/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.wifi.util; import android.net.wifi.ScanResult; import android.net.wifi.ScanResult.InformationElement; import android.util.Log; import com.android.server.wifi.ByteBufferReader; import com.android.server.wifi.hotspot2.NetworkDetail; import com.android.server.wifi.hotspot2.anqp.Constants; import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.BitSet; public class InformationElementUtil { private static final String TAG = "InformationElementUtil"; public static InformationElement[] parseInformationElements(byte[] bytes) { if (bytes == null) { return new InformationElement[0]; } ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); ArrayList infoElements = new ArrayList<>(); boolean found_ssid = false; while (data.remaining() > 1) { int eid = data.get() & Constants.BYTE_MASK; int elementLength = data.get() & Constants.BYTE_MASK; if (elementLength > data.remaining() || (eid == InformationElement.EID_SSID && found_ssid)) { // APs often pad the data with bytes that happen to match that of the EID_SSID // marker. This is not due to a known issue for APs to incorrectly send the SSID // name multiple times. break; } if (eid == InformationElement.EID_SSID) { found_ssid = true; } InformationElement ie = new InformationElement(); ie.id = eid; ie.bytes = new byte[elementLength]; data.get(ie.bytes); infoElements.add(ie); } return infoElements.toArray(new InformationElement[infoElements.size()]); } /** * Parse and retrieve the Roaming Consortium Information Element from the list of IEs. * * @param ies List of IEs to retrieve from * @return {@link RoamingConsortium} */ public static RoamingConsortium getRoamingConsortiumIE(InformationElement[] ies) { RoamingConsortium roamingConsortium = new RoamingConsortium(); if (ies != null) { for (InformationElement ie : ies) { if (ie.id == InformationElement.EID_ROAMING_CONSORTIUM) { try { roamingConsortium.from(ie); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to parse Roaming Consortium IE: " + e.getMessage()); } } } } return roamingConsortium; } /** * Parse and retrieve the Hotspot 2.0 Vendor Specific Information Element from the list of IEs. * * @param ies List of IEs to retrieve from * @return {@link Vsa} */ public static Vsa getHS2VendorSpecificIE(InformationElement[] ies) { Vsa vsa = new Vsa(); if (ies != null) { for (InformationElement ie : ies) { if (ie.id == InformationElement.EID_VSA) { try { vsa.from(ie); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to parse Vendor Specific IE: " + e.getMessage()); } } } } return vsa; } /** * Parse and retrieve the Interworking information element from the list of IEs. * * @param ies List of IEs to retrieve from * @return {@link Interworking} */ public static Interworking getInterworkingIE(InformationElement[] ies) { Interworking interworking = new Interworking(); if (ies != null) { for (InformationElement ie : ies) { if (ie.id == InformationElement.EID_INTERWORKING) { try { interworking.from(ie); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Failed to parse Interworking IE: " + e.getMessage()); } } } } return interworking; } public static class BssLoad { public int stationCount = 0; public int channelUtilization = 0; public int capacity = 0; public void from(InformationElement ie) { if (ie.id != InformationElement.EID_BSS_LOAD) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element id is not BSS_LOAD, : " + ie.id); } if (ie.bytes.length != 5) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("BSS Load element length is not 5: " + ie.bytes.length); } ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(ie.bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); stationCount = data.getShort() & Constants.SHORT_MASK; channelUtilization = data.get() & Constants.BYTE_MASK; capacity = data.getShort() & Constants.SHORT_MASK; } } public static class HtOperation { public int secondChannelOffset = 0; public int getChannelWidth() { if (secondChannelOffset != 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } public int getCenterFreq0(int primaryFrequency) { //40 MHz if (secondChannelOffset != 0) { if (secondChannelOffset == 1) { return primaryFrequency + 10; } else if (secondChannelOffset == 3) { return primaryFrequency - 10; } else { Log.e("HtOperation", "Error