package Tk::Tree; # Tree -- TixTree widget # # Derived from Tree.tcl in Tix 4.1 # # Chris Dean # Changes: Renee Baecker use vars qw($VERSION); $VERSION = '4.72'; # $Id:,v 1.4 2007/11/04 09:11:31 eserte Exp $ use Tk (); use Tk::Derived; use Tk::HList; use base qw(Tk::Derived Tk::HList); use strict; Construct Tk::Widget 'Tree'; sub Tk::Widget::ScrlTree { shift->Scrolled('Tree' => @_) } sub Populate { my( $w, $args ) = @_; $w->SUPER::Populate( $args ); $w->ConfigSpecs( -ignoreinvoke => ['PASSIVE', 'ignoreInvoke', 'IgnoreInvoke', 0], -opencmd => ['CALLBACK', 'openCmd', 'OpenCmd', 'OpenCmd' ], -indicatorcmd => ['CALLBACK', 'indicatorCmd', 'IndicatorCmd', 'IndicatorCmd'], -closecmd => ['CALLBACK', 'closeCmd', 'CloseCmd', 'CloseCmd'], -indicator => ['SELF', 'indicator', 'Indicator', 1], -indent => ['SELF', 'indent', 'Indent', 20], -width => ['SELF', 'width', 'Width', 20], -itemtype => ['SELF', 'itemtype', 'Itemtype', 'imagetext'], -foreground => ['SELF'], ); } sub autosetmode { my( $w ) = @_; $w->setmode(); } sub add_pathimage { my ($w,$path,$imgopen,$imgclose) = @_; $imgopen ||= "minusarm"; $imgclose ||= "plusarm"; my $separator = $w->cget(-separator); $path =~ s/([\.?()|])/\\$1/g; $path =~ s/\$/\\\$/g; $path =~ s/\\\$$/\$/; $path =~ s/\*/[^$separator]+/g; push(@{$w->{Images}},[$path,$imgopen,$imgclose]); } sub child_entries { my ($w,$path,$depth) = @_; my $level = 1; $depth ||= 1; $path ||= ''; my @children = $w->_get_childinfos($depth,$level,$path); return wantarray ? @children : scalar(@children); } sub _get_childinfos { my ($w,$maxdepth,$level,$path) = @_; my @children = $w->infoChildren($path); my @tmp; if($level < $maxdepth) { for my $child(@children) { push(@tmp,$w->_get_childinfos($maxdepth,$level +1,$child)); } } push(@children,@tmp); return @children; } sub IndicatorCmd { my( $w, $ent, $event ) = @_; my $mode = $w->getmode( $ent ); if ( $event eq '' ) { if ($mode eq 'open' ) { #$w->_indicator_image( $ent, 'plusarm' ); $w->_open($ent); } else { #$w->_indicator_image( $ent, 'minusarm' ); $w->_close($ent); } } elsif ( $event eq '' ) { if ($mode eq 'open' ) { #$w->_indicator_image( $ent, 'plus' ); $w->_open($ent); } else { #$w->_indicator_image( $ent, 'minus' ); $w->_close($ent); } } elsif( $event eq '' ) { $w->Activate( $ent, $mode ); $w->Callback( -browsecmd => $ent ); } } sub close { my( $w, $ent ) = @_; my $mode = $w->getmode( $ent ); $w->Activate( $ent, $mode ) if( $mode eq 'close' ); } sub open { my( $w, $ent ) = @_; my $mode = $w->getmode( $ent ); $w->Activate( $ent, $mode ) if( $mode eq 'open' ); } sub getmode { my( $w, $ent ) = @_; return( 'none' ) unless $w->indicatorExists( $ent ); my $img = $w->_indicator_image( $ent ); if ($img eq "plus" || $img eq "plusarm" || grep{$img eq $_->[2]}@{$w->{Images}}) { return( 'open' ); } return( 'close' ); } sub setmode { my ($w,$ent,$mode) = @_; unless (defined $mode) { $mode = 'none'; my @args; push(@args,$ent) if defined $ent; my @children = $w->infoChildren( @args ); if ( @children ) { $mode = 'close'; foreach my $c (@children) { $mode = 'open' if $w->infoHidden( $c ); $w->setmode( $c ); } } } if (defined $ent) { if ( $mode eq 'open' ) { #$w->_indicator_image( $ent, 'plus' ); $w->_open($ent); } elsif ( $mode eq 'close' ) { #$w->_indicator_image( $ent, 'minus' ); $w->_close($ent); } elsif( $mode eq 'none' ) { $w->_indicator_image( $ent, undef ); } } } sub _open { my ($w,$ent) = @_; $w->_indicator_image( $ent, "plus" ); for my $entry (@{$w->{Images}}) { if($ent =~ $entry->[0]) { $w->_indicator_image( $ent, $entry->[2] ); } } } sub _close { my ($w,$ent) = @_; $w->_indicator_image( $ent, "minus" ); for my $entry (@{$w->{Images}}) { if($ent =~ $entry->[0]) { $w->_indicator_image( $ent, $entry->[1] ); } } } sub Activate { my( $w, $ent, $mode ) = @_; if ( $mode eq 'open' ) { $w->Callback( -opencmd => $ent ); #$w->_indicator_image( $ent, 'minus' ); $w->_close($ent); } elsif ( $mode eq 'close' ) { $w->Callback( -closecmd => $ent ); #$w->_indicator_image( $ent, 'plus' ); $w->_open($ent); } else { } } sub OpenCmd { my( $w, $ent ) = @_; # The default action foreach my $kid ($w->infoChildren( $ent )) { $w->show( -entry => $kid ); } } sub CloseCmd { my( $w, $ent ) = @_; # The default action foreach my $kid ($w->infoChildren( $ent )) { $w->hide( -entry => $kid ); } } sub Command { my( $w, $ent ) = @_; return if $w->{Configure}{-ignoreInvoke}; $w->Activate( $ent, $w->getmode( $ent ) ) if $w->indicatorExists( $ent ); } sub _indicator_image { my( $w, $ent, $image ) = @_; my $data = $w->privateData(); if (@_ > 2) { if (defined $image) { $w->indicatorCreate( $ent, -itemtype => 'image' ) unless $w->indicatorExists($ent); $data->{$ent} = $image; $w->indicatorConfigure( $ent, -image => $w->Getimage( $image ) ); } else { $w->indicatorDelete( $ent ) if $w->indicatorExists( $ent ); delete $data->{$ent}; } } return $data->{$ent}; } 1; __END__ # Copyright (c) 1996, Expert Interface Technologies # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution # of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # # The file man.macros and some of the macros used by this file are # copyrighted: (c) 1990 The Regents of the University of California. # (c) 1994-1995 Sun Microsystems, Inc. # The license terms of the Tcl/Tk distrobution are in the file # license.tcl.