndex; } @Override public void binderDied() { synchronized (getSyncRoot()) { handleBinderDiedLocked(mAppToken); Slog.i(TAG, "Virtual display device released because application token died: " + mOwnerPackageName); destroyLocked(false); sendDisplayDeviceEventLocked(this, DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_REMOVED); } } public void destroyLocked(boolean binderAlive) { if (mSurface != null) { mSurface.release(); mSurface = null; } SurfaceControl.destroyDisplay(getDisplayTokenLocked()); if (binderAlive) { mCallback.dispatchDisplayStopped(); } } @Override public boolean hasStableUniqueId() { return false; } @Override public Runnable requestDisplayStateLocked(int state, int brightness) { if (state != mDisplayState) { mDisplayState = state; if (state == Display.STATE_OFF) { mCallback.dispatchDisplayPaused(); } else { mCallback.dispatchDisplayResumed(); } } return null; } @Override public void performTraversalInTransactionLocked() { if ((mPendingChanges & PENDING_RESIZE) != 0) { SurfaceControl.setDisplaySize(getDisplayTokenLocked(), mWidth, mHeight); } if ((mPendingChanges & PENDING_SURFACE_CHANGE) != 0) { setSurfaceInTransactionLocked(mSurface); } mPendingChanges = 0; } public void setSurfaceLocked(Surface surface) { if (!mStopped && mSurface != surface) { if ((mSurface != null) != (surface != null)) { sendDisplayDeviceEventLocked(this, DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_CHANGED); } sendTraversalRequestLocked(); mSurface = surface; mInfo = null; mPendingChanges |= PENDING_SURFACE_CHANGE; } } public void resizeLocked(int width, int height, int densityDpi) { if (mWidth != width || mHeight != height || mDensityDpi != densityDpi) { sendDisplayDeviceEventLocked(this, DISPLAY_DEVICE_EVENT_CHANGED); sendTraversalRequestLocked(); mWidth = width; mHeight = height; mMode = createMode(width, height, REFRESH_RATE); mDensityDpi = densityDpi; mInfo = null; mPendingChanges |= PENDING_RESIZE; } } public void stopLocked() { setSurfaceLocked(null); mStopped = true; } @Override public void dumpLocked(PrintWriter pw) { super.dumpLocked(pw); pw.println("mFlags=" + mFlags); pw.println("mDisplayState=" + Display.stateToString(mDisplayState)); pw.println("mStopped=" + mStopped); } @Override public DisplayDeviceInfo getDisplayDeviceInfoLocked() { if (mInfo == null) { mInfo = new DisplayDeviceInfo(); mInfo.name = mName; mInfo.uniqueId = getUniqueId(); mInfo.width = mWidth; mInfo.height = mHeight; mInfo.modeId = mMode.getModeId(); mInfo.defaultModeId = mMode.getModeId(); mInfo.supportedModes = new Display.Mode[] { mMode }; mInfo.densityDpi = mDensityDpi; mInfo.xDpi = mDensityDpi; mInfo.yDpi = mDensityDpi; mInfo.presentationDeadlineNanos = 1000000000L / (int) REFRESH_RATE; // 1 frame mInfo.flags = 0; if ((mFlags & VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_PUBLIC) == 0) { mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_PRIVATE | DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_NEVER_BLANK; } if ((mFlags & VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_AUTO_MIRROR) != 0) { mInfo.flags &= ~DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_NEVER_BLANK; } else { mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_OWN_CONTENT_ONLY; } if ((mFlags & VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_SECURE) != 0) { mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_SECURE; } if ((mFlags & VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_PRESENTATION) != 0) { mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_PRESENTATION; if ((mFlags & VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_PUBLIC) != 0) { // For demonstration purposes, allow rotation of the external display. // In the future we might allow the user to configure this directly. if ("portrait".equals(SystemProperties.get( "persist.demo.remoterotation"))) { mInfo.rotation = Surface.ROTATION_270; } } } if ((mFlags & VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_CAN_SHOW_WITH_INSECURE_KEYGUARD) != 0) { mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_CAN_SHOW_WITH_INSECURE_KEYGUARD; } if ((mFlags & VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT) != 0) { mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_ROTATES_WITH_CONTENT; } if ((mFlags & VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_DESTROY_CONTENT_ON_REMOVAL) != 0) { mInfo.flags |= DisplayDeviceInfo.FLAG_DESTROY_CONTENT_ON_REMOVAL; } mInfo.type = Display.TYPE_VIRTUAL; mInfo.touch = ((mFlags & VIRTUAL_DISPLAY_FLAG_SUPPORTS_TOUCH) == 0) ? DisplayDeviceInfo.TOUCH_NONE : DisplayDeviceInfo.TOUCH_VIRTUAL; mInfo.state = mSurface != null ? Display.STATE_ON : Display.STATE_OFF; mInfo.ownerUid = mOwnerUid; mInfo.ownerPackageName = mOwnerPackageName; } return mInfo; } } private static class Callback extends Handler { private static final int MSG_ON_DISPLAY_PAUSED = 0; private static final int MSG_ON_DISPLAY_RESUMED = 1; private static final int MSG_ON_DISPLAY_STOPPED = 2; private final IVirtualDisplayCallback mCallback; public Callback(IVirtualDisplayCallback callback, Handler handler) { super(handler.getLooper()); mCallback = callback; } @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { try { switch (msg.what) { case MSG_ON_DISPLAY_PAUSED: mCallback.onPaused(); break; case MSG_ON_DISPLAY_RESUMED: mCallback.onResumed(); break; case MSG_ON_DISPLAY_STOPPED: mCallback.onStopped(); break; } } catch (RemoteException e) { Slog.w(TAG, "Failed to notify listener of virtual display event.", e); } } public void dispatchDisplayPaused() { sendEmptyMessage(MSG_ON_DISPLAY_PAUSED); } public void dispatchDisplayResumed() { sendEmptyMessage(MSG_ON_DISPLAY_RESUMED); } public void dispatchDisplayStopped() { sendEmptyMessage(MSG_ON_DISPLAY_STOPPED); } } private final class MediaProjectionCallback extends IMediaProjectionCallback.Stub { private IBinder mAppToken; public MediaProjectionCallback(IBinder appToken) { mAppToken = appToken; } @Override public void onStop() { synchronized (getSyncRoot()) { handleMediaProjectionStoppedLocked(mAppToken); } } } @VisibleForTesting public interface SurfaceControlDisplayFactory { public IBinder createDisplay(String name, boolean secure); } }