/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.systemui.statusbar.policy; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.database.ContentObserver; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.os.SystemClock; import android.provider.Settings; import android.support.v4.util.ArraySet; import android.util.ArrayMap; import android.util.Log; import android.util.Pools; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewTreeObserver; import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityEvent; import com.android.internal.logging.MetricsLogger; import com.android.systemui.R; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.ExpandableNotificationRow; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.NotificationData; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.StatusBarState; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.notification.VisualStabilityManager; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.NotificationGroupManager; import com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.StatusBar; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Stack; /** * A manager which handles heads up notifications which is a special mode where * they simply peek from the top of the screen. */ public class HeadsUpManager implements ViewTreeObserver.OnComputeInternalInsetsListener, VisualStabilityManager.Callback { private static final String TAG = "HeadsUpManager"; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; private static final String SETTING_HEADS_UP_SNOOZE_LENGTH_MS = "heads_up_snooze_length_ms"; private static final int TAG_CLICKED_NOTIFICATION = R.id.is_clicked_heads_up_tag; private final int mHeadsUpNotificationDecay; private final int mMinimumDisplayTime; private final int mTouchAcceptanceDelay; private final ArrayMap mSnoozedPackages; private final HashSet mListeners = new HashSet<>(); private final int mDefaultSnoozeLengthMs; private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); private final Pools.Pool mEntryPool = new Pools.Pool() { private Stack mPoolObjects = new Stack<>(); @Override public HeadsUpEntry acquire() { if (!mPoolObjects.isEmpty()) { return mPoolObjects.pop(); } return new HeadsUpEntry(); } @Override public boolean release(HeadsUpEntry instance) { instance.reset(); mPoolObjects.push(instance); return true; } }; private final View mStatusBarWindowView; private final int mStatusBarHeight; private final Context mContext; private final NotificationGroupManager mGroupManager; private StatusBar mBar; private int mSnoozeLengthMs; private ContentObserver mSettingsObserver; private HashMap mHeadsUpEntries = new HashMap<>(); private HashSet mSwipedOutKeys = new HashSet<>(); private int mUser; private Clock mClock; private boolean mReleaseOnExpandFinish; private boolean mTrackingHeadsUp; private HashSet mEntriesToRemoveAfterExpand = new HashSet<>(); private ArraySet mEntriesToRemoveWhenReorderingAllowed = new ArraySet<>(); private boolean mIsExpanded; private boolean mHasPinnedNotification; private int[] mTmpTwoArray = new int[2]; private boolean mHeadsUpGoingAway; private boolean mWaitingOnCollapseWhenGoingAway; private boolean mIsObserving; private boolean mRemoteInputActive; private float mExpandedHeight; private VisualStabilityManager mVisualStabilityManager; private int mStatusBarState; public HeadsUpManager(final Context context, View statusBarWindowView, NotificationGroupManager groupManager) { mContext = context; Resources resources = mContext.getResources(); mTouchAcceptanceDelay = resources.getInteger(R.integer.touch_acceptance_delay); mSnoozedPackages = new ArrayMap<>(); mDefaultSnoozeLengthMs = resources.getInteger(R.integer.heads_up_default_snooze_length_ms); mSnoozeLengthMs = mDefaultSnoozeLengthMs; mMinimumDisplayTime = resources.getInteger(R.integer.heads_up_notification_minimum_time); mHeadsUpNotificationDecay = resources.getInteger(R.integer.heads_up_notification_decay); mClock = new Clock(); mSnoozeLengthMs = Settings.Global.getInt(context.getContentResolver(), SETTING_HEADS_UP_SNOOZE_LENGTH_MS, mDefaultSnoozeLengthMs); mSettingsObserver = new ContentObserver(mHandler) { @Override public void onChange(boolean selfChange) { final int packageSnoozeLengthMs = Settings.Global.getInt( context.getContentResolver(), SETTING_HEADS_UP_SNOOZE_LENGTH_MS, -1); if (packageSnoozeLengthMs > -1 && packageSnoozeLengthMs != mSnoozeLengthMs) { mSnoozeLengthMs = packageSnoozeLengthMs; if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "mSnoozeLengthMs = " + mSnoozeLengthMs); } } }; context.getContentResolver().registerContentObserver( Settings.Global.getUriFor(SETTING_HEADS_UP_SNOOZE_LENGTH_MS), false, mSettingsObserver); mStatusBarWindowView = statusBarWindowView; mGroupManager = groupManager; mStatusBarHeight = resources.getDimensionPixelSize( com.android.internal.R.dimen.status_bar_height); } private void updateTouchableRegionListener() { boolean shouldObserve = mHasPinnedNotification || mHeadsUpGoingAway || mWaitingOnCollapseWhenGoingAway; if (shouldObserve == mIsObserving) { return; } if (shouldObserve) { mStatusBarWindowView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnComputeInternalInsetsListener(this); mStatusBarWindowView.requestLayout(); } else { mStatusBarWindowView.getViewTreeObserver().removeOnComputeInternalInsetsListener(this); } mIsObserving = shouldObserve; } public void setBar(StatusBar bar) { mBar = bar; } public void addListener(OnHeadsUpChangedListener listener) { mListeners.add(listener); } public void removeListener(OnHeadsUpChangedListener listener) { mListeners.remove(listener); } public StatusBar getBar() { return mBar; } /** * Called when posting a new notification to the heads up. */ public void showNotification(NotificationData.Entry headsUp) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "showNotification"); addHeadsUpEntry(headsUp); updateNotification(headsUp, true); headsUp.setInterruption(); } /** * Called when updating or posting a notification to the heads up. */ public void updateNotification(NotificationData.Entry headsUp, boolean alert) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "updateNotification"); headsUp.row.sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED); if (alert) { HeadsUpEntry headsUpEntry = mHeadsUpEntries.get(headsUp.key); if (headsUpEntry == null) { // the entry was released before this update (i.e by a listener) This can happen // with the groupmanager return; } headsUpEntry.updateEntry(); setEntryPinned(headsUpEntry, shouldHeadsUpBecomePinned(headsUp)); } } private void addHeadsUpEntry(NotificationData.Entry entry) { HeadsUpEntry headsUpEntry = mEntryPool.acquire(); // This will also add the entry to the sortedList headsUpEntry.setEntry(entry); mHeadsUpEntries.put(entry.key, headsUpEntry); entry.row.setHeadsUp(true); setEntryPinned(headsUpEntry, shouldHeadsUpBecomePinned(entry)); for (OnHeadsUpChangedListener listener : mListeners) { listener.onHeadsUpStateChanged(entry, true); } entry.row.sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED); } private boolean shouldHeadsUpBecomePinned(NotificationData.Entry entry) { return mStatusBarState != StatusBarState.KEYGUARD && !mIsExpanded || hasFullScreenIntent(entry); } private boolean hasFullScreenIntent(NotificationData.Entry entry) { return entry.notification.getNotification().fullScreenIntent != null; } private void setEntryPinned(HeadsUpEntry headsUpEntry, boolean isPinned) { ExpandableNotificationRow row = headsUpEntry.entry.row; if (row.isPinned() != isPinned) { row.setPinned(isPinned); updatePinnedMode(); for (OnHeadsUpChangedListener listener : mListeners) { if (isPinned) { listener.onHeadsUpPinned(row); } else { listener.onHeadsUpUnPinned(row); } } } } private void removeHeadsUpEntry(NotificationData.Entry entry) { HeadsUpEntry remove = mHeadsUpEntries.remove(entry.key); entry.row.sendAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED); entry.row.setHeadsUp(false); setEntryPinned(remove, false /* isPinned */); for (OnHeadsUpChangedListener listener : mListeners) { listener.onHeadsUpStateChanged(entry, false); } mEntryPool.release(remove); } public void removeAllHeadsUpEntries() { for (String key : mHeadsUpEntries.keySet()) { removeHeadsUpEntry(mHeadsUpEntries.get(key).entry); } } private void updatePinnedMode() { boolean hasPinnedNotification = hasPinnedNotificationInternal(); if (hasPinnedNotification == mHasPinnedNotification) { return; } mHasPinnedNotification = hasPinnedNotification; if (mHasPinnedNotification) { MetricsLogger.count(mContext, "note_peek", 1); } updateTouchableRegionListener(); for (OnHeadsUpChangedListener listener : mListeners) { listener.onHeadsUpPinnedModeChanged(hasPinnedNotification); } } /** * React to the removal of the notification in the heads up. * * @return true if the notification was removed and false if it still needs to be kept around * for a bit since it wasn't shown long enough */ public boolean removeNotification(String key, boolean