IpeRect Class Reference
[Ipe Geometry]

Axis-parallel rectangle (which can be empty). More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

Axis-parallel rectangle (which can be empty).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IpeRect::IpeRect (  )  [inline, explicit]

Create empty rectangle.

IpeRect::IpeRect ( const IpeVector c  )  [inline, explicit]

Create rectangle containing just the point c.

IpeRect::IpeRect ( const IpeVector c1,
const IpeVector c2 
) [explicit]

Create rectangle containing points c1 and c2.

Member Function Documentation

int IpeRect::IsEmpty (  )  const [inline]

True if rectangle is empty.

IpeVector IpeRect::Max (  )  const [inline]

Return top right corner.

IpeVector IpeRect::Min (  )  const [inline]

Return bottom left corner.

IpeVector IpeRect::TopLeft (  )  const [inline]

Return top left corner.

IpeVector IpeRect::BottomRight (  )  const [inline]

Return bottom right corner.

IpeScalar IpeRect::Width (  )  const [inline]

Return width.

IpeScalar IpeRect::Height (  )  const [inline]

Return height.

void IpeRect::AddPoint ( const IpeVector rhs  ) 

Enlarge rectangle to contain point.

void IpeRect::AddRect ( const IpeRect rhs  ) 

Enlarge rectangle to contain rhs rectangle.

bool IpeRect::Contains ( const IpeVector rhs  )  const

Does (closed) rectangle contain the point?

bool IpeRect::Contains ( const IpeRect rhs  )  const

Does rectangle contain other rectangle?

bool IpeRect::CertainClearance ( const IpeVector v,
double  bound 
) const

Returns false if the distance between the box and v is smaller than bound. Often returns true if their distance is larger than bound.

bool IpeRect::Intersects ( const IpeRect rhs  )  const

Does rectangle intersect other rectangle?

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