package CPANPLUS::Selfupdate;

use strict;
use Params::Check               qw[check];
use IPC::Cmd                    qw[can_run];
use CPANPLUS::Error             qw[error msg];
use Module::Load::Conditional   qw[check_install];
use Locale::Maketext::Simple    Class => 'CPANPLUS', Style => 'gettext';

use CPANPLUS::Internals::Constants;

$Params::Check::VERBOSE = 1;

=head1 NAME

CPANPLUS::Selfupdate - self-updating for CPANPLUS


    $su     = $cb->selfupdate_object;

    @feats  = $su->list_features;
    @feats  = $su->list_enabled_features;

    @mods   = map { $su->modules_for_feature( $_ ) } @feats;
    @mods   = $su->list_core_dependencies;
    @mods   = $su->list_core_modules;

    for ( @mods ) {
        print $_->name " should be version " . $_->version_required;
        print "Installed version is not uptodate!"
            unless $_->is_installed_version_sufficient;

    $ok     = $su->selfupdate( update => 'all', latest => 0 );


### a config has describing our deps etc

    my $Modules = {
        dependencies => {
            'File::Fetch'               => '0.15_02', # lynx & 404 handling
            'File::Spec'                => '0.82',
            'IPC::Cmd'                  => '0.36', # 5.6.2 compat: 2-arg open
            'Locale::Maketext::Simple'  => '0.01',
            'Log::Message'              => '0.01',
            'Module::Load'              => '0.10',
            'Module::Load::Conditional' => '0.38', # returns dir for loaded
                                                   # modules
            'version'                   => '0.77', # needed for M::L::C
                                                   # addresses #24630 and
                                                   # #24675
                                                   # Address ~0 overflow issue
            'Params::Check'             => '0.22',
            'Package::Constants'        => '0.01',
            'Term::UI'                  => '0.18', # option parsing
            'Test::Harness'             => '2.62', # due to bug #19505
                                                   # only 2.58 and 2.60 are bad
            'Test::More'                => '0.47', # to run our tests
            'Archive::Extract'          => '0.16', # ./Dir bug fix
            'Archive::Tar'              => '1.23',
            'IO::Zlib'                  => '1.04', # needed for Archive::Tar
            'Object::Accessor'          => '0.34', # mk_aliases support
            'Module::CoreList'          => '2.22', # deprecated core modules
            'Module::Pluggable'         => '2.4',
            'Module::Loaded'            => '0.01',
            'Parse::CPAN::Meta'         => '1.4200', # config_requires support
            'ExtUtils::Install'         => '1.42', # uninstall outside @INC
            ( check_install( module => 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' )
              ? ( 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.60' ) : () ),

        features => {
            # config_key_name => [
            #     sub { } to list module key/value pairs
            #     sub { } to check if feature is enabled
            # ]
            prefer_makefile => [
                sub {
                    my $cb = shift;
                        ? { }
                        : { 'CPANPLUS::Dist::Build' => '0.60'  };
                sub { return 1 },   # always enabled
            cpantest        => [
                { 'Test::Reporter'  => '1.34',
                  'Parse::CPAN::Meta' => '1.4200'
                sub {
                    my $cb = shift;
                    return $cb->configure_object->get_conf('cpantest');
            dist_type => [
                sub {
                    my $cb      = shift;
                    my $dist    = $cb->configure_object->get_conf('dist_type');
                    return { $dist => '0.0' } if $dist;
                sub {
                    my $cb = shift;
                    return $cb->configure_object->get_conf('dist_type');

            md5 => [
                    'Digest::SHA'   => '0.0',
                sub {
                    my $cb = shift;
                    return $cb->configure_object->get_conf('md5');
            shell => [
                sub {
                    my $cb      = shift;
                    my $dist    = $cb->configure_object->get_conf('shell');

                    ### we bundle these shells, so don't bother having a dep
                    ### on them... If we don't do this, actually detects
                    ### a recursive dependency and breaks (see #26077).
                    ### This is not an issue for CPANPLUS itself, it handles
                    ### it smartly.
                    return if $dist eq SHELL_DEFAULT or $dist eq SHELL_CLASSIC;
                    return { $dist => '0.0' } if $dist;
                sub { return 1 },
            signature => [
                sub {
                    my $cb      = shift;
                    return {
                        'Module::Signature' => '0.06',
                    } if can_run('gpg');
                    ### leave this out -- Crypt::OpenPGP is fairly
                    ### painful to install, and broken on some platforms
                    ### so we'll just always fall back to gpg. It may
                    ### issue a warning or 2, but that's about it.
                    ### this change due to this ticket: #26914
                    # and $cb->configure_object->get_conf('prefer_bin');

