/* * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.pm; import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT; import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED; import static android.content.pm.PackageManager.COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED; import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo; import android.content.pm.IntentFilterVerificationInfo; import android.content.pm.PackageManager; import android.content.pm.PackageUserState; import android.os.storage.VolumeInfo; import android.service.pm.PackageProto; import android.util.ArraySet; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.util.proto.ProtoOutputStream; import com.android.internal.annotations.VisibleForTesting; import com.google.android.collect.Lists; import java.io.File; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; /** * Settings base class for pending and resolved classes. */ abstract class PackageSettingBase extends SettingBase { private static final int[] EMPTY_INT_ARRAY = new int[0]; /** * Indicates the state of installation. Used by PackageManager to figure out * incomplete installations. Say a package is being installed (the state is * set to PKG_INSTALL_INCOMPLETE) and remains so till the package * installation is successful or unsuccessful in which case the * PackageManager will no longer maintain state information associated with * the package. If some exception(like device freeze or battery being pulled * out) occurs during installation of a package, the PackageManager needs * this information to clean up the previously failed installation. */ static final int PKG_INSTALL_COMPLETE = 1; static final int PKG_INSTALL_INCOMPLETE = 0; final String name; final String realName; String parentPackageName; List childPackageNames; /** * Path where this package was found on disk. For monolithic packages * this is path to single base APK file; for cluster packages this is * path to the cluster directory. */ File codePath; String codePathString; File resourcePath; String resourcePathString; String[] usesStaticLibraries; int[] usesStaticLibrariesVersions; /** * The path under which native libraries have been unpacked. This path is * always derived at runtime, and is only stored here for cleanup when a * package is uninstalled. */ @Deprecated String legacyNativeLibraryPathString; /** * The primary CPU abi for this package. */ String primaryCpuAbiString; /** * The secondary CPU abi for this package. */ String secondaryCpuAbiString; /** * The install time CPU override, if any. This value is written at install time * and doesn't change during the life of an install. If non-null, * {@code primaryCpuAbiString} will contain the same value. */ String cpuAbiOverrideString; long timeStamp; long firstInstallTime; long lastUpdateTime; int versionCode; boolean uidError; PackageSignatures signatures; boolean installPermissionsFixed; PackageKeySetData keySetData = new PackageKeySetData(); static final PackageUserState DEFAULT_USER_STATE = new PackageUserState(); // Whether this package is currently stopped, thus can not be // started until explicitly launched by the user. private final SparseArray userState = new SparseArray(); int installStatus = PKG_INSTALL_COMPLETE; /** * Non-persisted value. During an "upgrade without restart", we need the set * of all previous code paths so we can surgically add the new APKs to the * active classloader. If at any point an application is upgraded with a * restart, this field will be cleared since the classloader would be created * using the full set of code paths when the package's process is started. */ Set oldCodePaths; PackageSettingBase origPackage; /** Package name of the app that installed this package */ String installerPackageName; /** Indicates if the package that installed this app has been uninstalled */ boolean isOrphaned; /** UUID of {@link VolumeInfo} hosting this app */ String volumeUuid; /** The category of this app, as hinted by the installer */ int categoryHint = ApplicationInfo.CATEGORY_UNDEFINED; /** Whether or not an update is available. Ostensibly only for instant apps. */ boolean updateAvailable; IntentFilterVerificationInfo verificationInfo; PackageSettingBase(String name, String realName, File codePath, File resourcePath, String legacyNativeLibraryPathString, String primaryCpuAbiString, String secondaryCpuAbiString, String cpuAbiOverrideString, int pVersionCode, int pkgFlags, int pkgPrivateFlags, String parentPackageName, List childPackageNames, String[] usesStaticLibraries, int[] usesStaticLibrariesVersions) { super(pkgFlags, pkgPrivateFlags); this.name = name; this.realName = realName; this.parentPackageName = parentPackageName; this.childPackageNames = (childPackageNames != null) ? new ArrayList<>(childPackageNames) : null; this.usesStaticLibraries = usesStaticLibraries; this.usesStaticLibrariesVersions = usesStaticLibrariesVersions; init(codePath, resourcePath, legacyNativeLibraryPathString, primaryCpuAbiString, secondaryCpuAbiString, cpuAbiOverrideString, pVersionCode); } /** * New instance of PackageSetting with one-level-deep cloning. *

