@echo off call intro_g type copyrt.txt pause cls type intrnet.txt pause cls :doagain rwsterm title if ERRORLEVEL 2 goto endprog if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto romware if ERRORLEVEL 0 goto janes :janes rem load the rwstsr. Change the directory to what's appropriate cls rwstsr -m34816 -dc:\ selectdb if errorlevel 4 goto endprog if errorlevel 3 goto doagain if errorlevel 2 goto gloss if errorlevel 1 goto jxref if errorlevel 0 goto AIR :AIR jif AIR\AIR -P\IMAGES\ -H.\ goto endrws :jxref jif glosxref\jxref -H.\ goto endrws :gloss jif glosxref\gloss -H.\ goto endrws :endrws cls rwsterm cls goto janes :romware selectdb if errorlevel 4 goto endprog if errorlevel 3 goto doagain if errorlevel 2 goto rgloss if errorlevel 1 goto rjxref if errorlevel 0 goto rAIR :rAIR call AIR goto romware :rjxref call jxref goto romware :rgloss call gloss goto romware rem this is the originator drive. If this is to be the cdrom, delete it. rem d: cls goto doagain :endprog rwsterm mode co80 cls