                    return {
                        'Crypt::OpenPGP'    => '0.0',
                        'Module::Signature' => '0.06',
                sub {
                    my $cb = shift;
                    return $cb->configure_object->get_conf('signature');
            storable => [
                { 'Storable' => '0.0' },
                sub {
                    my $cb = shift;
                    return $cb->configure_object->get_conf('storable');
            sqlite_backend => [
                {   'DBIx::Simple' => '0.0',
                    'DBD::SQLite'  => '0.0',
                sub {
                    my $cb   = shift;
                    my $conf = $cb->configure_object;
                    return $conf->get_conf('source_engine')
                        eq 'CPANPLUS::Internals::Source::SQLite'
        core => {
            'CPANPLUS' => '0.0',

    sub _get_config { return $Modules }

=head1 METHODS

=head2 $self = CPANPLUS::Selfupdate->new( $backend_object );

Sets up a new selfupdate object. Called automatically when
a new backend object is created.


sub new {
    my $class = shift;
    my $cb    = shift or return;
    return bless sub { $cb }, $class;

{   ### cache to find the relevant modules
    my $cache = {
            => sub { my $self = shift;
                     core => [ $self->list_core_modules ]   },

            => sub { my $self = shift;
                     dependencies => [ $self->list_core_dependencies ] },

            => sub { my $self = shift;
                     map { $_ => [ $self->modules_for_feature( $_ ) ] }
            => sub { my $self = shift;
                     map { $_ => [ $self->modules_for_feature( $_ ) ] }
            ### make sure to do 'core' first, in case
            ### we are out of date ourselves
        all => [ qw|core dependencies enabled_features| ],

=head2 @cat = $self->list_categories

Returns a list of categories that the C<selfupdate> method accepts.

See C<selfupdate> for details.


    sub list_categories { return sort keys %$cache }

=head2 %list = $self->list_modules_to_update( update => "core|dependencies|enabled_features|features|all", [latest => BOOL] )

List which modules C<selfupdate> would upgrade. You can update either
the core (CPANPLUS itself), the core dependencies, all features you have
currently turned on, or all features available, or everything.

The C<latest> option determines whether it should update to the latest
version on CPAN, or if the minimal required version for CPANPLUS is
good enough.

Returns a hash of feature names and lists of module objects to be
upgraded based on the category you provided. For example:

    %list = $self->list_modules_to_update( update => 'core' );

Would return:

    ( core => [ $module_object_for_cpanplus ] );


    sub list_modules_to_update {
        my $self = shift;
        my $cb   = $self->();
        my $conf = $cb->configure_object;
        my %hash = @_;

        my($type, $latest);
        my $tmpl = {
            update => { required => 1, store => \$type,
                         allow   => [ keys %$cache ], },
            latest => { default  => 0, store => \$latest, allow => BOOLEANS },

        {   local $Params::Check::ALLOW_UNKNOWN = 1;
            check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

        my $ref     = $cache->{$type};

        ### a list of ( feature1 => \@mods, feature2 => \@mods, etc )
        my %list    = UNIVERSAL::isa( $ref, 'ARRAY' )
                            ? map { $cache->{$_}->( $self ) } @$ref
                            : $ref->( $self );

        ### filter based on whether we need the latest ones or not
        for my $aref ( values %list ) {
              $aref = [ $latest
                        ? grep { !$_->is_uptodate } @$aref
                        : grep { !$_->is_installed_version_sufficient } @$aref

        return %list;

=head2 $bool = $self->selfupdate( update => "core|dependencies|enabled_features|features|all", [latest => BOOL, force => BOOL] )

Selfupdate CPANPLUS. You can update either the core (CPANPLUS itself),
the core dependencies, all features you have currently turned on, or
all features available, or everything.

The C<latest> option determines whether it should update to the latest
version on CPAN, or if the minimal required version for CPANPLUS is
good enough.

Returns true on success, false on error.


    sub selfupdate {
        my $self = shift;
        my $cb   = $self->();
        my $conf = $cb->configure_object;
        my %hash = @_;

        my $force;
        my $tmpl = {
            force  => { default => $conf->get_conf('force'), store => \$force },

        {   local $Params::Check::ALLOW_UNKNOWN = 1;
            check( $tmpl, \%hash ) or return;

        my %list = $self->list_modules_to_update( %hash ) or return;

        ### just the modules please
        my @mods = map { @$_ } values %list;

        my $flag;
        for my $mod ( @mods ) {
            unless( $mod->install( force => $force ) ) {
                error(loc("Failed to update module '%1'", $mod->name));

        return if $flag;
        return 1;


