/* * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.server.wm; import static android.app.ActivityManager.DOCKED_STACK_CREATE_MODE_TOP_OR_LEFT; import static android.app.ActivityManager.DOCKED_STACK_CREATE_MODE_BOTTOM_OR_RIGHT; import static android.app.ActivityManager.StackId.DOCKED_STACK_ID; import static android.app.ActivityManager.StackId.HOME_STACK_ID; import static android.app.ActivityManager.StackId.PINNED_STACK_ID; import static android.content.pm.ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSET; import static android.content.res.Configuration.DENSITY_DPI_UNDEFINED; import static android.content.res.Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT; import static android.view.Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY; import static android.view.WindowManager.DOCKED_BOTTOM; import static android.view.WindowManager.DOCKED_INVALID; import static android.view.WindowManager.DOCKED_LEFT; import static android.view.WindowManager.DOCKED_RIGHT; import static android.view.WindowManager.DOCKED_TOP; import static android.view.WindowManagerPolicy.FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_WALLPAPER; import static com.android.server.wm.DragResizeMode.DRAG_RESIZE_MODE_DOCKED_DIVIDER; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_ANIM; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.DEBUG_TASK_MOVEMENT; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerDebugConfig.TAG_WM; import static com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.LAYER_OFFSET_DIM; import android.app.ActivityManager.StackId; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.Region; import android.os.RemoteException; import android.util.EventLog; import android.util.Slog; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.DisplayInfo; import android.view.Surface; import com.android.internal.policy.DividerSnapAlgorithm; import com.android.internal.policy.DividerSnapAlgorithm.SnapTarget; import com.android.internal.policy.DockedDividerUtils; import com.android.server.EventLogTags; import com.android.server.UiThread; import java.io.PrintWriter; public class TaskStack extends WindowContainer implements DimLayer.DimLayerUser, BoundsAnimationTarget { /** Minimum size of an adjusted stack bounds relative to original stack bounds. Used to * restrict IME adjustment so that a min portion of top stack remains visible.*/ private static final float ADJUSTED_STACK_FRACTION_MIN = 0.3f; /** Dimming amount for non-focused stack when stacks are IME-adjusted. */ private static final float IME_ADJUST_DIM_AMOUNT = 0.25f; /** Unique identifier */ final int mStackId; /** The service */ private final WindowManagerService mService; /** The display this stack sits under. */ // TODO: Track parent marks like this in WindowContainer. private DisplayContent mDisplayContent; /** For comparison with DisplayContent bounds. */ private Rect mTmpRect = new Rect(); private Rect mTmpRect2 = new Rect(); private Rect mTmpRect3 = new Rect(); /** Content limits relative to the DisplayContent this sits in. */ private Rect mBounds = new Rect(); /** Stack bounds adjusted to screen content area (taking into account IM windows, etc.) */ private final Rect mAdjustedBounds = new Rect(); /** * Fully adjusted IME bounds. These are different from {@link #mAdjustedBounds} because they * represent the state when the animation has ended. */ private final Rect mFullyAdjustedImeBounds = new Rect(); /** Whether mBounds is fullscreen */ private boolean mFillsParent = true; // Device rotation as of the last time {@link #mBounds} was set. private int mRotation; /** Density as of last time {@link #mBounds} was set. */ private int mDensity; /** Support for non-zero {@link android.view.animation.Animation#getBackgroundColor()} */ private DimLayer mAnimationBackgroundSurface; /** The particular window with an Animation with non-zero background color. */ private WindowStateAnimator mAnimationBackgroundAnimator; /** Application tokens that are exiting, but still on screen for animations. */ final AppTokenList mExitingAppTokens = new AppTokenList(); final AppTokenList mTmpAppTokens = new AppTokenList(); /** Detach this stack from its display when animation completes. */ // TODO: maybe tie this to WindowContainer#removeChild some how... boolean mDeferRemoval; private final Rect mTmpAdjustedBounds = new Rect(); private boolean mAdjustedForIme; private boolean mImeGoingAway; private WindowState mImeWin; private float mMinimizeAmount; private float mAdjustImeAmount; private float mAdjustDividerAmount; private final int mDockedStackMinimizeThickness; // If this is true, we are in the bounds animating mode. The task will be down or upscaled to // perfectly fit the region it would have been cropped to. We may also avoid certain logic we // would otherwise apply while resizing, while resizing in the bounds animating mode. private boolean mBoundsAnimating = false; // Set when an animation has been requested but has not yet started from the UI thread. This is // cleared when the animation actually starts. private boolean mBoundsAnimatingRequested = false; private boolean mBoundsAnimatingToFullscreen = false; private boolean mCancelCurrentBoundsAnimation = false; private Rect mBoundsAnimationTarget = new Rect(); private Rect mBoundsAnimationSourceHintBounds = new Rect(); // Temporary storage for the new bounds that should be used after the configuration change. // Will be cleared once the client retrieves the new bounds via getBoundsForNewConfiguration(). private final Rect mBoundsAfterRotation = new Rect(); Rect mPreAnimationBounds = new Rect(); TaskStack(WindowManagerService service, int stackId) { mService = service; mStackId = stackId; mDockedStackMinimizeThickness = service.mContext.getResources().getDimensionPixelSize( com.android.internal.R.dimen.docked_stack_minimize_thickness); EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.WM_STACK_CREATED, stackId); } DisplayContent getDisplayContent() { return mDisplayContent; } Task findHomeTask() { if (mStackId != HOME_STACK_ID) { return null; } for (int i = mChildren.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (mChildren.get(i).isHomeTask()) { return mChildren.get(i); } } return null; } boolean hasMultipleTaskWithHomeTaskNotTop() { return mChildren.size() > 1 && !mChildren.get(mChildren.size() - 1).isHomeTask(); } /** * Set the bounds of the stack and its containing tasks. * @param stackBounds New stack bounds. Passing in null sets the bounds to fullscreen. * @param configs Configuration for individual tasks, keyed by task id. * @param taskBounds Bounds for individual tasks, keyed by task id. * @return True if the stack bounds was changed. * */ boolean setBounds( Rect stackBounds, SparseArray configs, SparseArray taskBounds, SparseArray taskTempInsetBounds) { setBounds(stackBounds); // Update bounds of containing tasks. for (int taskNdx = mChildren.