IpeLex Class Reference
[Ipe Base]

Lexical analyser. Seeded with a string. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

Lexical analyser. Seeded with a string.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IpeLex::IpeLex ( IpeString  str  )  [explicit]

Construct lexical analyzer from a string.

Member Function Documentation

IpeString IpeLex::Token (  ) 

Return NextToken, but without extracting it.

IpeString IpeLex::NextToken (  ) 

Extract next token.

Skips any whitespace before the token. Returns empty string if end of string is reached.

int IpeLex::GetInt (  ) 

Extract integer token (skipping whitespace).

int IpeLex::GetHexByte (  ) 

Extract byte in hex (skipping whitespace).

IpeFixed IpeLex::GetFixed (  ) 

Extract IpeFixed token (skipping whitespace).

unsigned long int IpeLex::GetHexNumber (  ) 

Extract hexadecimal token (skipping whitespace).

double IpeLex::GetDouble (  ) 

Extract double token (skipping whitespace).

char IpeLex::GetChar (  )  [inline]

Extract next character (not skipping anything).

void IpeLex::SkipWhitespace (  ) 

Skip over whitespace.

IpeLex& IpeLex::operator>> ( int &  i  )  [inline]

Operator syntax for GetInt().

IpeLex& IpeLex::operator>> ( double &  d  )  [inline]

Operator syntax for GetDouble().

void IpeLex::Mark (  )  [inline]

Mark the current position.

void IpeLex::FromMark (  )  [inline]

Reset reader to the marked position.

bool IpeLex::Eos (  )  const [inline]

Return true if at end of string (not even whitespace left).

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