/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License */ package com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification; import android.text.Layout; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Pools; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TextView; /** * A transform state of a mText view. */ public class TextViewTransformState extends TransformState { private static Pools.SimplePool sInstancePool = new Pools.SimplePool<>(40); private TextView mText; @Override public void initFrom(View view) { super.initFrom(view); if (view instanceof TextView) { mText = (TextView) view; } } @Override protected boolean sameAs(TransformState otherState) { if (super.sameAs(otherState)) { return true; } if (otherState instanceof TextViewTransformState) { TextViewTransformState otherTvs = (TextViewTransformState) otherState; if(TextUtils.equals(otherTvs.mText.getText(), mText.getText())) { int ownEllipsized = getEllipsisCount(); int otherEllipsized = otherTvs.getEllipsisCount(); return ownEllipsized == otherEllipsized && mText.getLineCount() == otherTvs.mText.getLineCount() && hasSameSpans(otherTvs); } } return false; } private boolean hasSameSpans(TextViewTransformState otherTvs) { boolean hasSpans = mText instanceof Spanned; boolean otherHasSpans = otherTvs.mText instanceof Spanned; if (hasSpans != otherHasSpans) { return false; } else if (!hasSpans) { return true; } // Actually both have spans, let's try to compare them Spanned ownSpanned = (Spanned) mText; Object[] spans = ownSpanned.getSpans(0, ownSpanned.length(), Object.class); Spanned otherSpanned = (Spanned) otherTvs.mText; Object[] otherSpans = otherSpanned.getSpans(0, otherSpanned.length(), Object.class); if (spans.length != otherSpans.length) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) { Object span = spans[i]; Object otherSpan = otherSpans[i]; if (!span.getClass().equals(otherSpan.getClass())) { return false; } if (ownSpanned.getSpanStart(span) != otherSpanned.getSpanStart(otherSpan) || ownSpanned.getSpanEnd(span) != otherSpanned.getSpanEnd(otherSpan)) { return false; } } return true; } @Override protected boolean transformScale(TransformState otherState) { if (!(otherState instanceof TextViewTransformState)) { return false; } TextViewTransformState otherTvs = (TextViewTransformState) otherState; int lineCount = mText.getLineCount(); return lineCount == 1 && lineCount == otherTvs.mText.getLineCount() && getEllipsisCount() == otherTvs.getEllipsisCount() && getViewHeight() != otherTvs.getViewHeight(); } @Override protected int getViewWidth() { Layout l = mText.getLayout(); if (l != null) { return (int) l.getLineWidth(0); } return super.getViewWidth(); } @Override protected int getViewHeight() { return mText.getLineHeight(); } private int getInnerHeight(TextView text) { return text.getHeight() - text.getPaddingTop() - text.getPaddingBottom(); } private int getEllipsisCount() { Layout l = mText.getLayout(); if (l != null) { int lines = l.getLineCount(); if (lines > 0) { // we only care about the first line return l.getEllipsisCount(0); } } return 0; } public static TextViewTransformState obtain() { TextViewTransformState instance = sInstancePool.acquire(); if (instance != null) { return instance; } return new TextViewTransformState(); } @Override public void recycle() { super.recycle(); sInstancePool.release(this); } @Override protected void reset() { super.reset(); mText = null; } }