* IMPORTANT: With a shallow copy, we do NOT create new contained objects. * This means, for example, changes to the user state of the original PackageSetting * will also change the user state in its copy. */ PackageSettingBase(PackageSettingBase base, String realName) { super(base); name = base.name; this.realName = realName; doCopy(base); } void init(File codePath, File resourcePath, String legacyNativeLibraryPathString, String primaryCpuAbiString, String secondaryCpuAbiString, String cpuAbiOverrideString, int pVersionCode) { this.codePath = codePath; this.codePathString = codePath.toString(); this.resourcePath = resourcePath; this.resourcePathString = resourcePath.toString(); this.legacyNativeLibraryPathString = legacyNativeLibraryPathString; this.primaryCpuAbiString = primaryCpuAbiString; this.secondaryCpuAbiString = secondaryCpuAbiString; this.cpuAbiOverrideString = cpuAbiOverrideString; this.versionCode = pVersionCode; this.signatures = new PackageSignatures(); } public void setInstallerPackageName(String packageName) { installerPackageName = packageName; } public String getInstallerPackageName() { return installerPackageName; } public void setVolumeUuid(String volumeUuid) { this.volumeUuid = volumeUuid; } public String getVolumeUuid() { return volumeUuid; } public void setInstallStatus(int newStatus) { installStatus = newStatus; } public int getInstallStatus() { return installStatus; } public void setTimeStamp(long newStamp) { timeStamp = newStamp; } public void setUpdateAvailable(boolean updateAvailable) { this.updateAvailable = updateAvailable; } public boolean isUpdateAvailable() { return updateAvailable; } /** * Makes a shallow copy of the given package settings. * * NOTE: For some fields [such as keySetData, signatures, userState, verificationInfo, etc...], * the original object is copied and a new one is not created. */ public void copyFrom(PackageSettingBase orig) { super.copyFrom(orig); doCopy(orig); } private void doCopy(PackageSettingBase orig) { childPackageNames = (orig.childPackageNames != null) ? new ArrayList<>(orig.childPackageNames) : null; codePath = orig.codePath; codePathString = orig.codePathString; cpuAbiOverrideString = orig.cpuAbiOverrideString; firstInstallTime = orig.firstInstallTime; installPermissionsFixed = orig.installPermissionsFixed; installStatus = orig.installStatus; installerPackageName = orig.installerPackageName; isOrphaned = orig.isOrphaned; keySetData = orig.keySetData; lastUpdateTime = orig.lastUpdateTime; legacyNativeLibraryPathString = orig.legacyNativeLibraryPathString; // Intentionally skip oldCodePaths; it's not relevant for copies origPackage = orig.origPackage; parentPackageName = orig.parentPackageName; primaryCpuAbiString = orig.primaryCpuAbiString; resourcePath = orig.resourcePath; resourcePathString = orig.resourcePathString; secondaryCpuAbiString = orig.secondaryCpuAbiString; signatures = orig.signatures; timeStamp = orig.timeStamp; uidError = orig.uidError; userState.clear(); for (int i=0; i overlayPaths, int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).overlayPaths = overlayPaths == null ? null : overlayPaths.toArray(new String[overlayPaths.size()]); } String[] getOverlayPaths(int userId) { return readUserState(userId).overlayPaths; } /** Only use for testing. Do NOT use in production code. */ @VisibleForTesting SparseArray getUserState() { return userState; } boolean isAnyInstalled(int[] users) { for (int user: users) { if (readUserState(user).installed) { return true; } } return false; } int[] queryInstalledUsers(int[] users, boolean installed) { int num = 0; for (int user : users) { if (getInstalled(user) == installed) { num++; } } int[] res = new int[num]; num = 0; for (int user : users) { if (getInstalled(user) == installed) { res[num] = user; num++; } } return res; } long getCeDataInode(int userId) { return readUserState(userId).ceDataInode; } void setCeDataInode(long ceDataInode, int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).ceDataInode = ceDataInode; } boolean getStopped(int userId) { return readUserState(userId).stopped; } void setStopped(boolean stop, int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).stopped = stop; } boolean getNotLaunched(int userId) { return readUserState(userId).notLaunched; } void setNotLaunched(boolean stop, int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).notLaunched = stop; } boolean getHidden(int userId) { return readUserState(userId).hidden; } void setHidden(boolean hidden, int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).hidden = hidden; } boolean getSuspended(int userId) { return readUserState(userId).suspended; } void setSuspended(boolean suspended, int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).suspended = suspended; } boolean getInstantApp(int userId) { return readUserState(userId).instantApp; } void setInstantApp(boolean instantApp, int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).instantApp = instantApp; } boolean getVirtulalPreload(int userId) { return readUserState(userId).virtualPreload; } void setVirtualPreload(boolean virtualPreload, int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).virtualPreload = virtualPreload; } void setUserState(int userId, long ceDataInode, int enabled, boolean installed, boolean stopped, boolean notLaunched, boolean hidden, boolean suspended, boolean instantApp, boolean virtualPreload, String lastDisableAppCaller, ArraySet enabledComponents, ArraySet disabledComponents, int domainVerifState, int linkGeneration, int installReason) { PackageUserState state = modifyUserState(userId); state.ceDataInode = ceDataInode; state.enabled = enabled; state.installed = installed; state.stopped = stopped; state.notLaunched = notLaunched; state.hidden = hidden; state.suspended = suspended; state.lastDisableAppCaller = lastDisableAppCaller; state.enabledComponents = enabledComponents; state.disabledComponents = disabledComponents; state.domainVerificationStatus = domainVerifState; state.appLinkGeneration = linkGeneration; state.installReason = installReason; state.instantApp = instantApp; state.virtualPreload = virtualPreload; } ArraySet getEnabledComponents(int userId) { return readUserState(userId).enabledComponents; } ArraySet getDisabledComponents(int userId) { return readUserState(userId).disabledComponents; } void setEnabledComponents(ArraySet