on secondChannelOffset: " + secondChannelOffset); return 0; } } else { return 0; } } public void from(InformationElement ie) { if (ie.id != InformationElement.EID_HT_OPERATION) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element id is not HT_OPERATION, : " + ie.id); } secondChannelOffset = ie.bytes[1] & 0x3; } } public static class VhtOperation { public int channelMode = 0; public int centerFreqIndex1 = 0; public int centerFreqIndex2 = 0; public boolean isValid() { return channelMode != 0; } public int getChannelWidth() { return channelMode + 1; } public int getCenterFreq0() { //convert channel index to frequency in MHz, channel 36 is 5180MHz return (centerFreqIndex1 - 36) * 5 + 5180; } public int getCenterFreq1() { if (channelMode > 1) { //160MHz return (centerFreqIndex2 - 36) * 5 + 5180; } else { return 0; } } public void from(InformationElement ie) { if (ie.id != InformationElement.EID_VHT_OPERATION) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element id is not VHT_OPERATION, : " + ie.id); } channelMode = ie.bytes[0] & Constants.BYTE_MASK; centerFreqIndex1 = ie.bytes[1] & Constants.BYTE_MASK; centerFreqIndex2 = ie.bytes[2] & Constants.BYTE_MASK; } } public static class Interworking { public NetworkDetail.Ant ant = null; public boolean internet = false; public long hessid = 0L; public void from(InformationElement ie) { if (ie.id != InformationElement.EID_INTERWORKING) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element id is not INTERWORKING, : " + ie.id); } ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(ie.bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); int anOptions = data.get() & Constants.BYTE_MASK; ant = NetworkDetail.Ant.values()[anOptions & 0x0f]; internet = (anOptions & 0x10) != 0; // There are only three possible lengths for the Interworking IE: // Len 1: Access Network Options only // Len 3: Access Network Options & Venue Info // Len 7: Access Network Options & HESSID // Len 9: Access Network Options, Venue Info, & HESSID if (ie.bytes.length != 1 && ie.bytes.length != 3 && ie.bytes.length != 7 && ie.bytes.length != 9) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Bad Interworking element length: " + ie.bytes.length); } if (ie.bytes.length == 7 || ie.bytes.length == 9) { hessid = ByteBufferReader.readInteger(data, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, 6); } } } public static class RoamingConsortium { public int anqpOICount = 0; public long[] roamingConsortiums = null; public void from(InformationElement ie) { if (ie.id != InformationElement.EID_ROAMING_CONSORTIUM) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element id is not ROAMING_CONSORTIUM, : " + ie.id); } ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(ie.bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); anqpOICount = data.get() & Constants.BYTE_MASK; int oi12Length = data.get() & Constants.BYTE_MASK; int oi1Length = oi12Length & Constants.NIBBLE_MASK; int oi2Length = (oi12Length >>> 4) & Constants.NIBBLE_MASK; int oi3Length = ie.bytes.length - 2 - oi1Length - oi2Length; int oiCount = 0; if (oi1Length > 0) { oiCount++; if (oi2Length > 0) { oiCount++; if (oi3Length > 0) { oiCount++; } } } roamingConsortiums = new long[oiCount]; if (oi1Length > 0 && roamingConsortiums.length > 0) { roamingConsortiums[0] = ByteBufferReader.readInteger(data, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, oi1Length); } if (oi2Length > 0 && roamingConsortiums.length > 1) { roamingConsortiums[1] = ByteBufferReader.readInteger(data, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, oi2Length); } if (oi3Length > 0 && roamingConsortiums.length > 2) { roamingConsortiums[2] = ByteBufferReader.readInteger(data, ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN, oi3Length); } } } public static class Vsa { private static final int ANQP_DOMID_BIT = 0x04; public NetworkDetail.HSRelease hsRelease = null; public int anqpDomainID = 0; // No domain ID treated the same as a 0; unique info per AP. public void from(InformationElement ie) { ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(ie.bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); if (ie.bytes.length >= 5 && data.getInt() == Constants.HS20_FRAME_PREFIX) { int hsConf = data.get() & Constants.BYTE_MASK; switch ((hsConf >> 4) & Constants.NIBBLE_MASK) { case 0: hsRelease = NetworkDetail.HSRelease.R1; break; case 1: hsRelease = NetworkDetail.HSRelease.R2; break; default: hsRelease = NetworkDetail.HSRelease.Unknown; break; } if ((hsConf & ANQP_DOMID_BIT) != 0) { if (ie.bytes.length < 7) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "HS20 indication element too short: " + ie.bytes.length); } anqpDomainID = data.getShort() & Constants.SHORT_MASK; } } } } /** * This IE contained a bit field indicating the capabilities being advertised by the STA. * The size of the bit field (number of bytes) is indicated by the |Length| field in the IE. * * Refer to Section in IEEE 802.11-2012 Spec for capability associated with each * bit. * * Here is the wire format of this IE: * | Element ID | Length | Capabilities | * 1 1 n */ public static class ExtendedCapabilities { private static final int RTT_RESP_ENABLE_BIT = 70; private static final int SSID_UTF8_BIT = 48; public BitSet capabilitiesBitSet; /** * @return true if SSID should be interpreted using UTF-8 encoding */ public boolean isStrictUtf8() { return capabilitiesBitSet.get(SSID_UTF8_BIT); } /** * @return true if 802.11 MC RTT Response is enabled */ public boolean is80211McRTTResponder() { return capabilitiesBitSet.get(RTT_RESP_ENABLE_BIT); } public ExtendedCapabilities() { capabilitiesBitSet = new BitSet(); } public ExtendedCapabilities(ExtendedCapabilities other) { capabilitiesBitSet = other.capabilitiesBitSet; } /** * Parse an ExtendedCapabilities from the IE containing raw bytes. * * @param ie The Information element data */ public void from(InformationElement ie) { capabilitiesBitSet = BitSet.valueOf(ie.bytes); } } /** * parse beacon to build the capabilities * * This class is used to build the capabilities string of the scan results coming * from HAL. It parses the ieee beacon's capability field, WPA and RSNE IE as per spec, * and builds the ScanResult.capabilities String in a way that mirrors the values returned * by wpa_supplicant. */ public static class Capabilities { private static final int CAP_ESS_BIT_OFFSET = 0; private static final int CAP_PRIVACY_BIT_OFFSET = 4; private static final int WPA_VENDOR_OUI_TYPE_ONE = 0x01f25000; private static final int WPS_VENDOR_OUI_TYPE = 0x04f25000; private static final short WPA_VENDOR_OUI_VERSION = 0x0001; private static final short RSNE_VERSION = 0x0001; private static final int WPA_AKM_EAP = 0x01f25000; private static final int WPA_AKM_PSK = 0x02f25000; private static final int WPA2_AKM_EAP = 0x01ac0f00; private static final int WPA2_AKM_PSK = 0x02ac0f00; private static final int WPA2_AKM_FT_EAP = 0x03ac0f00; private static final int WPA2_AKM_FT_PSK = 0x04ac0f00; private static final int WPA2_AKM_EAP_SHA256 = 0x05ac0f00; private static final int WPA2_AKM_PSK_SHA256 = 0x06ac0f00; private static final int WPA_CIPHER_NONE = 0x00f25000; private static final int WPA_CIPHER_TKIP = 0x02f25000; private static final int WPA_CIPHER_CCMP = 0x04f25000; private static final int RSN_CIPHER_NONE = 0x00ac0f00; private static final int RSN_CIPHER_TKIP = 0x02ac0f00; private static final int RSN_CIPHER_CCMP = 0x04ac0f00; private static final int RSN_CIPHER_NO_GROUP_ADDRESSED = 0x07ac0f00; public ArrayList protocol; public ArrayList> keyManagement; public ArrayList> pairwiseCipher; public ArrayList groupCipher; public boolean isESS; public boolean isPrivacy; public boolean isWPS; public Capabilities() { } // RSNE format (size unit: byte) // // | Element ID | Length | Version | Group Data Cipher Suite | // 1 1 2 4 // | Pairwise Cipher Suite Count | Pairwise Cipher Suite List | // 2 4 * m // | AKM Suite Count | AKM Suite List | RSN Capabilities | // 2 4 * n 2 // | PMKID Count | PMKID List | Group Management Cipher Suite | // 2 16 * s 4 // // Note: InformationElement.bytes has 'Element ID' and 'Length' // stripped off already private void parseRsnElement(InformationElement ie) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(ie.bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); try { // version if (buf.getShort() != RSNE_VERSION) { // incorrect version return; } // found the RSNE IE, hence start building the capability string protocol.add(ScanResult.PROTOCOL_WPA2); // group data cipher suite