IpeMatrix Class Reference
[Ipe Geometry]

Homogeneous transformation in the plane. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Public Attributes

Detailed Description

Homogeneous transformation in the plane.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IpeMatrix::IpeMatrix (  )  [inline]

Create identity matrix.

IpeMatrix::IpeMatrix ( const IpeLinear linear  )  [inline]

Create linear matrix.

IpeMatrix::IpeMatrix ( double  m11,
double  m21,
double  m12,
double  m22,
double  t1,
double  t2 
) [inline, explicit]

Create matrix with given coefficients.

IpeMatrix::IpeMatrix ( const IpeVector v  )  [inline, explicit]

Create translation matrix.

IpeMatrix::IpeMatrix ( IpeString  str  )  [explicit]

Parse string.

Member Function Documentation

IpeMatrix IpeMatrix::Inverse (  )  const

Return inverse.

IpeVector IpeMatrix::operator * ( const IpeVector rhs  )  const [inline]

Matrix times vector.

IpeBezier IpeMatrix::operator * ( const IpeBezier rhs  )  const [inline]

Transform Bezier spline.

IpeVector IpeMatrix::Translation (  )  const [inline]

Return translation component.

IpeLinear IpeMatrix::Linear (  )  const [inline]

Return linear transformation component of this affine transformation.

bool IpeMatrix::IsIdentity (  )  const [inline]

Is this the identity matrix?

bool IpeMatrix::operator== ( const IpeMatrix rhs  )  const [inline]

Check for equality of two matrices.

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