================== AEROFOIL UTILITY Version 1.4 ================== CONTENTS --------------------- • About "AeroFoil" utility. • History • Registration • License Agreement • Contacting Us "AeroFoil" requires Windows 95,98,NT,2000,XP. "AeroFoil" utility that allows you to download all airfoils on the UIUC ( URL: http://amber.aae.uiuc.edu/~m-selig/ads.html ) airfoil coordinates database and some other airfoils not falling into this database, site onto your computer. You can then use the "AeroFoil" utility to conveniently view the airfoil and edit its coordinate. Program does not require install. Simply copy files which base in "aerofoil.zip" in the directory with some name. Files of data must base in the directory with DATA name.Files of data original profile must base in the directory with ORIGINAL name. History: ------------ Version 1.4 - - - -- - - - -- - - added editor coordinates X , Y - added entering coordinates new profile - added new option installing - added in database new profiles Version 1.3 - - - -- - - - -- - - added option installing the colours - added searching by name file and name of profile - added original profiles - added in database new profiles Version 1.1 - - - - - - - -- - - added editor AeroFoil name - added editor coordinates Y - added print It is planned vastly to increase possibilities of utility and add database of coordinates of profiles in the neasest future. Registration: ------------------- Program AeroFoil is shareware. If you like our program you may pay $10. Your money will be used on the most further development of program AeroFoil. As a registered user you will receive: 1. A registration key which will remove the reminder screen. 2. New update database sending by E-MAIL . 3. All updates that will be released within 24 months from the date of registration. 4. Information on updates and new products. 5. Free technical support. You can contribute an amount of $10 for AeroFoil at the following URL: http://www.shareit.com/programs/102585.htm At this place, you can securly pay by credit card, money tranfer, cheque, or cash. License Agreement ----------------------------- "AeroFoil" IS SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY AS TO MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR DATA LOSS, DAMAGES, LOSS OF PROFITS OR ANY OTHER KIND OF LOSS WHILE USING OR MISUSING THIS SOFTWARE. Distribution - - - - - - - - - - You may copy the evaluation version of this software and documentation as you wish, and give exact copies of the original evaluation version to anyone, and distribute the evaluation version of the software and documentation in its unmodified form via electronic means. But you should not charge or requesting donations for any such copies however made and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products without the author's written permission. Registered version - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - One registered copy of AeroFoil may either be used by a single person who uses the software personally on one or more computers, or installed on a single workstation used simultaneously by multiple people. Contacting Us --------------------- Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Bug reports? Don’t hesitate to contact us. URL: http://aerolab.virtualave.net/airfoil/index.html E-mail: amchernov@softhome.net Copyright © 1998, 1999