AE 6070 Rotorcraft Aerodynamics

Spring 2004



Course Outline


PowerPoint Presentations



Supplementary Material IV: Class Notes (Word Form)



Some useful Classics:


·        Bailey, NACA Report 716

·        Gessow et al, NACA Report 1266

·        Castles, et al NASA Report 1184, 1954

·        Heyson, et al NASA Report 1319


Some Recent work on Free Wake Methods and Applications

·        Wayne Johnson’s paper on CAMRAD II

·        Penn State U Master’s Thesis on development of a Freewake Method

·        Application of a Free Wake Method to Vibration Reduction using Trailing Edge Flaps

·          Application of CAMRAD II to Model Apache Helicopter

·        Application of CAMRAD II to Model Large Helicopters

·        Application of CAMRAD II to UH-60A Black Hawk Helicopter

·        NASA TM 2000-209601 Airfoil Dynamics Stall and Rotorcraft Maneuverability