Index of /NewTechnologies/ebook/shahravi book/fluid mechanics-a1140/fluid mechanics-set4
- Parent Directory
- Allen, Tildesley. Computer simulation of liquids (1987)(ISBN 0198556454)(T)(400s).djvu
- COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS - Stable and Semistable Low Order Finite Elements for Viscous Flows.pdf
- Chung T.J. Computational fluid dynamics (CUP, 2002)(T)(1022.djvu
- Comparison of static and dynamic fluid-structure interaction solutions in the case of a highly fl.pdf
- Fluid Power Dynamics/
- Fluid.Mechanics.4th.Ed-Frank.M.White/
- Friction Factors for Large Conduits Flowing Full/
- Gallavotti. Foundations of fluid mechanics (2000)(502s).pdf
- Gallavotti. Foundations of fluid mechanics (2000)(T)(502s)/
- Gray C., Gubbins K. Theory of molecular fluids (Oxford, 1984)(T)(ISBN 0198556020)(637s)/
- Holmes, Lumley, et al. Low-dimensional models of coherent structures in turbulence (Phys.Rep.287, 199/
- Hydraulic Fluids/
- Introduction to Fluid Mechanics/
- Kundu P.K., Cohen I.R. Fluid mechanics (AP, 2002)(T)(C)(755s)/
- Lomax, Pulliam. Fundamentals of Computational Fluid Dynamics(276s)/
- McComb W.D. The physics of fluid turbulence (Oxford, 1991)(T)(595s)/
- Wilcox D.C. Turbulence modeling for CFD/
- a mathematical introduction to fluid mechanics.djvu
- fluid turbulence/