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) { final Task task = mChildren.get(taskNdx); Configuration config = configs.get(task.mTaskId); if (config != null) { Rect bounds = taskBounds.get(task.mTaskId); task.resizeLocked(bounds, config, false /* forced */); task.setTempInsetBounds(taskTempInsetBounds != null ? taskTempInsetBounds.get(task.mTaskId) : null); } else { Slog.wtf(TAG_WM, "No config for task: " + task + ", is there a mismatch with AM?"); } } return true; } void prepareFreezingTaskBounds() { for (int taskNdx = mChildren.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) { final Task task = mChildren.get(taskNdx); task.prepareFreezingBounds(); } } /** * Overrides the adjusted bounds, i.e. sets temporary layout bounds which are different from * the normal task bounds. * * @param bounds The adjusted bounds. */ private void setAdjustedBounds(Rect bounds) { if (mAdjustedBounds.equals(bounds) && !isAnimatingForIme()) { return; } mAdjustedBounds.set(bounds); final boolean adjusted = !mAdjustedBounds.isEmpty(); Rect insetBounds = null; if (adjusted && isAdjustedForMinimizedDockedStack()) { insetBounds = mBounds; } else if (adjusted && mAdjustedForIme) { if (mImeGoingAway) { insetBounds = mBounds; } else { insetBounds = mFullyAdjustedImeBounds; } } alignTasksToAdjustedBounds(adjusted ? mAdjustedBounds : mBounds, insetBounds); mDisplayContent.setLayoutNeeded(); } private void alignTasksToAdjustedBounds(Rect adjustedBounds, Rect tempInsetBounds) { if (mFillsParent) { return; } final boolean alignBottom = mAdjustedForIme && getDockSide() == DOCKED_TOP; // Update bounds of containing tasks. for (int taskNdx = mChildren.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) { final Task task = mChildren.get(taskNdx); task.alignToAdjustedBounds(adjustedBounds, tempInsetBounds, alignBottom); } } private boolean setBounds(Rect bounds) { boolean oldFullscreen = mFillsParent; int rotation = Surface.ROTATION_0; int density = DENSITY_DPI_UNDEFINED; if (mDisplayContent != null) { mDisplayContent.getLogicalDisplayRect(mTmpRect); rotation = mDisplayContent.getDisplayInfo().rotation; density = mDisplayContent.getDisplayInfo().logicalDensityDpi; mFillsParent = bounds == null; if (mFillsParent) { bounds = mTmpRect; } } if (bounds == null) { // Can't set to fullscreen if we don't have a display to get bounds from... return false; } if (mBounds.equals(bounds) && oldFullscreen == mFillsParent && mRotation == rotation) { return false; } if (mDisplayContent != null) { mDisplayContent.mDimLayerController.updateDimLayer(this); mAnimationBackgroundSurface.setBounds(bounds); } mBounds.set(bounds); mRotation = rotation; mDensity = density; updateAdjustedBounds(); return true; } /** Bounds of the stack without adjusting for other factors in the system like visibility * of docked stack. * Most callers should be using {@link #getBounds} as it take into consideration other system * factors. */ void getRawBounds(Rect out) { out.set(mBounds); } /** Return true if the current bound can get outputted to the rest of the system as-is. */ private boolean useCurrentBounds() { if (mFillsParent || !StackId.isResizeableByDockedStack(mStackId) || mDisplayContent == null || mDisplayContent.getDockedStackLocked() != null) { return true; } return false; } public void getBounds(Rect out) { if (useCurrentBounds()) { // If we're currently adjusting for IME or minimized docked stack, we use the adjusted // bounds; otherwise, no need to adjust the output bounds if fullscreen or the docked // stack is visible since it is already what we want to represent to the rest of the // system. if (!mAdjustedBounds.isEmpty()) { out.set(mAdjustedBounds); } else { out.set(mBounds); } return; } // The bounds has been adjusted to accommodate for a docked stack, but the docked stack // is not currently visible. Go ahead a represent it as fullscreen to the rest of the // system. mDisplayContent.getLogicalDisplayRect(out); } /** * Sets the bounds animation target bounds ahead of an animation. This can't currently be done * in onAnimationStart() since that is started on the UiThread. */ void setAnimationFinalBounds(Rect sourceHintBounds, Rect destBounds, boolean toFullscreen) { mBoundsAnimatingRequested = true; mBoundsAnimatingToFullscreen = toFullscreen; if (destBounds != null) { mBoundsAnimationTarget.set(destBounds); } else { mBoundsAnimationTarget.setEmpty(); } if (sourceHintBounds != null) { mBoundsAnimationSourceHintBounds.set(sourceHintBounds); } else { mBoundsAnimationSourceHintBounds.setEmpty(); } mPreAnimationBounds.set(mBounds); } /** * @return the final bounds for the bounds animation. */ void getFinalAnimationBounds(Rect outBounds) { outBounds.set(mBoundsAnimationTarget); } /** * @return the final source bounds for the bounds animation. */ void getFinalAnimationSourceHintBounds(Rect outBounds) { outBounds.set(mBoundsAnimationSourceHintBounds); } /** * @return the final animation bounds if the task stack is currently being animated, or the * current stack bounds otherwise. */ void getAnimationOrCurrentBounds(Rect outBounds) { if ((mBoundsAnimatingRequested || mBoundsAnimating) && !mBoundsAnimationTarget.isEmpty()) { getFinalAnimationBounds(outBounds); return; } getBounds(outBounds); } /** Bounds of the stack with other system factors taken into consideration. */ @Override public void getDimBounds(Rect out) { getBounds(out); } void updateDisplayInfo(Rect bounds) { if (mDisplayContent == null) { return; } for (int taskNdx = mChildren.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) { mChildren.get(taskNdx).updateDisplayInfo(mDisplayContent); } if (bounds != null) { setBounds(bounds); return; } else if (mFillsParent) { setBounds(null); return; } mTmpRect2.set(mBounds); final int newRotation = mDisplayContent.getDisplayInfo().rotation; final int newDensity = mDisplayContent.getDisplayInfo().logicalDensityDpi; if (mRotation == newRotation && mDensity == newDensity) { setBounds(mTmpRect2); } // If the rotation or density didn't match, we'll update it in onConfigurationChanged. } /** @return true if bounds were updated to some non-empty value. */ boolean updateBoundsAfterConfigChange() { if (mDisplayContent == null) { // If the stack is already detached we're not updating anything, // as it's going away soon anyway. return false; } if (mStackId == PINNED_STACK_ID) { getAnimationOrCurrentBounds(mTmpRect2); boolean updated = mDisplayContent.mPinnedStackControllerLocked.onTaskStackBoundsChanged( mTmpRect2, mTmpRect3); if (updated) { mBoundsAfterRotation.set(mTmpRect3); // Once we've set the