Updated 1 October 1995 ******* Join us on the Internet via WWW, GOPHER, FTP or E-MAIL ******* Jane's Information Group Limited is the leading supplier of professional information to the world's defence and aerospace communities and a major information provider to selected areas of the transportation world For information on Jane's products and services send your e-mail to info@janes.com (North and South America) info@janes.co.uk (UK, Europe and Rest of World) Visit Jane's home page with your web browser to read the Jane's Defence Weekly Interview, view the picture of the week and receive the latest information on Jane's products..........http://www.janes.com/janes.html Jane's is an International Thomson Publishing Company thomson.com is the on-line portal for the products, services and resources available from International Thomson Publishing(ITP). This Internet kiosk gives users immediate access to more than 34 ITP publishers and over 20,000 products. Through thomson.com, Internet users can search catalogues, examine subject-specific resource centres, purchase products, and subscribe to electronic discussions lists. Visit ITP on.... WWW: http://www.thomson.com FTP: ftp.thomson.com GOPHER: gopher://gopher.thomson.com E-MAIL: findit@kiosk.thomson.com ***************************************************************************** INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS You have just completed the installation of Romview, the Windows interface to a Romware database. The default Configuration file, and Access file when appropriate, are being used and should be sufficient for running Romview. However, Romview does accept several run-time parameters in the event that additional information is necessary for indicating the location and names of these files. The full syntax for invoking Romview is as follows: Drive:\Path\ROMVIEW.EXE db_name [options] Where: Drive:\Path specifies the drive and path containing the ROMVIEW.EXE file; db_name specifies the drive, path and file name of the desired Romware database; [options] are any of the following: -Aaccess_dir indicates the drive and path containing the ROMWARE.ACC file; -Ccfg_file indicates the drive, path, name and extension of the configuraton file to be loaded; -Ddll_dir indicates the drive and path containing the ROMWARE.DLL file; -Hhelp_file indicates the drive, path, name and extension of the Help file to be used. ROMVIEW has a built-in graphics viewer for PCX images. If your images are in a different format (or you desire a different graphics viewer for PCX images), you must specify the program name in the [Extensions] section of the ROMVIEW.INI file. Using any text file editor (including NotePad available from FileMgr), edit the ROMVIEW.INI file. Under the [Extensions] section, add the extension of the graphic files followed by an equal sign (=), the desired program name (or PIF file) to be invoked for displaying the images, a space, a caret (^), a period (.) and the extension. Some sample entries have been provided as a guide. The first entry specifies the use of Paint Brush. In this case, if the entry was changed to PCX, all PCX image files would be displayed via the Paint Brush image viewer. Please note that the ROMVIEW.INI entries override the default viewer. For this reason the first entry is specified as XPCX so that Paint Brush does not become the viewer invoked for displaying PCX images. ****** IMPORTANT ****** To override default viewer copy the amended ROMVIEW.INI to the WINDOWS default directory.