Index of /NewTechnologies/ebook/shahravi book/quantum mechanics
- Parent Directory
- Ballentine L. Quantum mechanics - a modern development (1998)(673s).pdf
- Ballentine L. Quantum mechanics - a modern development (1998)(T)(673s).djvu
- Ballentine L.A. Statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics (RMP 1970)(T)(24s).djvu
- Barut A.O., Duru I.H. Path integral formulation of quantum electrodynamics from classical particl.djv
- Barut, Duru. Path integral formulation of quantum electrodynamics from classical particle traject.djv
- Bell J. Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics (CUP, 1987)(K)(T)(223s).djvu
- Biswas T. Quantum mechanics, concepts and applications (SUNY lecture notes, 1999)(203s).pdf
- Bratteli O., Robinson D.W. Vol.1. Operator algebras and quantum statistical mechanics (2ed., Spri.djv
- Bratteli O., Robinson D.W. Vol.2. Operator algebras and quantum statistical mechanics (2ed., Spri.djv
- Fitts D.D. Principles of quantum mechanics, as applied to chemistry and chemical physics (CUP, 19.pdf
- Forschaw J.R., Ross D.A. Quantum chromodynamics and the pomeron (CUP, 1997)(L)(T)(136s).djvu
- Fushchich, Nikitin. Symmetry of equations of quantum mechanics(478s).pdf
- Fushchich, Nikitin. Symmetry of equations of quantum mechanics(T)(459s).djvu
- Greiner W. Quantum mechanics, an introduction (4ed., Spring.djvu
- Greiner W. Quantum mechanics, an introduction (4ed., Springer, 2001)(T)(512s).djvu
- Greiner W., Mueller B. Quantum mechanics.. symmetries (2ed., Springer, 1994)(600dpi)(L)(T)(258s).djvu
- Greiner W., Mueller B. Quantum mechanics.. symmetries (2ed..djvu
- Greiner W., Muller B. Quantum mechanics. Symmetries (2ed., Springer, 1994)(K)(600dpi)(K)(T)(505s).djv
- Griffiths D.J. Introduction to quantum mechanics (PH, 1995)(T)(408s).djvu
- Gudder S.P. Stochastic methods in quantum mechanics (NH, 1979)(L)(T)(114s).djvu
- Hameka H.F. Quantum mechanics.. a conceptual approach (Wile.djvu
- Hameka H.F. Quantum mechanics.. a conceptual approach (Wiley, 2004)(204s).pdf
- Hameka H.F. Quantum mechanics.. a conceptual approach (Wiley, 2004)(T)(204s).djvu
- Hameka H.F. Quantum mechanics.. a conceptual approach (Wiley.pdf
- Kamefuchi S., et al. (eds.) Foundations of Quantum Mechanics in The Light of New Technology (Hita.djv
- Muga J.G., Mayato R.S., Egusquiza I.L. Time in quantum mechanics (Springer LNPm72, 2002)(T)(414s).djv
- Norbury - Quantum Mechanics for Undergraduates.pdf
- Norbury J.W. Undergraduate quantum mechanics (lecture notes, Wisconsin, 2000)(297s).pdf
- Phillips A.C. Introduction to quantum mechanics (Wiley, 2003)(T)(284s).djvu
- Prugovecki E. Quantum mechanics in Hilbert space (AP, 1971)(L)(T)(334s).djvu
- Rae A.I.M. Quantum mechanics - modern development (4ed, IOP, 2002)(309s).pdf
- Reya. Perturbative quantum chromodynamics (PR69, 1981)(T)(139s).djvu
- Sakurai J.J. Modern quantum mechanics (AW, 1994)(802dpi)(T)(513s).djvu
- Saltsidis P., Brinne B. Solutions to problems in Sakurai's Quantum Mechanics (1999)(122s).ps.gz
- Schiff L.I. Quantum mechanics (MGH, 1949)(400dpi)(T)(417s).djvu
- Schulten K. Notes on quantum mechanics (lectures, 2000)(397s).pdf
- Shankar R. Principles of quantum mechanics (2ed., Plenum, 1994)(no pages 428-654)(T)(453s).djvu
- Simons J., Nichols J. Quantum mechanics in chemistry (textbook)(Oxford, 1997)(ISBN 0195082001)(71.pdf
- Taylor W. M(atrix) theory.. matrix quantum mechanics as fundamental theory (RMP73, 2001)(43s).pdf
- Thaller B. Visual quantum mechanics (Springer, 1999)(T)(311s).djvu
- Thaller B. Visual quantum mechanics. Win32,Mac CDROM ISO (movies, Mma notebooks).rar
- Weyl H. The theory of groups and quantum mechanics (Dover, 1931)(420dpi)(T)(448s).djvu