bounds based on the rotation of the old bounds in the new // orientation, clear the animation target bounds since they are obsolete, and // cancel any currently running animations mBoundsAnimationTarget.setEmpty(); mBoundsAnimationSourceHintBounds.setEmpty(); mCancelCurrentBoundsAnimation = true; return true; } } final int newRotation = getDisplayInfo().rotation; final int newDensity = getDisplayInfo().logicalDensityDpi; if (mRotation == newRotation && mDensity == newDensity) { // Nothing to do here as we already update the state in updateDisplayInfo. return false; } if (mFillsParent) { // Update stack bounds again since rotation changed since updateDisplayInfo(). setBounds(null); // Return false since we don't need the client to resize. return false; } mTmpRect2.set(mBounds); mDisplayContent.rotateBounds(mRotation, newRotation, mTmpRect2); switch (mStackId) { case DOCKED_STACK_ID: repositionDockedStackAfterRotation(mTmpRect2); snapDockedStackAfterRotation(mTmpRect2); final int newDockSide = getDockSide(mTmpRect2); // Update the dock create mode and clear the dock create bounds, these // might change after a rotation and the original values will be invalid. mService.setDockedStackCreateStateLocked( (newDockSide == DOCKED_LEFT || newDockSide == DOCKED_TOP) ? DOCKED_STACK_CREATE_MODE_TOP_OR_LEFT : DOCKED_STACK_CREATE_MODE_BOTTOM_OR_RIGHT, null); mDisplayContent.getDockedDividerController().notifyDockSideChanged(newDockSide); break; } mBoundsAfterRotation.set(mTmpRect2); return true; } void getBoundsForNewConfiguration(Rect outBounds) { outBounds.set(mBoundsAfterRotation); mBoundsAfterRotation.setEmpty(); } /** * Some dock sides are not allowed by the policy. This method queries the policy and moves * the docked stack around if needed. * * @param inOutBounds the bounds of the docked stack to adjust */ private void repositionDockedStackAfterRotation(Rect inOutBounds) { int dockSide = getDockSide(inOutBounds); if (mService.mPolicy.isDockSideAllowed(dockSide)) { return; } mDisplayContent.getLogicalDisplayRect(mTmpRect); dockSide = DockedDividerUtils.invertDockSide(dockSide); switch (dockSide) { case DOCKED_LEFT: int movement = inOutBounds.left; inOutBounds.left -= movement; inOutBounds.right -= movement; break; case DOCKED_RIGHT: movement = mTmpRect.right - inOutBounds.right; inOutBounds.left += movement; inOutBounds.right += movement; break; case DOCKED_TOP: movement = inOutBounds.top; inOutBounds.top -= movement; inOutBounds.bottom -= movement; break; case DOCKED_BOTTOM: movement = mTmpRect.bottom - inOutBounds.bottom; inOutBounds.top += movement; inOutBounds.bottom += movement; break; } } /** * Snaps the bounds after rotation to the closest snap target for the docked stack. */ private void snapDockedStackAfterRotation(Rect outBounds) { // Calculate the current position. final DisplayInfo displayInfo = mDisplayContent.getDisplayInfo(); final int dividerSize = mDisplayContent.getDockedDividerController().getContentWidth(); final int dockSide = getDockSide(outBounds); final int dividerPosition = DockedDividerUtils.calculatePositionForBounds(outBounds, dockSide, dividerSize); final int displayWidth = mDisplayContent.getDisplayInfo().logicalWidth; final int displayHeight = mDisplayContent.getDisplayInfo().logicalHeight; // Snap the position to a target. final int rotation = displayInfo.rotation; final int orientation = mDisplayContent.getConfiguration().orientation; mService.mPolicy.getStableInsetsLw(rotation, displayWidth, displayHeight, outBounds); final DividerSnapAlgorithm algorithm = new DividerSnapAlgorithm( mService.mContext.getResources(), displayWidth, displayHeight, dividerSize, orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT, outBounds, isMinimizedDockAndHomeStackResizable()); final SnapTarget target = algorithm.calculateNonDismissingSnapTarget(dividerPosition); // Recalculate the bounds based on the position of the target. DockedDividerUtils.calculateBoundsForPosition(target.position, dockSide, outBounds, displayInfo.logicalWidth, displayInfo.logicalHeight, dividerSize); } // TODO: Checkout the call points of this method and the ones below to see how they can fit in WC. void addTask(Task task, int position) { addTask(task, position, task.showForAllUsers(), true /* moveParents */); } /** * Put a Task in this stack. Used for adding only. * When task is added to top of the stack, the entire branch of the hierarchy (including stack * and display) will be brought to top. * @param task The task to add. * @param position Target position to add the task to. * @param showForAllUsers Whether to show the task regardless of the current user. */ void addTask(Task task, int position, boolean showForAllUsers, boolean moveParents) { final TaskStack currentStack = task.mStack; // TODO: We pass stack to task's constructor, but we still need to call this method. // This doesn't make sense, mStack will already be set equal to "this" at this point. if (currentStack != null && currentStack.mStackId != mStackId) { throw new IllegalStateException("Trying to add taskId=" + task.mTaskId + " to stackId=" + mStackId + ", but it is already attached to stackId=" + task.mStack.mStackId); } // Add child task. task.mStack = this; addChild(task, null); // Move child to a proper position, as some restriction for position might apply. positionChildAt(position, task, moveParents /* includingParents */, showForAllUsers); } @Override void positionChildAt(int position, Task child, boolean includingParents) { positionChildAt(position, child, includingParents, child.showForAllUsers()); } /** * Overridden version of {@link TaskStack#positionChildAt(int, Task, boolean)}. Used in * {@link TaskStack#addTask(Task, int, boolean showForAllUsers, boolean)}, as it can receive * showForAllUsers param from {@link AppWindowToken} instead of {@link Task#showForAllUsers()}. */ private void positionChildAt(int position, Task child, boolean includingParents, boolean showForAllUsers) { final int targetPosition = findPositionForTask(child, position, showForAllUsers, false /* addingNew */); super.positionChildAt(targetPosition, child, includingParents); // Log positioning. if (DEBUG_TASK_MOVEMENT) Slog.d(TAG_WM, "positionTask: task=" + this + " position=" + position); final int toTop = targetPosition == mChildren.size() - 1 ? 