.xupper 15 .yupper 8 .xlower 67 .ylower 20 .id about About JANE'S CD-ROM Welcome to Jane's on CD-ROM. You have purchased an exceptional product and one that will not only fulfill your information requirements, but will enhance your research capabilities to a great extent. Information on Jane's CD-ROM is easily accessible and you will find the ease of flexibility in manipulating data an invaluable tool. Among the many options available to you are custom report generation, search capability (key word with Boolean), export, sorting and, in many cases, image display. For a full listing of all Jane's products available on CD-ROM please consult your current Jane's catalog. If you require any technical assistance please contact: United States Rahul Belani Jane's Information Group 1340 Braddock Place Suite 300 Alexandria, VA 22314-2036 Tel. (703) 683-3700 Fax. (703) 836-0029 United Kingdom Alan Ricketts Jane's Information Group Sentinel House 163 Brighton Road Coulsdon, Surrey CR5 2NH Tel. 011-44-181-700-3700 Fax. 011-44-181-763-1005 .id system System Information Jane's CD-ROM requires an IBM compatible with 640K RAM, MS-DOS version 3.0 or higher, a CD-ROM drive, MS DOS CD-ROM extensions (MSCDEX) version 2.0 or higher and a HP laserjet or compatible printer to print images. Jane's CD-ROM conforms to the ISO 9660 standards, and is network compatible. Jane's CD-ROM requires no installation software or permanent files on a hard disk. Typing in JANES at the prompt of the CD-ROM drive starts the program. .id fkeys Function Keys Explained F1 - Help Help information can be called up at anytime. F2 - Boolean Changes the Boolean operator to OR, AND, NOT, and XOR. The Boolean automatically defaults to OR unless changed. F3 - Index Returns you to the database Index. F4 - Range Allows you to mark adjacent or grouped words in the Index to perform range searches. Example: Type in your search word or use the arrow keys to get the first word of your search group. Press F4 and use the arrow keys to complete your search group. Press Enter. F5 - Delete Deletes the last search word entered. F6 - Browse Views the summary and detailed records of your search set prior to selection. With the cursor over the search word, press F6. Select Summary or Full Text display. F7 - Edit Edits the fields displayed in your search set records. F8 - Image Gives you the option to Display, Print or Save database images. F9 - Display Views the Summary and Full Text records of your search after selection. Use function key "N" to display the NEXT record of the search set, function key "P" to display the PREVIOUS record of the search set. F10 - Option Lists additional software functions. F11 - Output Provides several methods of outputting text and images to a printer or disk file. F12 - Exit Exits the current search or exit to DOS. The Exit search function will automatically reset the Edit function back to a full field display format. S - Sort Sequences records in a search set. .id tab TAB key A window with double lines indicates an active window. Use the TAB key to activate each window. The active window supports scrolling. .id search Searching From the index screen select the field you want to search. Press ENTER. The index 'wheel' for that field appears. Use the arrow keys or type in the select term. The results of the search will appear in the second window on the screen, detailing the Boolean, Index, Term/Word and Number of Records found. A window with double lines indicates an active window. Use the TAB key to activate each window. The active window supports scrolling. .id text Displaying Text You can display items in the search set by pressing F9. Choose a Summary Display or a Full Text Display by pressing ENTER. If you select Full Text Display you will view the first record in the search set. Selecting Summary Display will give you a summary list of selected fields for each record in the search set. Use cursor keys to move the highlight bar from one record to the next. Pressing ENTER will display the full record. Use the + or - keys on the number keypad to find the next or previous search word/term in the search set. You can skip to the next record by pressing N or to the previous record by pressing P. .id output Outputing Text You can output text to the printer or disk file by pressing F11. Select 'Disk' or 'Printer' and press ENTER. Selecting 'Disk' will copy the text of the selected records in the search set to your C drive on the hard disk. You can change this default before exporting the file. 'Printer' will print the text of the selected records in the search set to the default printer on LPT1. .id images Displaying/Outputing Images You can display images by pressing the F8 key. Select 'Show', 'Print' or 'Save' and press ENTER. Selecting 'Show' will display the image on the screen. 'Print' will print the image to the laser printer connected to the local LPT1 port. HP laser and all compatible printers are supported. 