=head2 @features = $self->list_features

Returns a list of features that are supported by CPANPLUS.


sub list_features {
    my $self = shift;
    return keys %{ $self->_get_config->{'features'} };

=head2 @features = $self->list_enabled_features

Returns a list of features that are enabled in your current
CPANPLUS installation.


sub list_enabled_features {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cb   = $self->();

    my @enabled;
    for my $feat ( $self->list_features ) {
        my $ref = $self->_get_config->{'features'}->{$feat}->[1];
        push @enabled, $feat if $ref->($cb);

    return @enabled;

=head2 @mods = $self->modules_for_feature( FEATURE [,AS_HASH] )

Returns a list of C<CPANPLUS::Selfupdate::Module> objects which
represent the modules required to support this feature.

For a list of features, call the C<list_features> method.

If the C<AS_HASH> argument is provided, no module objects are
returned, but a hashref where the keys are names of the modules,
and values are their minimum versions.


sub modules_for_feature {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $feature = shift or return;
    my $as_hash = shift || 0;
    my $cb      = $self->();

    unless( exists $self->_get_config->{'features'}->{$feature} ) {
        error(loc("Unknown feature '%1'", $feature));

    my $ref = $self->_get_config->{'features'}->{$feature}->[0];

    ### it's either a list of modules/versions or a subroutine that
    ### returns a list of modules/versions
    my $href = UNIVERSAL::isa( $ref, 'HASH' ) ? $ref : $ref->( $cb );

    return unless $href;    # nothing needed for the feature?

    return $href if $as_hash;
    return $self->_hashref_to_module( $href );

=head2 @mods = $self->list_core_dependencies( [AS_HASH] )

Returns a list of C<CPANPLUS::Selfupdate::Module> objects which
represent the modules that comprise the core dependencies of CPANPLUS.

If the C<AS_HASH> argument is provided, no module objects are
returned, but a hashref where the keys are names of the modules,
and values are their minimum versions.


sub list_core_dependencies {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $as_hash = shift || 0;
    my $cb      = $self->();
    my $href    = $self->_get_config->{'dependencies'};

    return $href if $as_hash;
    return $self->_hashref_to_module( $href );

=head2 @mods = $self->list_core_modules( [AS_HASH] )

Returns a list of C<CPANPLUS::Selfupdate::Module> objects which
represent the modules that comprise the core of CPANPLUS.

If the C<AS_HASH> argument is provided, no module objects are
returned, but a hashref where the keys are names of the modules,
and values are their minimum versions.


sub list_core_modules {
    my $self    = shift;
    my $as_hash = shift || 0;
    my $cb      = $self->();
    my $href    = $self->_get_config->{'core'};

    return $href if $as_hash;
    return $self->_hashref_to_module( $href );

sub _hashref_to_module {
    my $self = shift;
    my $cb   = $self->();
    my $href = shift or return;

    return map {
                $cb->module_tree($_) => $href->{$_}
        } keys %$href;

=head1 CPANPLUS::Selfupdate::Module

C<CPANPLUS::Selfupdate::Module> extends C<CPANPLUS::Module> objects
by providing accessors to aid in selfupdating CPANPLUS.

These objects are returned by all methods of C<CPANPLUS::Selfupdate>
that return module objects.


{   package CPANPLUS::Selfupdate::Module;
    use base 'CPANPLUS::Module';

    ### stores module name -> cpanplus required version
    ### XXX only can deal with 1 pair!
    my %Cache = ();
    my $Acc   = 'version_required';

    sub new {
        my $class = shift;
        my $mod   = shift or return;
        my $ver   = shift;          return unless defined $ver;

        my $obj   = $mod->clone;    # clone the module object
        bless $obj, $class;         # rebless it to our class

        $obj->$Acc( $ver );

        return $obj;

=head2 $version = $mod->version_required

Returns the version of this module required for CPANPLUS.


    sub version_required {
        my $self = shift;
        $Cache{ $self->name } = shift() if @_;
        return $Cache{ $self->name };

=head2 $bool = $mod->is_installed_version_sufficient

Returns true if the installed version of this module is sufficient
for CPANPLUS, or false if it is not.


    sub is_installed_version_sufficient {
        my $self = shift;
        return $self->is_uptodate( version => $self->$Acc );





Please report bugs or other issues to E<lt><gt>.

=head1 AUTHOR

This module by Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>.


The CPAN++ interface (of which this module is a part of) is copyright (c)
2001 - 2007, Jos Boumans E<lt>kane@cpan.orgE<gt>. All rights reserved.

This library is free software; you may redistribute and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.


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