1 : 0; EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.WM_TASK_MOVED, child.mTaskId, toTop, targetPosition); } // TODO: We should really have users as a window container in the hierarchy so that we don't // have to do complicated things like we are doing in this method. private int findPositionForTask(Task task, int targetPosition, boolean showForAllUsers, boolean addingNew) { final boolean canShowTask = showForAllUsers || mService.isCurrentProfileLocked(task.mUserId); final int stackSize = mChildren.size(); int minPosition = 0; int maxPosition = addingNew ? stackSize : stackSize - 1; if (canShowTask) { minPosition = computeMinPosition(minPosition, stackSize); } else { maxPosition = computeMaxPosition(maxPosition); } // Reset position based on minimum/maximum possible positions. return Math.min(Math.max(targetPosition, minPosition), maxPosition); } /** Calculate the minimum possible position for a task that can be shown to the user. * The minimum position will be above all other tasks that can't be shown. * @param minPosition The minimum position the caller is suggesting. * We will start adjusting up from here. * @param size The size of the current task list. */ private int computeMinPosition(int minPosition, int size) { while (minPosition < size) { final Task tmpTask = mChildren.get(minPosition); final boolean canShowTmpTask = tmpTask.showForAllUsers() || mService.isCurrentProfileLocked(tmpTask.mUserId); if (canShowTmpTask) { break; } minPosition++; } return minPosition; } /** Calculate the maximum possible position for a task that can't be shown to the user. * The maximum position will be below all other tasks that can be shown. * @param maxPosition The maximum position the caller is suggesting. * We will start adjusting down from here. */ private int computeMaxPosition(int maxPosition) { while (maxPosition > 0) { final Task tmpTask = mChildren.get(maxPosition); final boolean canShowTmpTask = tmpTask.showForAllUsers() || mService.isCurrentProfileLocked(tmpTask.mUserId); if (!canShowTmpTask) { break; } maxPosition--; } return maxPosition; } /** * Delete a Task from this stack. If it is the last Task in the stack, move this stack to the * back. * @param task The Task to delete. */ @Override void removeChild(Task task) { if (DEBUG_TASK_MOVEMENT) Slog.d(TAG_WM, "removeChild: task=" + task); super.removeChild(task); task.mStack = null; if (mDisplayContent != null) { if (mChildren.isEmpty()) { getParent().positionChildAt(POSITION_BOTTOM, this, false /* includingParents */); } mDisplayContent.setLayoutNeeded(); } for (int appNdx = mExitingAppTokens.size() - 1; appNdx >= 0; --appNdx) { final AppWindowToken wtoken = mExitingAppTokens.get(appNdx); if (wtoken.getTask() == task) { wtoken.mIsExiting = false; mExitingAppTokens.remove(appNdx); } } } void onDisplayChanged(DisplayContent dc) { if (mDisplayContent != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("onDisplayChanged: Already attached"); } mDisplayContent = dc; mAnimationBackgroundSurface = new DimLayer(mService, this, mDisplayContent.getDisplayId(), "animation background stackId=" + mStackId); Rect bounds = null; final TaskStack dockedStack = dc.getDockedStackIgnoringVisibility(); if (mStackId == DOCKED_STACK_ID || (dockedStack != null && StackId.isResizeableByDockedStack(mStackId) && !dockedStack.fillsParent())) { // The existence of a docked stack affects the size of other static stack created since // the docked stack occupies a dedicated region on screen, but only if the dock stack is // not fullscreen. If it's fullscreen, it means that we are in the transition of // dismissing it, so we must not resize this stack. bounds = new Rect(); dc.getLogicalDisplayRect(mTmpRect); mTmpRect2.setEmpty(); if (dockedStack != null) { dockedStack.getRawBounds(mTmpRect2); } final boolean dockedOnTopOrLeft = mService.mDockedStackCreateMode == DOCKED_STACK_CREATE_MODE_TOP_OR_LEFT; getStackDockedModeBounds(mTmpRect, bounds, mStackId, mTmpRect2, mDisplayContent.mDividerControllerLocked.getContentWidth(), dockedOnTopOrLeft); } else if (mStackId == PINNED_STACK_ID) { // Update the bounds based on any changes to the display info getAnimationOrCurrentBounds(mTmpRect2); boolean updated = mDisplayContent.mPinnedStackControllerLocked.onTaskStackBoundsChanged( mTmpRect2, mTmpRect3); if (updated) { bounds = new Rect(mTmpRect3); } } updateDisplayInfo(bounds); super.onDisplayChanged(dc); } /** * Determines the stack and task bounds of the other stack when in docked mode. The current task * bounds is passed in but depending on the stack, the task and stack must match. Only in * minimized mode with resizable launcher, the other stack ignores calculating the stack bounds * and uses the task bounds passed in as the stack and task bounds, otherwise the stack bounds * is calculated and is also used for its task bounds. * If any of the out bounds are empty, it represents default bounds * * @param currentTempTaskBounds the current task bounds of the other stack * @param outStackBounds the calculated stack bounds of the other stack * @param outTempTaskBounds the calculated task bounds of the other stack * @param ignoreVisibility ignore visibility in getting the stack bounds */ void getStackDockedModeBoundsLocked(Rect currentTempTaskBounds, Rect outStackBounds, Rect outTempTaskBounds, boolean ignoreVisibility) { outTempTaskBounds.setEmpty(); // When the home stack is resizable, should always have the same stack and task bounds if (mStackId == HOME_STACK_ID) { final Task homeTask = findHomeTask(); if (homeTask != null && homeTask.isResizeable()) { // Calculate the home stack bounds when in docked mode and the home stack is // resizeable. getDisplayContent().mDividerControllerLocked .getHomeStackBoundsInDockedMode(outStackBounds); } else { // Home stack isn't resizeable, so don't specify stack bounds. outStackBounds.setEmpty(); } outTempTaskBounds.set(outStackBounds); return; } // When minimized state, the stack bounds for all non-home and docked stack bounds should // match the passed task bounds if (isMinimizedDockAndHomeStackResizable() && currentTempTaskBounds != null) { outStackBounds.set(currentTempTaskBounds); return; } if ((mStackId != DOCKED_STACK_ID && !StackId.isResizeableByDockedStack(mStackId)) || mDisplayContent == null) { outStackBounds.set(mBounds); return; } final TaskStack dockedStack = mDisplayContent.getDockedStackIgnoringVisibility(); if (dockedStack == null) { // Not sure why you are calling this method when there is no docked stack... throw new IllegalStateException( "Calling getStackDockedModeBoundsLocked() when there is no docked stack."); } if (!ignoreVisibility && !dockedStack.isVisible()) { // The docked stack is being dismissed, but we caught before it finished being // dismissed. In that case we want to treat it as if it is not occupying any space and // let others occupy the whole display. mDisplayContent.getLogicalDisplayRect(outStackBounds); return; } final int dockedSide = dockedStack.getDockSide(); if (dockedSide == DOCKED_INVALID) { // Not sure how you got here...Only thing we can do is return current bounds. Slog.e(TAG_WM, "Failed to get valid docked side for docked