groupCipher.add(parseRsnCipher(buf.getInt())); // pairwise cipher suite count short cipherCount = buf.getShort(); ArrayList rsnPairwiseCipher = new ArrayList<>(); // pairwise cipher suite list for (int i = 0; i < cipherCount; i++) { rsnPairwiseCipher.add(parseRsnCipher(buf.getInt())); } pairwiseCipher.add(rsnPairwiseCipher); // AKM // AKM suite count short akmCount = buf.getShort(); ArrayList rsnKeyManagement = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < akmCount; i++) { int akm = buf.getInt(); switch (akm) { case WPA2_AKM_EAP: rsnKeyManagement.add(ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_EAP); break; case WPA2_AKM_PSK: rsnKeyManagement.add(ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_PSK); break; case WPA2_AKM_FT_EAP: rsnKeyManagement.add(ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_FT_EAP); break; case WPA2_AKM_FT_PSK: rsnKeyManagement.add(ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_FT_PSK); break; case WPA2_AKM_EAP_SHA256: rsnKeyManagement.add(ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_EAP_SHA256); break; case WPA2_AKM_PSK_SHA256: rsnKeyManagement.add(ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_PSK_SHA256); break; default: // do nothing break; } } // Default AKM if (rsnKeyManagement.isEmpty()) { rsnKeyManagement.add(ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_EAP); } keyManagement.add(rsnKeyManagement); } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) { Log.e("IE_Capabilities", "Couldn't parse RSNE, buffer underflow"); } } private static int parseWpaCipher(int cipher) { switch (cipher) { case WPA_CIPHER_NONE: return ScanResult.CIPHER_NONE; case WPA_CIPHER_TKIP: return ScanResult.CIPHER_TKIP; case WPA_CIPHER_CCMP: return ScanResult.CIPHER_CCMP; default: Log.w("IE_Capabilities", "Unknown WPA cipher suite: " + Integer.toHexString(cipher)); return ScanResult.CIPHER_NONE; } } private static int parseRsnCipher(int cipher) { switch (cipher) { case RSN_CIPHER_NONE: return ScanResult.CIPHER_NONE; case RSN_CIPHER_TKIP: return ScanResult.CIPHER_TKIP; case RSN_CIPHER_CCMP: return ScanResult.CIPHER_CCMP; case RSN_CIPHER_NO_GROUP_ADDRESSED: return ScanResult.CIPHER_NO_GROUP_ADDRESSED; default: Log.w("IE_Capabilities", "Unknown RSN cipher suite: " + Integer.toHexString(cipher)); return ScanResult.CIPHER_NONE; } } private static boolean isWpsElement(InformationElement ie) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(ie.bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); try { // WPS OUI and type return (buf.getInt() == WPS_VENDOR_OUI_TYPE); } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) { Log.e("IE_Capabilities", "Couldn't parse VSA IE, buffer underflow"); return false; } } private static boolean isWpaOneElement(InformationElement ie) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(ie.bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); try { // WPA OUI and type return (buf.getInt() == WPA_VENDOR_OUI_TYPE_ONE); } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) { Log.e("IE_Capabilities", "Couldn't parse VSA IE, buffer underflow"); return false; } } // WPA type 1 format (size unit: byte) // // | Element ID | Length | OUI | Type | Version | // 1 1 3 1 2 // | Group Data Cipher Suite | // 4 // | Pairwise Cipher Suite Count | Pairwise Cipher Suite List | // 2 4 * m // | AKM Suite Count | AKM Suite List | // 2 4 * n // // Note: InformationElement.bytes has 'Element ID' and 'Length' // stripped off already // private void parseWpaOneElement(InformationElement ie) { ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(ie.bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); try { // skip WPA OUI and type parsing. isWpaOneElement() should have // been called for verification before we reach here. buf.getInt(); // version if (buf.getShort() != WPA_VENDOR_OUI_VERSION) { // incorrect version return; } // start building the string protocol.add(ScanResult.PROTOCOL_WPA); // group data cipher suite groupCipher.add(parseWpaCipher(buf.getInt())); // pairwise cipher suite count short cipherCount = buf.getShort(); ArrayList wpaPairwiseCipher = new ArrayList<>(); // pairwise chipher suite list for (int i = 0; i < cipherCount; i++) { wpaPairwiseCipher.add(parseWpaCipher(buf.getInt())); } pairwiseCipher.add(wpaPairwiseCipher); // AKM // AKM suite count short akmCount = buf.getShort(); ArrayList wpaKeyManagement = new ArrayList<>(); // AKM suite list for (int i = 0; i < akmCount; i++) { int akm = buf.getInt(); switch (akm) { case WPA_AKM_EAP: wpaKeyManagement.add(ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_EAP); break; case WPA_AKM_PSK: wpaKeyManagement.add(ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_PSK); break; default: // do nothing break; } } // Default AKM if (wpaKeyManagement.isEmpty()) { wpaKeyManagement.add(ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_EAP); } keyManagement.add(wpaKeyManagement); } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) { Log.e("IE_Capabilities", "Couldn't parse type 1 WPA, buffer underflow"); } } /** * Parse the Information Element and the 16-bit Capability Information field * to build the InformationElemmentUtil.capabilities object. * * @param ies -- Information Element array * @param beaconCap -- 16-bit Beacon Capability Information field */ public void from(InformationElement[] ies, BitSet beaconCap) { protocol = new ArrayList(); keyManagement = new ArrayList>(); groupCipher = new ArrayList(); pairwiseCipher = new ArrayList>(); if (ies == null || beaconCap == null) { return; } isESS = beaconCap.get(CAP_ESS_BIT_OFFSET); isPrivacy = beaconCap.get(CAP_PRIVACY_BIT_OFFSET); for (InformationElement ie : ies) { if (ie.id == InformationElement.EID_RSN) { parseRsnElement(ie); } if (ie.id == InformationElement.EID_VSA) { if (isWpaOneElement(ie)) { parseWpaOneElement(ie); } if (isWpsElement(ie)) { // TODO(b/62134557): parse WPS IE to provide finer granularity information. isWPS = true; } } } } private String protocolToString(int protocol) { switch (protocol) { case ScanResult.PROTOCOL_NONE: return "None"; case ScanResult.PROTOCOL_WPA: return "WPA"; case ScanResult.PROTOCOL_WPA2: return "WPA2"; default: return "?"; } } private String keyManagementToString(int akm) { switch (akm) { case ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_NONE: return "None"; case ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_PSK: return "PSK"; case ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_EAP: return "EAP"; case ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_FT_EAP: return "FT/EAP"; case ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_FT_PSK: return "FT/PSK"; case ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_EAP_SHA256: return "EAP-SHA256"; case ScanResult.KEY_MGMT_PSK_SHA256: return "PSK-SHA256"; default: return "?"; } } private String cipherToString(int cipher) { switch (cipher) { case ScanResult.CIPHER_NONE: return "None"; case ScanResult.CIPHER_CCMP: return "CCMP"; case ScanResult.CIPHER_TKIP: return "TKIP"; default: return "?"; } } /** * Build the ScanResult.capabilities String. * * @return security string that mirrors what wpa_supplicant generates */ public String generateCapabilitiesString() { String capabilities = ""; // private Beacon without an RSNE or WPA IE, hence WEP0 boolean isWEP = (protocol.isEmpty()) && isPrivacy; if (isWEP) { capabilities += "[WEP]"; } for (int i = 0; i < protocol.size(); i++) { capabilities += "[" + protocolToString(protocol.get(i)); if (i < keyManagement.size()) { for (int j = 0; j < keyManagement.get(i).size(); j++) { capabilities += ((j == 0) ? "-" : "+") + keyManagementToString(keyManagement.get(i).get(j)); } } if (i < pairwiseCipher.size()) { for (int j = 0; j < pairwiseCipher.get(i).size(); j++) { capabilities += ((j == 0) ? "-" : "+") + cipherToString(pairwiseCipher.get(i).get(j)); } } capabilities += "]"; } if (isESS) { capabilities += "[ESS]"; } if (isWPS) { capabilities += "[WPS]"; } return capabilities; } } /** * Parser for the Traffic Indication Map (TIM) Information Element (EID 5). This element will * only be present in scan results that are derived from a Beacon Frame, not from the more * plentiful probe responses. Call 'isValid()' after parsing, to ensure the results are correct. */ public static class TrafficIndicationMap { private static final int MAX_TIM_LENGTH = 254; private boolean mValid = false; public int mLength = 0; public int mDtimCount = -1; //Negative DTIM Period means no TIM element was given this frame. public int mDtimPeriod = -1; public int mBitmapControl = 0; /** * Is this a valid