IpeSegment Class Reference
[Ipe Geometry]

A directed line segment. More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Public Attributes

Detailed Description

A directed line segment.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IpeSegment::IpeSegment (  )  [inline]

Create uninitialized segment.

Member Function Documentation

IpeLine IpeSegment::Line (  )  const [inline]

Return directed line supporting the segment.

double IpeSegment::Distance ( const IpeVector v,
double  bound 
) const

Returns distance between segment and point v, but may just return bound when its larger than bound.

double IpeSegment::Distance ( const IpeVector v  )  const

Returns distance between segment and point v

bool IpeSegment::Project ( const IpeVector v,
IpeVector projection 
) const

Project point v orthogonally on segment. Returns false if the point falls outside the segment.

bool IpeSegment::Intersects ( const IpeSegment seg,
IpeVector pt 
) const

Compute intersection point. Return false if segs don't intersect.

bool IpeSegment::Intersects ( const IpeLine l,
IpeVector pt 
) const

Compute intersection point. Return false if no intersection.

bool IpeSegment::snap ( const IpeVector mouse,
IpeVector pos,
double &  bound 
) const

Snap mouse position to this segment.

If distance between mouse and the segment is less than bound, then set pos to the point on the segment, bound to the distance, and return true.

Member Data Documentation

IpeVector IpeSegment::iP

First endpoint.

IpeVector IpeSegment::iQ

Second endpoint.

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