stack=" + dockedStack); outStackBounds.set(mBounds); return; } mDisplayContent.getLogicalDisplayRect(mTmpRect); dockedStack.getRawBounds(mTmpRect2); final boolean dockedOnTopOrLeft = dockedSide == DOCKED_TOP || dockedSide == DOCKED_LEFT; getStackDockedModeBounds(mTmpRect, outStackBounds, mStackId, mTmpRect2, mDisplayContent.mDividerControllerLocked.getContentWidth(), dockedOnTopOrLeft); } /** * Outputs the bounds a stack should be given the presence of a docked stack on the display. * @param displayRect The bounds of the display the docked stack is on. * @param outBounds Output bounds that should be used for the stack. * @param stackId Id of stack we are calculating the bounds for. * @param dockedBounds Bounds of the docked stack. * @param dockDividerWidth We need to know the width of the divider make to the output bounds * close to the side of the dock. * @param dockOnTopOrLeft If the docked stack is on the top or left side of the screen. */ private void getStackDockedModeBounds( Rect displayRect, Rect outBounds, int stackId, Rect dockedBounds, int dockDividerWidth, boolean dockOnTopOrLeft) { final boolean dockedStack = stackId == DOCKED_STACK_ID; final boolean splitHorizontally = displayRect.width() > displayRect.height(); outBounds.set(displayRect); if (dockedStack) { if (mService.mDockedStackCreateBounds != null) { outBounds.set(mService.mDockedStackCreateBounds); return; } // The initial bounds of the docked stack when it is created about half the screen space // and its bounds can be adjusted after that. The bounds of all other stacks are // adjusted to occupy whatever screen space the docked stack isn't occupying. final DisplayInfo di = mDisplayContent.getDisplayInfo(); mService.mPolicy.getStableInsetsLw(di.rotation, di.logicalWidth, di.logicalHeight, mTmpRect2); final int position = new DividerSnapAlgorithm(mService.mContext.getResources(), di.logicalWidth, di.logicalHeight, dockDividerWidth, mDisplayContent.getConfiguration().orientation == ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT, mTmpRect2).getMiddleTarget().position; if (dockOnTopOrLeft) { if (splitHorizontally) { outBounds.right = position; } else { outBounds.bottom = position; } } else { if (splitHorizontally) { outBounds.left = position + dockDividerWidth; } else { outBounds.top = position + dockDividerWidth; } } return; } // Other stacks occupy whatever space is left by the docked stack. if (!dockOnTopOrLeft) { if (splitHorizontally) { outBounds.right = dockedBounds.left - dockDividerWidth; } else { outBounds.bottom = dockedBounds.top - dockDividerWidth; } } else { if (splitHorizontally) { outBounds.left = dockedBounds.right + dockDividerWidth; } else { outBounds.top = dockedBounds.bottom + dockDividerWidth; } } DockedDividerUtils.sanitizeStackBounds(outBounds, !dockOnTopOrLeft); } void resetDockedStackToMiddle() { if (mStackId != DOCKED_STACK_ID) { throw new IllegalStateException("Not a docked stack=" + this); } mService.mDockedStackCreateBounds = null; final Rect bounds = new Rect(); final Rect tempBounds = new Rect(); getStackDockedModeBoundsLocked(null /* currentTempTaskBounds */, bounds, tempBounds, true /*ignoreVisibility*/); getController().requestResize(bounds); } @Override StackWindowController getController() { return (StackWindowController) super.getController(); } @Override void removeIfPossible() { if (isAnimating()) { mDeferRemoval = true; return; } removeImmediately(); } @Override void removeImmediately() { super.removeImmediately(); onRemovedFromDisplay(); } /** * Removes the stack it from its current parent, so it can be either destroyed completely or * re-parented. */ void onRemovedFromDisplay() { mDisplayContent.mDimLayerController.removeDimLayerUser(this); EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.WM_STACK_REMOVED, mStackId); if (mAnimationBackgroundSurface != null) { mAnimationBackgroundSurface.destroySurface(); mAnimationBackgroundSurface = null; } if (mStackId == DOCKED_STACK_ID) { mDisplayContent.mDividerControllerLocked.notifyDockedStackExistsChanged(false); } mDisplayContent = null; mService.mWindowPlacerLocked.requestTraversal(); } void resetAnimationBackgroundAnimator() { mAnimationBackgroundAnimator = null; mAnimationBackgroundSurface.hide(); } void setAnimationBackground(WindowStateAnimator winAnimator, int color) { int animLayer = winAnimator.mAnimLayer; if (mAnimationBackgroundAnimator == null || animLayer < mAnimationBackgroundAnimator.mAnimLayer) { mAnimationBackgroundAnimator = winAnimator; animLayer = mDisplayContent.getLayerForAnimationBackground(winAnimator); mAnimationBackgroundSurface.show(animLayer - LAYER_OFFSET_DIM, ((color >> 24) & 0xff) / 255f, 0); } } // TODO: Should each user have there own stacks? @Override void switchUser() { super.switchUser(); int top = mChildren.size(); for (int taskNdx = 0; taskNdx < top; ++taskNdx) { Task task = mChildren.get(taskNdx); if (mService.isCurrentProfileLocked(task.mUserId) || task.showForAllUsers()) { mChildren.remove(taskNdx); mChildren.add(task); --top; } } } /** * Adjusts the stack bounds if the IME is visible. * * @param imeWin The IME window. */ void setAdjustedForIme(WindowState imeWin, boolean forceUpdate) { mImeWin = imeWin; mImeGoingAway = false; if (!mAdjustedForIme || forceUpdate) { mAdjustedForIme = true; mAdjustImeAmount = 0f; mAdjustDividerAmount = 0f; updateAdjustForIme(0f, 0f, true /* force */); } } boolean isAdjustedForIme() { return mAdjustedForIme; } boolean isAnimatingForIme() { return mImeWin != null && mImeWin.isAnimatingLw(); } /** * Update the stack's bounds (crop or position) according to the IME window's * current position. When IME window is animated, the bottom stack is animated * together to track the IME window's current position, and the top stack is * cropped as necessary. * * @return true if a traversal should be performed after the adjustment. */ boolean updateAdjustForIme(float adjustAmount, float adjustDividerAmount, boolean force) { if (adjustAmount != mAdjustImeAmount || adjustDividerAmount != mAdjustDividerAmount || force) { mAdjustImeAmount = adjustAmount; mAdjustDividerAmount = adjustDividerAmount; updateAdjustedBounds(); return isVisible(); } else { return false; } } /** * Resets the adjustment after it got adjusted for the IME. * @param adjustBoundsNow if true, reset and update the bounds immediately and forget about * animations; otherwise, set flag and animates the window away together * with IME window. */ void resetAdjustedForIme(boolean adjustBoundsNow) { if (adjustBoundsNow) { mImeWin = null; mAdjustedForIme = false; mImeGoingAway = false; mAdjustImeAmount = 0f; mAdjustDividerAmount = 0f; updateAdjustedBounds(); mService.setResizeDimLayer(false, mStackId, 1.0f); } else { mImeGoingAway |= mAdjustedForIme; } } /** * Sets the amount how much we currently minimize our stack. * * @param minimizeAmount The amount, between 0 and 1. * @return Whether the amount has changed and a layout is needed. */ boolean setAdjustedForMinimizedDock(float minimizeAmount) { if (minimizeAmount != mMinimizeAmount) { mMinimizeAmount = minimizeAmount; updateAdjustedBounds(); return isVisible(); } else { return false; } } boolean shouldIgnoreInput() { return isAdjustedForMinimizedDockedStack() || mStackId == DOCKED_STACK_ID && isMinimizedDockAndHomeStackResizable(); } /** * Puts all visible tasks that are adjusted for IME into resizing mode and adds the windows * to the list of to be drawn windows the service is waiting for. */ void beginImeAdjustAnimation() { for (int j = mChildren.