ignoreEarliestRemovalTime) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "remove"); if (wasShownLongEnough(key) || ignoreEarliestRemovalTime) { releaseImmediately(key); return true; } else { getHeadsUpEntry(key).removeAsSoonAsPossible(); return false; } } private boolean wasShownLongEnough(String key) { HeadsUpEntry headsUpEntry = getHeadsUpEntry(key); HeadsUpEntry topEntry = getTopEntry(); if (mSwipedOutKeys.contains(key)) { // We always instantly dismiss views being manually swiped out. mSwipedOutKeys.remove(key); return true; } if (headsUpEntry != topEntry) { return true; } return headsUpEntry.wasShownLongEnough(); } public boolean isHeadsUp(String key) { return mHeadsUpEntries.containsKey(key); } /** * Push any current Heads Up notification down into the shade. */ public void releaseAllImmediately() { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "releaseAllImmediately"); ArrayList keys = new ArrayList<>(mHeadsUpEntries.keySet()); for (String key : keys) { releaseImmediately(key); } } public void releaseImmediately(String key) { HeadsUpEntry headsUpEntry = getHeadsUpEntry(key); if (headsUpEntry == null) { return; } NotificationData.Entry shadeEntry = headsUpEntry.entry; removeHeadsUpEntry(shadeEntry); } public boolean isSnoozed(String packageName) { final String key = snoozeKey(packageName, mUser); Long snoozedUntil = mSnoozedPackages.get(key); if (snoozedUntil != null) { if (snoozedUntil > SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()) { if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, key + " snoozed"); return true; } mSnoozedPackages.remove(packageName); } return false; } public void snooze() { for (String key : mHeadsUpEntries.keySet()) { HeadsUpEntry entry = mHeadsUpEntries.get(key); String packageName = entry.entry.notification.getPackageName(); mSnoozedPackages.put(snoozeKey(packageName, mUser), SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + mSnoozeLengthMs); } mReleaseOnExpandFinish = true; } private static String snoozeKey(String packageName, int user) { return user + "," + packageName; } private HeadsUpEntry getHeadsUpEntry(String key) { return mHeadsUpEntries.get(key); } public NotificationData.Entry getEntry(String key) { return mHeadsUpEntries.get(key).entry; } public Collection getAllEntries() { return mHeadsUpEntries.values(); } public HeadsUpEntry getTopEntry() { if (mHeadsUpEntries.isEmpty()) { return null; } HeadsUpEntry topEntry = null; for (HeadsUpEntry entry: mHeadsUpEntries.values()) { if (topEntry == null || entry.compareTo(topEntry) == -1) { topEntry = entry; } } return topEntry; } /** * Decides whether a click is invalid for a notification, i.e it has not been shown long enough * that a user might have consciously clicked on it. * * @param key the key of the touched notification * @return whether the touch is invalid and should be discarded */ public boolean shouldSwallowClick(String key) { HeadsUpEntry entry = mHeadsUpEntries.get(key); if (entry != null && mClock.currentTimeMillis() < entry.postTime) { return true; } return false; } public void onComputeInternalInsets(ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo info) { if (mIsExpanded || mBar.isBouncerShowing()) { // The touchable region is always the full area when expanded return; } if (mHasPinnedNotification) { ExpandableNotificationRow topEntry = getTopEntry().entry.row; if (topEntry.isChildInGroup()) { final ExpandableNotificationRow groupSummary = mGroupManager.getGroupSummary(topEntry.getStatusBarNotification()); if (groupSummary != null) { topEntry = groupSummary; } } topEntry.getLocationOnScreen(mTmpTwoArray); int minX = mTmpTwoArray[0]; int maxX = mTmpTwoArray[0] + topEntry.getWidth(); int maxY = topEntry.getIntrinsicHeight(); info.setTouchableInsets(ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo.TOUCHABLE_INSETS_REGION); info.touchableRegion.set(minX, 0, maxX, maxY); } else if (mHeadsUpGoingAway || mWaitingOnCollapseWhenGoingAway) { info.setTouchableInsets(ViewTreeObserver.InternalInsetsInfo.TOUCHABLE_INSETS_REGION); info.touchableRegion.set(0, 0, mStatusBarWindowView.getWidth(), mStatusBarHeight); } } public void setUser(int user) { mUser = user; } public void dump(FileDescriptor fd, PrintWriter pw, String[] args) { pw.println("HeadsUpManager state:"); pw.print(" mTouchAcceptanceDelay="); pw.println(mTouchAcceptanceDelay); pw.print(" mSnoozeLengthMs="); pw.println(mSnoozeLengthMs); pw.print(" now="); pw.println(SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()); pw.print(" mUser="); pw.println(mUser); for (HeadsUpEntry entry: mHeadsUpEntries.values()) { pw.print(" HeadsUpEntry="); pw.println(entry.entry); } int N = mSnoozedPackages.size(); pw.println(" snoozed packages: " + N); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { pw.print(" "); pw.print(mSnoozedPackages.valueAt(i)); pw.print(", "); pw.println(mSnoozedPackages.keyAt(i)); } } public boolean hasPinnedHeadsUp() { return mHasPinnedNotification; } private boolean hasPinnedNotificationInternal() { for (String key : mHeadsUpEntries.keySet()) { HeadsUpEntry entry = mHeadsUpEntries.get(key); if (entry.entry.row.isPinned()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Notifies that a notification was swiped out and will be removed. * * @param key the notification key */ public void addSwipedOutNotification(String key) { mSwipedOutKeys.add(key); } public void unpinAll() { for (String key : mHeadsUpEntries.keySet()) { HeadsUpEntry entry = mHeadsUpEntries.get(key); setEntryPinned(entry, false /* isPinned */); // maybe it got un sticky entry.updateEntry(false /* updatePostTime */); } } public void onExpandingFinished() { if (mReleaseOnExpandFinish) { releaseAllImmediately(); mReleaseOnExpandFinish = false; } else { for (NotificationData.Entry entry : mEntriesToRemoveAfterExpand) { if (isHeadsUp(entry.key)) { // Maybe the heads-up was removed already removeHeadsUpEntry(entry); } } } mEntriesToRemoveAfterExpand.clear(); } public void setTrackingHeadsUp(boolean trackingHeadsUp) { mTrackingHeadsUp = trackingHeadsUp; } public boolean isTrackingHeadsUp() { return mTrackingHeadsUp; } public void setIsExpanded(boolean isExpanded) { if (isExpanded != mIsExpanded) { mIsExpanded = isExpanded; if (isExpanded) { // make sure our state is sane mWaitingOnCollapseWhenGoingAway = false; mHeadsUpGoingAway = false; updateTouchableRegionListener(); } } } /** * @return the height of the top heads up notification when pinned. This is different from the * intrinsic height, which also includes whether the notification is system expanded and * is mainly used when dragging down from a heads up notification. */ public int getTopHeadsUpPinnedHeight() { HeadsUpEntry topEntry = getTopEntry(); if (topEntry == null || topEntry.entry == null) { return 0; } ExpandableNotificationRow row = topEntry.entry.row; if (row.isChildInGroup()) { final ExpandableNotificationRow groupSummary = mGroupManager.getGroupSummary(row.getStatusBarNotification()); if (groupSummary != null) { row = groupSummary; } } return row.getPinnedHeadsUpHeight(); } /** * Compare two entries and decide how they should be ranked. * * @return -1 if the first argument should be ranked higher than the second, 1 if the second * one should be ranked higher and 0 if they are equal. */ public int compare(NotificationData.Entry a, NotificationData.Entry b) { HeadsUpEntry aEntry = getHeadsUpEntry(a.key); HeadsUpEntry bEntry = getHeadsUpEntry(b.key); if (aEntry == null || bEntry == null) { return aEntry == null ? 1 : -1; } return aEntry.compareTo(bEntry); } /** * Set that we are exiting the headsUp pinned mode, but some notifications might still be * animating out. This is used to keep the touchable regions in a sane state. */ public void setHeadsUpGoingAway(boolean headsUpGoingAway) { if (headsUpGoingAway != mHeadsUpGoingAway) { mHeadsUpGoingAway = headsUpGoingAway; if (!headsUpGoingAway) { waitForStatusBarLayout(); } updateTouchableRegionListener(); } } /** * We need to wait on the whole panel to collapse, before we can remove the touchable region * listener. */ private void waitForStatusBarLayout() { mWaitingOnCollapseWhenGoingAway = true; mStatusBarWindowView.addOnLayoutChangeListener(new View.OnLayoutChangeListener() { @Override public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom) { if (mStatusBarWindowView.getHeight() <= mStatusBarHeight) { mStatusBarWindowView.removeOnLayoutChangeListener(this); mWaitingOnCollapseWhenGoingAway = false; updateTouchableRegionListener(); } } }); } public static void setIsClickedNotification(View child, boolean clicked) { child.setTag(TAG_CLICKED_NOTIFICATION, clicked ? true : null); } public static boolean isClickedHeadsUpNotification(View child) { Boolean clicked = (Boolean) child.getTag(TAG_CLICKED_NOTIFICATION); return clicked != null && clicked; } public void setRemoteInputActive(NotificationData.Entry entry, boolean remoteInputActive) { HeadsUpEntry headsUpEntry = mHeadsUpEntries.get(entry.key); if (headsUpEntry != null && headsUpEntry.remoteInputActive != remoteInputActive) { headsUpEntry.remoteInputActive = remoteInputActive; if (remoteInputActive) { headsUpEntry.removeAutoRemovalCallbacks(); } else { headsUpEntry.updateEntry(false /* updatePostTime */); } } } /** * Set an entry to be expanded and therefore stick in the heads up area if it's pinned * until it's collapsed again. */ public void setExpanded(NotificationData.Entry entry, boolean expanded) { HeadsUpEntry headsUpEntry = mHeadsUpEntries.get(entry.key); if (headsUpEntry != null && headsUpEntry.expanded != expanded && entry.row.isPinned()) { headsUpEntry.expanded = expanded; if (expanded) { headsUpEntry.removeAutoRemovalCallbacks(); } else { headsUpEntry.updateEntry(false /* updatePostTime */); } } } @Override public void onReorderingAllowed() { mBar.getNotificationScrollLayout().setHeadsUpGoingAwayAnimationsAllowed(false); for (NotificationData.Entry entry : mEntriesToRemoveWhenReorderingAllowed) { if (isHeadsUp(entry.key)) { // Maybe the heads-up was removed already removeHeadsUpEntry(entry); } } mEntriesToRemoveWhenReorderingAllowed.clear(); mBar.getNotificationScrollLayout().setHeadsUpGoingAwayAnimationsAllowed(true); } public void setVisualStabilityManager(VisualStabilityManager visualStabilityManager) { mVisualStabilityManager = visualStabilityManager; } public void setStatusBarState(int statusBarState) { mStatusBarState = statusBarState; } /** * This represents a notification and how long it is in a heads up mode. It also manages its * lifecycle automatically when created. */ public class HeadsUpEntry implements Comparable { public NotificationData.Entry entry; public long postTime; public long earliestRemovaltime; private Runnable mRemoveHeadsUpRunnable; public boolean remoteInputActive; public boolean expanded; public void setEntry(final NotificationData.Entry entry) { this.entry = entry; // The actual post time will be just after the heads-up really slided in postTime = mClock.currentTimeMillis() + mTouchAcceptanceDelay; mRemoveHeadsUpRunnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!mVisualStabilityManager.isReorderingAllowed()) { mEntriesToRemoveWhenReorderingAllowed.add(entry); mVisualStabilityManager.addReorderingAllowedCallback(HeadsUpManager.this); } else if (!mTrackingHeadsUp) { removeHeadsUpEntry(entry); } else { mEntriesToRemoveAfterExpand.add(entry); } } }; updateEntry(); } public void updateEntry() { updateEntry(true); } public void updateEntry(boolean updatePostTime) { long currentTime = mClock.currentTimeMillis(); earliestRemovaltime = currentTime + mMinimumDisplayTime; if (updatePostTime) { postTime = Math.max(postTime, currentTime); } removeAutoRemovalCallbacks(); if (mEntriesToRemoveAfterExpand.contains(entry)) { mEntriesToRemoveAfterExpand.remove(entry); } if (mEntriesToRemoveWhenReorderingAllowed.contains(entry)) { mEntriesToRemoveWhenReorderingAllowed.remove(entry); } if (!isSticky()) { long finishTime = postTime + mHeadsUpNotificationDecay; long removeDelay = Math.max(finishTime - currentTime, mMinimumDisplayTime); mHandler.postDelayed(mRemoveHeadsUpRunnable, removeDelay); } } private boolean isSticky() { return (entry.row.isPinned() && expanded) || remoteInputActive || hasFullScreenIntent(entry); } @Override public int compareTo(HeadsUpEntry o) { boolean isPinned = entry.row.isPinned(); boolean otherPinned = o.entry.row.isPinned(); if (isPinned && !otherPinned) { return -1; } else if (!isPinned && otherPinned) { return 1; } boolean selfFullscreen = hasFullScreenIntent(entry); boolean otherFullscreen = hasFullScreenIntent(o.entry); if (selfFullscreen && !otherFullscreen) { return -1; } else if (!selfFullscreen && otherFullscreen) { return 1; } if (remoteInputActive && !o.remoteInputActive) { return -1; } else if (!remoteInputActive && o.remoteInputActive) { return 1; } return postTime < o.postTime ? 1 : postTime == o.postTime ? entry.key.compareTo(o.entry.key) : -1; } public void removeAutoRemovalCallbacks() { mHandler.removeCallbacks(mRemoveHeadsUpRunnable); } public boolean wasShownLongEnough() { return earliestRemovaltime < mClock.currentTimeMillis(); } public void removeAsSoonAsPossible() { removeAutoRemovalCallbacks(); mHandler.postDelayed(mRemoveHeadsUpRunnable, earliestRemovaltime - mClock.currentTimeMillis()); } public void reset() { removeAutoRemovalCallbacks(); entry = null; mRemoveHeadsUpRunnable = null; expanded = false; remoteInputActive = false; } } public static class Clock { public long currentTimeMillis() { return SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); } } }