IpeStream Class Reference
[Ipe Base]

Abstract base class for output streams. More...

Inherited by IpeA85Stream, IpeDeflateStream, IpePercentStream, and IpeTellStream.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

Detailed Description

Abstract base class for output streams.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

IpeStream::~IpeStream (  )  [virtual]

Virtual destructor, so you can delete using a pointer to IpeStream.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void IpeStream::PutChar ( char  ch  )  [pure virtual]

Output character.

Implemented in IpeStringStream, IpeFileStream, IpeA85Stream, and IpeDeflateStream.

void IpeStream::Close (  )  [virtual]

Close the stream. No more writing allowed!

Reimplemented in IpeA85Stream, and IpeDeflateStream.

void IpeStream::PutString ( IpeString  s  )  [virtual]

Output string.

Reimplemented in IpeStringStream, and IpeFileStream.

void IpeStream::PutCString ( const char *  s  )  [virtual]

Output C string.

Reimplemented in IpeStringStream, and IpeFileStream.

void IpeStream::PutRaw ( const char *  data,
int  size 
) [virtual]

Output raw character data.

Reimplemented in IpeStringStream, and IpeFileStream.

IpeStream& IpeStream::operator<< ( char  ch  )  [inline]

Output character.

IpeStream& IpeStream::operator<< ( const IpeString s  )  [inline]

Output string.

IpeStream& IpeStream::operator<< ( const char *  s  )  [inline]

Output C string.

IpeStream & IpeStream::operator<< ( int  i  ) 

Output integer.

IpeStream & IpeStream::operator<< ( double  d  ) 

Output double.

void IpeStream::PutHexByte ( char  b  ) 

Output byte in hexadecimal.

void IpeStream::PutXmlString ( IpeString  s  ) 

Save a string with XML escaping of &, >, <.

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