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { final Task task = mChildren.get(j); if (task.hasContentToDisplay()) { task.setDragResizing(true, DRAG_RESIZE_MODE_DOCKED_DIVIDER); task.setWaitingForDrawnIfResizingChanged(); } } } /** * Resets the resizing state of all windows. */ void endImeAdjustAnimation() { for (int j = mChildren.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { mChildren.get(j).setDragResizing(false, DRAG_RESIZE_MODE_DOCKED_DIVIDER); } } int getMinTopStackBottom(final Rect displayContentRect, int originalStackBottom) { return displayContentRect.top + (int) ((originalStackBottom - displayContentRect.top) * ADJUSTED_STACK_FRACTION_MIN); } private boolean adjustForIME(final WindowState imeWin) { final int dockedSide = getDockSide(); final boolean dockedTopOrBottom = dockedSide == DOCKED_TOP || dockedSide == DOCKED_BOTTOM; if (imeWin == null || !dockedTopOrBottom) { return false; } final Rect displayContentRect = mTmpRect; final Rect contentBounds = mTmpRect2; // Calculate the content bounds excluding the area occupied by IME getDisplayContent().getContentRect(displayContentRect); contentBounds.set(displayContentRect); int imeTop = Math.max(imeWin.getFrameLw().top, contentBounds.top); imeTop += imeWin.getGivenContentInsetsLw().top; if (contentBounds.bottom > imeTop) { contentBounds.bottom = imeTop; } final int yOffset = displayContentRect.bottom - contentBounds.bottom; final int dividerWidth = getDisplayContent().mDividerControllerLocked.getContentWidth(); final int dividerWidthInactive = getDisplayContent().mDividerControllerLocked.getContentWidthInactive(); if (dockedSide == DOCKED_TOP) { // If this stack is docked on top, we make it smaller so the bottom stack is not // occluded by IME. We shift its bottom up by the height of the IME, but // leaves at least 30% of the top stack visible. final int minTopStackBottom = getMinTopStackBottom(displayContentRect, mBounds.bottom); final int bottom = Math.max( mBounds.bottom - yOffset + dividerWidth - dividerWidthInactive, minTopStackBottom); mTmpAdjustedBounds.set(mBounds); mTmpAdjustedBounds.bottom = (int) (mAdjustImeAmount * bottom + (1 - mAdjustImeAmount) * mBounds.bottom); mFullyAdjustedImeBounds.set(mBounds); } else { // When the stack is on bottom and has no focus, it's only adjusted for divider width. final int dividerWidthDelta = dividerWidthInactive - dividerWidth; // When the stack is on bottom and has focus, it needs to be moved up so as to // not occluded by IME, and at the same time adjusted for divider width. // We try to move it up by the height of the IME window, but only to the extent // that leaves at least 30% of the top stack visible. // 'top' is where the top of bottom stack will move to in this case. final int topBeforeImeAdjust = mBounds.top - dividerWidth + dividerWidthInactive; final int minTopStackBottom = getMinTopStackBottom(displayContentRect, mBounds.top - dividerWidth); final int top = Math.max( mBounds.top - yOffset, minTopStackBottom + dividerWidthInactive); mTmpAdjustedBounds.set(mBounds); // Account for the adjustment for IME and divider width separately. // (top - topBeforeImeAdjust) is the amount of movement due to IME only, // and dividerWidthDelta is due to divider width change only. mTmpAdjustedBounds.top = mBounds.top + (int) (mAdjustImeAmount * (top - topBeforeImeAdjust) + mAdjustDividerAmount * dividerWidthDelta); mFullyAdjustedImeBounds.set(mBounds); mFullyAdjustedImeBounds.top = top; mFullyAdjustedImeBounds.bottom = top + mBounds.height(); } return true; } private boolean adjustForMinimizedDockedStack(float minimizeAmount) { final int dockSide = getDockSide(); if (dockSide == DOCKED_INVALID && !mTmpAdjustedBounds.isEmpty()) { return false; } if (dockSide == DOCKED_TOP) { mService.getStableInsetsLocked(DEFAULT_DISPLAY, mTmpRect); int topInset = mTmpRect.top; mTmpAdjustedBounds.set(mBounds); mTmpAdjustedBounds.bottom = (int) (minimizeAmount * topInset + (1 - minimizeAmount) * mBounds.bottom); } else if (dockSide == DOCKED_LEFT) { mTmpAdjustedBounds.set(mBounds); final int width = mBounds.width(); mTmpAdjustedBounds.right = (int) (minimizeAmount * mDockedStackMinimizeThickness + (1 - minimizeAmount) * mBounds.right); mTmpAdjustedBounds.left = mTmpAdjustedBounds.right - width; } else if (dockSide == DOCKED_RIGHT) { mTmpAdjustedBounds.set(mBounds); mTmpAdjustedBounds.left = (int) (minimizeAmount * (mBounds.right - mDockedStackMinimizeThickness) + (1 - minimizeAmount) * mBounds.left); } return true; } private boolean isMinimizedDockAndHomeStackResizable() { return mDisplayContent.mDividerControllerLocked.isMinimizedDock() && mDisplayContent.mDividerControllerLocked.isHomeStackResizable(); } /** * @return the distance in pixels how much the stack gets minimized from it's original size */ int getMinimizeDistance() { final int dockSide = getDockSide(); if (dockSide == DOCKED_INVALID) { return 0; } if (dockSide == DOCKED_TOP) { mService.getStableInsetsLocked(DEFAULT_DISPLAY, mTmpRect); int topInset = mTmpRect.top; return mBounds.bottom - topInset; } else if (dockSide == DOCKED_LEFT || dockSide == DOCKED_RIGHT) { return mBounds.width() - mDockedStackMinimizeThickness; } else { return 0; } } /** * Updates the adjustment depending on it's current state. */ private void updateAdjustedBounds() { boolean adjust = false; if (mMinimizeAmount != 0f) { adjust = adjustForMinimizedDockedStack(mMinimizeAmount); } else if (mAdjustedForIme) { adjust = adjustForIME(mImeWin); } if (!adjust) { mTmpAdjustedBounds.setEmpty(); } setAdjustedBounds(mTmpAdjustedBounds); final boolean isImeTarget = (mService.getImeFocusStackLocked() == this); if (mAdjustedForIme && adjust && !isImeTarget) { final float alpha = Math.max(mAdjustImeAmount, mAdjustDividerAmount) * IME_ADJUST_DIM_AMOUNT; mService.setResizeDimLayer(true, mStackId, alpha); } } void applyAdjustForImeIfNeeded(Task task) { if (mMinimizeAmount != 0f || !mAdjustedForIme || mAdjustedBounds.isEmpty()) { return; } final Rect insetBounds = mImeGoingAway ? mBounds : mFullyAdjustedImeBounds; task.alignToAdjustedBounds(mAdjustedBounds, insetBounds, getDockSide() == DOCKED_TOP); mDisplayContent.setLayoutNeeded(); } boolean isAdjustedForMinimizedDockedStack() { return mMinimizeAmount != 0f; } public void dump(String prefix, PrintWriter pw) { pw.println(prefix + "mStackId=" + mStackId); pw.println(prefix + "mDeferRemoval=" + mDeferRemoval); pw.println(prefix + "mFillsParent=" + mFillsParent); pw.println(prefix + "mBounds=" + mBounds.toShortString()); if (mMinimizeAmount != 0f) { pw.println(prefix + "mMinimizeAmount=" + mMinimizeAmount); } if (mAdjustedForIme) { pw.println(prefix + "mAdjustedForIme=true"); pw.println(prefix + "mAdjustImeAmount=" + mAdjustImeAmount); pw.println(prefix + "mAdjustDividerAmount=" + mAdjustDividerAmount); } if (!mAdjustedBounds.isEmpty()) { pw.println(prefix + "mAdjustedBounds=" + mAdjustedBounds.toShortString()); } for (int taskNdx = mChildren.