Index of /MathBooks/Y
Parent Directory
Y Pinchover - An Introduction to Partial Differential Equations.pdf
Y. Achdou - Partial differential equations in fnance.pdf
Ya Yan Lu - Numerical Methods for Differential Equations.pdf
Yaglom - Complex Numbers in Geometry - 1968.djvu
Yaglom - Convex Figures - 1961.djvu
Yaglom - Felix Klein and Sophus Lie - evolution of the idea of symmetry in the nineteenth century - Birkhauser.djvu
Yaglom - Les nombres complexes.djvu
Yale - Geometry and symmetry - Holden-Day - 1968.djv
Yamamoto - Linear and Nonlinear Integral Equation Population Models .pdf
Yan - Introduction to Topology - Theory and Applications.pdf
Yandell - Hilbert's problems and thair solvers -.pdf
Yang - Engineering Optimization.pdf
Yang - Equivalence Problems in Projective Differential Geometry - 1998.pdf
Yang - Presentation writing proposal.pdf
Yano - Integral Formulas in Riemannian Geometry.djvu
Yano - Lie derivatives and its applications.djvu
Yano - Selected Papers.pdf
Yano - Structures on manifolds.pdf
Yano - The theory of Lie derivatives and its applications - NH - 1957.djvu
Yaounes - Shapes and Diffeomorphisms.pdf
Yates - Curves and Their Properties.djvu
Yau et al - Prospect Geom Anal.pdf
Yehorchenko - Differential Invariants and Hidden Symmetry.pdf
Yehorchenko - Differential Invariants for Infinite-Dimensional Algebras.pdf
Yehorchenko - Differential invariants and construction of conditionally invariant equations.pdf
Yezz, Kichenassamy, Kumar, Olver, and Tannenbaum - A geometric snake model for segmentation of medical imagery, IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging 16 (1997).pdf
Yezzi et al - Geometric snakes for edge detection and segmentation of medical imagery.pdf
Yger - Elements de geometrie.djvu
Yokonuma - Tensor Spaces and Exterior Algebra.djvu
Yosida - Lectures on Differential and Integral Equations.djvu
Youang - Surveys in Geometry.pdf
Youang - Vector and tensor.djvu
Younes - Shapes and Diffeomorphisms.pdf
Young - Lectures on the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory.pdf
Young - On the Theory and Solution of Algebraical Equations - 1835.pdf
Young L.C. - Lectures on the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory.pdf
Yumagozhin - Introduction to Differential Invariants.pdf
Yumaguzhin - Contact classification of 3-order linear ODE's - 1997.pdf
Yumaguzhin - Contact classification of linear ordinary differential equations - I - 2007.pdf
Yumaguzhin - Contact classification of linear ordinary differential equations - II - 2007.pdf
Yumaguzhin - Finite type integrable geometric structures - 2004.pdf
Yumaguzhin - Introduction to differentiable Invariants - 2005.pdf
Yumaguzhin - On the obstraction to linearizability of 2-order ordinary differential equations - 2002.pdf