components, int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).enabledComponents = components; } void setDisabledComponents(ArraySet components, int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).disabledComponents = components; } void setEnabledComponentsCopy(ArraySet components, int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).enabledComponents = components != null ? new ArraySet(components) : null; } void setDisabledComponentsCopy(ArraySet components, int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).disabledComponents = components != null ? new ArraySet(components) : null; } PackageUserState modifyUserStateComponents(int userId, boolean disabled, boolean enabled) { PackageUserState state = modifyUserState(userId); if (disabled && state.disabledComponents == null) { state.disabledComponents = new ArraySet(1); } if (enabled && state.enabledComponents == null) { state.enabledComponents = new ArraySet(1); } return state; } void addDisabledComponent(String componentClassName, int userId) { modifyUserStateComponents(userId, true, false).disabledComponents.add(componentClassName); } void addEnabledComponent(String componentClassName, int userId) { modifyUserStateComponents(userId, false, true).enabledComponents.add(componentClassName); } boolean enableComponentLPw(String componentClassName, int userId) { PackageUserState state = modifyUserStateComponents(userId, false, true); boolean changed = state.disabledComponents != null ? state.disabledComponents.remove(componentClassName) : false; changed |= state.enabledComponents.add(componentClassName); return changed; } boolean disableComponentLPw(String componentClassName, int userId) { PackageUserState state = modifyUserStateComponents(userId, true, false); boolean changed = state.enabledComponents != null ? state.enabledComponents.remove(componentClassName) : false; changed |= state.disabledComponents.add(componentClassName); return changed; } boolean restoreComponentLPw(String componentClassName, int userId) { PackageUserState state = modifyUserStateComponents(userId, true, true); boolean changed = state.disabledComponents != null ? state.disabledComponents.remove(componentClassName) : false; changed |= state.enabledComponents != null ? state.enabledComponents.remove(componentClassName) : false; return changed; } int getCurrentEnabledStateLPr(String componentName, int userId) { PackageUserState state = readUserState(userId); if (state.enabledComponents != null && state.enabledComponents.contains(componentName)) { return COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_ENABLED; } else if (state.disabledComponents != null && state.disabledComponents.contains(componentName)) { return COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DISABLED; } else { return COMPONENT_ENABLED_STATE_DEFAULT; } } void removeUser(int userId) { userState.delete(userId); } public int[] getNotInstalledUserIds() { int count = 0; int userStateCount = userState.size(); for (int i = 0; i < userStateCount; i++) { if (userState.valueAt(i).installed == false) { count++; } } if (count == 0) return EMPTY_INT_ARRAY; int[] excludedUserIds = new int[count]; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < userStateCount; i++) { if (userState.valueAt(i).installed == false) { excludedUserIds[idx++] = userState.keyAt(i); } } return excludedUserIds; } IntentFilterVerificationInfo getIntentFilterVerificationInfo() { return verificationInfo; } void setIntentFilterVerificationInfo(IntentFilterVerificationInfo info) { verificationInfo = info; } // Returns a packed value as a long: // // high 'int'-sized word: link status: undefined/ask/never/always. // low 'int'-sized word: relative priority among 'always' results. long getDomainVerificationStatusForUser(int userId) { PackageUserState state = readUserState(userId); long result = (long) state.appLinkGeneration; result |= ((long) state.domainVerificationStatus) << 32; return result; } void setDomainVerificationStatusForUser(final int status, int generation, int userId) { PackageUserState state = modifyUserState(userId); state.domainVerificationStatus = status; if (status == PackageManager.INTENT_FILTER_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_STATUS_ALWAYS) { state.appLinkGeneration = generation; } } void clearDomainVerificationStatusForUser(int userId) { modifyUserState(userId).domainVerificationStatus = PackageManager.INTENT_FILTER_DOMAIN_VERIFICATION_STATUS_UNDEFINED; } protected void writeUsersInfoToProto(ProtoOutputStream proto, long fieldId) { int count = userState.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final long userToken = proto.start(fieldId); final int userId = userState.keyAt(i); final PackageUserState state = userState.valueAt(i); proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.ID, userId); final int installType; if (state.instantApp) { installType = PackageProto.UserInfoProto.INSTANT_APP_INSTALL; } else if (state.installed) { installType = PackageProto.UserInfoProto.FULL_APP_INSTALL; } else { installType = PackageProto.UserInfoProto.NOT_INSTALLED_FOR_USER; } proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.INSTALL_TYPE, installType); proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.IS_HIDDEN, state.hidden); proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.IS_SUSPENDED, state.suspended); proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.IS_STOPPED, state.stopped); proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.IS_LAUNCHED, !state.notLaunched); proto.write(PackageProto.UserInfoProto.ENABLED_STATE, state.enabled); proto.write( PackageProto.UserInfoProto.LAST_DISABLED_APP_CALLER, state.lastDisableAppCaller); proto.end(userToken); } } }