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; taskNdx--) { mChildren.get(taskNdx).dump(prefix + " ", pw); } if (mAnimationBackgroundSurface.isDimming()) { pw.println(prefix + "mWindowAnimationBackgroundSurface:"); mAnimationBackgroundSurface.printTo(prefix + " ", pw); } if (!mExitingAppTokens.isEmpty()) { pw.println(); pw.println(" Exiting application tokens:"); for (int i = mExitingAppTokens.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { WindowToken token = mExitingAppTokens.get(i); pw.print(" Exiting App #"); pw.print(i); pw.print(' '); pw.print(token); pw.println(':'); token.dump(pw, " "); } } } /** Fullscreen status of the stack without adjusting for other factors in the system like * visibility of docked stack. * Most callers should be using {@link #fillsParent} as it take into consideration other * system factors. */ boolean getRawFullscreen() { return mFillsParent; } @Override public boolean dimFullscreen() { return StackId.isHomeOrRecentsStack(mStackId) || fillsParent(); } @Override boolean fillsParent() { if (useCurrentBounds()) { return mFillsParent; } // The bounds has been adjusted to accommodate for a docked stack, but the docked stack // is not currently visible. Go ahead a represent it as fullscreen to the rest of the // system. return true; } @Override public DisplayInfo getDisplayInfo() { return mDisplayContent.getDisplayInfo(); } @Override public boolean isAttachedToDisplay() { return mDisplayContent != null; } @Override public String toString() { return "{stackId=" + mStackId + " tasks=" + mChildren + "}"; } String getName() { return toShortString(); } @Override public String toShortString() { return "Stack=" + mStackId; } /** * For docked workspace (or workspace that's side-by-side to the docked), provides * information which side of the screen was the dock anchored. */ int getDockSide() { return getDockSide(mBounds); } int getDockSide(Rect bounds) { if (mStackId != DOCKED_STACK_ID && !StackId.isResizeableByDockedStack(mStackId)) { return DOCKED_INVALID; } if (mDisplayContent == null) { return DOCKED_INVALID; } mDisplayContent.getLogicalDisplayRect(mTmpRect); final int orientation = mDisplayContent.getConfiguration().orientation; return getDockSideUnchecked(bounds, mTmpRect, orientation); } static int getDockSideUnchecked(Rect bounds, Rect displayRect, int orientation) { if (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT) { // Portrait mode, docked either at the top or the bottom. if (bounds.top - displayRect.top <= displayRect.bottom - bounds.bottom) { return DOCKED_TOP; } else { return DOCKED_BOTTOM; } } else if (orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE) { // Landscape mode, docked either on the left or on the right. if (bounds.left - displayRect.left <= displayRect.right - bounds.right) { return DOCKED_LEFT; } else { return DOCKED_RIGHT; } } else { return DOCKED_INVALID; } } boolean hasTaskForUser(int userId) { for (int i = mChildren.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { final Task task = mChildren.get(i); if (task.mUserId == userId) { return true; } } return false; } int taskIdFromPoint(int x, int y) { getBounds(mTmpRect); if (!mTmpRect.contains(x, y) || isAdjustedForMinimizedDockedStack()) { return -1; } for (int taskNdx = mChildren.size() - 1; taskNdx >= 0; --taskNdx) { final Task task = mChildren.get(taskNdx); final WindowState win = task.getTopVisibleAppMainWindow(); if (win == null) { continue; } // We need to use the task's dim bounds (which is derived from the visible bounds of its // apps windows) for any touch-related tests. Can't use the task's original bounds // because it might be adjusted to fit the content frame. For example, the presence of // the IME adjusting the windows frames when the app window is the IME target. task.getDimBounds(mTmpRect); if (mTmpRect.contains(x, y)) { return task.mTaskId; } } return -1; } void findTaskForResizePoint(int x, int y, int delta, DisplayContent.TaskForResizePointSearchResult results) { if (!StackId.isTaskResizeAllowed(mStackId)) { results.searchDone = true; return; } for (int i = mChildren.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final Task task = mChildren.get(i); if (task.isFullscreen()) { results.searchDone = true; return; } // We need to use the task's dim bounds (which is derived from the visible bounds of // its apps windows) for any touch-related tests. Can't use the task's original // bounds because it might be adjusted to fit the content frame. One example is when // the task is put to top-left quadrant, the actual visible area would not start at // (0,0) after it's adjusted for the status bar. task.getDimBounds(mTmpRect); mTmpRect.inset(-delta, -delta); if (mTmpRect.contains(x, y)) { mTmpRect.inset(delta, delta); results.searchDone = true; if (!mTmpRect.contains(x, y)) { results.taskForResize = task; return; } // User touched inside the task. No need to look further, // focus transfer will be handled in ACTION_UP. return; } } } void setTouchExcludeRegion(Task focusedTask, int delta, Region touchExcludeRegion, Rect contentRect, Rect postExclude) { for (int i = mChildren.