TIM information element. */ public boolean isValid() { return mValid; } // Traffic Indication Map format (size unit: byte) // //| ElementID | Length | DTIM Count | DTIM Period | BitmapControl | Partial Virtual Bitmap | // 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 251 // // Note: InformationElement.bytes has 'Element ID' and 'Length' // stripped off already // public void from(InformationElement ie) { mValid = false; if (ie == null || ie.bytes == null) return; mLength = ie.bytes.length; ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(ie.bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); try { mDtimCount = data.get() & Constants.BYTE_MASK; mDtimPeriod = data.get() & Constants.BYTE_MASK; mBitmapControl = data.get() & Constants.BYTE_MASK; //A valid TIM element must have atleast one more byte data.get(); } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) { return; } if (mLength <= MAX_TIM_LENGTH && mDtimPeriod > 0) { mValid = true; } } } /** * This util class determines the 802.11 standard (a/b/g/n/ac) being used */ public static class WifiMode { public static final int MODE_UNDEFINED = 0; // Unknown/undefined public static final int MODE_11A = 1; // 802.11a public static final int MODE_11B = 2; // 802.11b public static final int MODE_11G = 3; // 802.11g public static final int MODE_11N = 4; // 802.11n public static final int MODE_11AC = 5; // 802.11ac // add support for 802.11ad and be more selective instead of defaulting to 11A /** * Use frequency, max supported rate, and the existence of VHT, HT & ERP fields in scan * scan result to determine the 802.11 Wifi standard being used. */ public static int determineMode(int frequency, int maxRate, boolean foundVht, boolean foundHt, boolean foundErp) { if (foundVht) { return MODE_11AC; } else if (foundHt) { return MODE_11N; } else if (foundErp) { return MODE_11G; } else if (frequency < 3000) { if (maxRate < 24000000) { return MODE_11B; } else { return MODE_11G; } } else { return MODE_11A; } } /** * Map the wifiMode integer to its type, and output as String MODE_11 */ public static String toString(int mode) { switch(mode) { case MODE_11A: return "MODE_11A"; case MODE_11B: return "MODE_11B"; case MODE_11G: return "MODE_11G"; case MODE_11N: return "MODE_11N"; case MODE_11AC: return "MODE_11AC"; default: return "MODE_UNDEFINED"; } } } /** * Parser for both the Supported Rates & Extended Supported Rates Information Elements */ public static class SupportedRates { public static final int MASK = 0x7F; // 0111 1111 public boolean mValid = false; public ArrayList mRates; public SupportedRates() { mRates = new ArrayList(); } /** * Is this a valid Supported Rates information element. */ public boolean isValid() { return mValid; } /** * get the Rate in bits/s from associated byteval */ public static int getRateFromByte(int byteVal) { byteVal &= MASK; switch(byteVal) { case 2: return 1000000; case 4: return 2000000; case 11: return 5500000; case 12: return 6000000; case 18: return 9000000; case 22: return 11000000; case 24: return 12000000; case 36: return 18000000; case 44: return 22000000; case 48: return 24000000; case 66: return 33000000; case 72: return 36000000; case 96: return 48000000; case 108: return 54000000; default: //ERROR UNKNOWN RATE return -1; } } // Supported Rates format (size unit: byte) // //| ElementID | Length | Supported Rates [7 Little Endian Info bits - 1 Flag bit] // 1 1 1 - 8 // // Note: InformationElement.bytes has 'Element ID' and 'Length' // stripped off already // public void from(InformationElement ie) { mValid = false; if (ie == null || ie.bytes == null || ie.bytes.length > 8 || ie.bytes.length < 1) { return; } ByteBuffer data = ByteBuffer.wrap(ie.bytes).order(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); try { for (int i = 0; i < ie.bytes.length; i++) { int rate = getRateFromByte(data.get()); if (rate > 0) { mRates.add(rate); } else { return; } } } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) { return; } mValid = true; return; } /** * Lists the rates in a human readable string */ public String toString() { StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(); for (Integer rate : mRates) { sbuf.append(String.format("%.1f", (double) rate / 1000000) + ", "); } return sbuf.toString(); } } }