'Save' will save/copy the image file to your C drive on the hard disk. You can change this default before saving the image. .id edit Field Selection (EDIT) All fields will be displayed on the full text screen. You can select as many or as few fields as required for display by pressing F7 EDIT. Fields marked with an asterisk will be displayed. Use the SPACE BAR to select or De-select all the fields. Using the + or - keys on the number pad will allow you to select or un-select individual fields. Press F10 to comfirm changes. You may change the settings as many times as you like in a single session. Each time you Clear Search or exit to DOS the fields revert to the default. Printed output and saved disk files will reflect your display settings. .id sort SORTING Sorting is recommended to organize your search results before printing or saving to disk. You can specify the order in which your search result will be sorted. Example, sort by COUNTRY alphabetically, then by TITLE alphabetically. Press S to sort search set. Move the cursor to the fields (in field sequence) you want to sort, and press ENTER. Press F10 to begin sort. Sort can take a few minutes on a large search set. .id field FIELD INFORMATION Publication The name of the publication Date The publication date of the publication Update Status This indicates if the record is NEW, UPDATED or VERIFIED since the previous edition. Section The section of the publication, usually the list of equipment types. Page The page number in the hardcopy publication. Images The image short reference and file name Caption The text describing the photograph, line drawing or other graphic. Type The categorisation or role of the platform, system or equipment. Country Countries are listed in alphabetical order. All co-operative programs between companies in different countries are listed under a separate section titled international. Dimensions - Aircraft Wing span, chord, aspect ratio: overall and fuselage length: tail span, overall height: widths, heights and sill heights of all doors, freight hatches and escape hatches; wheel base and track and other measurements where appropriate. Internal measurements and volumes of cabins, freight compartments and military payload spaces. Title Designation of aircraft Company name Within each country, aircraft or engines are grouped by manufacturer. A listing of address, senior managers and contact personnel, divisions, factory locations and a summary of the recent history and principal activities. Accommodation Crew composition, passenger capacity, layout and volumes for people, service units, freight or military systems and location of doors, windows and escape hatches. Areas Areas of wings, tail surface, movable leading and trailing edge surfaces and control surfaces. Armament For military aircraft and helicopters, this title covers the weapon attachments, weapon types and weights that can be delivered. Avionics Normal and optional avionics for navigation, flight management, communication and military functions, giving designations and manufacturer wherever possible. Equipment Covers items attached to the aircraft, such as winch, cargo landing and tie-downs, spray gear, fire-fighting installations, chaff/flare dispensers and similar. Fuselage Layout, structure and interior design of the fuselage, crew compartment and internal load compartments. Landing Gear Details the type, direction of retraction, suspension, wheels, brakes and tyres with names of suppliers. Power Plant Type, designation and thrust rating of standard and optional engines and propellers, plus standard and alternative fuel tankage and capacities, methods of fuel transfer and refuelling fittings. Performance Cruising performance and range at specified altitudes, weights and speeds or powers; maximum and minimum speeds; rates of climb and ceiling field length, engine-out performance; where appropriate, measured noise levels, turning radius on the ground, required runway surface strength and operating noise levels. Systems Main and stand-by electrical generation and storage facilities, giving manufacturer, type, voltage and power capacities; pressure capacity, flow rates and application of hydraulic system; pressure and function of pneumatic system; details of APU; pressure and scope of pressurisation and air-conditioning system; method and energy source for de-icing of engines, leading edges, windshields and sensors. Weights and Loadings Empty, gross, landing and zero fuel weights plus wing and power loadings. Both metric and inch-pound measurements are given throughout, including both US and Imperial gallons, thrust in kN and pounds, long distances in nautical miles, powers in KW and hp and kilometers and statute miles. Programme The history of the programme to date, and expected future milestones. Variants Versions of the basic aircraft. Customers The actual and subsequent customers, including exports of the various versions. Costs Any officially announced costs, including development cost and sale price, in then-year currency of the country of origin. Design Features The purpose of the design and the design solutions chosen, plus the aerodynamic features of the aircraft in terms of wing sections, thickness: chord ratio, incidence and so on. For helicopters, describes the rotors and their hubs. Flying Controls The arrangement and function of the mechanical, systems and avionic elements of the flying controls, high-lift devices and aerodynamic braking. Structure Structural arrangement, materials and manufacturing techniques. Description Details of the platform, system or equipment, may include development and history. Development Details of the history and current development of the platform, system or equipment. Height Length Wing Span and other fields Data fields extracted from the text. The text should be consulted for the condition for the data. Airline Aircraft Engines and other fields Data from the Fleet airline section of the yearbook presented in a database structure. .id INDEX Global Search This index can be used to do a key-word search on any word in the entire database. Contents An item index of the section field For information on other indexes please see field descriptions above.