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { final Task task = mChildren.get(i); AppWindowToken token = task.getTopVisibleAppToken(); if (token == null || !token.hasContentToDisplay()) { continue; } /** * Exclusion region is the region that TapDetector doesn't care about. * Here we want to remove all non-focused tasks from the exclusion region. * We also remove the outside touch area for resizing for all freeform * tasks (including the focused). * * We save the focused task region once we find it, and add it back at the end. * * If the task is home stack and it is resizable in the minimized state, we want to * exclude the docked stack from touch so we need the entire screen area and not just a * small portion which the home stack currently is resized to. */ if (task.isHomeTask() && isMinimizedDockAndHomeStackResizable()) { mDisplayContent.getLogicalDisplayRect(mTmpRect); } else { task.getDimBounds(mTmpRect); } if (task == focusedTask) { // Add the focused task rect back into the exclude region once we are done // processing stacks. postExclude.set(mTmpRect); } final boolean isFreeformed = task.inFreeformWorkspace(); if (task != focusedTask || isFreeformed) { if (isFreeformed) { // If the task is freeformed, enlarge the area to account for outside // touch area for resize. mTmpRect.inset(-delta, -delta); // Intersect with display content rect. If we have system decor (status bar/ // navigation bar), we want to exclude that from the tap detection. // Otherwise, if the app is partially placed under some system button (eg. // Recents, Home), pressing that button would cause a full series of // unwanted transfer focus/resume/pause, before we could go home. mTmpRect.intersect(contentRect); } touchExcludeRegion.op(mTmpRect, Region.Op.DIFFERENCE); } } } public boolean setPinnedStackSize(Rect stackBounds, Rect tempTaskBounds) { // Hold the lock since this is called from the BoundsAnimator running on the UiThread synchronized (mService.mWindowMap) { if (mCancelCurrentBoundsAnimation) { return false; } } try { mService.mActivityManager.resizePinnedStack(stackBounds, tempTaskBounds); } catch (RemoteException e) { // I don't believe you. } return true; } void onAllWindowsDrawn() { if (!mBoundsAnimating && !mBoundsAnimatingRequested) { return; } mService.mBoundsAnimationController.onAllWindowsDrawn(); } @Override // AnimatesBounds public void onAnimationStart(boolean schedulePipModeChangedCallback, boolean forceUpdate) { // Hold the lock since this is called from the BoundsAnimator running on the UiThread synchronized (mService.mWindowMap) { mBoundsAnimatingRequested = false; mBoundsAnimating = true; mCancelCurrentBoundsAnimation = false; // If we are changing UI mode, as in the PiP to fullscreen // transition, then we need to wait for the window to draw. if (schedulePipModeChangedCallback) { forAllWindows((w) -> { w.mWinAnimator.resetDrawState(); }, false /* traverseTopToBottom */); } } if (mStackId == PINNED_STACK_ID) { try { mService.mActivityManager.notifyPinnedStackAnimationStarted(); } catch (RemoteException e) { // I don't believe you... } final PinnedStackWindowController controller = (PinnedStackWindowController) getController(); if (schedulePipModeChangedCallback && controller != null) { // We need to schedule the PiP mode change before the animation up. It is possible // in this case for the animation down to not have been completed, so always // force-schedule and update to the client to ensure that it is notified that it // is no longer in picture-in-picture mode controller.updatePictureInPictureModeForPinnedStackAnimation(null, forceUpdate); } } } @Override // AnimatesBounds public void onAnimationEnd(boolean schedulePipModeChangedCallback, Rect finalStackSize, boolean moveToFullscreen) { // Hold the lock since this is called from the BoundsAnimator running on the UiThread synchronized (mService.mWindowMap) { mBoundsAnimating = false; for (int i = 0; i < mChildren.size(); i++) { final Task t = mChildren.get(i); t.clearPreserveNonFloatingState(); } mService.requestTraversal(); } if (mStackId == PINNED_STACK_ID) { // Update to the final bounds if requested. This is done here instead of in the bounds // animator to allow us to coordinate this after we notify the PiP mode changed final PinnedStackWindowController controller = (PinnedStackWindowController) getController(); if (schedulePipModeChangedCallback && controller != null) { // We need to schedule the PiP mode change after the animation down, so use the // final bounds controller.updatePictureInPictureModeForPinnedStackAnimation( mBoundsAnimationTarget, false /* forceUpdate */); } if (finalStackSize != null) { setPinnedStackSize(finalStackSize, null); } try { mService.mActivityManager.notifyPinnedStackAnimationEnded(); if (moveToFullscreen) { mService.mActivityManager.moveTasksToFullscreenStack(mStackId, true /* onTop */); } } catch (RemoteException e) { // I don't believe you... } } } /** * @return True if we are currently animating the pinned stack from fullscreen to non-fullscreen * bounds and we have a deferred PiP mode changed callback set with the animation. */ public boolean deferScheduleMultiWindowModeChanged() { if (mStackId == PINNED_STACK_ID) { return (mBoundsAnimatingRequested || mBoundsAnimating); } return false; } public boolean hasMovementAnimations() { return StackId.hasMovementAnimations(mStackId); } public boolean isForceScaled() { return mBoundsAnimating; } public boolean isAnimatingBounds() { return mBoundsAnimating; } public boolean lastAnimatingBoundsWasToFullscreen() { return mBoundsAnimatingToFullscreen; } public boolean isAnimatingBoundsToFullscreen() { return isAnimatingBounds() && lastAnimatingBoundsWasToFullscreen(); } public boolean pinnedStackResizeDisallowed() { if (mBoundsAnimating && mCancelCurrentBoundsAnimation) { return true; } return false; } /** Returns true if a removal action is still being deferred. */ boolean checkCompleteDeferredRemoval() { if (isAnimating()) { return true; } if (mDeferRemoval) { removeImmediately(); } return super.checkCompleteDeferredRemoval(); } void stepAppWindowsAnimation(long currentTime) { super.stepAppWindowsAnimation(currentTime); // TODO: Why aren't we just using the loop above for this? mAppAnimator.animating isn't set // below but is set in the loop above. See if it really matters... // Clear before using. mTmpAppTokens.clear(); // We copy the list as things can be removed from the exiting token list while we are // processing. mTmpAppTokens.addAll(mExitingAppTokens); for (int i = 0; i < mTmpAppTokens.size(); i++) { final AppWindowAnimator appAnimator = mTmpAppTokens.get(i).mAppAnimator; appAnimator.wasAnimating = appAnimator.animating; if (appAnimator.stepAnimationLocked(currentTime)) { mService.mAnimator.setAnimating(true); mService.mAnimator.mAppWindowAnimating = true; } else if (appAnimator.wasAnimating) { // stopped animating, do one more pass through the layout appAnimator.mAppToken.setAppLayoutChanges(FINISH_LAYOUT_REDO_WALLPAPER, "exiting appToken " + appAnimator.mAppToken + " done"); if (DEBUG_ANIM) Slog.v(TAG_WM, "updateWindowsApps...: done animating exiting " + appAnimator.mAppToken); } } // Clear to avoid holding reference to tokens. mTmpAppTokens.clear(); } @Override int getOrientation() { return (StackId.canSpecifyOrientation(mStackId)) ? super.getOrientation() : SCREEN_ORIENTATION_UNSET; } }